Fix#277 - hp / power regen rewrite
Also added power_regen_override and hp_regen_override, when set to 1, you can LUA manually set hp_regen and power_regen to enforce it in code
RULE R_Spawn, ClassicRegen added. Set to 1 means we do not have both regens when out of combat (eg. out of combat = out of combat regen + in combat regen). In classic you only received in combat or out of combat regen individually.
Fix#278 - HatedBy now properly handled, we know when a player/spawn is being hated by other targets
Fix#275 - Parry/Riposte, Block and Dodge implemented. Missing Block formula which will become its own issue.
Entity GetInfoStruct/SetInfoStruct, cur_avoidance, parry, parry_base, deflection, block are now floats. Added sint16 power_regen adn hp_regen, lastly power_regen_override and hp_regen_override are int8's.
Fix#274 - Implemented stats Crushing, Defense, Deflection, Disruption, Fishing, Focus, Foresting, Gathering, Mining, Parry, Piercing, Safe Fall, Slashing and Trapping
/waypoint command now allows flushing waypoint if you do not have active target
/spawn details [x] supports behind, infront and flank
/craftitem added per EmemJr update
INSERT INTO commands SET TYPE=1,command='craftitem',subcommand='',HANDLER=526,required_status=100;
Crash fix for /add_aa hitting bad spell id
LUA Functions:
RemoveSpawnSpellBonus(spawn) - used in LUASpell script
GetSpell(spell_id, tier, custom_lua_script) - third argument added to setup custom script file
AddIconValue(spawn, value)
RemoveIconValue(spawn, value)
Fix#169 - evac now works correctly, no ghost spawn of self and you can go into combat and see damage taken/given.
Also simplified the player spawn / index map (had duplicates unneeded)
Fixed region_map_v1 throwing errors on special variable for signed vs unsigned
Allows to stop the bot from following you or continue following when in group. Also fixed the default runspeed on NPC's to be set to MaxSpeed. Should resolve any unexpected stationary npc's/bots.
Partial address issue #246 - normal mail can be sent/received without corrupting the packet. 'Double' 0x80 item packets need serialize support, LE was working on it for crafting, holding off fully addressing 246 with that addition.
bool return = SetEquippedItemByID(Entity, slot, item_id)
bool return = SetEquippedItem(Entity, slot, item)
return = false if it fails to set the item, means the slot is in use already, have to unequip first
UnequipSlot(Entity, slot, no_delete_item) -- does delete the item upon unequipping by default, otherwise set no_delete_item = true
SetEquipment(Entity, slot, type, r, g, b, h_r, h_g, h_b) -- (r = red, g = green, b = blue, h_ = highlights)
/movecharacter name zonename
updates the characters table, moves to safe x,y,z,heading of zone
character should be logged out, otherwise there is no point to using this command (just gets overwritten on char save).
- /castspell command updated for third argument, when set to '0' will cast as 'self' as it were the target. eg /castspell 1234 1 0 (will cast spell id 1234 tier 1 and self cast it on your target)
- Fixed titles, DB and code were inconsistent thus / commands did not work
- LUA Functions added:
AddMasterTitle(titleName, isPrefix) -- adds a new title all characters can use, isPrefix is 0 or 1, 1 for prefix, 0 for suffix
- returns master title id (sint32) -- if the title already exists, then it re-uses that id
AddCharacterTitle(Spawn, titleName) -- adds a character title to a spawn if not already present
- returns character title index id (sint32)
SetCharacterTitleSuffix(Spawn, titleName) -- sets the players suffix name, must have title already, otherwise AddCharacterTitle needs to be called first
SetCharacterTitlePrefix(Spawn, titleName) -- sets the players suffix name, must have title already, otherwise AddCharacterTitle needs to be called first
ResetCharacterTitleSuffix(Spawn) - empties title suffix
ResetCharacterTitlePrefix(Spawn) - empties title prefix
Example usage of some of the LUA commands:
AddMasterTitle("Stupendously Special", 1) -- create new title for all players, is prefix
AddCharacterTitle(Spawn, "Stupendously Special") -- add title to the current player
SetCharacterTitlePrefix(Spawn, "Stupendously Special") -- set the characters current prefix to the newly created title