Refactor of field of view

This commit is contained in:
Alyokhin 2021-04-20 00:28:03 +03:00 committed by alyokhin
parent 1effc1d224
commit 832702ce5c
2 changed files with 81 additions and 78 deletions

View file

@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ public:
/// Refresh field of view
void Refresh(const CPlayer &player, const CUnit &unit, const Vec2i &pos, const short width,
const short height, const short range, MapMarkerFunc *marker);
void Refresh(const CPlayer &player, const CUnit &unit, const Vec2i &pos, const uint16_t width,
const uint16_t height, const uint16_t range, MapMarkerFunc *marker);
bool SetType(const FieldOfViewTypes fov_type);
FieldOfViewTypes GetType() const;
@ -68,29 +68,30 @@ protected:
/// Struct for portion of column. Used in FoV calculations
struct SColumnPiece {
SColumnPiece(short xValue, Vec2i top, Vec2i bottom) : col(xValue), TopVector(top), BottomVector(bottom) {}
short col;
SColumnPiece(int16_t xValue, Vec2i top, Vec2i bottom) : col(xValue), TopVector(top), BottomVector(bottom) {}
int16_t col;
Vec2i TopVector;
Vec2i BottomVector;
/// Calc whole simple radial field of view
void ProceedSimpleRadial(const CPlayer &player, const Vec2i &pos, const int w, const int h, int range, MapMarkerFunc *marker) const;
void ProceedSimpleRadial(const CPlayer &player, const Vec2i &pos, const int16_t w, const int16_t h,
int16_t range, MapMarkerFunc *marker) const;
/// Calc whole chadow casting field of view
void ProceedShadowCasting(const Vec2i &spectatorPos, const short width, const short height, const short range);
void ProceedShadowCasting(const Vec2i &spectatorPos, const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, const uint16_t range);
/// Calc field of view for set of lines along x or y.
/// Used for calc part of FoV for assymetric (widht != height) spectators.
void ProceedRaysCast(const char octant, const Vec2i &origin, const short width, const short range);
void ProceedRaysCast(const uint8_t octant, const Vec2i &origin, const uint16_t width, const uint16_t range);
/// Calc shadow casting field of view for single octant
void RefreshOctant(const char octant, const Vec2i &origin, const short range);
void RefreshOctant(const uint8_t octant, const Vec2i &origin, const uint16_t range);
/// Calc shadow casting for portion of column
void CalcFoVForColumnPiece(const short col, Vec2i &topVector, Vec2i &bottomVector,
const short range, std::queue<SColumnPiece> &wrkQueue);
void CalcFoVForColumnPiece(const int16_t col, Vec2i &topVector, Vec2i &bottomVector,
const uint16_t range, std::queue<SColumnPiece> &wrkQueue);
/// Recalculate top or bottom direction vectors
short CalcRow_ByVector(const bool isTop, const short x, const Vec2i &vector) const;
int16_t CalcRow_ByVector(const bool isTop, const int16_t x, const Vec2i &vector) const;
/// Recalculate coordinates and set current MapTile for [col, row]
bool SetCurrentTile(const short col, const short row);
bool SetCurrentTile(const int16_t col, const int16_t row);
/// Check if current MapTile opaque
bool IsTileOpaque() const;
/// Mark current MapTile
@ -99,13 +100,13 @@ private:
/// Setup ShadowCaster for current refreshing of FoV
void PrepareShadowCaster(const CPlayer &player, const CUnit &unit, const Vec2i &pos, MapMarkerFunc *marker);
void ResetShadowCaster();
void PrepareCache(const Vec2i pos, const short width, const short height, const short range);
void PrepareCache(const Vec2i pos, const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, const uint16_t range);
/// Update values of Octant and Origin for current working set
void SetEnvironment(const char octant, const Vec2i &origin);
void SetEnvironment(const uint8_t octant, const Vec2i &origin);
void ResetEnvironment();
/// Project [col,row] coordinates from current octant to global (Map) coordinate system and accordingly update position of current MapTile
void ProjectCurrentTile(const short col, const short row);
void ProjectCurrentTile(const int16_t col, const int16_t row);
struct FieldOfViewSettings
@ -115,9 +116,9 @@ private:
} Settings;
Vec2i currTilePos {0, 0}; /// Current work tile pos in global (Map) system coordinates
char currOctant {0}; /// Current octant
uint8_t currOctant {0}; /// Current octant
Vec2i Origin {0, 0}; /// Position of the spectator in the global (Map) coordinate system
unsigned short OpaqueFields {0}; /// Flags for opaque MapTiles for current calculation
uint16_t OpaqueFields {0}; /// Flags for opaque MapTiles for current calculation
const CPlayer *Player {nullptr}; /// Pointer to player to set FoV for
const CUnit *Unit {nullptr}; /// Pointer to unit to calculate FoV for
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ extern CFieldOfView FieldOfView;
-- Functions
inline bool CFieldOfView::SetCurrentTile(const short col, const short row)
inline bool CFieldOfView::SetCurrentTile(const int16_t col, const int16_t row)
ProjectCurrentTile(col, row);
if (Map.Info.IsPointOnMap(currTilePos.x, currTilePos.y)) {
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ inline void CFieldOfView::MarkTile()
inline void CFieldOfView::ProjectCurrentTile(const short col, const short row)
inline void CFieldOfView::ProjectCurrentTile(const int16_t col, const int16_t row)
switch (currOctant) {
case 1: currTilePos.x = row; currTilePos.y = col; break;

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#include "unit_manager.h"
#include "unittype.h"
#include "util.h"
-- Variables
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ void CFieldOfView::ResetAdditionalOpaqueFields()
** @param range Radius to mark.
** @param marker Function to mark or unmark sight
void CFieldOfView::Refresh(const CPlayer &player, const CUnit &unit, const Vec2i &pos, const short width,
const short height, const short range, MapMarkerFunc *marker)
void CFieldOfView::Refresh(const CPlayer &player, const CUnit &unit, const Vec2i &pos, const uint16_t width,
const uint16_t height, const uint16_t range, MapMarkerFunc *marker)
/// FIXME: sometimes when quit from game this assert is triggered
if (!unit.Type) return;
@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ void CFieldOfView::Refresh(const CPlayer &player, const CUnit &unit, const Vec2i
if (!range) {
if (this->Settings.Type == FieldOfViewTypes::cShadowCasting && !unit.Type->AirUnit) {
if (this->Settings.Type == FieldOfViewTypes::cShadowCasting && !unit.Type->AirUnit) {
/// FIXME: add high-/lowground
OpaqueFields = unit.Type->BoolFlag[ELEVATED_INDEX].value ? 0 : this->Settings.OpaqueFields;
if (GameSettings.Inside) {
OpaqueFields &= ~(MapFieldRocks); /// because of rocks-flag is used as an obstacle for ranged attackers
@ -162,41 +162,43 @@ void CFieldOfView::Refresh(const CPlayer &player, const CUnit &unit, const Vec2i
** @param range Radius to mark (sight range)
** @param marker Function to mark or unmark sight
void CFieldOfView::ProceedSimpleRadial(const CPlayer &player, const Vec2i &pos, const int w, const int h, const int range, MapMarkerFunc *marker) const
void CFieldOfView::ProceedSimpleRadial(const CPlayer &player, const Vec2i &pos,
const int16_t w, const int16_t h, const int16_t range,
MapMarkerFunc *marker) const
// Up hemi-cyle
const int miny = std::max(-range, 0 - pos.y);
for (int offsety = miny; offsety != 0; ++offsety) {
const int offsetx = isqrt(square(range + 1) - square(-offsety) - 1);
const int minx = std::max(0, pos.x - offsetx);
const int maxx = std::min(Map.Info.MapWidth, pos.x + w + offsetx);
const int16_t miny = std::max(-range, 0 - pos.y);
for (int16_t offsety = miny; offsety != 0; offsety++) {
const int16_t offsetx = isqrt(square(range + 1) - square(-offsety) - 1);
const int16_t minx = std::max(0, pos.x - offsetx);
const int16_t maxx = std::min(Map.Info.MapWidth, pos.x + w + offsetx);
Vec2i mpos(minx, pos.y + offsety);
const unsigned int index = mpos.y * Map.Info.MapWidth;
const size_t index = mpos.y * Map.Info.MapWidth;
for (mpos.x = minx; mpos.x < maxx; ++mpos.x) {
for (mpos.x = minx; mpos.x < maxx; mpos.x++) {
marker(player, mpos.x + index);
for (int offsety = 0; offsety < h; ++offsety) {
const int minx = std::max(0, pos.x - range);
const int maxx = std::min(Map.Info.MapWidth, pos.x + w + range);
for (int16_t offsety = 0; offsety < h; offsety++) {
const int16_t minx = std::max(0, pos.x - range);
const int16_t maxx = std::min(Map.Info.MapWidth, pos.x + w + range);
Vec2i mpos(minx, pos.y + offsety);
const unsigned int index = mpos.y * Map.Info.MapWidth;
const size_t index = mpos.y * Map.Info.MapWidth;
for (mpos.x = minx; mpos.x < maxx; ++mpos.x) {
for (mpos.x = minx; mpos.x < maxx; mpos.x++) {
marker(player, mpos.x + index);
// bottom hemi-cycle
const int maxy = std::min(range, Map.Info.MapHeight - pos.y - h);
for (int offsety = 0; offsety < maxy; ++offsety) {
const int offsetx = isqrt(square(range + 1) - square(offsety + 1) - 1);
const int minx = std::max(0, pos.x - offsetx);
const int maxx = std::min(Map.Info.MapWidth, pos.x + w + offsetx);
const int16_t maxy = std::min(range, int16_t(Map.Info.MapHeight - pos.y - h));
for (int16_t offsety = 0; offsety < maxy; offsety++) {
const int16_t offsetx = isqrt(square(range + 1) - square(offsety + 1) - 1);
const int16_t minx = std::max(0, pos.x - offsetx);
const int16_t maxx = std::min(Map.Info.MapWidth, pos.x + w + offsetx);
Vec2i mpos(minx, pos.y + h + offsety);
const unsigned int index = mpos.y * Map.Info.MapWidth;
const size_t index = mpos.y * Map.Info.MapWidth;
for (mpos.x = minx; mpos.x < maxx; ++mpos.x) {
for (mpos.x = minx; mpos.x < maxx; mpos.x++) {
marker(player, mpos.x + index);
@ -210,33 +212,33 @@ void CFieldOfView::ProceedSimpleRadial(const CPlayer &player, const Vec2i &pos,
** @param height Spectrator's height in tiles
** @param range Spectrator's sight range in tiles
void CFieldOfView::ProceedShadowCasting(const Vec2i &spectatorPos, const short width, const short height, const short range)
void CFieldOfView::ProceedShadowCasting(const Vec2i &spectatorPos, const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, const uint16_t range)
enum SpectatorGeometry {cOneTiled, cEven, cOdd, cTall, cWide} ;
const int geometry = [width, height]{ if (width == height) {
if (width == 1) { return cOneTiled; }
if (width % 2) { return cOdd; }
else { return cEven; }
if (width > height) { return cWide; }
else { return cTall; }
const uint8_t geometry = [width, height]{ if (width == height) {
if (width == 1) { return cOneTiled; }
if (width % 2) { return cOdd; }
else { return cEven; }
if (width > height) { return cWide; }
else { return cTall; }
Vec2i origin = {0, 0};
int sightRange = range;
uint16_t sightRange = range;
const bool isGeometrySymmetric = (geometry == cTall || geometry == cWide) ? false : true;
if (isGeometrySymmetric) {
const short half = width >> 1;
const int16_t half = width >> 1;
origin.x = spectatorPos.x + half;
origin.y = spectatorPos.y + half;
sightRange += half - (geometry == cEven ? 1 : 0);
} else {
/// Fill spectator's tiles which not affected by RefreshOctant and ProceedRaysCast
for (short x = spectatorPos.x + 1; x < spectatorPos.x + width - 1; x++) {
for (short y = spectatorPos.y + 1; y < spectatorPos.y + height - 1; y++) {
for (int16_t x = spectatorPos.x + 1; x < spectatorPos.x + width - 1; x++) {
for (int16_t y = spectatorPos.y + 1; y < spectatorPos.y + height - 1; y++) {
if (SetCurrentTile(x, y)) {
@ -244,8 +246,8 @@ void CFieldOfView::ProceedShadowCasting(const Vec2i &spectatorPos, const short w
short rayWidth = 0;
for (char quadrant = 0; quadrant < 4; ++quadrant) {
int16_t rayWidth = 0;
for (uint8_t quadrant = 0; quadrant < 4; quadrant++) {
if (geometry == cEven) {
/// recalculate center
switch (quadrant) {
@ -275,7 +277,7 @@ void CFieldOfView::ProceedShadowCasting(const Vec2i &spectatorPos, const short w
const char octant = quadrant << 1;
const uint8_t octant = quadrant << 1;
/// First half-quadrant
RefreshOctant(octant, origin, sightRange);
/// Second half-quadrant
@ -298,11 +300,11 @@ void CFieldOfView::ProceedShadowCasting(const Vec2i &spectatorPos, const short w
** @param height Spectrator's height in tiles
** @param range Spectrator's sight range in tiles
void CFieldOfView::ProceedRaysCast(const char octant, const Vec2i &origin, const short width, const short range)
void CFieldOfView::ProceedRaysCast(const uint8_t octant, const Vec2i &origin, const uint16_t width, const uint16_t range)
SetEnvironment(octant, origin);
for (short col = -1; col >= -width; col--) {
for (short row = 0; row < range; row++) {
for (int16_t col = -1; col >= -width; col--) {
for (int16_t row = 0; row < range; row++) {
const bool isOnMap = SetCurrentTile(col, row);
if (isOnMap) {
@ -320,7 +322,7 @@ void CFieldOfView::ProceedRaysCast(const char octant, const Vec2i &origin, const
** @param origin Tile position of the spectrator
** @param range Spectrator's sight range in tiles
void CFieldOfView::RefreshOctant(const char octant, const Vec2i &origin, const short range)
void CFieldOfView::RefreshOctant(const uint8_t octant, const Vec2i &origin, const uint16_t range)
SetEnvironment(octant, origin);
std::queue<SColumnPiece> wrkQueue;
@ -345,16 +347,16 @@ void CFieldOfView::RefreshOctant(const char octant, const Vec2i &origin, const s
** @param range Spectrator's sight range in tiles
** @param wrkQueue Queue with all column pieces
void CFieldOfView::CalcFoVForColumnPiece(const short col, Vec2i &topVector, Vec2i &bottomVector,
const short range, std::queue<SColumnPiece> &wrkQueue)
void CFieldOfView::CalcFoVForColumnPiece(const int16_t col, Vec2i &topVector, Vec2i &bottomVector,
const uint16_t range, std::queue<SColumnPiece> &wrkQueue)
enum { cTop = true, cBottom = false };
short topRow = CalcRow_ByVector(cTop, col, topVector);
short bottomRow = CalcRow_ByVector(cBottom, col, bottomVector);
int16_t topRow = CalcRow_ByVector(cTop, col, topVector);
int16_t bottomRow = CalcRow_ByVector(cBottom, col, bottomVector);
enum { cInit, cYes, cNo } wasLastTileOpaque = cInit;
for (short row = topRow; row >= bottomRow; --row) {
for (int16_t row = topRow; row >= bottomRow; --row) {
const bool inRange = square(col) + square(row) < square(range);
const bool isOnMap = SetCurrentTile(col, row);
if (inRange && isOnMap) {
@ -367,7 +369,7 @@ void CFieldOfView::CalcFoVForColumnPiece(const short col, Vec2i &topVector, Vec
wrkQueue.push(SColumnPiece(col + 1, topVector, Vec2i(col * 2 - 1, row * 2 + 1)));
} else if (wasLastTileOpaque == cYes) {
topVector = {short (col * 2 + 1), short (row * 2 + 1)};
topVector = {int16_t(col * 2 + 1), int16_t(row * 2 + 1)};
wasLastTileOpaque = isTileOpaque ? cYes : cNo;
@ -385,17 +387,17 @@ void CFieldOfView::CalcFoVForColumnPiece(const short col, Vec2i &topVector, Vec
** @param vector Current direction vector
** @return Row (Y-value) for new direction vector
short CFieldOfView::CalcRow_ByVector(const bool isTop, const short col, const Vec2i &vector) const
int16_t CFieldOfView::CalcRow_ByVector(const bool isTop, const int16_t col, const Vec2i &vector) const
short row;
int16_t row;
if (col == 0) {
row = 0;
} else {
// (col +|- 0.5) * (top|bot)_vector.y/(top|bot)_vector.x in integers
const short devidend = (isTop ? (2 * col + 1) : (2 * col - 1)) * vector.y;
const short devisor = 2 * vector.x;
const short quotient = devidend / devisor;
const short remainder = devidend % devisor;
const int16_t devidend = (isTop ? (2 * col + 1) : (2 * col - 1)) * vector.y;
const int16_t devisor = 2 * vector.x;
const int16_t quotient = devidend / devisor;
const int16_t remainder = devidend % devisor;
// Round the result
if (isTop ? remainder > vector.x
: remainder >= vector.x) {
@ -424,7 +426,7 @@ void CFieldOfView::ResetShadowCaster()
void CFieldOfView::PrepareCache(const Vec2i pos, const short width, const short height, const short range)
void CFieldOfView::PrepareCache(const Vec2i pos, const uint16_t width, const uint16_t height, const uint16_t range)
/// Init cache table if it's uninitialized yet
if (!MarkedTilesCache.size()) {
@ -458,7 +460,7 @@ void CFieldOfView::PrepareCache(const Vec2i pos, const short width, const short
** @param octant Octant to calc for
** @param origin Tile position of the spectrator
void CFieldOfView::SetEnvironment(const char octant, const Vec2i &origin)
void CFieldOfView::SetEnvironment(const uint8_t octant, const Vec2i &origin)
Origin = origin;
currOctant = octant;