Change the config to use TEST_START where the options after a TEST_START automatically get the [] as it is read and they do not need to exist in the config file; TEST_START MIN_CONFIG = myconfig is the same as MIN_CONFIG[1] = myconfig The benefit is that you no longer need to keep track of test numbers with tests. Also process the commit ids that are passed to the options to get the actually SHA1 so it is no longer relative to the branch. Ie, saying HEAD will get the current SHA1 and then that will be used, and will work even if another branch is checked out. Signed-off-by: Steven Rostedt <rostedt@goodmis.org>
1365 lines
28 KiB
1365 lines
28 KiB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copywrite 2010 - Steven Rostedt <srostedt@redhat.com>, Red Hat Inc.
# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
use strict;
use IPC::Open2;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use File::Copy qw(cp);
use FileHandle;
$#ARGV >= 0 || die "usage: ktest.pl config-file\n";
$| = 1;
my %opt;
my %repeat_tests;
my %repeats;
my %default;
#default opts
$default{"NUM_TESTS"} = 1;
$default{"REBOOT_TYPE"} = "grub";
$default{"TEST_TYPE"} = "test";
$default{"BUILD_TYPE"} = "randconfig";
$default{"MAKE_CMD"} = "make";
$default{"TIMEOUT"} = 120;
$default{"TMP_DIR"} = "/tmp/ktest";
$default{"SLEEP_TIME"} = 60; # sleep time between tests
$default{"BUILD_NOCLEAN"} = 0;
$default{"REBOOT_ON_ERROR"} = 0;
$default{"POWEROFF_ON_ERROR"} = 0;
$default{"REBOOT_ON_SUCCESS"} = 1;
$default{"POWEROFF_ON_SUCCESS"} = 0;
$default{"BUILD_OPTIONS"} = "";
$default{"BISECT_SLEEP_TIME"} = 60; # sleep time between bisects
$default{"CLEAR_LOG"} = 0;
$default{"SUCCESS_LINE"} = "login:";
$default{"BOOTED_TIMEOUT"} = 1;
$default{"DIE_ON_FAILURE"} = 1;
my $version;
my $machine;
my $tmpdir;
my $builddir;
my $outputdir;
my $test_type;
my $build_type;
my $build_options;
my $reboot_type;
my $reboot_script;
my $power_cycle;
my $reboot_on_error;
my $poweroff_on_error;
my $die_on_failure;
my $powercycle_after_reboot;
my $poweroff_after_halt;
my $power_off;
my $grub_menu;
my $grub_number;
my $target;
my $make;
my $post_install;
my $noclean;
my $minconfig;
my $addconfig;
my $in_bisect = 0;
my $bisect_bad = "";
my $reverse_bisect;
my $in_patchcheck = 0;
my $run_test;
my $redirect;
my $buildlog;
my $dmesg;
my $monitor_fp;
my $monitor_pid;
my $monitor_cnt = 0;
my $sleep_time;
my $bisect_sleep_time;
my $store_failures;
my $timeout;
my $booted_timeout;
my $console;
my $success_line;
my $build_target;
my $target_image;
my $localversion;
my $iteration = 0;
sub set_value {
my ($lvalue, $rvalue) = @_;
if (defined($opt{$lvalue})) {
die "Error: Option $lvalue defined more than once!\n";
$opt{$lvalue} = $rvalue;
sub read_config {
my ($config) = @_;
open(IN, $config) || die "can't read file $config";
my $name = $config;
$name =~ s,.*/(.*),$1,;
my $test_num = 0;
my $default = 1;
my $repeat = 1;
my $num_tests_set = 0;
my $skip = 0;
my $rest;
while (<IN>) {
# ignore blank lines and comments
next if (/^\s*$/ || /\s*\#/);
if (/^\s*TEST_START(.*)/) {
$rest = $1;
if ($num_tests_set) {
die "$name: $.: Can not specify both NUM_TESTS and TEST_START\n";
my $old_test_num = $test_num;
$test_num += $repeat;
$default = 0;
$repeat = 1;
if ($rest =~ /\s+SKIP(.*)/) {
$rest = $1;
$skip = 1;
} else {
$skip = 0;
if ($rest =~ /\s+ITERATE\s+(\d+)(.*)$/) {
$repeat = $1;
$rest = $2;
$repeat_tests{"$test_num"} = $repeat;
if ($rest =~ /\s+SKIP(.*)/) {
$rest = $1;
$skip = 1;
if ($rest !~ /^\s*$/) {
die "$name: $.: Gargbage found after TEST_START\n$_";
if ($skip) {
$test_num = $old_test_num;
$repeat = 1;
} elsif (/^\s*DEFAULTS(.*)$/) {
$default = 1;
$rest = $1;
if ($rest =~ /\s+SKIP(.*)/) {
$rest = $1;
$skip = 1;
} else {
$skip = 0;
if ($rest !~ /^\s*$/) {
die "$name: $.: Gargbage found after DEFAULTS\n$_";
} elsif (/^\s*([A-Z_\[\]\d]+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/) {
next if ($skip);
my $lvalue = $1;
my $rvalue = $2;
if (!$default &&
($lvalue eq "NUM_TESTS" ||
$lvalue eq "LOG_FILE" ||
$lvalue eq "CLEAR_LOG")) {
die "$name: $.: $lvalue must be set in DEFAULTS section\n";
if ($lvalue eq "NUM_TESTS") {
if ($test_num) {
die "$name: $.: Can not specify both NUM_TESTS and TEST_START\n";
if (!$default) {
die "$name: $.: NUM_TESTS must be set in default section\n";
$num_tests_set = 1;
if ($default || $lvalue =~ /\[\d+\]$/) {
set_value($lvalue, $rvalue);
} else {
my $val = "$lvalue\[$test_num\]";
set_value($val, $rvalue);
if ($repeat > 1) {
$repeats{$val} = $repeat;
} else {
die "$name: $.: Garbage found in config\n$_";
if ($test_num) {
$test_num += $repeat - 1;
$opt{"NUM_TESTS"} = $test_num;
# set any defaults
foreach my $default (keys %default) {
if (!defined($opt{$default})) {
$opt{$default} = $default{$default};
sub logit {
if (defined($opt{"LOG_FILE"})) {
open(OUT, ">> $opt{LOG_FILE}") or die "Can't write to $opt{LOG_FILE}";
print OUT @_;
sub doprint {
print @_;
logit @_;
sub run_command;
sub reboot {
# try to reboot normally
if (run_command "ssh $target reboot") {
if (defined($powercycle_after_reboot)) {
sleep $powercycle_after_reboot;
run_command "$power_cycle";
} else {
# nope? power cycle it.
run_command "$power_cycle";
sub do_not_reboot {
my $i = $iteration;
return $test_type eq "build" ||
($test_type eq "patchcheck" && $opt{"PATCHCHECK_TYPE[$i]"} eq "build") ||
($test_type eq "bisect" && $opt{"BISECT_TYPE[$i]"} eq "build");
sub dodie {
doprint "CRITICAL FAILURE... ", @_, "\n";
my $i = $iteration;
if ($reboot_on_error && !do_not_reboot) {
doprint "REBOOTING\n";
} elsif ($poweroff_on_error && defined($power_off)) {
doprint "POWERING OFF\n";
die @_, "\n";
sub open_console {
my ($fp) = @_;
my $flags;
my $pid = open($fp, "$console|") or
dodie "Can't open console $console";
$flags = fcntl($fp, F_GETFL, 0) or
dodie "Can't get flags for the socket: $!";
$flags = fcntl($fp, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK) or
dodie "Can't set flags for the socket: $!";
return $pid;
sub close_console {
my ($fp, $pid) = @_;
doprint "kill child process $pid\n";
kill 2, $pid;
print "closing!\n";
sub start_monitor {
if ($monitor_cnt++) {
$monitor_fp = \*MONFD;
$monitor_pid = open_console $monitor_fp;
open(MONFD, "Stop perl from warning about single use of MONFD");
sub end_monitor {
if (--$monitor_cnt) {
close_console($monitor_fp, $monitor_pid);
sub wait_for_monitor {
my ($time) = @_;
my $line;
doprint "** Wait for monitor to settle down **\n";
# read the monitor and wait for the system to calm down
do {
$line = wait_for_input($monitor_fp, $time);
print "$line" if (defined($line));
} while (defined($line));
print "** Monitor flushed **\n";
sub fail {
if ($die_on_failure) {
dodie @_;
doprint "FAILED\n";
my $i = $iteration;
# no need to reboot for just building.
if (!do_not_reboot) {
doprint "REBOOTING\n";
wait_for_monitor $sleep_time;
doprint "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n";
doprint "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n";
doprint "**** Failed: ", @_, " ****\n";
doprint "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n";
doprint "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n";
return 1 if (!defined($store_failures));
my @t = localtime;
my $date = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
my $dir = "$machine-$test_type-$build_type-fail-$date";
my $faildir = "$store_failures/$dir";
if (!-d $faildir) {
mkpath($faildir) or
die "can't create $faildir";
if (-f "$outputdir/.config") {
cp "$outputdir/.config", "$faildir/config" or
die "failed to copy .config";
if (-f $buildlog) {
cp $buildlog, "$faildir/buildlog" or
die "failed to move $buildlog";
if (-f $dmesg) {
cp $dmesg, "$faildir/dmesg" or
die "failed to move $dmesg";
doprint "*** Saved info to $faildir ***\n";
return 1;
sub run_command {
my ($command) = @_;
my $dolog = 0;
my $dord = 0;
my $pid;
doprint("$command ... ");
$pid = open(CMD, "$command 2>&1 |") or
(fail "unable to exec $command" and return 0);
if (defined($opt{"LOG_FILE"})) {
open(LOG, ">>$opt{LOG_FILE}") or
dodie "failed to write to log";
$dolog = 1;
if (defined($redirect)) {
open (RD, ">$redirect") or
dodie "failed to write to redirect $redirect";
$dord = 1;
while (<CMD>) {
print LOG if ($dolog);
print RD if ($dord);
waitpid($pid, 0);
my $failed = $?;
close(LOG) if ($dolog);
close(RD) if ($dord);
if ($failed) {
doprint "FAILED!\n";
} else {
doprint "SUCCESS\n";
return !$failed;
sub get_grub_index {
if ($reboot_type ne "grub") {
return if (defined($grub_number));
doprint "Find grub menu ... ";
$grub_number = -1;
open(IN, "ssh $target cat /boot/grub/menu.lst |")
or die "unable to get menu.lst";
while (<IN>) {
if (/^\s*title\s+$grub_menu\s*$/) {
} elsif (/^\s*title\s/) {
die "Could not find '$grub_menu' in /boot/grub/menu on $machine"
if ($grub_number < 0);
doprint "$grub_number\n";
sub wait_for_input
my ($fp, $time) = @_;
my $rin;
my $ready;
my $line;
my $ch;
if (!defined($time)) {
$time = $timeout;
$rin = '';
vec($rin, fileno($fp), 1) = 1;
$ready = select($rin, undef, undef, $time);
$line = "";
# try to read one char at a time
while (sysread $fp, $ch, 1) {
$line .= $ch;
last if ($ch eq "\n");
if (!length($line)) {
return undef;
return $line;
sub reboot_to {
if ($reboot_type eq "grub") {
run_command "ssh $target '(echo \"savedefault --default=$grub_number --once\" | grub --batch; reboot)'";
run_command "$reboot_script";
sub get_sha1 {
my ($commit) = @_;
doprint "git rev-list --max-count=1 $commit ... ";
my $sha1 = `git rev-list --max-count=1 $commit`;
my $ret = $?;
logit $sha1;
if ($ret) {
doprint "FAILED\n";
dodie "Failed to get git $commit";
print "SUCCESS\n";
chomp $sha1;
return $sha1;
sub monitor {
my $booted = 0;
my $bug = 0;
my $skip_call_trace = 0;
my $loops;
wait_for_monitor 5;
my $line;
my $full_line = "";
open(DMESG, "> $dmesg") or
die "unable to write to $dmesg";
for (;;) {
if ($booted) {
$line = wait_for_input($monitor_fp, $booted_timeout);
} else {
$line = wait_for_input($monitor_fp);
last if (!defined($line));
doprint $line;
print DMESG $line;
# we are not guaranteed to get a full line
$full_line .= $line;
if ($full_line =~ /$success_line/) {
$booted = 1;
if ($full_line =~ /\[ backtrace testing \]/) {
$skip_call_trace = 1;
if ($full_line =~ /call trace:/i) {
$bug = 1 if (!$skip_call_trace);
if ($full_line =~ /\[ end of backtrace testing \]/) {
$skip_call_trace = 0;
if ($full_line =~ /Kernel panic -/) {
$bug = 1;
if ($line =~ /\n/) {
$full_line = "";
if ($bug) {
return 0 if ($in_bisect);
fail "failed - got a bug report" and return 0;
if (!$booted) {
return 0 if ($in_bisect);
fail "failed - never got a boot prompt." and return 0;
return 1;
sub install {
run_command "scp $outputdir/$build_target $target:$target_image" or
dodie "failed to copy image";
my $install_mods = 0;
# should we process modules?
$install_mods = 0;
open(IN, "$outputdir/.config") or dodie("Can't read config file");
while (<IN>) {
if (/CONFIG_MODULES(=y)?/) {
$install_mods = 1 if (defined($1));
if (!$install_mods) {
doprint "No modules needed\n";
run_command "$make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$tmpdir modules_install" or
dodie "Failed to install modules";
my $modlib = "/lib/modules/$version";
my $modtar = "ktest-mods.tar.bz2";
run_command "ssh $target rm -rf $modlib" or
dodie "failed to remove old mods: $modlib";
# would be nice if scp -r did not follow symbolic links
run_command "cd $tmpdir && tar -cjf $modtar lib/modules/$version" or
dodie "making tarball";
run_command "scp $tmpdir/$modtar $target:/tmp" or
dodie "failed to copy modules";
unlink "$tmpdir/$modtar";
run_command "ssh $target '(cd / && tar xf /tmp/$modtar)'" or
dodie "failed to tar modules";
run_command "ssh $target rm -f /tmp/$modtar";
return if (!defined($post_install));
my $save_env = $ENV{KERNEL_VERSION};
$ENV{KERNEL_VERSION} = $version;
run_command "$post_install" or
dodie "Failed to run post install";
$ENV{KERNEL_VERSION} = $save_env;
sub check_buildlog {
my ($patch) = @_;
my @files = `git show $patch | diffstat -l`;
open(IN, "git show $patch |") or
dodie "failed to show $patch";
while (<IN>) {
if (m,^--- a/(.*),) {
chomp $1;
$files[$#files] = $1;
open(IN, $buildlog) or dodie "Can't open $buildlog";
while (<IN>) {
if (/^\s*(.*?):.*(warning|error)/) {
my $err = $1;
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $fullpath = "$builddir/$file";
if ($file eq $err || $fullpath eq $err) {
fail "$file built with warnings" and return 0;
return 1;
sub build {
my ($type) = @_;
my $defconfig = "";
my $append = "";
unlink $buildlog;
if ($type =~ /^useconfig:(.*)/) {
run_command "cp $1 $outputdir/.config" or
dodie "could not copy $1 to .config";
$type = "oldconfig";
# old config can ask questions
if ($type eq "oldconfig") {
$append = "yes ''|";
# allow for empty configs
run_command "touch $outputdir/.config";
run_command "mv $outputdir/.config $outputdir/config_temp" or
dodie "moving .config";
if (!$noclean && !run_command "$make mrproper") {
dodie "make mrproper";
run_command "mv $outputdir/config_temp $outputdir/.config" or
dodie "moving config_temp";
} elsif (!$noclean) {
unlink "$outputdir/.config";
run_command "$make mrproper" or
dodie "make mrproper";
# add something to distinguish this build
open(OUT, "> $outputdir/localversion") or dodie("Can't make localversion file");
print OUT "$localversion\n";
if (defined($minconfig)) {
$defconfig = "KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG=$minconfig";
run_command "$append $defconfig $make $type" or
dodie "failed make config";
$redirect = "$buildlog";
if (!run_command "$make $build_options") {
undef $redirect;
# bisect may need this to pass
return 0 if ($in_bisect);
fail "failed build" and return 0;
undef $redirect;
return 1;
sub halt {
if (!run_command "ssh $target halt" or defined($power_off)) {
if (defined($poweroff_after_halt)) {
sleep $poweroff_after_halt;
run_command "$power_off";
} else {
# nope? the zap it!
run_command "$power_off";
sub success {
my ($i) = @_;
doprint "\n\n*******************************************\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
doprint "** TEST $i SUCCESS!!!! **\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
doprint "*******************************************\n";
if ($i != $opt{"NUM_TESTS"} && !do_not_reboot) {
doprint "Reboot and wait $sleep_time seconds\n";
wait_for_monitor $sleep_time;
sub get_version {
# get the release name
doprint "$make kernelrelease ... ";
$version = `$make kernelrelease | tail -1`;
doprint "$version\n";
sub child_run_test {
my $failed = 0;
# child should have no power
$reboot_on_error = 0;
$poweroff_on_error = 0;
$die_on_failure = 1;
run_command $run_test or $failed = 1;
exit $failed;
my $child_done;
sub child_finished {
$child_done = 1;
sub do_run_test {
my $child_pid;
my $child_exit;
my $line;
my $full_line;
my $bug = 0;
wait_for_monitor 1;
doprint "run test $run_test\n";
$child_done = 0;
$SIG{CHLD} = qw(child_finished);
$child_pid = fork;
child_run_test if (!$child_pid);
$full_line = "";
do {
$line = wait_for_input($monitor_fp, 1);
if (defined($line)) {
# we are not guaranteed to get a full line
$full_line .= $line;
if ($full_line =~ /call trace:/i) {
$bug = 1;
if ($full_line =~ /Kernel panic -/) {
$bug = 1;
if ($line =~ /\n/) {
$full_line = "";
} while (!$child_done && !$bug);
if ($bug) {
doprint "Detected kernel crash!\n";
# kill the child with extreme prejudice
kill 9, $child_pid;
waitpid $child_pid, 0;
$child_exit = $?;
if ($bug || $child_exit) {
return 0 if $in_bisect;
fail "test failed" and return 0;
return 1;
sub run_git_bisect {
my ($command) = @_;
doprint "$command ... ";
my $output = `$command 2>&1`;
my $ret = $?;
logit $output;
if ($ret) {
doprint "FAILED\n";
dodie "Failed to git bisect";
doprint "SUCCESS\n";
if ($output =~ m/^(Bisecting: .*\(roughly \d+ steps?\))\s+\[([[:xdigit:]]+)\]/) {
doprint "$1 [$2]\n";
} elsif ($output =~ m/^([[:xdigit:]]+) is the first bad commit/) {
$bisect_bad = $1;
doprint "Found bad commit... $1\n";
return 0;
} else {
# we already logged it, just print it now.
print $output;
return 1;
sub run_bisect {
my ($type) = @_;
my $failed = 0;
my $result;
my $output;
my $ret;
if (defined($minconfig)) {
build "useconfig:$minconfig" or $failed = 1;
} else {
# ?? no config to use?
build "oldconfig" or $failed = 1;
if ($type ne "build") {
dodie "Failed on build" if $failed;
# Now boot the box
monitor or $failed = 1;
if ($type ne "boot") {
dodie "Failed on boot" if $failed;
do_run_test or $failed = 1;
if ($failed) {
$result = "bad";
# reboot the box to a good kernel
if ($type ne "build") {
doprint "Reboot and sleep $bisect_sleep_time seconds\n";
wait_for_monitor $bisect_sleep_time;
} else {
$result = "good";
# Are we looking for where it worked, not failed?
if ($reverse_bisect) {
if ($failed) {
$result = "good";
} else {
$result = "bad";
return $result;
sub bisect {
my ($i) = @_;
my $result;
die "BISECT_GOOD[$i] not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"BISECT_GOOD[$i]"}));
die "BISECT_BAD[$i] not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"BISECT_BAD[$i]"}));
die "BISECT_TYPE[$i] not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"BISECT_TYPE[$i]"}));
my $good = $opt{"BISECT_GOOD[$i]"};
my $bad = $opt{"BISECT_BAD[$i]"};
my $type = $opt{"BISECT_TYPE[$i]"};
my $start = $opt{"BISECT_START[$i]"};
my $replay = $opt{"BISECT_REPLAY[$i]"};
# convert to true sha1's
$good = get_sha1($good);
$bad = get_sha1($bad);
if (defined($opt{"BISECT_REVERSE[$i]"}) &&
$opt{"BISECT_REVERSE[$i]"} == 1) {
doprint "Performing a reverse bisect (bad is good, good is bad!)\n";
$reverse_bisect = 1;
} else {
$reverse_bisect = 0;
$in_bisect = 1;
# Can't have a test without having a test to run
if ($type eq "test" && !defined($run_test)) {
$type = "boot";
my $check = $opt{"BISECT_CHECK[$i]"};
if (defined($check) && $check ne "0") {
# get current HEAD
my $head = get_sha1("HEAD");
if ($check ne "good") {
doprint "TESTING BISECT BAD [$bad]\n";
run_command "git checkout $bad" or
die "Failed to checkout $bad";
$result = run_bisect $type;
if ($result ne "bad") {
fail "Tested BISECT_BAD [$bad] and it succeeded" and return 0;
if ($check ne "bad") {
doprint "TESTING BISECT GOOD [$good]\n";
run_command "git checkout $good" or
die "Failed to checkout $good";
$result = run_bisect $type;
if ($result ne "good") {
fail "Tested BISECT_GOOD [$good] and it failed" and return 0;
# checkout where we started
run_command "git checkout $head" or
die "Failed to checkout $head";
run_command "git bisect start" or
dodie "could not start bisect";
run_command "git bisect good $good" or
dodie "could not set bisect good to $good";
run_git_bisect "git bisect bad $bad" or
dodie "could not set bisect bad to $bad";
if (defined($replay)) {
run_command "git bisect replay $replay" or
dodie "failed to run replay";
if (defined($start)) {
run_command "git checkout $start" or
dodie "failed to checkout $start";
my $test;
do {
$result = run_bisect $type;
$test = run_git_bisect "git bisect $result";
} while ($test);
run_command "git bisect log" or
dodie "could not capture git bisect log";
run_command "git bisect reset" or
dodie "could not reset git bisect";
doprint "Bad commit was [$bisect_bad]\n";
$in_bisect = 0;
success $i;
sub patchcheck {
my ($i) = @_;
die "PATCHCHECK_START[$i] not defined\n"
if (!defined($opt{"PATCHCHECK_START[$i]"}));
die "PATCHCHECK_TYPE[$i] not defined\n"
if (!defined($opt{"PATCHCHECK_TYPE[$i]"}));
my $start = $opt{"PATCHCHECK_START[$i]"};
my $end = "HEAD";
if (defined($opt{"PATCHCHECK_END[$i]"})) {
$end = $opt{"PATCHCHECK_END[$i]"};
# Get the true sha1's since we can use things like HEAD~3
$start = get_sha1($start);
$end = get_sha1($end);
my $type = $opt{"PATCHCHECK_TYPE[$i]"};
# Can't have a test without having a test to run
if ($type eq "test" && !defined($run_test)) {
$type = "boot";
open (IN, "git log --pretty=oneline $end|") or
dodie "could not get git list";
my @list;
while (<IN>) {
$list[$#list+1] = $_;
last if (/^$start/);
if ($list[$#list] !~ /^$start/) {
fail "SHA1 $start not found";
# go backwards in the list
@list = reverse @list;
my $save_clean = $noclean;
$in_patchcheck = 1;
foreach my $item (@list) {
my $sha1 = $item;
$sha1 =~ s/^([[:xdigit:]]+).*/$1/;
doprint "\nProcessing commit $item\n\n";
run_command "git checkout $sha1" or
die "Failed to checkout $sha1";
# only clean on the first and last patch
if ($item eq $list[0] ||
$item eq $list[$#list]) {
$noclean = $save_clean;
} else {
$noclean = 1;
if (defined($minconfig)) {
build "useconfig:$minconfig" or return 0;
} else {
# ?? no config to use?
build "oldconfig" or return 0;
check_buildlog $sha1 or return 0;
next if ($type eq "build");
my $failed = 0;
monitor or $failed = 1;
if (!$failed && $type ne "boot"){
do_run_test or $failed = 1;
return 0 if ($failed);
$in_patchcheck = 0;
success $i;
return 1;
read_config $ARGV[0];
# mandatory configs
die "MACHINE not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"MACHINE"}));
die "SSH_USER not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"SSH_USER"}));
die "BUILD_DIR not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"BUILD_DIR"}));
die "OUTPUT_DIR not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"OUTPUT_DIR"}));
die "BUILD_TARGET not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"BUILD_TARGET"}));
die "TARGET_IMAGE not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"TARGET_IMAGE"}));
die "POWER_CYCLE not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"POWER_CYCLE"}));
die "CONSOLE not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"CONSOLE"}));
die "LOCALVERSION not defined\n" if (!defined($opt{"LOCALVERSION"}));
if ($opt{"CLEAR_LOG"} && defined($opt{"LOG_FILE"})) {
unlink $opt{"LOG_FILE"};
for (my $i = 0, my $repeat = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i += $repeat) {
if (!$i) {
doprint "DEFAULT OPTIONS:\n";
} else {
doprint "\nTEST $i OPTIONS";
if (defined($repeat_tests{$i})) {
$repeat = $repeat_tests{$i};
doprint " ITERATE $repeat";
doprint "\n";
foreach my $option (sort keys %opt) {
if ($option =~ /\[(\d+)\]$/) {
next if ($i != $1);
} else {
next if ($i);
doprint "$option = $opt{$option}\n";
sub set_test_option {
my ($name, $i) = @_;
my $option = "$name\[$i\]";
if (defined($opt{$option})) {
return $opt{$option};
foreach my $test (keys %repeat_tests) {
if ($i >= $test &&
$i < $test + $repeat_tests{$test}) {
$option = "$name\[$test\]";
if (defined($opt{$option})) {
return $opt{$option};
if (defined($opt{$name})) {
return $opt{$name};
return undef;
# First we need to do is the builds
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i++) {
$iteration = $i;
my $ssh_user = set_test_option("SSH_USER", $i);
my $makecmd = set_test_option("MAKE_CMD", $i);
$machine = set_test_option("MACHINE", $i);
$tmpdir = set_test_option("TMP_DIR", $i);
$outputdir = set_test_option("OUTPUT_DIR", $i);
$builddir = set_test_option("BUILD_DIR", $i);
$test_type = set_test_option("TEST_TYPE", $i);
$build_type = set_test_option("BUILD_TYPE", $i);
$build_options = set_test_option("BUILD_OPTIONS", $i);
$power_cycle = set_test_option("POWER_CYCLE", $i);
$noclean = set_test_option("BUILD_NOCLEAN", $i);
$minconfig = set_test_option("MIN_CONFIG", $i);
$run_test = set_test_option("TEST", $i);
$addconfig = set_test_option("ADD_CONFIG", $i);
$reboot_type = set_test_option("REBOOT_TYPE", $i);
$grub_menu = set_test_option("GRUB_MENU", $i);
$post_install = set_test_option("POST_INSTALL", $i);
$reboot_script = set_test_option("REBOOT_SCRIPT", $i);
$reboot_on_error = set_test_option("REBOOT_ON_ERROR", $i);
$poweroff_on_error = set_test_option("POWEROFF_ON_ERROR", $i);
$die_on_failure = set_test_option("DIE_ON_FAILURE", $i);
$power_off = set_test_option("POWER_OFF", $i);
$powercycle_after_reboot = set_test_option("POWERCYCLE_AFTER_REBOOT", $i);
$poweroff_after_halt = set_test_option("POWEROFF_AFTER_HALT", $i);
$sleep_time = set_test_option("SLEEP_TIME", $i);
$bisect_sleep_time = set_test_option("BISECT_SLEEP_TIME", $i);
$store_failures = set_test_option("STORE_FAILURES", $i);
$timeout = set_test_option("TIMEOUT", $i);
$booted_timeout = set_test_option("BOOTED_TIMEOUT", $i);
$console = set_test_option("CONSOLE", $i);
$success_line = set_test_option("SUCCESS_LINE", $i);
$build_target = set_test_option("BUILD_TARGET", $i);
$target_image = set_test_option("TARGET_IMAGE", $i);
$localversion = set_test_option("LOCALVERSION", $i);
chdir $builddir || die "can't change directory to $builddir";
if (!-d $tmpdir) {
mkpath($tmpdir) or
die "can't create $tmpdir";
$target = "$ssh_user\@$machine";
$buildlog = "$tmpdir/buildlog-$machine";
$dmesg = "$tmpdir/dmesg-$machine";
$make = "$makecmd O=$outputdir";
if ($reboot_type eq "grub") {
dodie "GRUB_MENU not defined" if (!defined($grub_menu));
} elsif (!defined($reboot_script)) {
dodie "REBOOT_SCRIPT not defined"
my $run_type = $build_type;
if ($test_type eq "patchcheck") {
$run_type = $opt{"PATCHCHECK_TYPE[$i]"};
} elsif ($test_type eq "bisect") {
$run_type = $opt{"BISECT_TYPE[$i]"};
# mistake in config file?
if (!defined($run_type)) {
$run_type = "ERROR";
doprint "\n\n";
doprint "RUNNING TEST $i of $opt{NUM_TESTS} with option $test_type $run_type\n\n";
unlink $dmesg;
unlink $buildlog;
if (!defined($minconfig)) {
$minconfig = $addconfig;
} elsif (defined($addconfig)) {
run_command "cat $addconfig $minconfig > $tmpdir/use_config" or
dodie "Failed to create temp config";
$minconfig = "$tmpdir/use_config";
my $checkout = $opt{"CHECKOUT[$i]"};
if (defined($checkout)) {
run_command "git checkout $checkout" or
die "failed to checkout $checkout";
if ($test_type eq "bisect") {
bisect $i;
} elsif ($test_type eq "patchcheck") {
patchcheck $i;
if ($build_type ne "nobuild") {
build $build_type or next;
if ($test_type ne "build") {
my $failed = 0;
monitor or $failed = 1;;
if (!$failed && $test_type ne "boot" && defined($run_test)) {
do_run_test or $failed = 1;
next if ($failed);
success $i;
if ($opt{"POWEROFF_ON_SUCCESS"}) {
} elsif ($opt{"REBOOT_ON_SUCCESS"} && !do_not_reboot) {
exit 0;