Addresses issue #115 - minus fervor needs its own work implemented.
GetWardValue(Ward, "type")
damageleft - amount of damage left ward can absorb
basedamage - original amount of damage ward can absorb in total
keepward - keep ward (don't remove spell from spawn) if it expires by absorbing all the damage
wardtype - limit damage type:
#define WARD_TYPE_ALL 0
dmgabsorptionpct - max damage ward can absorb (eg 50% of 100 means 50 absorbed, 50 damage still hits)
dmgabsorptionmaxhealthpct - max damage ward can absorb (eg if 1000 health and 50%, any damage 500+ will not be absorbed)
Helps address issue #115
two new arguments added:
dmgAbsorptionPct - max percentage of the damage that can be absorbed per hit (eg 100 damage, 50% absorption, 50 absorbed, 50 damage left)
dmgAbsorptionMaxHealthPct - Max absorption percentage against the targets total hp, eg 1000 hp 50% absorption, if the hit is 500 dmg or more, then no damage absorbed
Only outstanding item is the red book over the NPCs head doesn't appear until you get past the first return dialog (??). There is a step required to return to the original quest npc.
insert into quests set quest_id=3000, name='Suspicious Activity',type='Antonica',zone='Antonica',level=13,enc_level=0,description='Tyllia Navar is observing gnoll activity in southwestern Antonica and has asked for my help. She has asked that I slay some of the Sabertooth neophytes and runts that run along the coast south of her location. She has also asked that I search the boat they have been using to ferry supplies between the mainland and their islands.',spawn_id=121435,lua_script='Quests/Antonica/SuspiciousActivity.lua',completed_text='I did as Tyllia asked and slew the gnolls. Unfortunately there was nothing in the boat.';
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,subtype='Coin',value=92;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,subtype='MaxCoin',value=99;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,subtype='Experience',value=350;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,subtype='Faction',value=85,faction_id=214;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,type='Reward',subtype='Selectable',value=70606,quantity=1;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,type='Reward',subtype='Selectable',value=70962,quantity=1;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,type='Reward',subtype='Selectable',value=73108,quantity=1;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,type='Reward',subtype='Selectable',value=73713,quantity=1;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,type='Reward',subtype='Selectable',value=75317,quantity=1;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,type='Reward',subtype='Selectable',value=80061,quantity=1;
insert into quest_details set quest_id=3000,type='Reward',subtype='Selectable',value=89586,quantity=1;
Reverted movement manager to Entity, limited to just entity (NPC/Player)
spawn add timer moved to 1000 ms (or trigger on new spawn)
CombatProcess migrated to either movement check (100ms) or aggro check (every 2s) -- in other words not every 10ms.
Set a 1 ms sleep in the CombinePacketLoop