Spawn table updated with merchant_min_level and merchant_max_level, extends to spawns, widgets, objects and signs.
Restricts the min level required and a max level cap on a player able to use the merchant (buy/sell/display)
/spawn set merchant_min_level x
/spawn set merchant_max_level x
In support of issue #125
- /house_deposit [??] [coin_amount] [status_amount] added
update query:
update commands set handler=518 where command='house_deposit';
- Escrow balance is tracked on the house
- Deposits are tracked for total and last deposit
- House upkeep payment now takes from escrow first
- character_house_deposits table added
CREATE TABLE `character_house_deposits` (
`timestamp` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`house_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`instance_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`name` varchar(64) not null default '',
`amount` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`last_amount` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`status` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
`last_status` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
Nav pathing these large maps is still a challenge, but there have been improvements to capture more of the map. There is some manual process that will be required for these larger maps to be handled at a later time..
In support of issue #129
This will fix#131 requirement. disable_sounds will be made to more globally disable a spawns sounds that might otherwise be defaults.
We can either later on decide to use the widget open/close sound or maybe have another sound file field that allows a different value than mariner bell.
This update also allows signs to check expansion flags and fixes widgets pulling the wrong field