diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/exceptions-64s.S b/arch/powerpc/kernel/exceptions-64s.S
index 274a86d001c7..8a0292dbb5fc 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/exceptions-64s.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/exceptions-64s.S
@@ -439,9 +439,9 @@ BEGIN_FTR_SECTION
 	 * R9		= CR
 	 * Original R9 to R13 is saved on PACA_EXMC
-	 * Switch to mc_emergency stack and handle re-entrancy (though we
-	 * currently don't test for overflow). Save MCE registers srr1,
-	 * srr0, dar and dsisr and then set ME=1
+	 * Switch to mc_emergency stack and handle re-entrancy (we limit
+	 * the nested MCE upto level 4 to avoid stack overflow).
+	 * Save MCE registers srr1, srr0, dar and dsisr and then set ME=1
 	 * We use paca->in_mce to check whether this is the first entry or
 	 * nested machine check. We increment paca->in_mce to track nested
@@ -464,6 +464,9 @@ BEGIN_FTR_SECTION
 0:	subi	r1,r1,INT_FRAME_SIZE	/* alloc stack frame */
 	addi	r10,r10,1		/* increment paca->in_mce */
 	sth	r10,PACA_IN_MCE(r13)
+	/* Limit nested MCE to level 4 to avoid stack overflow */
+	cmpwi	r10,4
+	bgt	2f			/* Check if we hit limit of 4 */
 	std	r11,GPR1(r1)		/* Save r1 on the stack. */
 	std	r11,0(r1)		/* make stack chain pointer */
 	mfspr	r11,SPRN_SRR0		/* Save SRR0 */
@@ -482,10 +485,23 @@ BEGIN_FTR_SECTION
 	ori	r11,r11,MSR_RI		/* turn on RI bit */
 	ld	r12,PACAKBASE(r13)	/* get high part of &label */
 	LOAD_HANDLER(r12, machine_check_handle_early)
-	mtspr	SPRN_SRR0,r12
+1:	mtspr	SPRN_SRR0,r12
 	mtspr	SPRN_SRR1,r11
 	b	.	/* prevent speculative execution */
+	/* Stack overflow. Stay on emergency stack and panic.
+	 * Keep the ME bit off while panic-ing, so that if we hit
+	 * another machine check we checkstop.
+	 */
+	addi	r1,r1,INT_FRAME_SIZE	/* go back to previous stack frame */
+	ld	r11,PACAKMSR(r13)
+	ld	r12,PACAKBASE(r13)
+	LOAD_HANDLER(r12, unrecover_mce)
+	li	r10,MSR_ME
+	andc	r11,r11,r10		/* Turn off MSR_ME */
+	b	1b
+	b	.	/* prevent speculative execution */