diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index d48432b..2ac5985 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-xboxdrv 0.6.0 - (??/Jun/2010)
+xboxdrv 0.6.0 - (??/Aug/2010)
 * support for reading from evdev, this allows the use of regular
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ xboxdrv 0.6.0 - (??/Jun/2010)
   Xbox360 gamepad
 * added KEY_#num, ABS_#num and REL_#num to allow refering to events by
   number instead of name
+* support for reading configuration from a config file
 xboxdrv 0.5.0 - (26/May/2010)
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index cd22798..a783d6d 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -15,12 +15,105 @@ git push --tags
 Stuff to do before 0.6.0 release:
+* gives weird not helpful error message: --ui-axismap x1=ABS_X2
+* output information for evdev must output KEY_#342 instead of just 342
+* Add: --evdev-absmap ABS_X2+=RT,-ABS_X2+=LT to allow mapping of
+  half-axes (syntax is inconsistent with axis inverting)
+  - write man page entry
+* evdev handling needs to handle [-1,1] axis differently from [0,1] axis
+  http://ps3.jim.sh/sixaxis/usb/
+  see evdev_controller.cpp:165
+* allow separate deadzone for each axis
+* create dummy joystick axis for the joystick device, see:
+  /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/drivers/input/joydev.c
+  /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/drivers/input/mousedev.c
+* make evdev grab optional:
+  --evdev-grab
+    Takes exclusive ownership of the event device, all events are
+    directed to xboxdrv and no other application will be able to
+    receive events.
+  --evdev-no-grab
+* allow binding of scripts to a button
+* --ui-axismap LT=KEY_A:KEY_B:1 
+Here KEY_B is the key you want to send and KEY_A is a random other key
+that you don't need. It's a hack as mapping both to KEY_B seems to
+cause some trouble with automatic key repeat for some reason. Note
+that you must not combine this with --trigger-as-zaxis as that will
+disable LT and RT
+* should actually send everything, not just the onces that are needed,
+  rest could be handled by ButtonMap/AxisMap:
+  if (cfg.trigger_as_zaxis)
+  {
+    send_axis(XBOX_AXIS_TRIGGER, (int(msg.rt) - int(msg.lt)));
+  }
+  else if (cfg.trigger_as_button)
+  {
+    send_button(XBOX_BTN_LT, msg.lt);
+    send_button(XBOX_BTN_RT, msg.rt);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    send_axis(XBOX_AXIS_LT, msg.lt);
+    send_axis(XBOX_AXIS_RT, msg.rt);
+  }
+* axismap doesn't hamonize with axismap:
+  --ui-axismap LT=KEY_A:KEY_A:1
+* invert y axis on --evdev
+* add Playstation3 controller config to examples
+ ./xboxdrv  \
+  --evdev /dev/input/event6 \
+  --evdev-absmap ABS_X=x1,ABS_Y=y1 \
+  --evdev-absmap ABS_Z=x2,ABS_RZ=y2 \
+  --evdev-absmap ABS_#48=lt,ABS_#49=rt \
+  --evdev-keymap BTN_THUMB=tl,BTN_THUMB2=tr \
+  --evdev-keymap BTN_BASE5=lb,BTN_BASE6=rb  \
+  --evdev-keymap KEY_#302=a,KEY_#301=b,BTN_DEAD=x,KEY_#300=y \
+  --evdev-keymap BTN_TRIGGER=back,KEY_#720=guide,BTN_TOP=start \
+  --evdev-keymap BTN_TOP2=du,BTN_PINKIE=dr,BTN_BASE=dd,BTN_BASE2=dl
+* review error handling on missing enums in: src/enum_box.hpp, revert
+  last change and solve the issue in str2key/key2str
+* allow --type to work even when --device-by-id is not given
+* axis emulation
+  --ui-axisemulation A:B=ABS_X:5
+* rewrite to use no floats:
+scale_deadzone(int16_t value, const int deadzone)
+scale_trigger_deadzone(uint8_t value, int deadzone)
+* documentation on keyboard combinations for axis seems lacking
 * ini support
 * endpoints can be taken directly from the usb configuration, thus
   avoiding issues with nummeric endpoints
-* bcdDevice (product release version) seem to indicate type:
+* bcdDevice (product release version) seem to indicate type (to many
+  possible versions, not enough data):
 new controller with merged endpoints: bcdDevice: 0x0114
 old ones: 1.10
@@ -93,6 +186,8 @@ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb219655(VS.85).aspx
 Later versions:
+* complex macro programming, i.e. complete evdev sequences, not just key combinations
 * The World Tour wireless guitar have 5 buttons and a
   slide. Currently, the slide is mapped to the x axis, but I don't
   know if it allows multiple presses at once. I don't have a Xbox, so