[[ XBox360 USB Gamepad Driver for Userspace ]] ============================================== This is a XBox360 gamepad driver for Linux that works in userspace. It is a alternative to the xpad kernel driver. [[ Compilation ]] ----------------- Required libraries and tools: * libusb * boost * scons * uinput You can compile by typing: % scons [[ Running ]] -------------- First make sure that the xpad kernel module does not get loaded, either by deleting or renaming it. rmmod might not be enough since it might be automatically loaded. Once ensured that xpad is out of the way plug in your XBox360 gamepad and start the userspace driver: % ./xbox360 This will create a /dev/input/js0 and allow you to access the gamepad from any game. To exit the driver press Ctrl-c twice [[ LED Commands ]] ------------------ You can set the LED via: % ./xbox360 --led NUM Valid values for NUM: 0: off 1: all blinking 2: 1/top-left blink, then on 3: 2/top-right blink, then on 4: 3/bottom-left blink, then on 5: 4/bottom-right blink, then on 6: 1/top-left on 7: 2/top-right on 8: 3/bottom-left on 9: 4/bottom-right on 10: rotate 11: blink 12: blink slower 13: rotate with two lights 14: blink 15: blink once # EOF #