Commit graph

1221 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
e0f8d03773 some broker display fixes / charge and use fixes
Fix  - fix charge and use to correctly decrement in inventory and/or remove item.  Should never call RemoveItem or DeleteItem in LUA use of an Item.

    Items with a charge count (not a physical stack of items) will now count down their charges to 0 and display 'This item is out of charges.'
    Items with an actual stack amount (eg. stack count is larger than 1) will remove an item with each 'use' down to 0 which removes the final item in the stack.
    display_charges is no longer required for the "use" function to be called (before we were decrementing display charges when the "use" function was called, which was always after 1). Now rely on the item->details.count

Fix  - broker display issues (some not all)

    tier 0 items do not display
    2h item types do not work
    Max charges when you buy an item with a charge count
    Additional missing items seen on broker: Gust of insight... min_skill and max_skill is a range of 0-6 from client->server, all the way back to classic. Classic UI has it, obselete is 0, 6 goes to unusable (red) for the player. The items skill items to not match this range, they are actual skill values.
    1h item types show both 1h/2h weapons (now 1h and 2h are separated)
2021-03-28 21:36:03 -04:00
3d2e4dcee1 Exe Update 2021-03-25 12:23:16 -04:00
1889c95dd1 using spell_type not target_type for the new group designation when 'single' cast functions are used

 alter table spells modify column spell_type enum('Unset', 'DD', 'DoT', 'Heal', 'HoT-Ward', 'Debuff', 'Buff', 'CombatBuff', 'Taunt', 'Detaunt', 'Rez', 'Cure', 'Food', 'Drink', 'Root', 'Snare', 'GroupTarget') NOT NULL default 'Unset';

update spells set target_type=2, spell_type='GroupTarget' where name='Divine Awakening';
2021-03-25 12:23:11 -04:00
afe489ec33 Exe Updates 2021-03-25 09:15:27 -04:00
bbef23f125 Fix login server delay in accepting another login attempt
2021-03-25 09:15:22 -04:00
4c9197f54e Broke fixes, 1h/2h equip fixes, swapping equip works, more crash fixes
Partial Address Issue  - tier 0 items display, 2h now display

Fix  - can't equip a 1h while 2h is equipped.  Swapping equipment slots now works for both combat/appearance equip.

Fix  - when scribing, new tier spell will display on hover over of spellbook or hotbar

Fixed a crash with spell conflict doing double delete on lua spell

Fix  - addressed divine awakening, via new target_type (10) SPELL_TARGET_ALLGROUPTARGETS - this will call cast for each player instead of just the direct target
righteousness and decree now supported as a group target AE

Better connection closure from client to world on camping/zoning out
2021-03-25 09:14:35 -04:00
a972bf9325 This is to capture a rare one off event 2021-03-25 09:08:37 -04:00
f31b7dae54 Exe Update 2021-03-24 06:53:19 -04:00
2a78eec110 remove bad release of the client list, restored dead spawn to the chest
found the real bug / crash with a fresh start
2021-03-24 06:53:14 -04:00
3f9dd0b94b Exe Update 2021-03-23 23:18:30 -04:00
e6ca3c5253 AddDeadSpawn being called by chests was causing a crash when clients /camp 2021-03-23 23:18:24 -04:00
083ce9e0a3 Exe Update 2021-03-23 22:09:06 -04:00
5656ad22ce Disabling buy item supported, few crash fixes
Fix  - buy from merchant can have the 'buy' button disabled
function buy_display_flags(Item, Spawn)
    return 128

charactersProperties -> character_properties

CREATE TABLE `character_properties` (
  `charid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `propname` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `propvalue` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
drop table charactersProperties;
drop table charactersproperties;

- some misc crash fixes, sql escape issue, etc.
2021-03-23 22:08:29 -04:00
852f035b45 Exe Updates 2021-03-21 08:25:37 -04:00
82ccc26642 Item/Merchant/Scribing/Inventory Updates
Fix  - item_description function which returns a string added to ItemScripts.  Can allow setting of specialized red text, eg "You already know this language.".  Completes 231 with the other ItemScripts support (item_difficulty) and scribing support
which includes a new rule:
RULE_INIT(R_Spells, RequirePreviousTierScribe, "0"); // requires step up apprentice -> apprentice (handcrafted?) -> journeyman (handcrafted?) -> adept -> expert -> master

Fix  - check in main equipment (0) slots for bags only which addresses the appearance overriding bags issue.
2021-03-21 08:18:38 -04:00
017a9b80ee Struct updates for merchants (red text description) and item display options (scribed/need other spell scribed first) 2021-03-21 08:13:20 -04:00
9f9d61fbe4 Login Server updates
- DoF and classic clients will auto login after char creation instead of getting stuck at character select
- model_color and soga_model_color properly tracked on login server
- Removed ServerOP_WorldListUpdate code (revisit at a later time)
- Login account flag fix, sets Veteran Bonus under 'Select Character' yellow (vs greyed out), adventure/tradeskill bonus 200%
- Fixed disabled flag in login_worldservers not working
- Added login_bannedips table
- Both are checked periodically against the database with logged in worlds
2021-03-21 08:12:30 -04:00
875be485de Update TasksaboardtheFarJourney.lua
Fix the duplicate "open" entity commands presented on the chests
2021-03-20 22:58:57 -04:00
31f74f7e34 Update atreasurechest.lua
Fixed treasure chests in AoM client being pre-opened.  They now swing open rather quickly when opened, but not sure we have any control over the speed of the animation.  This is closer to how DoF behaves in far journey.
2021-03-19 17:03:28 -04:00
a3823b7b98 Exe Updates 2021-03-18 09:26:12 -04:00
ad58cd85ec Appearance equipment, content feature requests, fixed ability to delete mail and see item icons in the main list if stack is 0
Fix  - appearance inventory saved to database, can equip and overrides normal equipment.  Also fixed appearance properly updating (it wasn't sent other than in zone in primarily)

Fix  - rule to disable house alignment requirements
RULE_INIT(R_Player, DisableHouseAlignmentRequirement, "1");

Fix  - defines for root/snare as spell types
#define SPELL_TYPE_ROOT         15
#define SPELL_TYPE_SNARE        16

Fix  - loot_global needs a lua_script to access the ZoneScript and call function loot_criteria(Spawn)

loot_criteria_zone(Zone, Spawn, LootTableID, MinLevel, MaxLevel)
loot_criteria_racial(Zone, Spawn, LootTableID, MinLevel, MaxLevel)
loot_criteria_level(Zone, Spawn, LootTableID, MinLevel, MaxLevel)

    Spawn: the target of the loot table to be added
    LootTableID: the current loot table id we are checking to add to the Spawn
    MinLevel/MaxLevel: Criteria from the global loot table that is handled via code (eg. always add if minlevel/maxlevel is 0, otherwise it is based on the Spawn's level)

    return value of 0 will skip the provided LootTableID(int32) despite the database MinLevel/MaxLevel checks
    return value of 1 will always include the loot table id on the Spawn list, even overriding if the min/max level check fails in the code

Issue  partially addressed, added support to override item_difficulty in the item script based on the arrow color (3 is white):
function item_difficulty(Item, Spawn)
	return 3
2021-03-18 09:26:05 -04:00
af892c5609 Fix sites to have HTTPS for git/wiki links 2021-03-18 09:21:47 -04:00
6a55dc8579 Update installer to current 2021-03-16 16:52:59 -07:00
88084390bb PDB and EXE updates for Movement Loop Generator 2021-03-16 16:12:11 -04:00
1647348d1a Update Form1.Designer.cs 2021-03-16 16:11:56 -04:00
3a63ab0f7c Changed movement loop editor from streamreader to filestream so that logs can be opened while game is running 2021-03-16 16:11:46 -04:00
c19f2434eb Exe Updates 2021-03-14 17:28:38 -04:00
01d7583783 Update WorldStructs.xml 2021-03-14 17:28:31 -04:00
0c338ee6ff working mail listing, item retrieval, send mail (with items)
2021-03-14 17:28:28 -04:00
b1a4dffb40 Update region_map_v1.cpp 2021-03-14 16:56:46 -04:00
ddeb504f89 Update EQStream.cpp 2021-03-14 16:56:42 -04:00
0b1948218c Fixed a packet struct bug with item types having a set state of false/true to support IF conditions in packet struct xml
- Helps fix Tradeskills and Mail Items
2021-03-14 16:55:12 -04:00
907d9731d3 Exe Update 2021-03-13 09:52:19 -05:00
22ef3e0557 Complete persisting of buff spells cross zone
Complete Fix 

- Other players pets (grouped) will persist buffs, non-grouped direct target also persist
- Save spell state added to persist beyond the self player since targets/spells can evolve rapidly with other players/npc/pets in the mix, resulted in two new rules:
	RULE_INIT(R_Spells, PlayerSpellSaveStateWaitInterval, "100"); // time in milliseconds we wait before performing a save when the spell save trigger is activated, allows additional actions to take place until the cap is hit
	RULE_INIT(R_Spells, PlayerSpellSaveStateCap, "1000"); // sets a maximum wait time before we queue a spell state save to the DB, given a lot can go on in a short period with players especially in combat, maybe good to have this at a higher interval.
2021-03-13 09:52:00 -05:00
6d66417584 Exe Update 2021-03-10 22:28:52 -05:00
6a95d4657f Restored spell queueing support
2021-03-10 22:28:39 -05:00
ae740819ce Exe Update 2021-03-10 08:50:47 -05:00
c989aaea1b few locks just in case 2021-03-10 08:50:41 -05:00
78495169d0 Exe Update 2021-03-10 08:41:04 -05:00
a30f1e6747 Fix far journey to use GiveQuestItem not GiveImmediateQuestReward 2021-03-10 08:39:55 -05:00
a718618909 lua_file set to not include default value since mysql is picky 2021-03-10 08:37:23 -05:00
3d3ea08dde Albireo Update (persisting spells cross zone between group members, self pet, and more)
- /spawn details now includes the stat / base stats (STR/AGI/STA/INT/WIS) of an entity (NPC/PET/Player)
- SetInfoStructUInt and GetInfoStructUInt now support interaction_flag, when not set we will default to 12 which is looking at other players nearby.
- Fixed NPCs / Pets having spell bonuses, base stats updated (sta/str/agi/wis/int)
- Deprecated GiveImmediateQuestReward
- With spell persistence (groups, direct target and self pet) added new rule options for cross zone buffs:
	RULE_INIT(R_Spells, EnableCrossZoneGroupBuffs, "0"); // enables/disables allowing cross zone group buffs
	RULE_INIT(R_Spells, EnableCrossZoneTargetBuffs, "0"); // enables/disables allowing cross zone target buffs
2021-03-10 08:36:46 -05:00
92bd67d314 Forgot to set FizzleDefaultSkill rule 2021-03-10 07:53:03 -05:00
49bb456594 Send biography packet only if the biography is set 2021-03-10 07:52:50 -05:00
0cb26e084d Fixed the camel case function for classes to upper case the first character AFTER setting to lower case 2021-03-10 07:52:04 -05:00
81491f4b33 Merge branch 'merchantfixes' of TesterOrg/EQ2EMuTestBranch into master
Appreciate the fix, 0xFF is ok for server side, client needs 0xFFFF for certain quantity fields to blank out the quantity I guess is the difference to note.
2021-03-09 12:15:08 +00:00
Joseph Re
f58dbc90eb treat >0xFF as infinite quantity instead of >0xFFFF 2021-03-08 23:35:19 -06:00
70f6b22e0c Update to Pathing 2021-03-07 06:41:32 +00:00
c6a4c65113 Exe Updates 2021-03-06 17:35:13 -05:00
fe70bba3b0 DB Updates 2021-03-06 17:33:10 -05:00