extends Node var mouseSensitivity = 0.01 # Unless otherwise changed by user in settings var playingGame = false # Should be true while in a map, set by menus var menuOpen = false # Whether or not the in-game menu is active var fatigue = 100 # Makes it so you can't run forever, you have limited energy var playerHealth = 100 # If zero, the player dies. Bullets cause damage var playerDead = false # Defined by Global.player_dead() var playerAlive = true # Gets set to false by death.tscn then to true after the death timer is up var playerPleaseRespawn = false # When true, this executes the apporiate commands to respawn the player. Controlled by death.tscn var playerYDeath = -20 # The point in which the player will die from falling off the map, defined in map scripts var deathShield = 0 # Makes you unkillable for a specified amount of time. Used to prevent the kill screen from appearing twice as well var goScene # This is used for the sceneChangerConfirm window. Initalized by a different script prior to sceneChangerConfirm var consoleOpen = false # This specifies whether or not the console is open var consoleCommand # Defined by console.gd var consoleOutput # Defined by console.gd var godMode = false # Defined by console.gd func _process(delta): if godMode: pass elif Input.is_action_pressed("sprint"): if fatigue > 0: fatigue = fatigue - 10 * delta elif not Input.is_action_pressed("sprint"): if fatigue < 100: fatigue = fatigue + 2 * delta if playerAlive: deathShield = deathShield - 10 * delta # Make player not killable until the value falls below 0 func player_dead(): playerDead = true if deathShield <= 0: deathShield = 50 if playerAlive: print("Player be deaddddd brooooooo") var scene_trs =load("res://scenes/death.tscn") var scene=scene_trs.instantiate() add_child(scene) func reset_variables(): print("Variables were reset by something") fatigue = 100 playerHealth = 100 playerDead = false playerAlive = true playerPleaseRespawn = false