From 33af5ee94f47d993cac51e0c4ca3045b26714f1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: RElesgoe <>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 02:27:41 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Delete README.cmake

 README.cmake | 122 ---------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 122 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 README.cmake

diff --git a/README.cmake b/README.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c838a6..0000000
--- a/README.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-                      PvPGN CMake Build Instructions
-                    ===================================
-0. Getting "cmake"
-   Before anything you need to make sure you have a cmake (at least version
-2.4.3) installed on the system you wish to compile PvPGN. On Linux/*BSD systems 
-this sould probably be provided by your package system one way or another or 
-you could try to build cmake from source. Follow the "Readme.txt" from cmake 
-sources if you are going over that path.
-   Another source of "cmake" may be the binary packages provided by the 
-cmake people on This is usually the way to get it on 
-Windows or exotic Unices. For BeOS you could get it from
-   Please note that "cmake" is not a build system by itself but rather a 
-"meta" build system. Parsing the cmake input files, cmake will generate 
-the build system files to use with your build system (which may be a 
-classic Unix style "make" or an IDE such as Visual Studio). cmake calls 
-the part of it that generates the project files a "generator" (and is 
-1. Running "cmake"
-   Now that you have cmake (and also you have the pvpgn sources with the 
-cmake support) you should try to run cmake to generate the project files 
-(or makefiles, depending on your generator used with cmake). It is 
-recommended that you do an "out of source" build, this means you should 
-not try to build pvpgn inside the source directory but in a directory 
-specially made for building pvpgn.
-   Note: the instructions generally follow how to use the cmake command 
-line version which is more portable (available everywhere cmake is 
-available). For using various cmake GUIs one has to find out himself how 
-they work.
-   Create a build directory (preferably have it empty), change current 
-directory there, run cmake as "cmake /path/to/pvpgn-src" where 
-"/path/to/pvpgn-src" is obvioulsy the path to the pvpgn source 
-directory. This will have cmake generate the type of project files that 
-is default for your platform (which is "Unix Makefiles" on Unix/Linux 
-systems or "Visual Studio Project files" on Windows) without any 
-additional storage types (ie. no SQL support) and will install pvpgn on 
-"make install" in the default location (which is "/usr/local" for Unix 
-systems or "<System-Drive>:\\Program Files\\pvpgn" on Windows).
-   All these defaults are probably not what you wanted so cmake offers a 
-way to customize this by command line flags setting variables or 
-selecting the project files generator. Here are some useful options:
-   -G "Project Type" : tells cmake to use the "Project Type" project 
-files generator; on Unix systems this is by default "Unix Makefiles" and 
-on Windows "Visual Studio project files"; other useful values are 
-"KDevelop3", "MinGW Makefiles" or "MSYS Makefiles" (the last 2 are 
-obviously valid only on Windows)
-   -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/path/to" : it will tell cmake to set 
-accordingly values so that on "make install" it will install relative to 
-   -D WITH_MYSQL=true : it will tell cmake to check for MySQL 
-headers/libraries and if present prepare project files able to compile 
-PvPGN with MySQL
-   -D WITH_PGSQL=true or -D WITH_SQLITE3=true are similar to WITH_MYSQL 
-but for PostgreSQL/SQLite3 storage support
-   -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug : build in debug mode (to get meaningfull 
-stack traces) 
-   WARNING: in between 2 cmake runs make sure you remove all build files 
-or at least remove the CMakeCache.txt file otherwise you may experience 
-strange problems.
-2. Building PvPGN
-    After successfully running cmake you are ready to build pvpgn. 
-Depending on your project files generator used with cmake you do this in 
-various ways. Example: when using "Unix Makefiles" you should just issue 
-"make" and it should build your pvpgn binaries. When using some IDE 
-project file types such as KDevelop3 or Visual Studio you should run the 
-"Build" command of that IDE.
-3. Installing PvPGN
-   Again, depending on the type of project files generator you used you 
-can install pvpgn to the CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR prefixed location. When using 
-the "Unix Makefiles" generator you can use "make install" to do so.
-4. Full examples usage
-4.1 Using cmake on a Unix/Linux system installing pvpgn under "~pvpgn" 
-with MySQL support
-  $ cd pvpgn-build
-  $ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/pvpgn -D WITH_MYSQL ../pvpgn-src
-  $ make
-  $ make install
-4.2 Using cmake on a Windows (command line prompt) system with mingw32
-  > cd pvpgn-build
-  > cmake ..\pvpgn-src
-  > mingw32-make
-  > mingw32-make install
-5. Problems
-   cmake building in PvPGN is a young feature as such many issues may 
-still arise. If you have problems with cmake please contact us at (after you subscribe to the mailing list at 
- or use the bug 
-tracker at .
-   When reporting problems please provide all information such as pvpgn 
-version, your platform name/version, exactly what you tried to do (the 
-commands used) and exactly the errors you get.