diff --git a/drivers/net/stmmac/Makefile b/drivers/net/stmmac/Makefile
index 2ed83859fd59..c776af15fe1a 100644
--- a/drivers/net/stmmac/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/net/stmmac/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 obj-$(CONFIG_STMMAC_ETH) += stmmac.o
 stmmac-$(CONFIG_STMMAC_TIMER) += stmmac_timer.o
-stmmac-objs:= stmmac_main.o stmmac_ethtool.o stmmac_mdio.o dwmac_lib.o \
-		dwmac100.o  gmac.o $(stmmac-y)
+stmmac-objs:= stmmac_main.o stmmac_ethtool.o stmmac_mdio.o	\
+	      dwmac_lib.o dwmac1000_core.o  dwmac1000_dma.o	\
+	      dwmac100.o $(stmmac-y)
diff --git a/drivers/net/stmmac/common.h b/drivers/net/stmmac/common.h
index 987faaaa1920..25b53d411516 100644
--- a/drivers/net/stmmac/common.h
+++ b/drivers/net/stmmac/common.h
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ struct mac_device_info {
 	struct mac_link link;
-struct mac_device_info *gmac_setup(unsigned long addr);
+struct mac_device_info *dwmac1000_setup(unsigned long addr);
 struct mac_device_info *dwmac100_setup(unsigned long addr);
 extern void stmmac_set_mac_addr(unsigned long ioaddr, u8 addr[6],
diff --git a/drivers/net/stmmac/descs.h b/drivers/net/stmmac/descs.h
index 6d2a0b2f5e57..63a03e264694 100644
--- a/drivers/net/stmmac/descs.h
+++ b/drivers/net/stmmac/descs.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-  Header File to describe the DMA descriptors
-  Use enhanced descriptors in case of GMAC Cores.
+  Header File to describe the DMA descriptors.
+  Enhanced descriptors have been in case of DWMAC1000 Cores.
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
diff --git a/drivers/net/stmmac/gmac.h b/drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000.h
similarity index 94%
rename from drivers/net/stmmac/gmac.h
rename to drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000.h
index 2e82d6c9a148..3d54d6c99129 100644
--- a/drivers/net/stmmac/gmac.h
+++ b/drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000.h
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
   Author: Giuseppe Cavallaro <peppe.cavallaro@st.com>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
+#include <linux/phy.h>
+#include "common.h"
 #define GMAC_CONTROL		0x00000000	/* Configuration */
 #define GMAC_FRAME_FILTER	0x00000004	/* Frame Filter */
 #define GMAC_HASH_HIGH		0x00000008	/* Multicast Hash Table High */
@@ -32,7 +36,7 @@
 #define GMAC_WAKEUP_FILTER	0x00000028	/* Wake-up Frame Filter */
 #define GMAC_INT_STATUS		0x00000038	/* interrupt status register */
-enum gmac_irq_status {
+enum dwmac1000_irq_status {
 	time_stamp_irq = 0x0200,
 	mmc_rx_csum_offload_irq = 0x0080,
 	mmc_tx_irq = 0x0040,
@@ -202,3 +206,16 @@ enum rtc_control {
 #define GMAC_MMC_RX_INTR   0x104
 #define GMAC_MMC_TX_INTR   0x108
 #define GMAC_MMC_RX_CSUM_OFFLOAD   0x208
+#undef DWMAC1000_DEBUG
+/* #define DWMAC1000__DEBUG */
+/* #define FRAME_FILTER_DEBUG */
+#ifdef DWMAC1000__DEBUG
+#define DBG(fmt, args...)  printk(fmt, ## args)
+#define DBG(fmt, args...)  do { } while (0)
+extern struct stmmac_dma_ops dwmac1000_dma_ops;
+extern struct stmmac_desc_ops dwmac1000_desc_ops;
diff --git a/drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000_core.c b/drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000_core.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..928eac05b912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000_core.c
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+  This is the driver for the GMAC on-chip Ethernet controller for ST SoCs.
+  DWC Ether MAC 10/100/1000 Universal version 3.41a  has been used for
+  developing this code.
+  This only implements the mac core functions for this chip.
+  Copyright (C) 2007-2009  STMicroelectronics Ltd
+  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+  more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+  the file called "COPYING".
+  Author: Giuseppe Cavallaro <peppe.cavallaro@st.com>
+#include <linux/crc32.h>
+#include "dwmac1000.h"
+static void dwmac1000_core_init(unsigned long ioaddr)
+	u32 value = readl(ioaddr + GMAC_CONTROL);
+	value |= GMAC_CORE_INIT;
+	writel(value, ioaddr + GMAC_CONTROL);
+	/* STBus Bridge Configuration */
+	/*writel(0xc5608, ioaddr + 0x00007000);*/
+	/* Freeze MMC counters */
+	writel(0x8, ioaddr + GMAC_MMC_CTRL);
+	/* Mask GMAC interrupts */
+	writel(0x207, ioaddr + GMAC_INT_MASK);
+	/* Tag detection without filtering */
+	writel(0x0, ioaddr + GMAC_VLAN_TAG);
+	return;
+static void dwmac1000_dump_regs(unsigned long ioaddr)
+	int i;
+	pr_info("\tDWMAC1000 regs (base addr = 0x%8x)\n", (unsigned int)ioaddr);
+	for (i = 0; i < 55; i++) {
+		int offset = i * 4;
+		pr_info("\tReg No. %d (offset 0x%x): 0x%08x\n", i,
+			offset, readl(ioaddr + offset));
+	}
+	return;
+static void dwmac1000_set_umac_addr(unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned char *addr,
+				unsigned int reg_n)
+	stmmac_set_mac_addr(ioaddr, addr, GMAC_ADDR_HIGH(reg_n),
+				GMAC_ADDR_LOW(reg_n));
+static void dwmac1000_get_umac_addr(unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned char *addr,
+				unsigned int reg_n)
+	stmmac_get_mac_addr(ioaddr, addr, GMAC_ADDR_HIGH(reg_n),
+				GMAC_ADDR_LOW(reg_n));
+static void dwmac1000_set_filter(struct net_device *dev)
+	unsigned long ioaddr = dev->base_addr;
+	unsigned int value = 0;
+	DBG(KERN_INFO "%s: # mcasts %d, # unicast %d\n",
+	    __func__, dev->mc_count, dev->uc.count);
+	if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC)
+	else if ((dev->mc_count > HASH_TABLE_SIZE)
+		   || (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) {
+		value = GMAC_FRAME_FILTER_PM;	/* pass all multi */
+		writel(0xffffffff, ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_HIGH);
+		writel(0xffffffff, ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_LOW);
+	} else if (dev->mc_count > 0) {
+		int i;
+		u32 mc_filter[2];
+		struct dev_mc_list *mclist;
+		/* Hash filter for multicast */
+		memset(mc_filter, 0, sizeof(mc_filter));
+		for (i = 0, mclist = dev->mc_list;
+		     mclist && i < dev->mc_count; i++, mclist = mclist->next) {
+			/* The upper 6 bits of the calculated CRC are used to
+			   index the contens of the hash table */
+			int bit_nr =
+			    bitrev32(~crc32_le(~0, mclist->dmi_addr, 6)) >> 26;
+			/* The most significant bit determines the register to
+			 * use (H/L) while the other 5 bits determine the bit
+			 * within the register. */
+			mc_filter[bit_nr >> 5] |= 1 << (bit_nr & 31);
+		}
+		writel(mc_filter[0], ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_LOW);
+		writel(mc_filter[1], ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_HIGH);
+	}
+	/* Handle multiple unicast addresses (perfect filtering)*/
+	if (dev->uc.count > GMAC_MAX_UNICAST_ADDRESSES)
+		/* Switch to promiscuous mode is more than 16 addrs
+		   are required */
+	else {
+		int reg = 1;
+		struct netdev_hw_addr *ha;
+			list_for_each_entry(ha, &dev->uc.list, list) {
+				dwmac1000_set_umac_addr(ioaddr, ha->addr, reg);
+				reg++;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Enable Receive all mode (to debug filtering_fail errors) */
+	writel(value, ioaddr + GMAC_FRAME_FILTER);
+	DBG(KERN_INFO "\tFrame Filter reg: 0x%08x\n\tHash regs: "
+	    "HI 0x%08x, LO 0x%08x\n", readl(ioaddr + GMAC_FRAME_FILTER),
+	    readl(ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_HIGH), readl(ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_LOW));
+	return;
+static void dwmac1000_flow_ctrl(unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned int duplex,
+			   unsigned int fc, unsigned int pause_time)
+	unsigned int flow = 0;
+	DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC Flow-Control:\n");
+	if (fc & FLOW_RX) {
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "\tReceive Flow-Control ON\n");
+		flow |= GMAC_FLOW_CTRL_RFE;
+	}
+	if (fc & FLOW_TX) {
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "\tTransmit Flow-Control ON\n");
+		flow |= GMAC_FLOW_CTRL_TFE;
+	}
+	if (duplex) {
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "\tduplex mode: pause time: %d\n", pause_time);
+		flow |= (pause_time << GMAC_FLOW_CTRL_PT_SHIFT);
+	}
+	writel(flow, ioaddr + GMAC_FLOW_CTRL);
+	return;
+static void dwmac1000_pmt(unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned long mode)
+	unsigned int pmt = 0;
+	if (mode == WAKE_MAGIC) {
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: WOL Magic frame\n");
+		pmt |= power_down | magic_pkt_en;
+	} else if (mode == WAKE_UCAST) {
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: WOL on global unicast\n");
+		pmt |= global_unicast;
+	}
+	writel(pmt, ioaddr + GMAC_PMT);
+	return;
+static void dwmac1000_irq_status(unsigned long ioaddr)
+	u32 intr_status = readl(ioaddr + GMAC_INT_STATUS);
+	/* Not used events (e.g. MMC interrupts) are not handled. */
+	if ((intr_status & mmc_tx_irq))
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: MMC tx interrupt: 0x%08x\n",
+		    readl(ioaddr + GMAC_MMC_TX_INTR));
+	if (unlikely(intr_status & mmc_rx_irq))
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: MMC rx interrupt: 0x%08x\n",
+		    readl(ioaddr + GMAC_MMC_RX_INTR));
+	if (unlikely(intr_status & mmc_rx_csum_offload_irq))
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: MMC rx csum offload: 0x%08x\n",
+		    readl(ioaddr + GMAC_MMC_RX_CSUM_OFFLOAD));
+	if (unlikely(intr_status & pmt_irq)) {
+		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: received Magic frame\n");
+		/* clear the PMT bits 5 and 6 by reading the PMT
+		 * status register. */
+		readl(ioaddr + GMAC_PMT);
+	}
+	return;
+struct stmmac_ops dwmac1000_ops = {
+	.core_init = dwmac1000_core_init,
+	.dump_regs = dwmac1000_dump_regs,
+	.host_irq_status = dwmac1000_irq_status,
+	.set_filter = dwmac1000_set_filter,
+	.flow_ctrl = dwmac1000_flow_ctrl,
+	.pmt = dwmac1000_pmt,
+	.set_umac_addr = dwmac1000_set_umac_addr,
+	.get_umac_addr = dwmac1000_get_umac_addr,
+struct mac_device_info *dwmac1000_setup(unsigned long ioaddr)
+	struct mac_device_info *mac;
+	u32 uid = readl(ioaddr + GMAC_VERSION);
+	pr_info("\tDWMAC1000 - user ID: 0x%x, Synopsys ID: 0x%x\n",
+		((uid & 0x0000ff00) >> 8), (uid & 0x000000ff));
+	mac = kzalloc(sizeof(const struct mac_device_info), GFP_KERNEL);
+	mac->mac = &dwmac1000_ops;
+	mac->desc = &dwmac1000_desc_ops;
+	mac->dma = &dwmac1000_dma_ops;
+	mac->pmt = PMT_SUPPORTED;
+	mac->link.port = GMAC_CONTROL_PS;
+	mac->link.duplex = GMAC_CONTROL_DM;
+	mac->link.speed = GMAC_CONTROL_FES;
+	mac->mii.addr = GMAC_MII_ADDR;
+	mac->mii.data = GMAC_MII_DATA;
+	return mac;
diff --git a/drivers/net/stmmac/gmac.c b/drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000_dma.c
similarity index 55%
rename from drivers/net/stmmac/gmac.c
rename to drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000_dma.c
index 07880922ff46..68245508e2de 100644
--- a/drivers/net/stmmac/gmac.c
+++ b/drivers/net/stmmac/dwmac1000_dma.c
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
   DWC Ether MAC 10/100/1000 Universal version 3.41a  has been used for
   developing this code.
+  This contains the functions to handle the dma and descriptors.
   Copyright (C) 2007-2009  STMicroelectronics Ltd
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
@@ -24,42 +26,11 @@
   Author: Giuseppe Cavallaro <peppe.cavallaro@st.com>
-#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-#include <linux/crc32.h>
-#include <linux/mii.h>
-#include <linux/phy.h>
-#include "stmmac.h"
-#include "gmac.h"
+#include "dwmac1000.h"
 #include "dwmac_dma.h"
-#undef GMAC_DEBUG
-/*#define GMAC_DEBUG*/
-#ifdef GMAC_DEBUG
-#define DBG(fmt, args...)  printk(fmt, ## args)
-#define DBG(fmt, args...)  do { } while (0)
-static void gmac_dump_regs(unsigned long ioaddr)
-	int i;
-	pr_info("\t----------------------------------------------\n"
-	       "\t  GMAC registers (base addr = 0x%8x)\n"
-	       "\t----------------------------------------------\n",
-	       (unsigned int)ioaddr);
-	for (i = 0; i < 55; i++) {
-		int offset = i * 4;
-		pr_info("\tReg No. %d (offset 0x%x): 0x%08x\n", i,
-		       offset, readl(ioaddr + offset));
-	}
-	return;
-static int gmac_dma_init(unsigned long ioaddr, int pbl, u32 dma_tx, u32 dma_rx)
+static int dwmac1000_dma_init(unsigned long ioaddr, int pbl, u32 dma_tx,
+			      u32 dma_rx)
 	u32 value = readl(ioaddr + DMA_BUS_MODE);
 	/* DMA SW reset */
@@ -88,7 +59,7 @@ static int gmac_dma_init(unsigned long ioaddr, int pbl, u32 dma_tx, u32 dma_rx)
 /* Transmit FIFO flush operation */
-static void gmac_flush_tx_fifo(unsigned long ioaddr)
+static void dwmac1000_flush_tx_fifo(unsigned long ioaddr)
 	u32 csr6 = readl(ioaddr + DMA_CONTROL);
 	writel((csr6 | DMA_CONTROL_FTF), ioaddr + DMA_CONTROL);
@@ -96,7 +67,7 @@ static void gmac_flush_tx_fifo(unsigned long ioaddr)
 	do {} while ((readl(ioaddr + DMA_CONTROL) & DMA_CONTROL_FTF));
-static void gmac_dma_operation_mode(unsigned long ioaddr, int txmode,
+static void dwmac1000_dma_operation_mode(unsigned long ioaddr, int txmode,
 				    int rxmode)
 	u32 csr6 = readl(ioaddr + DMA_CONTROL);
@@ -149,13 +120,13 @@ static void gmac_dma_operation_mode(unsigned long ioaddr, int txmode,
 /* Not yet implemented --- no RMON module */
-static void gmac_dma_diagnostic_fr(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
-				   unsigned long ioaddr)
+static void dwmac1000_dma_diagnostic_fr(void *data,
+		  struct stmmac_extra_stats *x, unsigned long ioaddr)
-static void gmac_dump_dma_regs(unsigned long ioaddr)
+static void dwmac1000_dump_dma_regs(unsigned long ioaddr)
 	int i;
 	pr_info(" DMA registers\n");
@@ -170,8 +141,9 @@ static void gmac_dump_dma_regs(unsigned long ioaddr)
-static int gmac_get_tx_frame_status(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
-				    struct dma_desc *p, unsigned long ioaddr)
+static int dwmac1000_get_tx_frame_status(void *data,
+				struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
+				struct dma_desc *p, unsigned long ioaddr)
 	int ret = 0;
 	struct net_device_stats *stats = (struct net_device_stats *)data;
@@ -186,7 +158,7 @@ static int gmac_get_tx_frame_status(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
 		if (unlikely(p->des01.etx.frame_flushed)) {
 			DBG(KERN_ERR "\tframe_flushed error\n");
-			gmac_flush_tx_fifo(ioaddr);
+			dwmac1000_flush_tx_fifo(ioaddr);
 		if (unlikely(p->des01.etx.loss_carrier)) {
@@ -214,7 +186,7 @@ static int gmac_get_tx_frame_status(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
 		if (unlikely(p->des01.etx.underflow_error)) {
 			DBG(KERN_ERR "\tunderflow error\n");
-			gmac_flush_tx_fifo(ioaddr);
+			dwmac1000_flush_tx_fifo(ioaddr);
@@ -226,7 +198,7 @@ static int gmac_get_tx_frame_status(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
 		if (unlikely(p->des01.etx.payload_error)) {
 			DBG(KERN_ERR "\tAddr/Payload csum error\n");
-			gmac_flush_tx_fifo(ioaddr);
+			dwmac1000_flush_tx_fifo(ioaddr);
 		ret = -1;
@@ -246,12 +218,12 @@ static int gmac_get_tx_frame_status(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
 	return ret;
-static int gmac_get_tx_len(struct dma_desc *p)
+static int dwmac1000_get_tx_len(struct dma_desc *p)
 	return p->des01.etx.buffer1_size;
-static int gmac_coe_rdes0(int ipc_err, int type, int payload_err)
+static int dwmac1000_coe_rdes0(int ipc_err, int type, int payload_err)
 	int ret = good_frame;
 	u32 status = (type << 2 | ipc_err << 1 | payload_err) & 0x7;
@@ -294,8 +266,8 @@ static int gmac_coe_rdes0(int ipc_err, int type, int payload_err)
 	return ret;
-static int gmac_get_rx_frame_status(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
-				    struct dma_desc *p)
+static int dwmac1000_get_rx_frame_status(void *data,
+			struct stmmac_extra_stats *x, struct dma_desc *p)
 	int ret = good_frame;
 	struct net_device_stats *stats = (struct net_device_stats *)data;
@@ -340,7 +312,7 @@ static int gmac_get_rx_frame_status(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
 	 * It doesn't match with the information reported into the databook.
 	 * At any rate, we need to understand if the CSUM hw computation is ok
 	 * and report this info to the upper layers. */
-	ret = gmac_coe_rdes0(p->des01.erx.ipc_csum_error,
+	ret = dwmac1000_coe_rdes0(p->des01.erx.ipc_csum_error,
 		p->des01.erx.frame_type, p->des01.erx.payload_csum_error);
 	if (unlikely(p->des01.erx.dribbling)) {
@@ -371,170 +343,7 @@ static int gmac_get_rx_frame_status(void *data, struct stmmac_extra_stats *x,
 	return ret;
-static void gmac_irq_status(unsigned long ioaddr)
-	u32 intr_status = readl(ioaddr + GMAC_INT_STATUS);
-	/* Not used events (e.g. MMC interrupts) are not handled. */
-	if ((intr_status & mmc_tx_irq))
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: MMC tx interrupt: 0x%08x\n",
-		    readl(ioaddr + GMAC_MMC_TX_INTR));
-	if (unlikely(intr_status & mmc_rx_irq))
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: MMC rx interrupt: 0x%08x\n",
-		    readl(ioaddr + GMAC_MMC_RX_INTR));
-	if (unlikely(intr_status & mmc_rx_csum_offload_irq))
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: MMC rx csum offload: 0x%08x\n",
-		    readl(ioaddr + GMAC_MMC_RX_CSUM_OFFLOAD));
-	if (unlikely(intr_status & pmt_irq)) {
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: received Magic frame\n");
-		/* clear the PMT bits 5 and 6 by reading the PMT
-		 * status register. */
-		readl(ioaddr + GMAC_PMT);
-	}
-	return;
-static void gmac_core_init(unsigned long ioaddr)
-	u32 value = readl(ioaddr + GMAC_CONTROL);
-	value |= GMAC_CORE_INIT;
-	writel(value, ioaddr + GMAC_CONTROL);
-	/* Freeze MMC counters */
-	writel(0x8, ioaddr + GMAC_MMC_CTRL);
-	/* Mask GMAC interrupts */
-	writel(0x207, ioaddr + GMAC_INT_MASK);
-	/* Tag detection without filtering */
-	writel(0x0, ioaddr + GMAC_VLAN_TAG);
-	return;
-static void gmac_set_umac_addr(unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned char *addr,
-				unsigned int reg_n)
-	stmmac_set_mac_addr(ioaddr, addr, GMAC_ADDR_HIGH(reg_n),
-				GMAC_ADDR_LOW(reg_n));
-static void gmac_get_umac_addr(unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned char *addr,
-				unsigned int reg_n)
-	stmmac_get_mac_addr(ioaddr, addr, GMAC_ADDR_HIGH(reg_n),
-				GMAC_ADDR_LOW(reg_n));
-static void gmac_set_filter(struct net_device *dev)
-	unsigned long ioaddr = dev->base_addr;
-	unsigned int value = 0;
-	DBG(KERN_INFO "%s: # mcasts %d, # unicast %d\n",
-	    __func__, dev->mc_count, dev->uc.count);
-	if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC)
-	else if ((dev->mc_count > HASH_TABLE_SIZE)
-		   || (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) {
-		value = GMAC_FRAME_FILTER_PM;	/* pass all multi */
-		writel(0xffffffff, ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_HIGH);
-		writel(0xffffffff, ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_LOW);
-	} else if (dev->mc_count > 0) {
-		int i;
-		u32 mc_filter[2];
-		struct dev_mc_list *mclist;
-		/* Hash filter for multicast */
-		memset(mc_filter, 0, sizeof(mc_filter));
-		for (i = 0, mclist = dev->mc_list;
-		     mclist && i < dev->mc_count; i++, mclist = mclist->next) {
-			/* The upper 6 bits of the calculated CRC are used to
-			   index the contens of the hash table */
-			int bit_nr =
-			    bitrev32(~crc32_le(~0, mclist->dmi_addr, 6)) >> 26;
-			/* The most significant bit determines the register to
-			 * use (H/L) while the other 5 bits determine the bit
-			 * within the register. */
-			mc_filter[bit_nr >> 5] |= 1 << (bit_nr & 31);
-		}
-		writel(mc_filter[0], ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_LOW);
-		writel(mc_filter[1], ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_HIGH);
-	}
-	/* Handle multiple unicast addresses (perfect filtering)*/
-	if (dev->uc.count > GMAC_MAX_UNICAST_ADDRESSES)
-		/* Switch to promiscuous mode is more than 16 addrs
-		   are required */
-	else {
-		int reg = 1;
-		struct netdev_hw_addr *ha;
-		list_for_each_entry(ha, &dev->uc.list, list) {
-			gmac_set_umac_addr(ioaddr, ha->addr, reg);
-			reg++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Enable Receive all mode (to debug filtering_fail errors) */
-	writel(value, ioaddr + GMAC_FRAME_FILTER);
-	DBG(KERN_INFO "\tFrame Filter reg: 0x%08x\n\tHash regs: "
-	    "HI 0x%08x, LO 0x%08x\n", readl(ioaddr + GMAC_FRAME_FILTER),
-	    readl(ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_HIGH), readl(ioaddr + GMAC_HASH_LOW));
-	return;
-static void gmac_flow_ctrl(unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned int duplex,
-			   unsigned int fc, unsigned int pause_time)
-	unsigned int flow = 0;
-	DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC Flow-Control:\n");
-	if (fc & FLOW_RX) {
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "\tReceive Flow-Control ON\n");
-		flow |= GMAC_FLOW_CTRL_RFE;
-	}
-	if (fc & FLOW_TX) {
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "\tTransmit Flow-Control ON\n");
-		flow |= GMAC_FLOW_CTRL_TFE;
-	}
-	if (duplex) {
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "\tduplex mode: pause time: %d\n", pause_time);
-		flow |= (pause_time << GMAC_FLOW_CTRL_PT_SHIFT);
-	}
-	writel(flow, ioaddr + GMAC_FLOW_CTRL);
-	return;
-static void gmac_pmt(unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned long mode)
-	unsigned int pmt = 0;
-	if (mode == WAKE_MAGIC) {
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: WOL Magic frame\n");
-		pmt |= power_down | magic_pkt_en;
-	} else if (mode == WAKE_UCAST) {
-		DBG(KERN_DEBUG "GMAC: WOL on global unicast\n");
-		pmt |= global_unicast;
-	}
-	writel(pmt, ioaddr + GMAC_PMT);
-	return;
-static void gmac_init_rx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, unsigned int ring_size,
+static void dwmac1000_init_rx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, unsigned int ring_size,
 				int disable_rx_ic)
 	int i;
@@ -552,7 +361,7 @@ static void gmac_init_rx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, unsigned int ring_size,
-static void gmac_init_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, unsigned int ring_size)
+static void dwmac1000_init_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, unsigned int ring_size)
 	int i;
@@ -566,32 +375,32 @@ static void gmac_init_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, unsigned int ring_size)
-static int gmac_get_tx_owner(struct dma_desc *p)
+static int dwmac1000_get_tx_owner(struct dma_desc *p)
 	return p->des01.etx.own;
-static int gmac_get_rx_owner(struct dma_desc *p)
+static int dwmac1000_get_rx_owner(struct dma_desc *p)
 	return p->des01.erx.own;
-static void gmac_set_tx_owner(struct dma_desc *p)
+static void dwmac1000_set_tx_owner(struct dma_desc *p)
 	p->des01.etx.own = 1;
-static void gmac_set_rx_owner(struct dma_desc *p)
+static void dwmac1000_set_rx_owner(struct dma_desc *p)
 	p->des01.erx.own = 1;
-static int gmac_get_tx_ls(struct dma_desc *p)
+static int dwmac1000_get_tx_ls(struct dma_desc *p)
 	return p->des01.etx.last_segment;
-static void gmac_release_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p)
+static void dwmac1000_release_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p)
 	int ter = p->des01.etx.end_ring;
@@ -601,7 +410,7 @@ static void gmac_release_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p)
-static void gmac_prepare_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, int is_fs, int len,
+static void dwmac1000_prepare_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, int is_fs, int len,
 				 int csum_flag)
 	p->des01.etx.first_segment = is_fs;
@@ -615,38 +424,27 @@ static void gmac_prepare_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p, int is_fs, int len,
 		p->des01.etx.checksum_insertion = cic_full;
-static void gmac_clear_tx_ic(struct dma_desc *p)
+static void dwmac1000_clear_tx_ic(struct dma_desc *p)
 	p->des01.etx.interrupt = 0;
-static void gmac_close_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p)
+static void dwmac1000_close_tx_desc(struct dma_desc *p)
 	p->des01.etx.last_segment = 1;
 	p->des01.etx.interrupt = 1;
-static int gmac_get_rx_frame_len(struct dma_desc *p)
+static int dwmac1000_get_rx_frame_len(struct dma_desc *p)
 	return p->des01.erx.frame_length;
-struct stmmac_ops gmac_ops = {
-	.core_init = gmac_core_init,
-	.dump_regs = gmac_dump_regs,
-	.host_irq_status = gmac_irq_status,
-	.set_filter = gmac_set_filter,
-	.flow_ctrl = gmac_flow_ctrl,
-	.pmt = gmac_pmt,
-	.set_umac_addr = gmac_set_umac_addr,
-	.get_umac_addr = gmac_get_umac_addr,
-struct stmmac_dma_ops gmac_dma_ops = {
-	.init = gmac_dma_init,
-	.dump_regs = gmac_dump_dma_regs,
-	.dma_mode = gmac_dma_operation_mode,
-	.dma_diagnostic_fr = gmac_dma_diagnostic_fr,
+struct stmmac_dma_ops dwmac1000_dma_ops = {
+	.init = dwmac1000_dma_init,
+	.dump_regs = dwmac1000_dump_dma_regs,
+	.dma_mode = dwmac1000_dma_operation_mode,
+	.dma_diagnostic_fr = dwmac1000_dma_diagnostic_fr,
 	.enable_dma_transmission = dwmac_enable_dma_transmission,
 	.enable_dma_irq = dwmac_enable_dma_irq,
 	.disable_dma_irq = dwmac_disable_dma_irq,
@@ -657,44 +455,20 @@ struct stmmac_dma_ops gmac_dma_ops = {
 	.dma_interrupt = dwmac_dma_interrupt,
-struct stmmac_desc_ops gmac_desc_ops = {
-	.tx_status = gmac_get_tx_frame_status,
-	.rx_status = gmac_get_rx_frame_status,
-	.get_tx_len = gmac_get_tx_len,
-	.init_rx_desc = gmac_init_rx_desc,
-	.init_tx_desc = gmac_init_tx_desc,
-	.get_tx_owner = gmac_get_tx_owner,
-	.get_rx_owner = gmac_get_rx_owner,
-	.release_tx_desc = gmac_release_tx_desc,
-	.prepare_tx_desc = gmac_prepare_tx_desc,
-	.clear_tx_ic = gmac_clear_tx_ic,
-	.close_tx_desc = gmac_close_tx_desc,
-	.get_tx_ls = gmac_get_tx_ls,
-	.set_tx_owner = gmac_set_tx_owner,
-	.set_rx_owner = gmac_set_rx_owner,
-	.get_rx_frame_len = gmac_get_rx_frame_len,
+struct stmmac_desc_ops dwmac1000_desc_ops = {
+	.tx_status = dwmac1000_get_tx_frame_status,
+	.rx_status = dwmac1000_get_rx_frame_status,
+	.get_tx_len = dwmac1000_get_tx_len,
+	.init_rx_desc = dwmac1000_init_rx_desc,
+	.init_tx_desc = dwmac1000_init_tx_desc,
+	.get_tx_owner = dwmac1000_get_tx_owner,
+	.get_rx_owner = dwmac1000_get_rx_owner,
+	.release_tx_desc = dwmac1000_release_tx_desc,
+	.prepare_tx_desc = dwmac1000_prepare_tx_desc,
+	.clear_tx_ic = dwmac1000_clear_tx_ic,
+	.close_tx_desc = dwmac1000_close_tx_desc,
+	.get_tx_ls = dwmac1000_get_tx_ls,
+	.set_tx_owner = dwmac1000_set_tx_owner,
+	.set_rx_owner = dwmac1000_set_rx_owner,
+	.get_rx_frame_len = dwmac1000_get_rx_frame_len,
-struct mac_device_info *gmac_setup(unsigned long ioaddr)
-	struct mac_device_info *mac;
-	u32 uid = readl(ioaddr + GMAC_VERSION);
-	pr_info("\tGMAC - user ID: 0x%x, Synopsys ID: 0x%x\n",
-	       ((uid & 0x0000ff00) >> 8), (uid & 0x000000ff));
-	mac = kzalloc(sizeof(const struct mac_device_info), GFP_KERNEL);
-	mac->mac = &gmac_ops;
-	mac->desc = &gmac_desc_ops;
-	mac->dma = &gmac_dma_ops;
-	mac->pmt = PMT_SUPPORTED;
-	mac->link.port = GMAC_CONTROL_PS;
-	mac->link.duplex = GMAC_CONTROL_DM;
-	mac->link.speed = GMAC_CONTROL_FES;
-	mac->mii.addr = GMAC_MII_ADDR;
-	mac->mii.data = GMAC_MII_DATA;
-	return mac;
diff --git a/drivers/net/stmmac/stmmac_main.c b/drivers/net/stmmac/stmmac_main.c
index e79e00b6f147..16d4e1cecf8f 100644
--- a/drivers/net/stmmac/stmmac_main.c
+++ b/drivers/net/stmmac/stmmac_main.c
@@ -1583,7 +1583,7 @@ static int stmmac_mac_device_setup(struct net_device *dev)
 	struct mac_device_info *device;
 	if (priv->is_gmac)
-		device = gmac_setup(ioaddr);
+		device = dwmac1000_setup(ioaddr);
 		device = dwmac100_setup(ioaddr);