Staging: udlfb: improved rendering performance
Rework rendering for improved performance Approx 10-20% gain avg across several "benchmarks": x11perf, gtkperf, glxgears Moves from a single pre-alloc'd urb protected by a long-held mutex To a list of (4) pre-alloc'd urbs which can be dispatched asynchonously Improved rendering algorithm to hardware with lower CPU consumption, fewer system memory accesses, and slightly higher compression. Better scalability to multiple processors, especially with multiple framebuffers active. Signed-off-by: Bernie Thompson <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 327 additions and 566 deletions
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#include <linux/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
#include "udlfb.h"
@ -88,12 +87,14 @@ static char *dlfb_vidreg_unlock(char *buf)
* Once you send this command, the DisplayLink framebuffer gets driven to the
* display.
* On/Off for driving the DisplayLink framebuffer to the display
static char *dlfb_enable_hvsync(char *buf)
static char *dlfb_enable_hvsync(char *buf, bool enable)
return dlfb_set_register(buf, 0x1F, 0x00);
if (enable)
return dlfb_set_register(buf, 0x1F, 0x00);
return dlfb_set_register(buf, 0x1F, 0x01);
static char *dlfb_set_color_depth(char *buf, u8 selection)
@ -233,8 +234,15 @@ static int dlfb_set_video_mode(struct dlfb_data *dev,
char *wrptr;
int retval = 0;
int writesize;
struct urb *urb;
buf = dev->buf;
if (!atomic_read(&dev->usb_active))
return -EPERM;
urb = dlfb_get_urb(dev);
if (!urb)
return -ENOMEM;
buf = (char *) urb->transfer_buffer;
* This first section has to do with setting the base address on the
@ -249,48 +257,16 @@ static int dlfb_set_video_mode(struct dlfb_data *dev,
wrptr = dlfb_set_base8bpp(wrptr, dev->info->fix.smem_len);
wrptr = dlfb_set_vid_cmds(wrptr, var);
wrptr = dlfb_enable_hvsync(wrptr);
wrptr = dlfb_enable_hvsync(wrptr, true);
wrptr = dlfb_vidreg_unlock(wrptr);
writesize = wrptr - buf;
if (!dev->interface) { /* disconnect() was called */
retval = -ENODEV;
goto error;
retval = dlfb_submit_urb(dev, urb, writesize);
retval = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev, writesize);
if (retval) {
dev_err(&dev->udev->dev, "Problem %d with submit write bulk.\n",
goto error;
return 0;
return retval;
* Query EDID from the handware, then hand it off to fbdev's edid parse
* routine which should give us back a filled in screeninfo structure.
static int dlfb_get_var_from_edid(struct dlfb_data *dev,
struct fb_var_screeninfo *var)
int ret;
ret = fb_parse_edid(dev->edid, var);
return ret;
static int dlfb_ops_mmap(struct fb_info *info, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
unsigned long start = vma->vm_start;
@ -323,504 +299,333 @@ static int dlfb_ops_mmap(struct fb_info *info, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
/* ioctl structure */
struct dloarea {
int x, y;
int w, h;
int x2, y2;
static struct usb_driver dlfb_driver;
/* thanks to Henrik Bjerregaard Pedersen for this function */
static char *rle_compress16(uint16_t * src, char *dst, int rem)
* Trims identical data from front and back of line
* Sets new front buffer address and width
* And returns byte count of identical pixels
* Assumes CPU natural alignment (unsigned long)
* for back and front buffer ptrs and width
static int dlfb_trim_hline(const u8 *bback, const u8 **bfront, int *width_bytes)
int j, k;
const unsigned long *back = (const unsigned long *) bback;
const unsigned long *front = (const unsigned long *) *bfront;
const int width = *width_bytes / sizeof(unsigned long);
int identical = width;
int start = width;
int end = width;
int rl;
uint16_t pix0;
char *end_if_raw = dst + 6 + 2 * rem;
prefetch((void *) front);
prefetch((void *) back);
dst += 6; /* header will be filled in if RLE is worth it */
while (rem && dst < end_if_raw) {
char *start = (char *)src;
pix0 = *src++;
rl = 1;
while (rem && *src == pix0)
rem--, rl++, src++;
*dst++ = rl;
*dst++ = start[1];
*dst++ = start[0];
for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
if (back[j] != front[j]) {
start = j;
return dst;
for (k = width - 1; k > j; k--) {
if (back[k] != front[k]) {
end = k+1;
identical = start + (width - end);
*bfront = (u8 *) &front[start];
*width_bytes = (end - start) * sizeof(unsigned long);
return identical * sizeof(unsigned long);
Thanks to Henrik Bjerregaard Pedersen for rle implementation
and code refactoring. Next step is huffman compression.
Render a command stream for an encoded horizontal line segment of pixels.
A command buffer holds several commands.
It always begins with a fresh command header
(the protocol doesn't require this, but we enforce it to allow
multiple buffers to be potentially encoded and sent in parallel).
A single command encodes one contiguous horizontal line of pixels
The function relies on the client to do all allocation, so that
rendering can be done directly to output buffers (e.g. USB URBs).
The function fills the supplied command buffer, providing information
on where it left off, so the client may call in again with additional
buffers if the line will take several buffers to complete.
A single command can transmit a maximum of 256 pixels,
regardless of the compression ratio (protocol design limit).
To the hardware, 0 for a size byte means 256
Rather than 256 pixel commands which are either rl or raw encoded,
the rlx command simply assumes alternating raw and rl spans within one cmd.
This has a slightly larger header overhead, but produces more even results.
It also processes all data (read and write) in a single pass.
Performance benchmarks of common cases show it having just slightly better
compression than 256 pixel raw -or- rle commands, with similar CPU consumpion.
But for very rl friendly data, will compress not quite as well.
static int
image_blit(struct dlfb_data *dev_info, int x, int y, int width, int height,
char *data)
static void dlfb_compress_hline(
const uint16_t **pixel_start_ptr,
const uint16_t *const pixel_end,
uint32_t *device_address_ptr,
uint8_t **command_buffer_ptr,
const uint8_t *const cmd_buffer_end)
const uint16_t *pixel = *pixel_start_ptr;
uint32_t dev_addr = *device_address_ptr;
uint8_t *cmd = *command_buffer_ptr;
const int bpp = 2;
int i, j, base;
int rem = width;
int ret;
while ((pixel_end > pixel) &&
(cmd_buffer_end - MIN_RLX_CMD_BYTES > cmd)) {
uint8_t *raw_pixels_count_byte = 0;
uint8_t *cmd_pixels_count_byte = 0;
const uint16_t *raw_pixel_start = 0;
const uint16_t *cmd_pixel_start, *cmd_pixel_end = 0;
const uint32_t be_dev_addr = cpu_to_be32(dev_addr);
int firstdiff, thistime;
prefetchw((void *) cmd); /* pull in one cache line at least */
char *bufptr;
*cmd++ = 0xAF;
*cmd++ = 0x6B;
*cmd++ = (uint8_t) ((be_dev_addr >> 8) & 0xFF);
*cmd++ = (uint8_t) ((be_dev_addr >> 16) & 0xFF);
*cmd++ = (uint8_t) ((be_dev_addr >> 24) & 0xFF);
if (x + width > dev_info->info->var.xres)
return -EINVAL;
cmd_pixels_count_byte = cmd++; /* we'll know this later */
cmd_pixel_start = pixel;
if (y + height > dev_info->info->var.yres)
return -EINVAL;
raw_pixels_count_byte = cmd++; /* we'll know this later */
raw_pixel_start = pixel;
cmd_pixel_end = pixel + min(MAX_CMD_PIXELS + 1,
min((int)(pixel_end - pixel),
(int)(cmd_buffer_end - cmd) / bpp));
base =
dev_info->base16 + ((dev_info->info->var.xres * 2 * y) + (x * 2));
prefetch_range((void *) pixel, (cmd_pixel_end - pixel) * bpp);
data += (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2 * y) + (x * 2);
while (pixel < cmd_pixel_end) {
const uint16_t * const repeating_pixel = pixel;
/* printk("IMAGE_BLIT\n"); */
*(uint16_t *)cmd = cpu_to_be16p(pixel);
cmd += 2;
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
if (unlikely((pixel < cmd_pixel_end) &&
(*pixel == *repeating_pixel))) {
/* go back and fill in raw pixel count */
*raw_pixels_count_byte = ((repeating_pixel -
raw_pixel_start) + 1) & 0xFF;
for (i = y; i < y + height; i++) {
if (dev_info->bufend - bufptr < BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK) {
ret = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
rem = width;
/* printk("WRITING LINE %d\n", i); */
while (rem) {
if (dev_info->bufend - bufptr < BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK) {
ret =
bufptr - dev_info->buf);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
/* number of pixels to consider this time */
thistime = rem;
if (thistime > 255)
thistime = 255;
if (dev_info->backing_buffer) {
/* find first pixel that has changed */
firstdiff = -1;
for (j = 0; j < thistime * 2; j++) {
if (dev_info->backing_buffer
[base - dev_info->base16 + j]
!= data[j]) {
firstdiff = j / 2;
while ((pixel < cmd_pixel_end)
&& (*pixel == *repeating_pixel)) {
} else {
firstdiff = 0;
/* immediately after raw data is repeat byte */
*cmd++ = ((pixel - repeating_pixel) - 1) & 0xFF;
/* Then start another raw pixel span */
raw_pixel_start = pixel;
raw_pixels_count_byte = cmd++;
if (firstdiff >= 0) {
char *end_of_rle;
end_of_rle =
rle_compress16((uint16_t *) (data +
firstdiff * 2),
thistime - firstdiff);
if (end_of_rle <
bufptr + 6 + 2 * (thistime - firstdiff)) {
bufptr[0] = 0xAF;
bufptr[1] = 0x69;
bufptr[2] =
(char)((base +
firstdiff * 2) >> 16);
bufptr[3] =
(char)((base + firstdiff * 2) >> 8);
bufptr[4] =
(char)(base + firstdiff * 2);
bufptr[5] = thistime - firstdiff;
bufptr = end_of_rle;
} else {
/* fallback to raw (or other?) */
*bufptr++ = 0xAF;
*bufptr++ = 0x68;
*bufptr++ =
(char)((base +
firstdiff * 2) >> 16);
*bufptr++ =
(char)((base + firstdiff * 2) >> 8);
*bufptr++ =
(char)(base + firstdiff * 2);
*bufptr++ = thistime - firstdiff;
for (j = firstdiff * 2;
j < thistime * 2; j += 2) {
*bufptr++ = data[j + 1];
*bufptr++ = data[j];
base += thistime * 2;
data += thistime * 2;
rem -= thistime;
if (dev_info->backing_buffer)
memcpy(dev_info->backing_buffer +
(base - dev_info->base16) -
(width * 2), data - (width * 2), width * 2);
base += (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2) - (width * 2);
data += (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2) - (width * 2);
if (pixel > raw_pixel_start) {
/* finalize last RAW span */
*raw_pixels_count_byte = (pixel-raw_pixel_start) & 0xFF;
*cmd_pixels_count_byte = (pixel - cmd_pixel_start) & 0xFF;
dev_addr += (pixel - cmd_pixel_start) * bpp;
if (bufptr > dev_info->buf) {
ret = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
if (cmd_buffer_end <= MIN_RLX_CMD_BYTES + cmd) {
/* Fill leftover bytes with no-ops */
if (cmd_buffer_end > cmd)
memset(cmd, 0xAF, cmd_buffer_end - cmd);
cmd = (uint8_t *) cmd_buffer_end;
return base;
*command_buffer_ptr = cmd;
*pixel_start_ptr = pixel;
*device_address_ptr = dev_addr;
static int
draw_rect(struct dlfb_data *dev_info, int x, int y, int width, int height,
unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue)
* There are 3 copies of every pixel: The front buffer that the fbdev
* client renders to, the actual framebuffer across the USB bus in hardware
* (that we can only write to, slowly, and can never read), and (optionally)
* our shadow copy that tracks what's been sent to that hardware buffer.
static void dlfb_render_hline(struct dlfb_data *dev, struct urb **urb_ptr,
const char *front, char **urb_buf_ptr,
u32 byte_offset, u32 byte_width,
int *ident_ptr, int *sent_ptr)
const u8 *line_start, *line_end, *next_pixel;
u32 dev_addr = dev->base16 + byte_offset;
struct urb *urb = *urb_ptr;
u8 *cmd = *urb_buf_ptr;
u8 *cmd_end = (u8 *) urb->transfer_buffer + urb->transfer_buffer_length;
int i, j, base;
int ret;
unsigned short col =
(((((red) & 0xF8) | ((green) >> 5)) & 0xFF) << 8) +
(((((green) & 0x1C) << 3) | ((blue) >> 3)) & 0xFF);
int rem = width;
line_start = (u8 *) (front + byte_offset);
next_pixel = line_start;
line_end = next_pixel + byte_width;
char *bufptr;
if (dev->backing_buffer) {
int offset;
const u8 *back_start = (u8 *) (dev->backing_buffer
+ byte_offset);
if (x + width > dev_info->info->var.xres)
return -EINVAL;
*ident_ptr += dlfb_trim_hline(back_start, &next_pixel,
if (y + height > dev_info->info->var.yres)
return -EINVAL;
base = dev_info->base16 + (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2 * y) + (x * 2);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
for (i = y; i < y + height; i++) {
if (dev_info->backing_buffer) {
for (j = 0; j < width * 2; j += 2) {
[base - dev_info->base16 + j] =
(char)(col >> 8);
[base - dev_info->base16 + j + 1] =
if (dev_info->bufend - bufptr < BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK) {
ret = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
rem = width;
while (rem) {
if (dev_info->bufend - bufptr < BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK) {
ret =
bufptr - dev_info->buf);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
*bufptr++ = 0xAF;
*bufptr++ = 0x69;
*bufptr++ = (char)(base >> 16);
*bufptr++ = (char)(base >> 8);
*bufptr++ = (char)(base);
if (rem > 255) {
*bufptr++ = 255;
*bufptr++ = 255;
rem -= 255;
base += 255 * 2;
} else {
*bufptr++ = rem;
*bufptr++ = rem;
base += rem * 2;
rem = 0;
*bufptr++ = (char)(col >> 8);
*bufptr++ = (char)(col);
base += (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2) - (width * 2);
offset = next_pixel - line_start;
line_end = next_pixel + byte_width;
dev_addr += offset;
back_start += offset;
line_start += offset;
memcpy((char *)back_start, (char *) line_start,
if (bufptr > dev_info->buf)
ret = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
while (next_pixel < line_end) {
dlfb_compress_hline((const uint16_t **) &next_pixel,
(const uint16_t *) line_end, &dev_addr,
(u8 **) &cmd, (u8 *) cmd_end);
return 1;
if (cmd >= cmd_end) {
int len = cmd - (u8 *) urb->transfer_buffer;
if (dlfb_submit_urb(dev, urb, len))
return; /* lost pixels is set */
*sent_ptr += len;
urb = dlfb_get_urb(dev);
if (!urb)
return; /* lost_pixels is set */
*urb_ptr = urb;
cmd = urb->transfer_buffer;
cmd_end = &cmd[urb->transfer_buffer_length];
*urb_buf_ptr = cmd;
static void swapfb(struct dlfb_data *dev_info)
int dlfb_handle_damage(struct dlfb_data *dev, int x, int y,
int width, int height, char *data)
int tmpbase;
char *bufptr;
tmpbase = dev_info->base16;
dev_info->base16 = dev_info->base16d;
dev_info->base16d = tmpbase;
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
bufptr = dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0xFF, 0x00);
/* set addresses */
bufptr =
dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0x20, (char)(dev_info->base16 >> 16));
bufptr = dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0x21, (char)(dev_info->base16 >> 8));
bufptr = dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0x22, (char)(dev_info->base16));
bufptr = dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0xFF, 0x00);
dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
static int copyfb(struct dlfb_data *dev_info)
int base;
int source;
int rem;
int i, ret;
char *cmd;
cycles_t start_cycles, end_cycles;
int bytes_sent = 0;
int bytes_identical = 0;
struct urb *urb;
int aligned_x;
char *bufptr;
start_cycles = get_cycles();
base = dev_info->base16d;
aligned_x = DL_ALIGN_DOWN(x, sizeof(unsigned long));
width = DL_ALIGN_UP(width + (x-aligned_x), sizeof(unsigned long));
x = aligned_x;
source = dev_info->base16;
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
for (i = 0; i < dev_info->info->var.yres; i++) {
if (dev_info->bufend - bufptr < BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK) {
ret = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
rem = dev_info->info->var.xres;
while (rem) {
if (dev_info->bufend - bufptr < BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK) {
ret =
bufptr - dev_info->buf);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
*bufptr++ = 0xAF;
*bufptr++ = 0x6A;
*bufptr++ = (char)(base >> 16);
*bufptr++ = (char)(base >> 8);
*bufptr++ = (char)(base);
if (rem > 255) {
*bufptr++ = 255;
*bufptr++ = (char)(source >> 16);
*bufptr++ = (char)(source >> 8);
*bufptr++ = (char)(source);
rem -= 255;
base += 255 * 2;
source += 255 * 2;
} else {
*bufptr++ = rem;
*bufptr++ = (char)(source >> 16);
*bufptr++ = (char)(source >> 8);
*bufptr++ = (char)(source);
base += rem * 2;
source += rem * 2;
rem = 0;
if (bufptr > dev_info->buf)
ret = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
return 1;
static int
copyarea(struct dlfb_data *dev_info, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy,
int width, int height)
int base;
int source;
int rem;
int i, ret;
char *bufptr;
if (dx + width > dev_info->info->var.xres)
if ((width <= 0) ||
(x + width > dev->info->var.xres) ||
(y + height > dev->info->var.yres))
return -EINVAL;
if (dy + height > dev_info->info->var.yres)
return -EINVAL;
if (!atomic_read(&dev->usb_active))
return 0;
urb = dlfb_get_urb(dev);
if (!urb)
return 0;
cmd = urb->transfer_buffer;
base =
dev_info->base16 + (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2 * dy) + (dx * 2);
source = (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2 * sy) + (sx * 2);
for (i = y; i < y + height ; i++) {
const int line_offset = dev->info->fix.line_length * i;
const int byte_offset = line_offset + (x * BPP);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
for (i = sy; i < sy + height; i++) {
memcpy(dev_info->backing_buffer + base - dev_info->base16,
dev_info->backing_buffer + source, width * 2);
if (dev_info->bufend - bufptr < BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK) {
ret = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
rem = width;
while (rem) {
if (dev_info->bufend - bufptr < BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK) {
ret =
bufptr - dev_info->buf);
bufptr = dev_info->buf;
*bufptr++ = 0xAF;
*bufptr++ = 0x6A;
*bufptr++ = (char)(base >> 16);
*bufptr++ = (char)(base >> 8);
*bufptr++ = (char)(base);
if (rem > 255) {
*bufptr++ = 255;
*bufptr++ = (char)(source >> 16);
*bufptr++ = (char)(source >> 8);
*bufptr++ = (char)(source);
rem -= 255;
base += 255 * 2;
source += 255 * 2;
} else {
*bufptr++ = rem;
*bufptr++ = (char)(source >> 16);
*bufptr++ = (char)(source >> 8);
*bufptr++ = (char)(source);
base += rem * 2;
source += rem * 2;
rem = 0;
base += (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2) - (width * 2);
source += (dev_info->info->var.xres * 2) - (width * 2);
dlfb_render_hline(dev, &urb, (char *) dev->info->fix.smem_start,
&cmd, byte_offset, width * BPP,
&bytes_identical, &bytes_sent);
if (bufptr > dev_info->buf)
ret = dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
if (cmd > (char *) urb->transfer_buffer) {
/* Send partial buffer remaining before exiting */
int len = cmd - (char *) urb->transfer_buffer;
ret = dlfb_submit_urb(dev, urb, len);
bytes_sent += len;
} else
atomic_add(bytes_sent, &dev->bytes_sent);
atomic_add(bytes_identical, &dev->bytes_identical);
atomic_add(width*height*2, &dev->bytes_rendered);
end_cycles = get_cycles();
atomic_add(((unsigned int) ((end_cycles - start_cycles)
>> 10)), /* Kcycles */
return 1;
return 0;
/* hardware has native COPY command (see libdlo), but not worth it for fbcon */
static void dlfb_ops_copyarea(struct fb_info *info,
const struct fb_copyarea *area)
const struct fb_copyarea *area)
struct dlfb_data *dev = info->par;
copyarea(dev, area->dx, area->dy, area->sx, area->sy, area->width,
sys_copyarea(info, area);
dlfb_handle_damage(dev, area->dx, area->dy,
area->width, area->height, info->screen_base);
static void dlfb_ops_imageblit(struct fb_info *info,
const struct fb_image *image)
const struct fb_image *image)
int ret;
struct dlfb_data *dev = info->par;
cfb_imageblit(info, image);
ret =
image_blit(dev, image->dx, image->dy, image->width, image->height,
sys_imageblit(info, image);
dlfb_handle_damage(dev, image->dx, image->dy,
image->width, image->height, info->screen_base);
static void dlfb_ops_fillrect(struct fb_info *info,
const struct fb_fillrect *region)
const struct fb_fillrect *rect)
unsigned char red, green, blue;
struct dlfb_data *dev = info->par;
memcpy(&red, ®ion->color, 1);
memcpy(&green, ®ion->color + 1, 1);
memcpy(&blue, ®ion->color + 2, 1);
draw_rect(dev, region->dx, region->dy, region->width, region->height,
red, green, blue);
/* printk("FILL RECT %d %d !!!\n", region->dx, region->dy); */
sys_fillrect(info, rect);
dlfb_handle_damage(dev, rect->dx, rect->dy, rect->width,
rect->height, info->screen_base);
@ -840,21 +645,26 @@ static void dlfb_get_edid(struct dlfb_data *dev)
static int dlfb_ops_ioctl(struct fb_info *info, unsigned int cmd,
unsigned long arg)
unsigned long arg)
struct dlfb_data *dev_info = info->par;
struct dlfb_data *dev = info->par;
struct dloarea *area = NULL;
if (cmd == 0xAD) {
if (!atomic_read(&dev->usb_active))
return 0;
/* TODO: Update X server to get this from sysfs instead */
char *edid = (char *)arg;
if (copy_to_user(edid, dev_info->edid, 128)) {
if (copy_to_user(edid, dev->edid, sizeof(dev->edid)))
return -EFAULT;
return 0;
if (cmd == 0xAA || cmd == 0xAB || cmd == 0xAC) {
/* TODO: Help propose a standard fb.h ioctl to report mmap damage */
area = (struct dloarea *)arg;
@ -869,29 +679,14 @@ static int dlfb_ops_ioctl(struct fb_info *info, unsigned int cmd,
if (area->y > info->var.yres)
area->y = info->var.yres;
if (cmd == 0xAA) {
image_blit(dev_info, area->x, area->y, area->w, area->h,
atomic_set(&dev->use_defio, 0);
dlfb_handle_damage(dev, area->x, area->y, area->w, area->h,
if (cmd == 0xAC) {
image_blit(dev_info, area->x, area->y, area->w, area->h,
} else if (cmd == 0xAB) {
if (area->x2 < 0)
area->x2 = 0;
if (area->y2 < 0)
area->y2 = 0;
area->x2, area->y2, area->x, area->y, area->w,
return 0;
@ -925,8 +720,6 @@ dlfb_ops_setcolreg(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
static int dlfb_ops_release(struct fb_info *info, int user)
struct dlfb_data *dev_info = info->par;
image_blit(dev_info, 0, 0, info->var.xres, info->var.yres,
return 0;
@ -1026,18 +819,28 @@ static int dlfb_ops_set_par(struct fb_info *info)
static int dlfb_ops_blank(int blank_mode, struct fb_info *info)
struct dlfb_data *dev_info = info->par;
char *bufptr = dev_info->buf;
struct dlfb_data *dev = info->par;
char *bufptr;
struct urb *urb;
bufptr = dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0xFF, 0x00);
urb = dlfb_get_urb(dev);
if (!urb)
return 0;
bufptr = (char *) urb->transfer_buffer;
/* overloading usb_active. UNBLANK can conflict with teardown */
bufptr = dlfb_vidreg_lock(bufptr);
if (blank_mode != FB_BLANK_UNBLANK) {
bufptr = dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0x1F, 0x01);
atomic_set(&dev->usb_active, 0);
bufptr = dlfb_enable_hvsync(bufptr, false);
} else {
bufptr = dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0x1F, 0x00);
atomic_set(&dev->usb_active, 1);
bufptr = dlfb_enable_hvsync(bufptr, true);
bufptr = dlfb_set_register(bufptr, 0xFF, 0xFF);
bufptr = dlfb_vidreg_unlock(bufptr);
dlfb_bulk_msg(dev_info, bufptr - dev_info->buf);
dlfb_submit_urb(dev, urb, bufptr - (char *) urb->transfer_buffer);
return 0;
@ -1312,8 +1115,6 @@ static int dlfb_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *interface,
kref_init(&dev->kref); /* matching kref_put in usb .disconnect fn */
kref_get(&dev->kref); /* matching kref_put in .fb_destroy function*/
dev->udev = usbdev;
dev->gdev = &usbdev->dev; /* our generic struct device * */
usb_set_intfdata(interface, dev);
@ -1326,22 +1127,6 @@ static int dlfb_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *interface,
* TODO: replace single 64K buffer with buffer list
* and async dispatch
dev->buf = kmalloc(BUF_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
if (dev->buf == NULL) {
dl_err("unable to allocate memory for dlfb commands\n");
goto error;
dev->bufend = dev->buf + BUF_SIZE;
dev->tx_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL);
usb_fill_bulk_urb(dev->tx_urb, dev->udev,
usb_sndbulkpipe(dev->udev, 1), dev->buf, 0,
dlfb_bulk_callback, dev);
/* We don't register a new USB class. Our client interface is fbdev */
/* allocates framebuffer driver structure, not framebuffer memory */
@ -1420,14 +1205,13 @@ static int dlfb_usb_probe(struct usb_interface *interface,
/* paint greenscreen */
pix_framebuffer = (u16 *) videomemory;
for (i = 0; i < videomemorysize / 2; i++)
pix_framebuffer[i] = 0x37e6;
dlfb_handle_damage(dev, 0, 0, info->var.xres, info->var.yres,
retval = register_framebuffer(info);
if (retval < 0) {
dl_err("register_framebuffer failed %d\n", retval);
@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
#ifndef UDLFB_H
#define UDLFB_H
/* as libdlo */
#define BUF_HIGH_WATER_MARK 1024
#define BUF_SIZE (64*1024)
* TODO: Propose standard fb.h ioctl for reporting damage,
* using _IOWR() and one of the existing area structs from fb.h
* Consider these ioctls deprecated, but they're still used by the
* DisplayLink X server as yet - need both to be modified in tandem
* when new ioctl(s) are ready.
struct dloarea {
int x, y;
int w, h;
int x2, y2;
struct urb_node {
struct list_head entry;
@ -23,30 +34,20 @@ struct urb_list {
struct dlfb_data {
struct usb_device *udev;
struct device *gdev; /* &udev->dev */
struct usb_interface *interface;
struct urb *tx_urb, *ctrl_urb;
struct fb_info *info;
struct urb_list urbs;
struct kref kref;
char *buf;
char *bufend;
char *backing_buffer;
struct delayed_work deferred_work;
struct mutex fb_open_lock;
struct mutex bulk_mutex;
int fb_count;
atomic_t usb_active; /* 0 = update virtual buffer, but no usb traffic */
atomic_t lost_pixels; /* 1 = a render op failed. Need screen refresh */
atomic_t use_defio; /* 0 = rely on ioctls and blit/copy/fill rects */
char edid[128];
int sku_pixel_limit;
int screen_size;
int line_length;
struct completion done;
int base16;
int base16d;
int base8;
int base8d;
u32 pseudo_palette[256];
/* blit-only rendering path metrics, exposed through sysfs */
atomic_t bytes_rendered; /* raw pixel-bytes driver asked to render */
@ -72,48 +73,24 @@ struct dlfb_data {
static void dlfb_bulk_callback(struct urb *urb)
struct dlfb_data *dev_info = urb->context;
#define BPP 2
#define MAX_CMD_PIXELS 255
static void dlfb_edid(struct dlfb_data *dev_info)
int i;
int ret;
char rbuf[2];
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
ret =
usb_rcvctrlpipe(dev_info->udev, 0), (0x02),
(0x80 | (0x02 << 5)), i << 8, 0xA1, rbuf, 2,
dev_info->edid[i] = rbuf[1];
static int dlfb_bulk_msg(struct dlfb_data *dev_info, int len)
int ret;
dev_info->tx_urb->actual_length = 0;
dev_info->tx_urb->transfer_buffer_length = len;
ret = usb_submit_urb(dev_info->tx_urb, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&dev_info->done, 1000)) {
printk("usb timeout !!!\n");
return dev_info->tx_urb->actual_length;
#define dlfb_set_register insert_command
/* remove these once align.h patch is taken into kernel */
#define DL_ALIGN_UP(x, a) ALIGN(x, a)
#define DL_ALIGN_DOWN(x, a) ALIGN(x-(a-1), a)
/* remove once this gets added to sysfs.h */
#define __ATTR_RW(attr) __ATTR(attr, 0644, attr##_show, attr##_store)
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