The header files describe the hardware registers available in both these chips, note that most of this documentation is automatically generated from the hardware implementation.
28 lines
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607 B
#define EXT_REGION 0
#define INT_REGION 1
typedef void (watch_callback)(void);
enum {
arbiter_all_dmas = 0x3ff,
arbiter_cpu = 0xc00,
arbiter_all_clients = 0x3fff
enum {
arbiter_all_read = 0x55,
arbiter_all_write = 0xaa,
arbiter_all_accesses = 0xff
int crisv32_arbiter_allocate_bandwidth(int client, int region,
unsigned long bandwidth);
int crisv32_arbiter_watch(unsigned long start, unsigned long size,
unsigned long clients, unsigned long accesses,
watch_callback * cb);
int crisv32_arbiter_unwatch(int id);