Issue #305 - partially implemented cross zone spells. Buffs will cross with you for self, group spells can re-attach if the caster enters the zone first. Pet spells will recreate the pet, but name and other buffs to the pet do not persist cross zone. WORK IN PROGRESS!!
Fix#310 - no sale option supported on merchants and saved to database, see additionalfields_mar6_2021.sql
Fix#309 - mastery skills all update now and relate to fizzle (ordination, ministration, etc)
Fix#308 - fizzle support added
RULE_INIT(R_Spells, EnableFizzleSpells, "1"); // enables/disables the 'fizzling' of spells based on can_fizzle in the spells table. This also enables increasing specialized skills for classes based on spells/abilities.
RULE_INIT(R_Spells, DefaultFizzleChance, "10.0"); // default percentage x / 100, eg 10% is 10.0
RULE_INIT(R_Spells, FizzleMaxSkill, "1.2"); // 1.0 is 100%, 1.2 is 120%, so you get 120% your max skill against a spell, no fizzle
RULE_INIT(R_Spells, FizzleDefaultSkill, ".2"); // offset against MaxSkill to average out to 100%, default of .2f so we don't go over the threshold if no skill
Fix#303 - Brokers now use /frombroker instead of /itemsearch to show correct icon (money stack like merchants)
Fix#291 - implemented selling for status, no buy back, city merchant type (set merchant_type in spawn to 64) allows selling for status