Merge with ../linux-2.6-smp
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 197 additions and 130 deletions
@ -23,49 +23,92 @@
#include "entry-header.S"
* Interrupt handling. Preserves r7, r8, r9
.macro irq_handler
1: get_irqnr_and_base r0, r6, r5, lr
movne r1, sp
@ routine called with r0 = irq number, r1 = struct pt_regs *
adrne lr, 1b
bne asm_do_IRQ
* this macro assumes that irqstat (r6) and base (r5) are
* preserved from get_irqnr_and_base above
test_for_ipi r0, r6, r5, lr
movne r0, sp
adrne lr, 1b
bne do_IPI
* Invalid mode handlers
.macro inv_entry, sym, reason
sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE @ Allocate frame size in one go
stmia sp, {r0 - lr} @ Save XXX r0 - lr
ldr r4, .LC\sym
.macro inv_entry, reason
sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE
stmib sp, {r1 - lr}
mov r1, #\reason
inv_entry abt, BAD_PREFETCH
b 1f
inv_entry BAD_PREFETCH
b common_invalid
inv_entry abt, BAD_DATA
b 1f
inv_entry BAD_DATA
b common_invalid
inv_entry irq, BAD_IRQ
b 1f
inv_entry BAD_IRQ
b common_invalid
inv_entry und, BAD_UNDEFINSTR
@ XXX fall through to common_invalid
@ common_invalid - generic code for failed exception (re-entrant version of handlers)
ldmia r0, {r4 - r6}
add r0, sp, #S_PC @ here for interlock avoidance
mov r7, #-1 @ "" "" "" ""
str r4, [sp] @ save preserved r0
stmia r0, {r5 - r7} @ lr_<exception>,
@ cpsr_<exception>, "old_r0"
1: zero_fp
ldmia r4, {r5 - r7} @ Get XXX pc, cpsr, old_r0
add r4, sp, #S_PC
stmia r4, {r5 - r7} @ Save XXX pc, cpsr, old_r0
mov r0, sp
and r2, r6, #31 @ int mode
and r2, r6, #0x1f
b bad_mode
* SVC mode handlers
.macro svc_entry, sym
.macro svc_entry
sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE
stmia sp, {r0 - r12} @ save r0 - r12
ldr r2, .LC\sym
add r0, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE
ldmia r2, {r2 - r4} @ get pc, cpsr
add r5, sp, #S_SP
stmib sp, {r1 - r12}
ldmia r0, {r1 - r3}
add r5, sp, #S_SP @ here for interlock avoidance
mov r4, #-1 @ "" "" "" ""
add r0, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE @ "" "" "" ""
str r1, [sp] @ save the "real" r0 copied
@ from the exception stack
mov r1, lr
@ -82,7 +125,7 @@ __und_invalid:
.align 5
svc_entry abt
@ get ready to re-enable interrupts if appropriate
@ -129,28 +172,24 @@ __dabt_svc:
.align 5
svc_entry irq
get_thread_info r8
ldr r9, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT] @ get preempt count
add r7, r9, #1 @ increment it
str r7, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT]
get_thread_info tsk
ldr r8, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT] @ get preempt count
add r7, r8, #1 @ increment it
str r7, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT]
1: get_irqnr_and_base r0, r6, r5, lr
movne r1, sp
@ routine called with r0 = irq number, r1 = struct pt_regs *
adrne lr, 1b
bne asm_do_IRQ
ldr r0, [r8, #TI_FLAGS] @ get flags
ldr r0, [tsk, #TI_FLAGS] @ get flags
blne svc_preempt
ldr r0, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT] @ read preempt value
ldr r0, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT] @ read preempt value
str r8, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT] @ restore preempt count
teq r0, r7
str r9, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT] @ restore preempt count
strne r0, [r0, -r0] @ bug()
ldr r0, [sp, #S_PSR] @ irqs are already disabled
@ -161,7 +200,7 @@ preempt_return:
teq r9, #0 @ was preempt count = 0
teq r8, #0 @ was preempt count = 0
ldreq r6, .LCirq_stat
movne pc, lr @ no
ldr r0, [r6, #4] @ local_irq_count
@ -169,9 +208,9 @@ svc_preempt:
adds r0, r0, r1
movne pc, lr
mov r7, #0 @ preempt_schedule_irq
str r7, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT] @ expects preempt_count == 0
str r7, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT] @ expects preempt_count == 0
1: bl preempt_schedule_irq @ irq en/disable is done inside
ldr r0, [r8, #TI_FLAGS] @ get new tasks TI_FLAGS
ldr r0, [tsk, #TI_FLAGS] @ get new tasks TI_FLAGS
beq preempt_return @ go again
b 1b
@ -179,7 +218,7 @@ svc_preempt:
.align 5
svc_entry und
@ call emulation code, which returns using r9 if it has emulated
@ -209,7 +248,7 @@ __und_svc:
.align 5
svc_entry abt
@ re-enable interrupts if appropriate
@ -242,12 +281,8 @@ __pabt_svc:
ldmia sp, {r0 - pc}^ @ load r0 - pc, cpsr
.align 5
.word __temp_irq
.word __temp_und
.word __temp_abt
.word cr_alignment
.word processor
@ -262,12 +297,16 @@ __pabt_svc:
* User mode handlers
.macro usr_entry, sym
sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE @ Allocate frame size in one go
stmia sp, {r0 - r12} @ save r0 - r12
ldr r7, .LC\sym
add r5, sp, #S_PC
ldmia r7, {r2 - r4} @ Get USR pc, cpsr
.macro usr_entry
sub sp, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE
stmib sp, {r1 - r12}
ldmia r0, {r1 - r3}
add r0, sp, #S_PC @ here for interlock avoidance
mov r4, #-1 @ "" "" "" ""
str r1, [sp] @ save the "real" r0 copied
@ from the exception stack
@ make sure our user space atomic helper is aborted
@ -284,13 +323,13 @@ __pabt_svc:
@ Also, separately save sp_usr and lr_usr
stmia r5, {r2 - r4}
stmdb r5, {sp, lr}^
stmia r0, {r2 - r4}
stmdb r0, {sp, lr}^
@ Enable the alignment trap while in kernel mode
alignment_trap r7, r0, __temp_\sym
alignment_trap r0
@ Clear FP to mark the first stack frame
@ -300,7 +339,7 @@ __pabt_svc:
.align 5
usr_entry abt
@ Call the processor-specific abort handler:
@ -329,30 +368,23 @@ __dabt_usr:
.align 5
usr_entry irq
get_thread_info r8
ldr r9, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT] @ get preempt count
add r7, r9, #1 @ increment it
str r7, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT]
1: get_irqnr_and_base r0, r6, r5, lr
movne r1, sp
adrne lr, 1b
@ routine called with r0 = irq number, r1 = struct pt_regs *
bne asm_do_IRQ
ldr r0, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT]
teq r0, r7
str r9, [r8, #TI_PREEMPT]
strne r0, [r0, -r0]
mov tsk, r8
get_thread_info tsk
ldr r8, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT] @ get preempt count
add r7, r8, #1 @ increment it
str r7, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT]
ldr r0, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT]
str r8, [tsk, #TI_PREEMPT]
teq r0, r7
strne r0, [r0, -r0]
mov why, #0
b ret_to_user
@ -360,7 +392,7 @@ __irq_usr:
.align 5
usr_entry und
tst r3, #PSR_T_BIT @ Thumb mode?
bne fpundefinstr @ ignore FP
@ -476,7 +508,7 @@ fpundefinstr:
.align 5
usr_entry abt
enable_irq @ Enable interrupts
mov r0, r2 @ address (pc)
@ -741,29 +773,41 @@ __kuser_helper_end:
* Common stub entry macro:
* Enter in IRQ mode, spsr = SVC/USR CPSR, lr = SVC/USR PC
* SP points to a minimal amount of processor-private memory, the address
* of which is copied into r0 for the mode specific abort handler.
.macro vector_stub, name, sym, correction=0
.macro vector_stub, name, correction=0
.align 5
ldr r13, .LCs\sym
.if \correction
sub lr, lr, #\correction
str lr, [r13] @ save lr_IRQ
mrs lr, spsr
str lr, [r13, #4] @ save spsr_IRQ
@ now branch to the relevant MODE handling routine
mrs r13, cpsr
bic r13, r13, #MODE_MASK
orr r13, r13, #SVC_MODE
msr spsr_cxsf, r13 @ switch to SVC_32 mode
and lr, lr, #15
@ Save r0, lr_<exception> (parent PC) and spsr_<exception>
@ (parent CPSR)
stmia sp, {r0, lr} @ save r0, lr
mrs lr, spsr
str lr, [sp, #8] @ save spsr
@ Prepare for SVC32 mode. IRQs remain disabled.
mrs r0, cpsr
bic r0, r0, #MODE_MASK
orr r0, r0, #SVC_MODE
msr spsr_cxsf, r0
@ the branch table must immediately follow this code
mov r0, sp
and lr, lr, #0x0f
ldr lr, [pc, lr, lsl #2]
movs pc, lr @ Changes mode and branches
movs pc, lr @ branch to handler in SVC mode
.globl __stubs_start
@ -771,7 +815,7 @@ __stubs_start:
* Interrupt dispatcher
vector_stub irq, irq, 4
vector_stub irq, 4
.long __irq_usr @ 0 (USR_26 / USR_32)
.long __irq_invalid @ 1 (FIQ_26 / FIQ_32)
@ -794,7 +838,7 @@ __stubs_start:
* Data abort dispatcher
* Enter in ABT mode, spsr = USR CPSR, lr = USR PC
vector_stub dabt, abt, 8
vector_stub dabt, 8
.long __dabt_usr @ 0 (USR_26 / USR_32)
.long __dabt_invalid @ 1 (FIQ_26 / FIQ_32)
@ -817,7 +861,7 @@ __stubs_start:
* Prefetch abort dispatcher
* Enter in ABT mode, spsr = USR CPSR, lr = USR PC
vector_stub pabt, abt, 4
vector_stub pabt, 4
.long __pabt_usr @ 0 (USR_26 / USR_32)
.long __pabt_invalid @ 1 (FIQ_26 / FIQ_32)
@ -840,7 +884,7 @@ __stubs_start:
* Undef instr entry dispatcher
* Enter in UND mode, spsr = SVC/USR CPSR, lr = SVC/USR PC
vector_stub und, und
vector_stub und
.long __und_usr @ 0 (USR_26 / USR_32)
.long __und_invalid @ 1 (FIQ_26 / FIQ_32)
@ -894,13 +938,6 @@ vector_addrexcptn:
.word vector_swi
.word __temp_irq
.word __temp_und
.word __temp_abt
.globl __stubs_end
@ -922,23 +959,6 @@ __vectors_end:
* Do not reorder these, and do not insert extra data between...
.word 0 @ saved lr_irq
.word 0 @ saved spsr_irq
.word -1 @ old_r0
.word 0 @ Saved lr_und
.word 0 @ Saved spsr_und
.word -1 @ old_r0
.word 0 @ Saved lr_abt
.word 0 @ Saved spsr_abt
.word -1 @ old_r0
.globl cr_alignment
.globl cr_no_alignment
@ -59,11 +59,10 @@
mov \rd, \rd, lsl #13
.macro alignment_trap, rbase, rtemp, sym
.macro alignment_trap, rtemp
#define OFF_CR_ALIGNMENT(x) cr_alignment - x
ldr \rtemp, [\rbase, #OFF_CR_ALIGNMENT(\sym)]
ldr \rtemp, .LCcralign
ldr \rtemp, [\rtemp]
mcr p15, 0, \rtemp, c1, c0
@ -92,6 +92,14 @@ struct cpu_user_fns cpu_user;
struct cpu_cache_fns cpu_cache;
struct stack {
u32 irq[3];
u32 abt[3];
u32 und[3];
} ____cacheline_aligned;
static struct stack stacks[NR_CPUS];
char elf_platform[ELF_PLATFORM_SIZE];
@ -307,8 +315,6 @@ static void __init setup_processor(void)
cpu_name, processor_id, (int)processor_id & 15,
sprintf(system_utsname.machine, "%s%c", list->arch_name, ENDIANNESS);
sprintf(elf_platform, "%s%c", list->elf_name, ENDIANNESS);
elf_hwcap = list->elf_hwcap;
@ -316,6 +322,46 @@ static void __init setup_processor(void)
* cpu_init - initialise one CPU.
* cpu_init dumps the cache information, initialises SMP specific
* information, and sets up the per-CPU stacks.
void __init cpu_init(void)
unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id();
struct stack *stk = &stacks[cpu];
if (cpu >= NR_CPUS) {
printk(KERN_CRIT "CPU%u: bad primary CPU number\n", cpu);
* setup stacks for re-entrant exception handlers
__asm__ (
"msr cpsr_c, %1\n\t"
"add sp, %0, %2\n\t"
"msr cpsr_c, %3\n\t"
"add sp, %0, %4\n\t"
"msr cpsr_c, %5\n\t"
"add sp, %0, %6\n\t"
"msr cpsr_c, %7"
: "r" (stk),
"I" (offsetof(struct stack, irq[0])),
"I" (offsetof(struct stack, abt[0])),
"I" (offsetof(struct stack, und[0])),
static struct machine_desc * __init setup_machine(unsigned int nr)
struct machine_desc *list;
@ -715,6 +761,8 @@ void __init setup_arch(char **cmdline_p)
paging_init(&meminfo, mdesc);
request_standard_resources(&meminfo, mdesc);
* Set up various architecture-specific pointers
Add table
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