xboxdrv 0.4.5 - (??/Jan/2009) ============================= * fixed mixup between strong and weak rumble * added Harmonix Drum Kit for Xbox 360 xboxdrv 0.4.4 - (24/Jan/2009) ============================= * auto-detect USB endpoints * rumble support, enabled via --force-feedback * added --rumble-gain to control rumble strength * --deadzone accepts values in percentage * DDR Universe 2 Mat added xboxdrv 0.4.3 - (17/Jan/2009) ============================= * added support for X11 keysym in --ui-buttonmap * added --ui-clear and 'void' mappings to unmap buttons and axis * fixed LED handling for wireless gamepads * Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Power support * added --name option to set device name * added JS_${NUM} name to address joystick buttons by number instead of name * fixed issue with multiple wireless controller * some preparation for rumble (prints FF events) xboxdrv 0.4.2 - (11/Jan/2009) ============================= * fixed --dpad-only xboxdrv 0.4.1 - (08/Jan/2009) ============================= * workaround for KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT xboxdrv 0.4 - (07/Jan/2009) =========================== * added --square-axis option * added --autofire option * added --relative-axis option (i.e. emulate joystick throttle) * added --ui-buttonmap and --ui-axismap to change uinput events * support for keyboard events * support for mouse emulation xboxdrv 0.3 - (06/Nov/2008) ============================ * added short note when the USB device is busy * added note to README about running it via sudo * added some missing header files * added new third party controller to the auto-detection * minor other small bug fixes xboxdrv 0.2 - (03/May/2008) =========================== * added support for Xbox360 wireless gamepads * added support for the Xbox360 guitar controller * added --dpad-only option for apps that don't need analogsticks * added --axismap option to remap the axes * added --buttonmap option to remap the buttons * added option to specify the USB path to use, instead of using automatic detection * added option to enforce the controller type * added deadzone configuration support * switched from usb_bulk_read() to usb_interrupt_read(), this fixes problems with some controller xboxdrv 0.1 - (13/Apr/2008) =========================== * initial release # EOF #