# Scatter ![scatter](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52043844/103457605-08084d80-4d01-11eb-98a3-3cdb523d5410.png) Addon for the Godot game engine to randomly place anything in your scenes. [See it in action here](https://twitter.com/HungryProton/status/1344623041620402176) ## THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS **This is the version 4 of ProtonScatter. It's only compatible with Godot 4.** If you're looking for a version compatible with Godot 3.x, check the releases page or the legacy branch. V4 is currently being ported from v2.8.x, but it's **breaking compatibility** due to core changes. You will have to redo your scatter nodes when moving to v4. (I might write a conversion script if it's technically possible and not too time consuming but that will have to wait until v4 is stable) ## How to use it Demos and documentation will return as soon as the addon is in a usable state ## Licence - This addon is published under the MIT licence. - Most 2D and 3D assets in the demos folder are MIT, with a few exceptions. Refer the the LICENCE.md in the assets folder for more details.