# -*- python -*- if True: env = Environment(CPPFLAGS=['-g', '-O2', '-Wall', '-ansi', '-pedantic']) else: env = Environment(CXXFLAGS= [ "-O3", "-g3", "-ansi", "-pedantic", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-Wnon-virtual-dtor", "-Weffc++", #"-Wconversion", "-Wold-style-cast", # "-Werror", "-Wshadow", "-Wcast-qual", "-Winit-self", # only works with >= -O1 "-Wno-unused-parameter", ]) f = open("VERSION") package_version = f.read() f.close() env.Append(CPPDEFINES={ 'PACKAGE_VERSION': "'\"%s\"'" % package_version}) conf = Configure(env) if not conf.env['CXX']: print "g++ must be installed!" Exit(1) # X11 checks if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('X11', 'X11/Xlib.h', 'C++'): print 'libx11-dev must be installed!' Exit(1) # libusb Checks if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('usb', 'usb.h', 'C++'): print 'libusb must be installed!' Exit(1) # boost-thread checks if not conf.CheckCXXHeader('boost/thread/thread.hpp'): print 'libboost-thread-dev must be installed!' Exit(1) if not conf.CheckLib('boost_thread-mt', language='C++'): if not conf.CheckLib('boost_thread', language='C++'): print 'libboost-thread-dev must be installed!' Exit(1) env = conf.Finish() env.Program('xboxdrv', Glob('src/*.cpp')) if False: env.Program('inputdrv', Glob('src/inputdrv/*.cpp'), LIBS=['boost_signals', 'usb', 'pthread']) # EOF #