Staging: rtl8187se: r8180_hw: fixed a lot of issues
Fixed numerous coding style issues using Signed-off-by: Tracey Dent <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 209 additions and 199 deletions
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
#define INTA_RXOK (1)
#define INTA_MASK 0x3c
#define RXRING_ADDR 0xe4 // page 0
#define RXRING_ADDR 0xe4 /* page 0 */
#define PGSELECT 0x5e
#define RX_CONF 0x44
@ -149,13 +149,13 @@
#define EPROM_CS_SHIFT 3
#define EPROM_CK_SHIFT 2
#define PHY_ADR 0x7c
#define SECURITY 0x5f //1209 this is sth wrong
#define SECURITY 0x5f /* 1209 this is sth wrong */
#define SECURITY_ENCRYP_104 1
#define SECURITY_ENCRYP_MASK ((1<<4)|(1<<5))
#define KEY0 0x90 //1209 this is sth wrong
#define KEY0 0x90 /* 1209 this is sth wrong */
#define TX_BEACON_RING_ADDR 0x4c
#define CONFIG0_WEP40_SHIFT 7
@ -177,11 +177,11 @@
#define CR 0x0037
#define RF_SW_CONFIG 0x8 // store data which is transmitted to RF for driver
#define RF_SW_CONFIG 0x8 /* store data which is transmitted to RF for driver */
#define RF_SW_CFG_SI BIT1
#define EIFS 0x2D // Extended InterFrame Space Timer, in unit of 4 us.
#define EIFS 0x2D /* Extended InterFrame Space Timer, in unit of 4 us. */
#define BRSR 0x34 // Basic rate set
#define BRSR 0x34 /* Basic rate set */
#define IMR 0x006C
#define ISR 0x003C
@ -201,8 +201,8 @@
#define CONFIG3 0x0059
#define CONFIG4 0x005A
// SD3 szuyitasi: Mac0x57= CC -> B0 Mac0x60= D1 -> C6
// Mac0x60 = 0x000004C6 power save parameters
/* SD3 szuyitasi: Mac0x57= CC -> B0 Mac0x60= D1 -> C6 */
/* Mac0x60 = 0x000004C6 power save parameters */
#define ANAPARM_ASIC_ON 0xB0054D00
#define ANAPARM2_ASIC_ON 0x000004C6
@ -256,9 +256,9 @@
#define CONFIG5 0x00D8
#define PHYPR 0xDA //0xDA - 0x0B PHY Parameter Register.
#define PHYPR 0xDA /* 0xDA - 0x0B PHY Parameter Register. */
#define FEMR 0x1D4 // Function Event Mask register
#define FEMR 0x1D4 /* Function Event Mask register */
#define FFER 0x00FC
#define FFER_END 0x00FF
@ -274,72 +274,72 @@
* this leads to some awkward names...
#define BRSR_BPLCP ((1<< 8))
#define BRSR_MBR ((1<< 1)|(1<< 0))
#define BRSR_MBR_8185 ((1<< 11)|(1<< 10)|(1<< 9)|(1<< 8)|(1<< 7)|(1<< 6)|(1<< 5)|(1<< 4)|(1<< 3)|(1<< 2)|(1<< 1)|(1<< 0))
#define BRSR_MBR0 ((1<< 0))
#define BRSR_MBR1 ((1<< 1))
#define BRSR_BPLCP ((1 << 8))
#define BRSR_MBR ((1 << 1)|(1 << 0))
#define BRSR_MBR_8185 ((1 << 11)|(1 << 10)|(1 << 9)|(1 << 8)|(1 << 7)|(1 << 6)|(1 << 5)|(1 << 4)|(1 << 3)|(1 << 2)|(1 << 1)|(1 << 0))
#define BRSR_MBR0 ((1 << 0))
#define BRSR_MBR1 ((1 << 1))
#define CR_RST ((1<< 4))
#define CR_RE ((1<< 3))
#define CR_TE ((1<< 2))
#define CR_MulRW ((1<< 0))
#define CR_RST ((1 << 4))
#define CR_RE ((1 << 3))
#define CR_TE ((1 << 2))
#define CR_MulRW ((1 << 0))
#define IMR_Dot11hInt ((1<< 25)) // 802.11h Measurement Interrupt
#define IMR_BcnDmaInt ((1<< 24)) // Beacon DMA Interrupt // What differenct between BcnDmaInt and BcnInt???
#define IMR_WakeInt ((1<< 23)) // Wake Up Interrupt
#define IMR_TXFOVW ((1<< 22)) // Tx FIFO Overflow Interrupt
#define IMR_TimeOut1 ((1<< 21)) // Time Out Interrupt 1
#define IMR_BcnInt ((1<< 20)) // Beacon Time out Interrupt
#define IMR_ATIMInt ((1<< 19)) // ATIM Time Out Interrupt
#define IMR_TBDER ((1<< 18)) // Tx Beacon Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define IMR_TBDOK ((1<< 17)) // Tx Beacon Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define IMR_THPDER ((1<< 16)) // Tx High Priority Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define IMR_THPDOK ((1<< 15)) // Tx High Priority Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define IMR_TVODER ((1<< 14)) // Tx AC_VO Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define IMR_TVODOK ((1<< 13)) // Tx AC_VO Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define IMR_FOVW ((1<< 12)) // Rx FIFO Overflow Interrupt
#define IMR_RDU ((1<< 11)) // Rx Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt
#define IMR_TVIDER ((1<< 10)) // Tx AC_VI Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define IMR_TVIDOK ((1<< 9)) // Tx AC_VI Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define IMR_RER ((1<< 8)) // Rx Error Interrupt
#define IMR_ROK ((1<< 7)) // Receive OK Interrupt
#define IMR_TBEDER ((1<< 6)) // Tx AC_BE Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define IMR_TBEDOK ((1<< 5)) // Tx AC_BE Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define IMR_TBKDER ((1<< 4)) // Tx AC_BK Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define IMR_TBKDOK ((1<< 3)) // Tx AC_BK Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define IMR_RQoSOK ((1<< 2)) // Rx QoS OK Interrupt
#define IMR_TimeOut2 ((1<< 1)) // Time Out Interrupt 2
#define IMR_TimeOut3 ((1<< 0)) // Time Out Interrupt 3
#define IMR_TMGDOK ((1<<30))
#define ISR_Dot11hInt ((1<< 25)) // 802.11h Measurement Interrupt
#define ISR_BcnDmaInt ((1<< 24)) // Beacon DMA Interrupt // What differenct between BcnDmaInt and BcnInt???
#define ISR_WakeInt ((1<< 23)) // Wake Up Interrupt
#define ISR_TXFOVW ((1<< 22)) // Tx FIFO Overflow Interrupt
#define ISR_TimeOut1 ((1<< 21)) // Time Out Interrupt 1
#define ISR_BcnInt ((1<< 20)) // Beacon Time out Interrupt
#define ISR_ATIMInt ((1<< 19)) // ATIM Time Out Interrupt
#define ISR_TBDER ((1<< 18)) // Tx Beacon Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define ISR_TBDOK ((1<< 17)) // Tx Beacon Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define ISR_THPDER ((1<< 16)) // Tx High Priority Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define ISR_THPDOK ((1<< 15)) // Tx High Priority Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define ISR_TVODER ((1<< 14)) // Tx AC_VO Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define ISR_TVODOK ((1<< 13)) // Tx AC_VO Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define ISR_FOVW ((1<< 12)) // Rx FIFO Overflow Interrupt
#define ISR_RDU ((1<< 11)) // Rx Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt
#define ISR_TVIDER ((1<< 10)) // Tx AC_VI Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define ISR_TVIDOK ((1<< 9)) // Tx AC_VI Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define ISR_RER ((1<< 8)) // Rx Error Interrupt
#define ISR_ROK ((1<< 7)) // Receive OK Interrupt
#define ISR_TBEDER ((1<< 6)) // Tx AC_BE Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define ISR_TBEDOK ((1<< 5)) // Tx AC_BE Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define ISR_TBKDER ((1<< 4)) // Tx AC_BK Descriptor Error Interrupt
#define ISR_TBKDOK ((1<< 3)) // Tx AC_BK Descriptor OK Interrupt
#define ISR_RQoSOK ((1<< 2)) // Rx QoS OK Interrupt
#define ISR_TimeOut2 ((1<< 1)) // Time Out Interrupt 2
#define ISR_TimeOut3 ((1<< 0)) // Time Out Interrupt 3
#define IMR_Dot11hInt ((1 << 25)) /*802.11h Measurement Interrupt */
#define IMR_BcnDmaInt ((1 << 24)) /*Beacon DMA Interrupt */ /*What differenct between BcnDmaInt and BcnInt??? */
#define IMR_WakeInt ((1 << 23)) /*Wake Up Interrupt */
#define IMR_TXFOVW ((1 << 22)) /*Tx FIFO Overflow Interrupt */
#define IMR_TimeOut1 ((1 << 21)) /*Time Out Interrupt 1 */
#define IMR_BcnInt ((1 << 20)) /*Beacon Time out Interrupt */
#define IMR_ATIMInt ((1 << 19)) /*ATIM Time Out Interrupt */
#define IMR_TBDER ((1 << 18)) /*Tx Beacon Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define IMR_TBDOK ((1 << 17)) /*Tx Beacon Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define IMR_THPDER ((1 << 16)) /*Tx High Priority Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define IMR_THPDOK ((1 << 15)) /*Tx High Priority Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define IMR_TVODER ((1 << 14)) /*Tx AC_VO Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define IMR_TVODOK ((1 << 13)) /*Tx AC_VO Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define IMR_FOVW ((1 << 12)) /*Rx FIFO Overflow Interrupt */
#define IMR_RDU ((1 << 11)) /*Rx Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt */
#define IMR_TVIDER ((1 << 10)) /*Tx AC_VI Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define IMR_TVIDOK ((1 << 9)) /*Tx AC_VI Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define IMR_RER ((1 << 8)) /*Rx Error Interrupt */
#define IMR_ROK ((1 << 7)) /*Receive OK Interrupt */
#define IMR_TBEDER ((1 << 6)) /*Tx AC_BE Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define IMR_TBEDOK ((1 << 5)) /*Tx AC_BE Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define IMR_TBKDER ((1 << 4)) /*Tx AC_BK Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define IMR_TBKDOK ((1 << 3)) /*Tx AC_BK Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define IMR_RQoSOK ((1 << 2)) /*Rx QoS OK Interrupt */
#define IMR_TimeOut2 ((1 << 1)) /*Time Out Interrupt 2 */
#define IMR_TimeOut3 ((1 << 0)) /*Time Out Interrupt 3 */
#define IMR_TMGDOK ((1 << 30))
#define ISR_Dot11hInt ((1 << 25)) /*802.11h Measurement Interrupt */
#define ISR_BcnDmaInt ((1 << 24)) /*Beacon DMA Interrupt */ /*What differenct between BcnDmaInt and BcnInt??? */
#define ISR_WakeInt ((1 << 23)) /*Wake Up Interrupt */
#define ISR_TXFOVW ((1 << 22)) /*Tx FIFO Overflow Interrupt */
#define ISR_TimeOut1 ((1 << 21)) /*Time Out Interrupt 1 */
#define ISR_BcnInt ((1 << 20)) /*Beacon Time out Interrupt */
#define ISR_ATIMInt ((1 << 19)) /*ATIM Time Out Interrupt */
#define ISR_TBDER ((1 << 18)) /*Tx Beacon Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define ISR_TBDOK ((1 << 17)) /*Tx Beacon Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define ISR_THPDER ((1 << 16)) /*Tx High Priority Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define ISR_THPDOK ((1 << 15)) /*Tx High Priority Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define ISR_TVODER ((1 << 14)) /*Tx AC_VO Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define ISR_TVODOK ((1 << 13)) /*Tx AC_VO Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define ISR_FOVW ((1 << 12)) /*Rx FIFO Overflow Interrupt */
#define ISR_RDU ((1 << 11)) /*Rx Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt */
#define ISR_TVIDER ((1 << 10)) /*Tx AC_VI Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define ISR_TVIDOK ((1 << 9)) /*Tx AC_VI Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define ISR_RER ((1 << 8)) /*Rx Error Interrupt */
#define ISR_ROK ((1 << 7)) /*Receive OK Interrupt */
#define ISR_TBEDER ((1 << 6)) /*Tx AC_BE Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define ISR_TBEDOK ((1 << 5)) /*Tx AC_BE Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define ISR_TBKDER ((1 << 4)) /*Tx AC_BK Descriptor Error Interrupt */
#define ISR_TBKDOK ((1 << 3)) /*Tx AC_BK Descriptor OK Interrupt */
#define ISR_RQoSOK ((1 << 2)) /*Rx QoS OK Interrupt */
#define ISR_TimeOut2 ((1 << 1)) /*Time Out Interrupt 2 */
#define ISR_TimeOut3 ((1 << 0)) /*Time Out Interrupt 3 */
//these definition is used for Tx/Rx test temporarily
/* these definition is used for Tx/Rx test temporarily */
@ -354,66 +354,66 @@
#define HW_VERID_R8185_D 5
#define HW_VERID_R8185B_B 6
#define TCR_CWMIN ((1<<31))
#define TCR_SWSEQ ((1<<30))
#define TCR_HWVERID_MASK ((1<<27)|(1<<26)|(1<<25))
#define TCR_CWMIN ((1 << 31))
#define TCR_SWSEQ ((1 << 30))
#define TCR_HWVERID_MASK ((1 << 27)|(1 << 26)|(1 << 25))
#define TCR_SAT ((1<<24))
#define TCR_PLCP_LEN TCR_SAT // rtl8180
#define TCR_MXDMA_MASK ((1<<23)|(1<<22)|(1<<21))
#define TCR_SAT ((1 << 24))
#define TCR_PLCP_LEN TCR_SAT /* rtl8180 */
#define TCR_MXDMA_MASK ((1 << 23)|(1 << 22)|(1 << 21))
#define TCR_MXDMA_1024 6
#define TCR_MXDMA_2048 7
#define TCR_MXDMA_SHIFT 21
#define TCR_DISCW ((1<<20))
#define TCR_ICV ((1<<19))
#define TCR_LBK ((1<<18)|(1<<17))
#define TCR_LBK1 ((1<<18))
#define TCR_LBK0 ((1<<17))
#define TCR_CRC ((1<<16))
#define TCR_DPRETRY_MASK ((1<<15)|(1<<14)|(1<<13)|(1<<12)|(1<<11)|(1<<10)|(1<<9)|(1<<8))
#define TCR_RTSRETRY_MASK ((1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<4)|(1<<5)|(1<<6)|(1<<7))
#define TCR_PROBE_NOTIMESTAMP_SHIFT 29 //rtl8185
#define TCR_DISCW ((1 << 20))
#define TCR_ICV ((1 << 19))
#define TCR_LBK ((1 << 18)|(1 << 17))
#define TCR_LBK1 ((1 << 18))
#define TCR_LBK0 ((1 << 17))
#define TCR_CRC ((1 << 16))
#define TCR_DPRETRY_MASK ((1 << 15)|(1 << 14)|(1 << 13)|(1 << 12)|(1 << 11)|(1 << 10)|(1 << 9)|(1 << 8))
#define TCR_RTSRETRY_MASK ((1 << 0)|(1 << 1)|(1 << 2)|(1 << 3)|(1 << 4)|(1 << 5)|(1 << 6)|(1 << 7))
#define TCR_PROBE_NOTIMESTAMP_SHIFT 29 /* rtl8185 */
#define RCR_ONLYERLPKT ((1<<31))
#define RCR_ONLYERLPKT ((1 << 31))
#define RCR_CS_SHIFT 29
#define RCR_CS_MASK ((1<<30) | (1<<29))
#define RCR_ENMARP ((1<<28))
#define RCR_CBSSID ((1<<23))
#define RCR_APWRMGT ((1<<22))
#define RCR_ADD3 ((1<<21))
#define RCR_AMF ((1<<20))
#define RCR_ACF ((1<<19))
#define RCR_ADF ((1<<18))
#define RCR_RXFTH ((1<<15)|(1<<14)|(1<<13))
#define RCR_RXFTH2 ((1<<15))
#define RCR_RXFTH1 ((1<<14))
#define RCR_RXFTH0 ((1<<13))
#define RCR_AICV ((1<<12))
#define RCR_MXDMA ((1<<10)|(1<< 9)|(1<< 8))
#define RCR_MXDMA2 ((1<<10))
#define RCR_MXDMA1 ((1<< 9))
#define RCR_MXDMA0 ((1<< 8))
#define RCR_9356SEL ((1<< 6))
#define RCR_ACRC32 ((1<< 5))
#define RCR_AB ((1<< 3))
#define RCR_AM ((1<< 2))
#define RCR_APM ((1<< 1))
#define RCR_AAP ((1<< 0))
#define RCR_CS_MASK ((1 << 30) | (1 << 29))
#define RCR_ENMARP ((1 << 28))
#define RCR_CBSSID ((1 << 23))
#define RCR_APWRMGT ((1 << 22))
#define RCR_ADD3 ((1 << 21))
#define RCR_AMF ((1 << 20))
#define RCR_ACF ((1 << 19))
#define RCR_ADF ((1 << 18))
#define RCR_RXFTH ((1 << 15)|(1 << 14)|(1 << 13))
#define RCR_RXFTH2 ((1 << 15))
#define RCR_RXFTH1 ((1 << 14))
#define RCR_RXFTH0 ((1 << 13))
#define RCR_AICV ((1 << 12))
#define RCR_MXDMA ((1 << 10)|(1 << 9)|(1 << 8))
#define RCR_MXDMA2 ((1 << 10))
#define RCR_MXDMA1 ((1 << 9))
#define RCR_MXDMA0 ((1 << 8))
#define RCR_9356SEL ((1 << 6))
#define RCR_ACRC32 ((1 << 5))
#define RCR_AB ((1 << 3))
#define RCR_AM ((1 << 2))
#define RCR_APM ((1 << 1))
#define RCR_AAP ((1 << 0))
#define CR9346_EEM ((1<<7)|(1<<6))
#define CR9346_EEM1 ((1<<7))
#define CR9346_EEM0 ((1<<6))
#define CR9346_EECS ((1<<3))
#define CR9346_EESK ((1<<2))
#define CR9346_EED1 ((1<<1))
#define CR9346_EED0 ((1<<0))
#define CR9346_EEM ((1 << 7)|(1 << 6))
#define CR9346_EEM1 ((1 << 7))
#define CR9346_EEM0 ((1 << 6))
#define CR9346_EECS ((1 << 3))
#define CR9346_EESK ((1 << 2))
#define CR9346_EED1 ((1 << 1))
#define CR9346_EED0 ((1 << 0))
#define CONFIG3_PARM_En ((1<<6))
#define CONFIG3_FuncRegEn ((1<<1))
#define CONFIG3_PARM_En ((1 << 6))
#define CONFIG3_FuncRegEn ((1 << 1))
#define CONFIG4_PWRMGT ((1<<5))
#define CONFIG4_PWRMGT ((1 << 5))
#define MSR_LINK_MASK ((1<<2)|(1<<3))
#define MSR_LINK_MASK ((1 << 2)|(1 << 3))
#define MSR_LINK_NONE 0
#define MSR_LINK_SHIFT 2
@ -426,20 +426,20 @@
#define BintrItv_BintrItv (0x01FF)
#define FEMR_INTR ((1<<15))
#define FEMR_WKUP ((1<<14))
#define FEMR_GWAKE ((1<< 4))
#define FEMR_INTR ((1 << 15))
#define FEMR_WKUP ((1 << 14))
#define FEMR_GWAKE ((1 << 4))
#define FFER_INTR ((1<<15))
#define FFER_GWAKE ((1<< 4))
#define FFER_INTR ((1 << 15))
#define FFER_GWAKE ((1 << 4))
// Three wire mode.
/* Three wire mode. */
#define SW_THREE_WIRE 0
#define HW_THREE_WIRE 2
//RTL8187S by amy
/* RTL8187S by amy */
#define HW_THREE_WIRE_PI 5
#define HW_THREE_WIRE_SI 6
//by amy
/* by amy */
#define TCR_LRL_OFFSET 0
#define TCR_SRL_OFFSET 8
@ -449,86 +449,96 @@
#define RCR_FIFO_OFFSET 13
#define AckTimeOutReg 0x79 // ACK timeout register, in unit of 4 us.
#define AckTimeOutReg 0x79 /* ACK timeout register, in unit of 4 us. */
#define RFTiming 0x8C
#define TPPollStop 0x93
#define TPPollStop 0x93
#define TXAGC_CTL 0x9C // <RJ_TODO_8185B> TX_AGC_CONTROL (0x9C seems be removed at 8185B, see p37).
#define TXAGC_CTL 0x9C /*< RJ_TODO_8185B> TX_AGC_CONTROL (0x9C seems be removed at 8185B, see p37). */
#define CCK_TXAGC 0x9D
#define OFDM_TXAGC 0x9E
#define ANTSEL 0x9F
#define ACM_CONTROL 0x00BF // ACM Control Registe
#define ACM_CONTROL 0x00BF /* ACM Control Registe */
#define IntMig 0xE2 // Interrupt Migration (0xE2 ~ 0xE3)
#define IntMig 0xE2 /* Interrupt Migration (0xE2 ~ 0xE3) */
#define TID_AC_MAP 0xE8 // TID to AC Mapping Register
#define TID_AC_MAP 0xE8 /* TID to AC Mapping Register */
#define ANAPARAM3 0xEE // <RJ_TODO_8185B> How to use it?
#define ANAPARAM3 0xEE /* <RJ_TODO_8185B> How to use it? */
#define AC_VO_PARAM 0xF0 // AC_VO Parameters Record
#define AC_VI_PARAM 0xF4 // AC_VI Parameters Record
#define AC_BE_PARAM 0xF8 // AC_BE Parameters Record
#define AC_BK_PARAM 0xFC // AC_BK Parameters Record
#define AC_VO_PARAM 0xF0 /* AC_VO Parameters Record */
#define AC_VI_PARAM 0xF4 /* AC_VI Parameters Record */
#define AC_BE_PARAM 0xF8 /* AC_BE Parameters Record */
#define AC_BK_PARAM 0xFC /* AC_BK Parameters Record */
#define GPIOCtrl 0x16B // GPIO Control Register.
#define ARFR 0x1E0 // Auto Rate Fallback Register (0x1e0 ~ 0x1e2)
#define GPIOCtrl 0x16B /*GPIO Control Register. */
#define ARFR 0x1E0 /* Auto Rate Fallback Register (0x1e0 ~ 0x1e2) */
#define RFSW_CTRL 0x272 // 0x272-0x273.
#define SW_3W_DB0 0x274 // Software 3-wire data buffer bit 31~0.
#define SW_3W_DB1 0x278 // Software 3-wire data buffer bit 63~32.
#define SW_3W_CMD0 0x27C // Software 3-wire Control/Status Register.
#define SW_3W_CMD1 0x27D // Software 3-wire Control/Status Register.
#define RFSW_CTRL 0x272 /* 0x272-0x273. */
#define SW_3W_DB0 0x274 /* Software 3-wire data buffer bit 31~0. */
#define SW_3W_DB1 0x278 /* Software 3-wire data buffer bit 63~32. */
#define SW_3W_CMD0 0x27C /* Software 3-wire Control/Status Register. */
#define SW_3W_CMD1 0x27D /* Software 3-wire Control/Status Register. */
#define PI_DATA_READ 0X360 // 0x360 - 0x361 Parallel Interface Data Register.
#define SI_DATA_READ 0x362 // 0x362 - 0x363 Serial Interface Data Register.
#define PI_DATA_READ 0X360 /* 0x360 - 0x361 Parallel Interface Data Register. */
#define SI_DATA_READ 0x362 /* 0x362 - 0x363 Serial Interface Data Register. */
// 8185B TPPollStop bits (offset 0x93, 1 byte)
8185B TPPollStop bits (offset 0x93, 1 byte)
#define TPPOLLSTOP_BQ (0x01 << 7)
#define TPPOLLSTOP_AC_VIQ (0x01 << 4)
#define MSR_LINK_ENEDCA (1<<4)
// 8187B AC_XX_PARAM bits
8187B AC_XX_PARAM bits
// 8187B ACM_CONTROL bits (Offset 0xBF, 1 Byte)
#define VOQ_ACM_EN (0x01 << 7) //BIT7
#define VIQ_ACM_EN (0x01 << 6) //BIT6
#define BEQ_ACM_EN (0x01 << 5) //BIT5
#define ACM_HW_EN (0x01 << 4) //BIT4
#define VOQ_ACM_CTL (0x01 << 2) //BIT2 // Set to 1 when AC_VO used time reaches or exceeds the admitted time
#define VIQ_ACM_CTL (0x01 << 1) //BIT1 // Set to 1 when AC_VI used time reaches or exceeds the admitted time
#define BEQ_ACM_CTL (0x01 << 0) //BIT0 // Set to 1 when AC_BE used time reaches or exceeds the admitted time
8187B ACM_CONTROL bits (Offset 0xBF, 1 Byte)
#define VOQ_ACM_EN (0x01 << 7) /*BIT7 */
#define VIQ_ACM_EN (0x01 << 6) /*BIT6 */
#define BEQ_ACM_EN (0x01 << 5) /*BIT5 */
#define ACM_HW_EN (0x01 << 4) /*BIT4 */
#define VOQ_ACM_CTL (0x01 << 2) /*BIT2 */ /* Set to 1 when AC_VO used time reaches or exceeds the admitted time */
#define VIQ_ACM_CTL (0x01 << 1) /*BIT1 */ /* Set to 1 when AC_VI used time reaches or exceeds the admitted time */
#define BEQ_ACM_CTL (0x01 << 0) /*BIT0 */ /* Set to 1 when AC_BE used time reaches or exceeds the admitted time */
// 8185B SW_3W_CMD bits (Offset 0x27C-0x27D, 16bit)
#define SW_3W_CMD0_HOLD ((1<< 7))
#define SW_3W_CMD1_RE ((1<< 0)) // BIT8
#define SW_3W_CMD1_WE ((1<< 1)) // BIT9
#define SW_3W_CMD1_DONE ((1<< 2)) // BIT10
8185B SW_3W_CMD bits (Offset 0x27C-0x27D, 16bit)
#define SW_3W_CMD0_HOLD ((1 << 7))
#define SW_3W_CMD1_RE ((1 << 0)) /* BIT8 */
#define SW_3W_CMD1_WE ((1 << 1)) /* BIT9 */
#define SW_3W_CMD1_DONE ((1 << 2)) /* BIT10 */
#define BB_HOST_BANG_RW (1<<3)
#define BB_HOST_BANG_RW (1 << 3)
// 8185B RATE_FALLBACK_CTL bits (Offset 0xBE, 8bit)
#define RATE_FALLBACK_CTL_ENABLE ((1<< 7))
// Auto rate fallback per 2^n retry.
8185B RATE_FALLBACK_CTL bits (Offset 0xBE, 8bit)
#define RATE_FALLBACK_CTL_ENABLE ((1 << 7))
/* Auto rate fallback per 2^n retry. */
@ -537,37 +547,37 @@
#define RTL8225z2_ANAPARAM_OFF 0x55480658
#define RTL8225z2_ANAPARAM2_OFF 0x72003f70
//by amy for power save
/* by amy for power save */
//by amy for power save
//by amy for antenna
/* by amy for power save */
/* by amy for antenna */
// BIT[8-9] is for SW Antenna Diversity. Only the value EEPROM_SW_AD_ENABLE means enable, other values are diable.
/* BIT[8-9] is for SW Antenna Diversity. Only the value EEPROM_SW_AD_ENABLE means enable, other values are diable. */
#define EEPROM_SW_AD_MASK 0x0300
#define EEPROM_SW_AD_ENABLE 0x0100
// BIT[10-11] determine if Antenna 1 is the Default Antenna. Only the value EEPROM_DEF_ANT_1 means TRUE, other values are FALSE.
/* BIT[10-11] determine if Antenna 1 is the Default Antenna. Only the value EEPROM_DEF_ANT_1 means TRUE, other values are FALSE. */
#define EEPROM_DEF_ANT_MASK 0x0C00
#define EEPROM_DEF_ANT_1 0x0400
//by amy for antenna
//{by amy 080312
//0x7C, 0x7D Crystal calibration and Tx Power tracking mechanism. Added by Roger. 2007.12.10.
/*by amy for antenna */
/* {by amy 080312 */
/* 0x7C, 0x7D Crystal calibration and Tx Power tracking mechanism. Added by Roger. 2007.12.10. */
#define EEPROM_RSV 0x7C
#define EEPROM_XTAL_CAL_XOUT_MASK 0x0F // 0x7C[3:0], Crystal calibration for Xout.
#define EEPROM_XTAL_CAL_XIN_MASK 0xF0 // 0x7C[7:4], Crystal calibration for Xin.
#define EEPROM_THERMAL_METER_MASK 0x0F00 // 0x7D[3:0], Thermal meter reference level.
#define EEPROM_XTAL_CAL_ENABLE 0x1000 // 0x7D[4], Crystal calibration enabled/disabled BIT.
#define EEPROM_THERMAL_METER_ENABLE 0x2000 // 0x7D[5], Thermal meter enabled/disabled BIT.
#define EN_LPF_CAL 0x238 // Enable LPF Calibration.
#define EEPROM_XTAL_CAL_XOUT_MASK 0x0F /* 0x7C[3:0], Crystal calibration for Xout. */
#define EEPROM_XTAL_CAL_XIN_MASK 0xF0 /* 0x7C[7:4], Crystal calibration for Xin. */
#define EEPROM_THERMAL_METER_MASK 0x0F00 /* 0x7D[3:0], Thermal meter reference level. */
#define EEPROM_XTAL_CAL_ENABLE 0x1000 /* 0x7D[4], Crystal calibration enabled/disabled BIT. */
#define EEPROM_THERMAL_METER_ENABLE 0x2000 /* 0x7D[5], Thermal meter enabled/disabled BIT. */
#define EN_LPF_CAL 0x238 /* Enable LPF Calibration. */
// <RJ_TODO_8185B> where are false alarm counters in 8185B?
/* <RJ_TODO_8185B> where are false alarm counters in 8185B? */
#define CCK_FALSE_ALARM 0xD0
//by amy 080312}
/* by amy 080312} */
//YJ,add for Country IE, 080630
/* YJ,add for Country IE, 080630 */
/* YJ,add,080630,end */
Add table
Reference in a new issue