# Holds a viewport on which several passes may run to generate a final image. # Passes can have different shaders and re-use what was drawn by a previous pass. # TODO I'd like to make such a system working as a graph of passes for more possibilities. @tool extends Node const HT_Util = preload("res://addons/zylann.hterrain/util/util.gd") const HT_TextureGeneratorPass = preload("./texture_generator_pass.gd") const HT_Logger = preload("../../util/logger.gd") # TODO Can't preload because it causes the plugin to fail loading if assets aren't imported const DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/icons/empty.png" signal progress_reported(info) # Emitted when an output is generated. signal output_generated(image, metadata) # Emitted when all passes are complete signal completed var _passes := [] var _resolution := Vector2i(512, 512) var _output_padding := [0, 0, 0, 0] var _viewport : SubViewport = null var _ci : TextureRect = null var _dummy_texture : Texture2D var _running := false var _rerun := false #var _tiles = PoolVector2Array([Vector2()]) var _running_passes := [] var _running_pass_index := 0 var _running_iteration := 0 var _shader_material : ShaderMaterial = null #var _uv_offset = 0 # Offset de to padding var _logger = HT_Logger.get_for(self) func _ready(): assert(_viewport == null) assert(_ci == null) _viewport = SubViewport.new() # We render with 2D shaders, but we don't want the parent world to interfere _viewport.own_world_3d = true _viewport.world_3d = World3D.new() _viewport.render_target_update_mode = SubViewport.UPDATE_DISABLED add_child(_viewport) _dummy_texture = load(DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH) if _dummy_texture == null: _logger.error(str("Failed to load dummy texture ", DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH)) _ci = TextureRect.new() _ci.stretch_mode = TextureRect.STRETCH_SCALE _ci.texture = _dummy_texture _viewport.add_child(_ci) _shader_material = ShaderMaterial.new() set_process(false) func is_running() -> bool: return _running func clear_passes(): _passes.clear() func add_pass(p: HT_TextureGeneratorPass): assert(_passes.find(p) == -1) assert(p.iterations > 0) _passes.append(p) func add_output(meta): assert(len(_passes) > 0) var p = _passes[-1] p.output = true p.metadata = meta # Sets at which base resolution the generator will work on. # In tiled rendering, this is the resolution of one tile. # The internal viewport may be larger if some passes need more room, # and the resulting images might include some of these pixels if output padding is used. func set_resolution(res: Vector2i): assert(not _running) _resolution = res # Tell image outputs to include extra pixels on the edges. # This extends the resolution of images compared to the base resolution. # The initial use case for this is to generate terrain tiles where edge pixels are # shared with the neighor tiles. func set_output_padding(p: Array): assert(typeof(p) == TYPE_ARRAY) assert(len(p) == 4) for v in p: assert(typeof(v) == TYPE_INT) _output_padding = p func run(): assert(len(_passes) > 0) if _running: _rerun = true return assert(_viewport != null) assert(_ci != null) # Copy passes var passes := [] passes.resize(len(_passes)) for i in len(_passes): passes[i] = _passes[i].duplicate() _running_passes = passes # Pad pixels according to largest padding var largest_padding := 0 for p in passes: if p.padding > largest_padding: largest_padding = p.padding for v in _output_padding: if v > largest_padding: largest_padding = v var padded_size := _resolution + 2 * Vector2i(largest_padding, largest_padding) # _uv_offset = Vector2( \ # float(largest_padding) / padded_size.x, # float(largest_padding) / padded_size.y) _ci.size = padded_size _viewport.size = padded_size _viewport.render_target_update_mode = SubViewport.UPDATE_ALWAYS _viewport.render_target_clear_mode = SubViewport.CLEAR_MODE_ONCE _running_pass_index = 0 _running_iteration = 0 _running = true set_process(true) func _process(delta: float): # TODO because of https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/7894 if not is_processing(): return if _running_pass_index > 0: var prev_pass : HT_TextureGeneratorPass = _running_passes[_running_pass_index - 1] if prev_pass.output: _create_output_image(prev_pass.metadata) if _running_pass_index >= len(_running_passes): _running = false completed.emit() if _rerun: # run() was requested again before we complete... # this will happen very frequently because we are forced to wait multiple frames # before getting a result _rerun = false run() else: _viewport.render_target_update_mode = SubViewport.UPDATE_DISABLED set_process(false) return var p : HT_TextureGeneratorPass = _running_passes[_running_pass_index] if _running_iteration == 0: _setup_pass(p) _report_progress(_running_passes, _running_pass_index, _running_iteration) # Wait one frame for render, and this for EVERY iteration and every pass, # because Godot doesn't provide any way to run multiple feedback render passes in one go. _running_iteration += 1 if _running_iteration == p.iterations: _running_iteration = 0 _running_pass_index += 1 # The viewport should render after the tree was processed func _setup_pass(p: HT_TextureGeneratorPass): if p.texture != null: _ci.texture = p.texture else: _ci.texture = _dummy_texture if p.shader != null: if _shader_material == null: _shader_material = ShaderMaterial.new() _shader_material.shader = p.shader _ci.material = _shader_material if p.params != null: for param_name in p.params: _shader_material.set_shader_parameter(param_name, p.params[param_name]) var vp_size_f := Vector2(_viewport.size) var res_f := Vector2(_resolution) var scale_ndc := vp_size_f / res_f var pad_offset_ndc := ((vp_size_f - res_f) / 2.0) / vp_size_f var offset_ndc := -pad_offset_ndc + p.tile_pos / scale_ndc # Because padding may be used around the generated area, # the shader can use these predefined parameters, # and apply the following to SCREEN_UV to adjust its calculations: # vec2 uv = (SCREEN_UV + u_uv_offset) * u_uv_scale; if p.params == null or not p.params.has("u_uv_scale"): _shader_material.set_shader_parameter("u_uv_scale", scale_ndc) if p.params == null or not p.params.has("u_uv_offset"): _shader_material.set_shader_parameter("u_uv_offset", offset_ndc) else: _ci.material = null if p.clear: _viewport.render_target_clear_mode = SubViewport.CLEAR_MODE_ONCE func _create_output_image(metadata): var tex := _viewport.get_texture() var src := tex.get_image() # Pick the center of the image var subrect := Rect2i( \ (src.get_width() - _resolution.x) / 2, \ (src.get_height() - _resolution.y) / 2, \ _resolution.x, _resolution.y) # Make sure we are pixel-perfect. If not, padding is odd # assert(int(subrect.position.x) == subrect.position.x) # assert(int(subrect.position.y) == subrect.position.y) subrect.position.x -= _output_padding[0] subrect.position.y -= _output_padding[2] subrect.size.x += _output_padding[0] + _output_padding[1] subrect.size.y += _output_padding[2] + _output_padding[3] var dst : Image if subrect == Rect2i(0, 0, src.get_width(), src.get_height()): dst = src else: # Note: size MUST match at this point. # If it doesn't, the viewport has not been configured properly, # or padding has been modified while the generator was running dst = Image.create( \ _resolution.x + _output_padding[0] + _output_padding[1], \ _resolution.y + _output_padding[2] + _output_padding[3], \ false, src.get_format()) dst.blit_rect(src, subrect, Vector2i()) output_generated.emit(dst, metadata) func _report_progress(passes: Array, pass_index: int, iteration: int): var p = passes[pass_index] progress_reported.emit({ "name": p.debug_name, "pass_index": pass_index, "pass_count": len(passes), "iteration": iteration, "iteration_count": p.iterations })