This patch makes a number of simplifications enabled by the removal of CHOOSE_MODE. There were lots of functions that looked like int foo(args){ foo_skas(args); } The bodies of foo_skas are now folded into foo, and their declarations (and sometimes entire header files) are deleted. In addition, the union uml_pt_regs, which was a union between the tt and skas register formats, is now a struct, with the tt-mode arm of the union being removed. It turns out that usr2_handler was unused, so it is gone. Signed-off-by: Jeff Dike <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <> Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
9 lines
228 B
9 lines
228 B
#ifndef __TASK_H
#define __TASK_H
#include <kern_constants.h>
#define TASK_REGS(task) ((struct uml_pt_regs *) &(((char *) (task))[HOST_TASK_REGS]))
#define TASK_PID(task) *((int *) &(((char *) (task))[HOST_TASK_PID]))