**Disclaimer: This software is not supported by the manufacturer of the hardware in any way, and relies completely on information from reverse-engineering. There is no warranty, especially in case of damage to the hardware.**
All settings from the official software are implemented, except repeating macros, which seems to be broken in the official software and is therefore currently disabled in this program.
As a result there will be no changes to this program, unless I overlooked some features or find a bug.
The mouse has a VID of 0x04d9 and PID of 0xfc4d, if you have a compatible device sold under a different name, or with a different VID or PID, please let me know so the readme can be updated.
There is space for 15 macros on the mouse, these are shared over all profiles. Each macro can hold up to 34 actions. To set a macro to a specific button:
1. Create a file containing the macro actions
2. Add macro⟨N⟩ to the button mapping configuration to set a button to the ⟨N⟩th macro
3. Apply the configuration: mouse_m908 -c ⟨config.ini⟩
4. Apply the specific macro: mouse_m908 -m ⟨macrofile⟩ -n ⟨N⟩
#### Macro file
Each line contains an action and a parameter separated by a tab. Supported actions are:
With these options the USB bus id and device number can be specified. This is useful if there are multiple devices with the same vendor and product id, or if the particular device has a different vendor or product id that is not expected by this software.
On some systems libusb might not be able to detect or detach kernel drivers, this results in a failure because the mouse can not be opened. This options skips this step.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.