[[ Xbox/Xbox360 USB Gamepad Driver for Userspace ]] =================================================== Xboxdrv is a Xbox/Xbox360 gamepad driver for Linux that works in userspace. It is an alternative to the xpad kernel driver and has support for Xbox1 gamepads, Xbox360 USB gamepads and Xbox360 wireless gamepads. The Xbox360 guitar and some Xbox1 dancemats might work too. The Xbox 360 racing wheel is not supported, but shouldn't be to hard to add if somebody is interested. Some basic support for the Xbox360 Chatpad on USB controller is provided, Chatpad on wireless ones is not supported. The headset is not supported, but you can dump raw data from it. This driver is only of interest if the xpad kernel driver doesn't work for you or if you want more configurabity. If the xpad kernel driver works for you there is no need to try this driver. Newest version of the driver can be found at: * http://pingus.seul.org/~grumbel/xboxdrv/ The development version can be optained via: * git clone http://pingus.seul.org/~grumbel/xboxdrv.git [[ Compilation ]] ----------------- Required libraries and tools: * g++ - GNU C++ Compiler * libusb-1.0 * pkg-config * libudev * boost * scons * uinput (userspace input kernel module) * git (only to download the development version) * X11 * python-dbus (for xboxdrv-daemon.py) Once everything installed, you can compile by typing: $ scons On Ubuntu 10.10 you can install all the required libraries via: $ sudo apt-get install \ g++ \ libboost1.42-dev \ libboost-thread1.42-dev \ scons \ pkg-config \ libusb-1.0-0-dev \ git-core \ libx11-dev \ libudev-dev \ x11proto-core-dev \ python-dbus To load the uinput kernel module automatically on boot add it /etc/modules, to load it manually type: $ sudo modprobe uinput On other distributions exact install instructions might be slightly different. [[ Installation ]] ------------------ Once the compilation process is complete you can install xboxdrv with: $ make install You can also change the install PREFIX and DESTDIR as usual with: $ make install PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=/tmp Note that there is no need to install xboxdrv, you can run it directly from the source directory if you prefer. [[ Running ]] ------------- Extensive documentation on running xboxdrv can be found in the RUNNING XBOXDRV section of the xboxdrv manpage. When you haven't installed xboxdrv the man page can be found in doc/xboxdrv.1 and be read with: $ man -l doc/xboxdrv.1 Documentation on xboxdrv-daemon, a daemon that will automatically launch xboxdrv when a pad is plugged in can be read via: $ man -l doc/xboxdrv-daemon.1 # EOF #