This includes creation of a new parameter in the LoginServer.ini, AccountCreation in the LoginConfig block can be 0 to disable, by default it is 1 (or if the field is not defined, its considered true)
LS database:
- md5 no longer used, now use sha2('password',512) instead for mysql/mariadb
- account table passwd expanded to 256 chars
- login_worldservers password field expanded to 256 chars
manual update:
\u eq2ls
alter table account modify column passwd varchar(256) not null default '';
alter table login_worldservers modify column password varchar(256) not null default '';
Fixes#24 - chest traps and the ability to disarm is implemented. Can restrict by zone (or applicable to all zones using -1), min and max chest difficulties.
1 = Small Chest (no trigger)
2 = Treasure Chest (trigger)
3 = Ornate Chest (trigger)
5 = Exquisite Chest (trigger)
DB/updates/chest_traps_tableandsamples.txt included - this will allow you to source in the chest_traps and some 'example' traps (not real ones just testing ones).
Disarm command also required for right click option on chest: insert into commands set type=0,command='disarm',subcommand='',handler=510,required_status=0;
- Invisibility support for PVP
- Rule R_PVP InvisPlayerDiscoveryRange added. Default 20. Setting to 0 means invis players are always seen. -1 means they are never seen (unless their opponent has see invis for example)
- Crash fix back in ProcessSpawnConditional, spawn_list is getting a null spawn somehow, we can't process it!
Command_Hail needs to lock MSpawnList when it triggers ProcessMovement. When we are doing SpawnProcess however, we already have MSpawnList locked, no need to lock again.