extends Node var scenePlayground = "res://scenes/playground.tscn" var sceneTutorial = "res://scenes/tutorial.tscn" func _ready(): pass func _process(delta): if not Global.consoleOpen: self.queue_free() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("console_send"): Global.consoleCommand = $consoleEdit.text print (Global.consoleCommand) run_command(Global.consoleCommand) func run_command(command): if command == "tele playground": get_tree().change_scene_to_file(scenePlayground) Global.consoleOutput = "Teleported to Playground!" elif command == "tele tutorial": get_tree().change_scene_to_file(sceneTutorial) Global.consoleOutput = "Teleported to Tutorial!" elif command == "which scene": Global.consoleOutput = get_tree().get_current_scene().get_name() elif command == "iamgod": if not Global.godMode: Global.consoleOutput = "God mode activated" Global.godMode = true elif Global.godMode: Global.consoleOutput = "God mode deactivated" Global.godMode = false elif command == "exit": Global.consoleOutput = "Byeee loser" get_tree().quit() elif command == "paul": Global.consoleOutput = "Yuppp that's me" elif command == "jayden": Global.consoleOutput = "That's the noob artist" elif command == "resetvars": Global.consoleOutput = "Reset variables" Global.reset_variables() elif command in ["suicide", "kill", "die"]: Global.consoleOutput = "Oh you didn't want to die?" Global.playerHealth = 0 else: Global.consoleOutput = "Unknown cheat code" $output.text = Global.consoleOutput