- characters now has an alignment column to distinguish between deity/alignment (DoF we call alignment deity)
- added new rule R_World, EnforceRacialAlignment default is 1, (true). When 0, will allow you to bypass the hard coded race restrictions in the code for good/evil/neutral
- Captain Varlos script updated to use GetAlignment and not GetDeity for the send off to the zone after far journey
- DB Updates:
alter table starting_zones add column start_alignment tinyint(3) signed not null default 0;
update starting_zones set start_alignment = 1 where choice = 1 or choice = 4 or choice = 32;
alter table characters add column alignment tinyint(3) signed not null default 0;
Item Flags Implemented/Updated:
- No Repair implemented
- Evil Only, Good Only implemented
- No Value updated/implemented
- Fixed house items being removed unless properly picked up by player
- Broken items can no longer be used
- Cannot swap equipped items in combat
- Additional indestructible checks
Group member checks to avoid unexpected crashes
Adding a new column to the spawn table:
alter table spawn add column loot_drop_type int(10) unsigned not null default 0;
- loot_drop_type of 0 means spawn will when part of an encounter transfer its loot to the next alive spawn.
- loot_drop_type of 1 means the spawn will drop its own loot when it dies (like a named mob ideally).
- These changes do not change body drops which remain on the spawn/npc that dies, not transferred.
- loot and chest drops have been expanded beyond NPC's which means potential PVP support or even other types of spawns can drop loot/chests (probably expand loot_drop_type at a later time for more options in this area). Need lua interface support (when player dies and all that) issue #436 opened for it.
- some additional mutex lock protections on spawn loot
- SetLootTier(loot_tier) and GetLootTier(), SetLootDropType(drop_type) and GetLootDropType() added to lua