HarpyWar d65dc73dfe * fix lua function identification when output log
* better table view output in log
2014-06-17 15:02:55 +04:00

25 lines
656 B

Copyright (C) 2014 HarpyWar (harpywar@gmail.com)
This file is a part of the PvPGN Project http://pvpgn.pro
Licensed under the same terms as Lua itself.
-- Return the script path and line of the CURRENT function where it is executed
__FUNCTION__ = nil
-- Return the script path and line of the PARENT function where it is executed
__function__ = nil
setmetatable(_G, {__index =
function(t, k)
if k == '__FUNCTION__' then
local w = debug.getinfo(2, "S")
return w.short_src..":"..w.linedefined
elseif k == '__function__' then
local w = debug.getinfo(3, "S")
return w.short_src..":"..w.linedefined