650 lines
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650 lines
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# bnhelp - This Help File is used for describing the commands to the user #
# Entries are separated by a percent sign (%) at the beginning of the line. #
# The commands that correspond with the entry should follow the % on the #
# same line. #
# #
# You can enter comments by starting a line with #. Comments extend to the #
# end of the line. #
# Tabs replaces with 3 spaces. #
# Empty lines are ignored. #
# #
%whois whereis where
/whois <player> (aliases: /where /whereis)
Displays where a <player> is on the server.
Example: /whois nomad
%msg whisper m w
/whisper <player> <message> (aliases: /w /m /msg)
Sends a private <message> to <player>
Example: /whisper nomad How are you doing?
%ignore squelch
/squelch <username> (alias: ignore, see also: /unsquelch)
Blocks future messages sent from <username>.
Example: /squelch nomad
%unignore unsquelch
/unsquelch <player> (alias: /unignore)
Allows a previously squelched <player> to talk to you normally.
Example: /unsquelch nomad
/away [message]
Displays [message] to users who whisper to you. To disable, use the /away command again with no [message].
Example: /away Eating dinner
/dnd [message]
Prevents all whispers from displaying to your screen. To disable, use the command again with no [message].
Example: /dnd I'm playing a game and don't want to hear whispers.
/who <channel>
Displays a list of users in <channel>
Example: /who Moderated Support
%stats astat
/stats [player] [client] (alias: /astat)
Displays a [player]'s Win/Loss record.
Example: /stats nomad
%status users
/users [gametag] (alias: /status)
Displays the current number of users connected to the server.
Example: /users W3XP
Displays the current server and your local time.
%channel join j
/channel <channel> (alias: /join /j)
Moves you to <channel>
Example: /channel Moderated Support
/rejoin (alias: /resign)
Removes your status as the channel Operator.
%me emote
/me <message> (alias: /emote)
Displays your name and <message> in a different color.
Example: /emote wants to play a game.
/kick <player>
Kicks <player> from the channel.
Example: /kick nomad
/ban <player> (see also: /unban)
Bans <player> from the channel, and prevents him from returning.
Example: /ban nomad
/unban <player>
Allows a banned <player> to return to the channel.
Example: /unban nomad
/serverban <player> (see also: /unban)
Bans <player> by IP and lock his account
Example: /serverban nomad
/ipscan <name or IP-address>
Finds all currently logged in users with the given <name> or <IP-address>.
Example: /ipscan
Example: /ipscan nomad
Displays where you are on the server.
Displays how long the server has been running.
Displays the version of the server
Displays a list of players who have been banned from the channel
/games [gametag] [difficulty]
Displays a list of online games.
Set [difficulty] for Diablo games only (norm|night|hell)
/games all
Displays a list of all games.
/games l[obby]
Displays a list of games in lobby.
%channels chs
/channels [gametag] (alias: /chs)
Displays a list of channels.
/channels all
Displays a list of all channels.
%connections con
/connections (alis: /con)
Displays a list of connections.
/finger <player>
Displays detailed information about <player>
Example: /finger nomad
Displays a list of all currently logged in administrators.
%reply r
/reply <message> (alias: /r)
Replies to the last player who whispered you with <message>.
Example: /r Hi, mate!
%announce ann
/announce <message> (alias: /ann)
Announces <message> to everyone.
Example: /ann Hello everyone!
/realmann <message>
Announces <message> to everyone in the current Diablo 2 realm.
Example: /realmann Hello everyone!
/alert <message>
Show MessageBox with <message> to everyone. Use \n as a new line symbol.
Example: /alert Hello\neveryone!
Displays the news.
%logout quit exit
/logout (alias: /quit /exit)
Disconnects you from the server.
/kill {<username>|#<socket>} [min]
Disconnects <player> from the server and bans the player's IP address for [min] minutes.
Example: /kill nomad 5
/killsession <sessionid> [min]
Disconnects the session from the server and bans the session's IP address for [min] minutes.
Example: /killsession 1 5
/watch <player>
Enables notifications for <player>.
Example: /watch nomad
/unwatch <player>
Disables notifications for <player>.
Example: /unwatch nomad
/watchall [gametag]
Enables notifications for everyone.
Example: /watchall SEXP
/unwatchall [gametag]
Disables notifications for everyone.
Example: /unwatchall SEXP
/gameinfo <gamename>
Displays information about <gamename>.
Example: /gameinfo FS 1v1!!!
Copies current ladder statistics to active ladder statistics.
/ladderinfo <rank> [gametag]
Displays ladder information for <rank> of [gametag]
Example: /ladderinfo 1000 SEXP
/timer <duration> [message]
Displays [message] after <duration> seconds.
Example: /timer 60 one minute has passed
/netinfo [player]
Displays [player]'s network information.
Example: /netinfo nomad
/addacct <player> <password>
Creates a new account named <player> with password <password>.
Example: /addacct nomad password
/chpass [<player>] <password> - change a player's password
Changes [<player>]'s password to <password>.
If [<player>] is empty then change password for your account.
Example: /chpass nomad password
Displays your message quota.
/shutdown [duration]
Sets the shutdown sequence at [duration] seconds or cancels it if set to zero.
Example: /shutdown 300
%lock lockacct
/lock <player> [hours] [reason] (alias: /lockacct)
Locks <player>'s account to prevent him/her from logging in with it.
Set [hours] = 0 to ban permanently.
Example: /lock nomad 0 bye noob!
%unlock unlockacct
/unlock <player> (alias: /unlockacct)
Unlocks <player>'s account to allow him/her to log in with it.
Example: /unlock nomad
%mute muteacct
/mute <player> [hours] [reason] (alias: /muteacct)
Mutes <player>'s account to prevent him/her from talking on channels.
Set [hours] = 0 to mute permanently.
Example: /mute nomad 6 stop spam!
%unmute unmuteacct
/unmute <player> (alias: /unmuteacct)
Unmutes <player>'s account to allow him/her to talk on channels.
Example: /unmute nomad
%friends f
/friends <command> [options] (alias: /f)
/friends add <username>
Adds <username> to your friends list.
/friends del <username>
Removes <username> from your friends list.
/friends promote <username>
Promotes <username> one line up your friends list.
/friends demote <username>
Demotes <username> one line down your friends list
/friends list
Displays your friends list.
/friends online
Displays your online friends list.
/friends msg <msgtext>
Whisper <msgtext> to all of your online friends.
/mail <command> [options]
/mail s[end] <receiver> <message>
Sends mail to <receiver> with <message>.
/mail r[ead] [index]
Reads mail [index]
/mail del[ete] {all|<index>}
Deletes mail <index> or [all] mail.
/flag <number>
A debug tool for icon flags.
/tag <gamename>
A debug tool for client tags.
/help [command]
Displays help about [command]
Example: /help whisper
/ipban <command> [option] [time]
/ipban l[ist]
Displays a list of banned IP addresses
/ipban c[heck] <IP>
Checks if IP address <IP> is banned or not.
/ipban d[el] <IP|index>
Deletes IP address <IP> or <index>
/ipban a[dd] <IP> [time]
Bans IP address <IP> for [time] minutes. [time] = 0 - permanent ban
/set <account> <key> [value]
Sets or returns the value of <key> for account <account>.
Set [value] = null to erase value.
Example: /set nomad BNET\auth\botlogin true
Example: /set nomad Record\SEXP\0_wins 999
Displays the MOTD.
/tos /warranty /license
Displays the Terms of Service.
/admin [+|-]<player>
Promotes/demotes <player> to/from server administrator.
Example: /admin +nomad
/rehash <mode>
Forces the server to reload specified config. Set "all" to reload all configs.
<mode> = all | i18n | channels | realms | autoupdate | news | versioncheck | ipbans | helpfile | banners | tracker | commandgroups | aliasfile | transfile | tournament | icons | anongame | topiclist | lua
/clan <command> [option]
/clan create <clantag> <clanname>
Create a new clan (max <clantag> length = 4; spaces are allowed in <clanname>)
Commands for clan members:
/clan m[sg] <message> (alias [w]hisper)
Whispers a message to all your fellow clan members
/clan inv[ite] <username>
Invite <username> to your clan.
/clan inv[ite] get
Show clanname which you have been invited
/clan inv[ite] accept
Accept invitation to clan
/clan inv[ite] decline
Decline invitation to clan
Commands for clan chieftain:
/clan motd <message>
Update the clan's Message of the Day to <message>.
/clan pub[lic] (alias: pub)
Opens the clan channel up to the public so that anyone may enter.
/clan priv[ate] (alias: priv)
Closes the clan channel such that only members of the clan may enter.
/clan dis[band]
Disband your clan.
%ping p latency
/ping (alias: /p /latency)
Displays your ping to the server.
%command_groups cg
/command_groups <command> <user> [groups] (alias: /cg)
/cg list <user>
Displays <user>'s command groups.
/cg add <user> <group(s)>
Adds command group(s) <group(s)> to <user>.
/cg del <user> <group(s)>
Deletes command group(s) <group(s)> from <user>.
/operator [+|-]<player> (alias: /op)
Promotes/demotes <player> to/from server operator.
Example: /operator +nomad
/aop <username>
Promotes <username> to channel administrator.
Example: /aop nomad
/op <username>
Promotes <username> to channel operator.
Example: /op nomad
/deop <username>
Demotes <username> from channel administrator or operator.
Example: /deop nomad
/tmpop <username>
Promotes <username> to temporary channel operator.
Example: /tmpop <username>
/vop <username>
Adds <username> to the VOP list.
Example: /vop nomad
/voice <username>
Temporarily gives voice privileges to <username>.
Example: /voice nomad
/devoice <username>
Removes <username> from the VOP list and removes temporary voice privileges.
Example: /devoice nomad
/topic [message]
Sets or displays current channel's topic.
Example: /topic Supported is given in this channel...\n(some text on a new line)
Toggles the current channel's moderated status.
/clearstats <player> <clienttag>
Clears <player>'s <clienttag> statistics, where <clienttag> can be any valid client or ALL for all clients
Example: /clearstats nomad SEXP
/find <substring>
Finds users with <substring> in their username. <substring> MUST be lowercase!
Forces the server to save account and clan changes to the database.
/icon [name]
Set custom icon for normal user.
Use /icon without [name] to display list of available icons in your stash.
Syntax for operator/admin:
/icon a[dd] <username> <icon>
Add icon into user stash
/icon d[el] <username> <icon>
Remove icon from user stash
/icon s[et] <username> <icon>
Set custom icon to user without adding it in user stash
/icon l[ist] <username>
Display icons in user's stash
/icon l[ist]
Display availaible icons in server stash that can be assigned to users
%language lang
/lang [code]
Set your language to get another translation:
/log <command> <username> [args]
Read <username> log with commands (from the end)
/log r[ead] <username> [startline]
Show last lines in user log from [startline]
/log f[ind] <username> <substring> [startline]
Find <substring> in user log from [startline]
Example: /log read Joe
Example: /log find Joe shutdown
/quiz <command> [option]
Trivia Quiz Game
/quiz start <name>
Start game with given dictionary name in current channel
/quiz stop
Finish game by force
/quiz stats [username]
Display record statistics for user
/quiz stats
Display Top records
/host <type> <mode> <game name>
Create a ladder DotA map using Host Bot
Available types: 5x5/3x3
Available modes: ap/cm/rd/sd/ar/tt/aptb/rdtb/artb/sdtb/tttb
/chost <map code> <game name>
Create a custom map from the list using Host Bot
Available maps: