extends Node var SCENE func _ready(): $playerNameBox.text = Global.playerName func _process(delta): pass func _on_close_pressed(): self.queue_free() func _on_playground_pressed(): $mapSelected.text = "Toyland" SCENE = "res://scenes/toyland.tscn" $Toyland.visible = true func _on_start_button_pressed(): var PORT = $portBox.text var MAX_PLAYERS = $playerBox.text var intPORT = int(PORT) var intMAX = int(MAX_PLAYERS) if PORT: prints("Player chose port:", intPORT) if intPORT < 1024: $mapSelected.text = "PORT CANNOT BE BELOW 1024" else: if SCENE: print("Player chose map: ", SCENE) if MAX_PLAYERS: if intMAX < 1: $mapSelected.text = "MAX PLAYERS CANNOT BE NEGATIVE" elif intMAX > 4095: $mapSelected.text = "MAX PLAYERS CANNOT BE ABOVE 4095" else: if Global.playerName == "": $mapSelected.text = "PLAYER NAME CAN'T BE BLANK" else: print("Player chose player limit: ", intMAX) Networking.create_server(intPORT, intMAX) Networking.load_map(SCENE) Networking.add_player_node(1) Global.connectedPlayers += [Global.playerName] Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) if $normalRespawn.button_pressed == true: Global.respawnTimeModifier = 1.0 elif $shortRespawn.button_pressed == true: Global.respawnTimeModifier = 2 elif $longRespawn.button_pressed == true: Global.respawnTimeModifier = 0.5 else: $mapSelected.text = "NO MAX PLAYERS SELECTED" else: $mapSelected.text = "NO MAP SELECTED" else: $mapSelected.text = "NO PORT SPECIFIED" func _on_join_button_pressed(): var scene_trs =load("res://scenes/multiplayer.tscn") var scene=scene_trs.instantiate() get_parent().add_child(scene) self.queue_free() func _on_player_name_box_text_changed(new_text): Global.playerName = $playerNameBox.text SettingsFile.save_data(Global.mouseSensitivity, Global.playerName) func _on_short_respawn_button_down(): $normalRespawn.button_pressed = false $longRespawn.button_pressed = false func _on_normal_respawn_button_down(): $shortRespawn.button_pressed = false $longRespawn.button_pressed = false func _on_long_respawn_button_down(): $shortRespawn.button_pressed = false $normalRespawn.button_pressed = false