Requires SQL update:
update commands set handler=511 where command='knowledgewindow_sort';
- Support for ordering knowledge books by alphabetical, category, and level. There is some quirky sorting if you try sorting multiple times on category/level, to be addressed.
MaxLevel only checkbox is not implemented
patterns are not implemented
Addresses issue #115 - minus fervor needs its own work implemented.
GetWardValue(Ward, "type")
damageleft - amount of damage left ward can absorb
basedamage - original amount of damage ward can absorb in total
keepward - keep ward (don't remove spell from spawn) if it expires by absorbing all the damage
wardtype - limit damage type:
#define WARD_TYPE_ALL 0
dmgabsorptionpct - max damage ward can absorb (eg 50% of 100 means 50 absorbed, 50 damage still hits)
dmgabsorptionmaxhealthpct - max damage ward can absorb (eg if 1000 health and 50%, any damage 500+ will not be absorbed)
Helps address issue #115
two new arguments added:
dmgAbsorptionPct - max percentage of the damage that can be absorbed per hit (eg 100 damage, 50% absorption, 50 absorbed, 50 damage left)
dmgAbsorptionMaxHealthPct - Max absorption percentage against the targets total hp, eg 1000 hp 50% absorption, if the hit is 500 dmg or more, then no damage absorbed
Reverted movement manager to Entity, limited to just entity (NPC/Player)
spawn add timer moved to 1000 ms (or trigger on new spawn)
CombatProcess migrated to either movement check (100ms) or aggro check (every 2s) -- in other words not every 10ms.
Set a 1 ms sleep in the CombinePacketLoop
11:32:11 E Mutex : The mutex Entity::m_procList called from RemoveProc at line 1269 timed out while waiting on readers!
11:32:11 E Mutex : The following functions had locks:
11:32:11 E Mutex : CheckProcs, number of locks = 1
Note: Might need to reinstantiate the spell pointer.. that remains to be seen
11:32:06 E Mutex : The mutex SpellProcess::SpellCancelList called from AddSpellCancel at line 2266 timed out waiting on another writelock!
11:32:06 E Mutex : The following functions had locks:
11:32:06 E Mutex : Process, number of locks = 1
LUA AddSpawnProximity added:
Argument 1 is spawn to add the proximity
Argument 2 is spawn id OR location id
Argument 3 is 0 for spawn id OR 1 for location id
Argument 4 is distance
Argument 5 is in range function
Argument 6 is out of range function
created 'prespawn' LUA function, AddSpawnProximity can be called before the spawn is added