
1480 lines
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* Cryptographic API.
* AES Cipher Algorithm.
* Based on Brian Gladman's code.
* Linux developers:
* Alexander Kjeldaas <>
* Herbert Valerio Riedel <>
* Kyle McMartin <>
* Adam J. Richter <> (conversion to 2.5 API).
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2002, Dr Brian Gladman <>, Worcester, UK.
* All rights reserved.
* The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
* form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:
* 1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
* 2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
* in the documentation and/or other associated materials;
* 3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
* built using this software without specific written permission.
* ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
* may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
* This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
* in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
* and/or fitness for purpose.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <crypto/aes.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/crypto.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h>
#include <asm/unaligned.h>
static inline u8 byte(const u32 x, const unsigned n)
return x >> (n << 3);
static const u32 rco_tab[10] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54 };
FROMGIT: crypto: arm/aes - add some hardening against cache-timing attacks Make the ARM scalar AES implementation closer to constant-time by disabling interrupts and prefetching the tables into L1 cache. This is feasible because due to ARM's "free" rotations, the main tables are only 1024 bytes instead of the usual 4096 used by most AES implementations. On ARM Cortex-A7, the speed loss is only about 5%. The resulting code is still over twice as fast as aes_ti.c. Responsiveness is potentially a concern, but interrupts are only disabled for a single AES block. Note that even after these changes, the implementation still isn't necessarily guaranteed to be constant-time; see for a discussion of the many difficulties involved in writing truly constant-time AES software. But it's valuable to make such attacks more difficult. Much of this patch is based on patches suggested by Ard Biesheuvel. Suggested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <> Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <> Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <> Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <> (cherry picked from commit 913a3aa07d16e5b302f408d497a4b829910de247 master) Bug: 112008522 Test: As series, see Ic61c13b53facfd2173065be715a7ee5f3af8760b Change-Id: I453a7b71c3bb0051106b37cdb71d4511fd4e388a Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <>
2018-10-17 22:37:59 -06:00
/* cacheline-aligned to facilitate prefetching into cache */
__visible const u32 crypto_ft_tab[4][256] __cacheline_aligned = {
0xa56363c6, 0x847c7cf8, 0x997777ee, 0x8d7b7bf6,
0x0df2f2ff, 0xbd6b6bd6, 0xb16f6fde, 0x54c5c591,
0x50303060, 0x03010102, 0xa96767ce, 0x7d2b2b56,
0x19fefee7, 0x62d7d7b5, 0xe6abab4d, 0x9a7676ec,
0x45caca8f, 0x9d82821f, 0x40c9c989, 0x877d7dfa,
0x15fafaef, 0xeb5959b2, 0xc947478e, 0x0bf0f0fb,
0xecadad41, 0x67d4d4b3, 0xfda2a25f, 0xeaafaf45,
0xbf9c9c23, 0xf7a4a453, 0x967272e4, 0x5bc0c09b,
0xc2b7b775, 0x1cfdfde1, 0xae93933d, 0x6a26264c,
0x5a36366c, 0x413f3f7e, 0x02f7f7f5, 0x4fcccc83,
0x5c343468, 0xf4a5a551, 0x34e5e5d1, 0x08f1f1f9,
0x937171e2, 0x73d8d8ab, 0x53313162, 0x3f15152a,
0x0c040408, 0x52c7c795, 0x65232346, 0x5ec3c39d,
0x28181830, 0xa1969637, 0x0f05050a, 0xb59a9a2f,
0x0907070e, 0x36121224, 0x9b80801b, 0x3de2e2df,
0x26ebebcd, 0x6927274e, 0xcdb2b27f, 0x9f7575ea,
0x1b090912, 0x9e83831d, 0x742c2c58, 0x2e1a1a34,
0x2d1b1b36, 0xb26e6edc, 0xee5a5ab4, 0xfba0a05b,
0xf65252a4, 0x4d3b3b76, 0x61d6d6b7, 0xceb3b37d,
0x7b292952, 0x3ee3e3dd, 0x712f2f5e, 0x97848413,
0xf55353a6, 0x68d1d1b9, 0x00000000, 0x2cededc1,
0x60202040, 0x1ffcfce3, 0xc8b1b179, 0xed5b5bb6,
0xbe6a6ad4, 0x46cbcb8d, 0xd9bebe67, 0x4b393972,
0xde4a4a94, 0xd44c4c98, 0xe85858b0, 0x4acfcf85,
0x6bd0d0bb, 0x2aefefc5, 0xe5aaaa4f, 0x16fbfbed,
0xc5434386, 0xd74d4d9a, 0x55333366, 0x94858511,
0xcf45458a, 0x10f9f9e9, 0x06020204, 0x817f7ffe,
0xf05050a0, 0x443c3c78, 0xba9f9f25, 0xe3a8a84b,
0xf35151a2, 0xfea3a35d, 0xc0404080, 0x8a8f8f05,
0xad92923f, 0xbc9d9d21, 0x48383870, 0x04f5f5f1,
0xdfbcbc63, 0xc1b6b677, 0x75dadaaf, 0x63212142,
0x30101020, 0x1affffe5, 0x0ef3f3fd, 0x6dd2d2bf,
0x4ccdcd81, 0x140c0c18, 0x35131326, 0x2fececc3,
0xe15f5fbe, 0xa2979735, 0xcc444488, 0x3917172e,
0x57c4c493, 0xf2a7a755, 0x827e7efc, 0x473d3d7a,
0xac6464c8, 0xe75d5dba, 0x2b191932, 0x957373e6,
0xa06060c0, 0x98818119, 0xd14f4f9e, 0x7fdcdca3,
0x66222244, 0x7e2a2a54, 0xab90903b, 0x8388880b,
0xca46468c, 0x29eeeec7, 0xd3b8b86b, 0x3c141428,
0x79dedea7, 0xe25e5ebc, 0x1d0b0b16, 0x76dbdbad,
0x3be0e0db, 0x56323264, 0x4e3a3a74, 0x1e0a0a14,
0xdb494992, 0x0a06060c, 0x6c242448, 0xe45c5cb8,
0x5dc2c29f, 0x6ed3d3bd, 0xefacac43, 0xa66262c4,
0xa8919139, 0xa4959531, 0x37e4e4d3, 0x8b7979f2,
0x32e7e7d5, 0x43c8c88b, 0x5937376e, 0xb76d6dda,
0x8c8d8d01, 0x64d5d5b1, 0xd24e4e9c, 0xe0a9a949,
0xb46c6cd8, 0xfa5656ac, 0x07f4f4f3, 0x25eaeacf,
0xaf6565ca, 0x8e7a7af4, 0xe9aeae47, 0x18080810,
0xd5baba6f, 0x887878f0, 0x6f25254a, 0x722e2e5c,
0x241c1c38, 0xf1a6a657, 0xc7b4b473, 0x51c6c697,
0x23e8e8cb, 0x7cdddda1, 0x9c7474e8, 0x211f1f3e,
0xdd4b4b96, 0xdcbdbd61, 0x868b8b0d, 0x858a8a0f,
0x907070e0, 0x423e3e7c, 0xc4b5b571, 0xaa6666cc,
0xd8484890, 0x05030306, 0x01f6f6f7, 0x120e0e1c,
0xa36161c2, 0x5f35356a, 0xf95757ae, 0xd0b9b969,
0x91868617, 0x58c1c199, 0x271d1d3a, 0xb99e9e27,
0x38e1e1d9, 0x13f8f8eb, 0xb398982b, 0x33111122,
0xbb6969d2, 0x70d9d9a9, 0x898e8e07, 0xa7949433,
0xb69b9b2d, 0x221e1e3c, 0x92878715, 0x20e9e9c9,
0x49cece87, 0xff5555aa, 0x78282850, 0x7adfdfa5,
0x8f8c8c03, 0xf8a1a159, 0x80898909, 0x170d0d1a,
0xdabfbf65, 0x31e6e6d7, 0xc6424284, 0xb86868d0,
0xc3414182, 0xb0999929, 0x772d2d5a, 0x110f0f1e,
0xcbb0b07b, 0xfc5454a8, 0xd6bbbb6d, 0x3a16162c,
}, {
0x6363c6a5, 0x7c7cf884, 0x7777ee99, 0x7b7bf68d,
0xf2f2ff0d, 0x6b6bd6bd, 0x6f6fdeb1, 0xc5c59154,
0x30306050, 0x01010203, 0x6767cea9, 0x2b2b567d,
0xfefee719, 0xd7d7b562, 0xabab4de6, 0x7676ec9a,
0xcaca8f45, 0x82821f9d, 0xc9c98940, 0x7d7dfa87,
0xfafaef15, 0x5959b2eb, 0x47478ec9, 0xf0f0fb0b,
0xadad41ec, 0xd4d4b367, 0xa2a25ffd, 0xafaf45ea,
0x9c9c23bf, 0xa4a453f7, 0x7272e496, 0xc0c09b5b,
0xb7b775c2, 0xfdfde11c, 0x93933dae, 0x26264c6a,
0x36366c5a, 0x3f3f7e41, 0xf7f7f502, 0xcccc834f,
0x3434685c, 0xa5a551f4, 0xe5e5d134, 0xf1f1f908,
0x7171e293, 0xd8d8ab73, 0x31316253, 0x15152a3f,
0x0404080c, 0xc7c79552, 0x23234665, 0xc3c39d5e,
0x18183028, 0x969637a1, 0x05050a0f, 0x9a9a2fb5,
0x07070e09, 0x12122436, 0x80801b9b, 0xe2e2df3d,
0xebebcd26, 0x27274e69, 0xb2b27fcd, 0x7575ea9f,
0x0909121b, 0x83831d9e, 0x2c2c5874, 0x1a1a342e,
0x1b1b362d, 0x6e6edcb2, 0x5a5ab4ee, 0xa0a05bfb,
0x5252a4f6, 0x3b3b764d, 0xd6d6b761, 0xb3b37dce,
0x2929527b, 0xe3e3dd3e, 0x2f2f5e71, 0x84841397,
0x5353a6f5, 0xd1d1b968, 0x00000000, 0xededc12c,
0x20204060, 0xfcfce31f, 0xb1b179c8, 0x5b5bb6ed,
0x6a6ad4be, 0xcbcb8d46, 0xbebe67d9, 0x3939724b,
0x4a4a94de, 0x4c4c98d4, 0x5858b0e8, 0xcfcf854a,
0xd0d0bb6b, 0xefefc52a, 0xaaaa4fe5, 0xfbfbed16,
0x434386c5, 0x4d4d9ad7, 0x33336655, 0x85851194,
0x45458acf, 0xf9f9e910, 0x02020406, 0x7f7ffe81,
0x5050a0f0, 0x3c3c7844, 0x9f9f25ba, 0xa8a84be3,
0x5151a2f3, 0xa3a35dfe, 0x404080c0, 0x8f8f058a,
0x92923fad, 0x9d9d21bc, 0x38387048, 0xf5f5f104,
0xbcbc63df, 0xb6b677c1, 0xdadaaf75, 0x21214263,
0x10102030, 0xffffe51a, 0xf3f3fd0e, 0xd2d2bf6d,
0xcdcd814c, 0x0c0c1814, 0x13132635, 0xececc32f,
0x5f5fbee1, 0x979735a2, 0x444488cc, 0x17172e39,
0xc4c49357, 0xa7a755f2, 0x7e7efc82, 0x3d3d7a47,
0x6464c8ac, 0x5d5dbae7, 0x1919322b, 0x7373e695,
0x6060c0a0, 0x81811998, 0x4f4f9ed1, 0xdcdca37f,
0x22224466, 0x2a2a547e, 0x90903bab, 0x88880b83,
0x46468cca, 0xeeeec729, 0xb8b86bd3, 0x1414283c,
0xdedea779, 0x5e5ebce2, 0x0b0b161d, 0xdbdbad76,
0xe0e0db3b, 0x32326456, 0x3a3a744e, 0x0a0a141e,
0x494992db, 0x06060c0a, 0x2424486c, 0x5c5cb8e4,
0xc2c29f5d, 0xd3d3bd6e, 0xacac43ef, 0x6262c4a6,
0x919139a8, 0x959531a4, 0xe4e4d337, 0x7979f28b,
0xe7e7d532, 0xc8c88b43, 0x37376e59, 0x6d6ddab7,
0x8d8d018c, 0xd5d5b164, 0x4e4e9cd2, 0xa9a949e0,
0x6c6cd8b4, 0x5656acfa, 0xf4f4f307, 0xeaeacf25,
0x6565caaf, 0x7a7af48e, 0xaeae47e9, 0x08081018,
0xbaba6fd5, 0x7878f088, 0x25254a6f, 0x2e2e5c72,
0x1c1c3824, 0xa6a657f1, 0xb4b473c7, 0xc6c69751,
0xe8e8cb23, 0xdddda17c, 0x7474e89c, 0x1f1f3e21,
0x4b4b96dd, 0xbdbd61dc, 0x8b8b0d86, 0x8a8a0f85,
0x7070e090, 0x3e3e7c42, 0xb5b571c4, 0x6666ccaa,
0x484890d8, 0x03030605, 0xf6f6f701, 0x0e0e1c12,
0x6161c2a3, 0x35356a5f, 0x5757aef9, 0xb9b969d0,
0x86861791, 0xc1c19958, 0x1d1d3a27, 0x9e9e27b9,
0xe1e1d938, 0xf8f8eb13, 0x98982bb3, 0x11112233,
0x6969d2bb, 0xd9d9a970, 0x8e8e0789, 0x949433a7,
0x9b9b2db6, 0x1e1e3c22, 0x87871592, 0xe9e9c920,
0xcece8749, 0x5555aaff, 0x28285078, 0xdfdfa57a,
0x8c8c038f, 0xa1a159f8, 0x89890980, 0x0d0d1a17,
0xbfbf65da, 0xe6e6d731, 0x424284c6, 0x6868d0b8,
0x414182c3, 0x999929b0, 0x2d2d5a77, 0x0f0f1e11,
0xb0b07bcb, 0x5454a8fc, 0xbbbb6dd6, 0x16162c3a,
}, {
0x63c6a563, 0x7cf8847c, 0x77ee9977, 0x7bf68d7b,
0xf2ff0df2, 0x6bd6bd6b, 0x6fdeb16f, 0xc59154c5,
0x30605030, 0x01020301, 0x67cea967, 0x2b567d2b,
0xfee719fe, 0xd7b562d7, 0xab4de6ab, 0x76ec9a76,
0xca8f45ca, 0x821f9d82, 0xc98940c9, 0x7dfa877d,
0xfaef15fa, 0x59b2eb59, 0x478ec947, 0xf0fb0bf0,
0xad41ecad, 0xd4b367d4, 0xa25ffda2, 0xaf45eaaf,
0x9c23bf9c, 0xa453f7a4, 0x72e49672, 0xc09b5bc0,
0xb775c2b7, 0xfde11cfd, 0x933dae93, 0x264c6a26,
0x366c5a36, 0x3f7e413f, 0xf7f502f7, 0xcc834fcc,
0x34685c34, 0xa551f4a5, 0xe5d134e5, 0xf1f908f1,
0x71e29371, 0xd8ab73d8, 0x31625331, 0x152a3f15,
0x04080c04, 0xc79552c7, 0x23466523, 0xc39d5ec3,
0x18302818, 0x9637a196, 0x050a0f05, 0x9a2fb59a,
0x070e0907, 0x12243612, 0x801b9b80, 0xe2df3de2,
0xebcd26eb, 0x274e6927, 0xb27fcdb2, 0x75ea9f75,
0x09121b09, 0x831d9e83, 0x2c58742c, 0x1a342e1a,
0x1b362d1b, 0x6edcb26e, 0x5ab4ee5a, 0xa05bfba0,
0x52a4f652, 0x3b764d3b, 0xd6b761d6, 0xb37dceb3,
0x29527b29, 0xe3dd3ee3, 0x2f5e712f, 0x84139784,
0x53a6f553, 0xd1b968d1, 0x00000000, 0xedc12ced,
0x20406020, 0xfce31ffc, 0xb179c8b1, 0x5bb6ed5b,
0x6ad4be6a, 0xcb8d46cb, 0xbe67d9be, 0x39724b39,
0x4a94de4a, 0x4c98d44c, 0x58b0e858, 0xcf854acf,
0xd0bb6bd0, 0xefc52aef, 0xaa4fe5aa, 0xfbed16fb,
0x4386c543, 0x4d9ad74d, 0x33665533, 0x85119485,
0x458acf45, 0xf9e910f9, 0x02040602, 0x7ffe817f,
0x50a0f050, 0x3c78443c, 0x9f25ba9f, 0xa84be3a8,
0x51a2f351, 0xa35dfea3, 0x4080c040, 0x8f058a8f,
0x923fad92, 0x9d21bc9d, 0x38704838, 0xf5f104f5,
0xbc63dfbc, 0xb677c1b6, 0xdaaf75da, 0x21426321,
0x10203010, 0xffe51aff, 0xf3fd0ef3, 0xd2bf6dd2,
0xcd814ccd, 0x0c18140c, 0x13263513, 0xecc32fec,
0x5fbee15f, 0x9735a297, 0x4488cc44, 0x172e3917,
0xc49357c4, 0xa755f2a7, 0x7efc827e, 0x3d7a473d,
0x64c8ac64, 0x5dbae75d, 0x19322b19, 0x73e69573,
0x60c0a060, 0x81199881, 0x4f9ed14f, 0xdca37fdc,
0x22446622, 0x2a547e2a, 0x903bab90, 0x880b8388,
0x468cca46, 0xeec729ee, 0xb86bd3b8, 0x14283c14,
0xdea779de, 0x5ebce25e, 0x0b161d0b, 0xdbad76db,
0xe0db3be0, 0x32645632, 0x3a744e3a, 0x0a141e0a,
0x4992db49, 0x060c0a06, 0x24486c24, 0x5cb8e45c,
0xc29f5dc2, 0xd3bd6ed3, 0xac43efac, 0x62c4a662,
0x9139a891, 0x9531a495, 0xe4d337e4, 0x79f28b79,
0xe7d532e7, 0xc88b43c8, 0x376e5937, 0x6ddab76d,
0x8d018c8d, 0xd5b164d5, 0x4e9cd24e, 0xa949e0a9,
0x6cd8b46c, 0x56acfa56, 0xf4f307f4, 0xeacf25ea,
0x65caaf65, 0x7af48e7a, 0xae47e9ae, 0x08101808,
0xba6fd5ba, 0x78f08878, 0x254a6f25, 0x2e5c722e,
0x1c38241c, 0xa657f1a6, 0xb473c7b4, 0xc69751c6,
0xe8cb23e8, 0xdda17cdd, 0x74e89c74, 0x1f3e211f,
0x4b96dd4b, 0xbd61dcbd, 0x8b0d868b, 0x8a0f858a,
0x70e09070, 0x3e7c423e, 0xb571c4b5, 0x66ccaa66,
0x4890d848, 0x03060503, 0xf6f701f6, 0x0e1c120e,
0x61c2a361, 0x356a5f35, 0x57aef957, 0xb969d0b9,
0x86179186, 0xc19958c1, 0x1d3a271d, 0x9e27b99e,
0xe1d938e1, 0xf8eb13f8, 0x982bb398, 0x11223311,
0x69d2bb69, 0xd9a970d9, 0x8e07898e, 0x9433a794,
0x9b2db69b, 0x1e3c221e, 0x87159287, 0xe9c920e9,
0xce8749ce, 0x55aaff55, 0x28507828, 0xdfa57adf,
0x8c038f8c, 0xa159f8a1, 0x89098089, 0x0d1a170d,
0xbf65dabf, 0xe6d731e6, 0x4284c642, 0x68d0b868,
0x4182c341, 0x9929b099, 0x2d5a772d, 0x0f1e110f,
0xb07bcbb0, 0x54a8fc54, 0xbb6dd6bb, 0x162c3a16,
}, {
0xc6a56363, 0xf8847c7c, 0xee997777, 0xf68d7b7b,
0xff0df2f2, 0xd6bd6b6b, 0xdeb16f6f, 0x9154c5c5,
0x60503030, 0x02030101, 0xcea96767, 0x567d2b2b,
0xe719fefe, 0xb562d7d7, 0x4de6abab, 0xec9a7676,
0x8f45caca, 0x1f9d8282, 0x8940c9c9, 0xfa877d7d,
0xef15fafa, 0xb2eb5959, 0x8ec94747, 0xfb0bf0f0,
0x41ecadad, 0xb367d4d4, 0x5ffda2a2, 0x45eaafaf,
0x23bf9c9c, 0x53f7a4a4, 0xe4967272, 0x9b5bc0c0,
0x75c2b7b7, 0xe11cfdfd, 0x3dae9393, 0x4c6a2626,
0x6c5a3636, 0x7e413f3f, 0xf502f7f7, 0x834fcccc,
0x685c3434, 0x51f4a5a5, 0xd134e5e5, 0xf908f1f1,
0xe2937171, 0xab73d8d8, 0x62533131, 0x2a3f1515,
0x080c0404, 0x9552c7c7, 0x46652323, 0x9d5ec3c3,
0x30281818, 0x37a19696, 0x0a0f0505, 0x2fb59a9a,
0x0e090707, 0x24361212, 0x1b9b8080, 0xdf3de2e2,
0xcd26ebeb, 0x4e692727, 0x7fcdb2b2, 0xea9f7575,
0x121b0909, 0x1d9e8383, 0x58742c2c, 0x342e1a1a,
0x362d1b1b, 0xdcb26e6e, 0xb4ee5a5a, 0x5bfba0a0,
0xa4f65252, 0x764d3b3b, 0xb761d6d6, 0x7dceb3b3,
0x527b2929, 0xdd3ee3e3, 0x5e712f2f, 0x13978484,
0xa6f55353, 0xb968d1d1, 0x00000000, 0xc12ceded,
0x40602020, 0xe31ffcfc, 0x79c8b1b1, 0xb6ed5b5b,
0xd4be6a6a, 0x8d46cbcb, 0x67d9bebe, 0x724b3939,
0x94de4a4a, 0x98d44c4c, 0xb0e85858, 0x854acfcf,
0xbb6bd0d0, 0xc52aefef, 0x4fe5aaaa, 0xed16fbfb,
0x86c54343, 0x9ad74d4d, 0x66553333, 0x11948585,
0x8acf4545, 0xe910f9f9, 0x04060202, 0xfe817f7f,
0xa0f05050, 0x78443c3c, 0x25ba9f9f, 0x4be3a8a8,
0xa2f35151, 0x5dfea3a3, 0x80c04040, 0x058a8f8f,
0x3fad9292, 0x21bc9d9d, 0x70483838, 0xf104f5f5,
0x63dfbcbc, 0x77c1b6b6, 0xaf75dada, 0x42632121,
0x20301010, 0xe51affff, 0xfd0ef3f3, 0xbf6dd2d2,
0x814ccdcd, 0x18140c0c, 0x26351313, 0xc32fecec,
0xbee15f5f, 0x35a29797, 0x88cc4444, 0x2e391717,
0x9357c4c4, 0x55f2a7a7, 0xfc827e7e, 0x7a473d3d,
0xc8ac6464, 0xbae75d5d, 0x322b1919, 0xe6957373,
0xc0a06060, 0x19988181, 0x9ed14f4f, 0xa37fdcdc,
0x44662222, 0x547e2a2a, 0x3bab9090, 0x0b838888,
0x8cca4646, 0xc729eeee, 0x6bd3b8b8, 0x283c1414,
0xa779dede, 0xbce25e5e, 0x161d0b0b, 0xad76dbdb,
0xdb3be0e0, 0x64563232, 0x744e3a3a, 0x141e0a0a,
0x92db4949, 0x0c0a0606, 0x486c2424, 0xb8e45c5c,
0x9f5dc2c2, 0xbd6ed3d3, 0x43efacac, 0xc4a66262,
0x39a89191, 0x31a49595, 0xd337e4e4, 0xf28b7979,
0xd532e7e7, 0x8b43c8c8, 0x6e593737, 0xdab76d6d,
0x018c8d8d, 0xb164d5d5, 0x9cd24e4e, 0x49e0a9a9,
0xd8b46c6c, 0xacfa5656, 0xf307f4f4, 0xcf25eaea,
0xcaaf6565, 0xf48e7a7a, 0x47e9aeae, 0x10180808,
0x6fd5baba, 0xf0887878, 0x4a6f2525, 0x5c722e2e,
0x38241c1c, 0x57f1a6a6, 0x73c7b4b4, 0x9751c6c6,
0xcb23e8e8, 0xa17cdddd, 0xe89c7474, 0x3e211f1f,
0x96dd4b4b, 0x61dcbdbd, 0x0d868b8b, 0x0f858a8a,
0xe0907070, 0x7c423e3e, 0x71c4b5b5, 0xccaa6666,
0x90d84848, 0x06050303, 0xf701f6f6, 0x1c120e0e,
0xc2a36161, 0x6a5f3535, 0xaef95757, 0x69d0b9b9,
0x17918686, 0x9958c1c1, 0x3a271d1d, 0x27b99e9e,
0xd938e1e1, 0xeb13f8f8, 0x2bb39898, 0x22331111,
0xd2bb6969, 0xa970d9d9, 0x07898e8e, 0x33a79494,
0x2db69b9b, 0x3c221e1e, 0x15928787, 0xc920e9e9,
0x8749cece, 0xaaff5555, 0x50782828, 0xa57adfdf,
0x038f8c8c, 0x59f8a1a1, 0x09808989, 0x1a170d0d,
0x65dabfbf, 0xd731e6e6, 0x84c64242, 0xd0b86868,
0x82c34141, 0x29b09999, 0x5a772d2d, 0x1e110f0f,
0x7bcbb0b0, 0xa8fc5454, 0x6dd6bbbb, 0x2c3a1616,
FROMGIT: crypto: arm/aes - add some hardening against cache-timing attacks Make the ARM scalar AES implementation closer to constant-time by disabling interrupts and prefetching the tables into L1 cache. This is feasible because due to ARM's "free" rotations, the main tables are only 1024 bytes instead of the usual 4096 used by most AES implementations. On ARM Cortex-A7, the speed loss is only about 5%. The resulting code is still over twice as fast as aes_ti.c. Responsiveness is potentially a concern, but interrupts are only disabled for a single AES block. Note that even after these changes, the implementation still isn't necessarily guaranteed to be constant-time; see for a discussion of the many difficulties involved in writing truly constant-time AES software. But it's valuable to make such attacks more difficult. Much of this patch is based on patches suggested by Ard Biesheuvel. Suggested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <> Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <> Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <> Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <> (cherry picked from commit 913a3aa07d16e5b302f408d497a4b829910de247 master) Bug: 112008522 Test: As series, see Ic61c13b53facfd2173065be715a7ee5f3af8760b Change-Id: I453a7b71c3bb0051106b37cdb71d4511fd4e388a Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <>
2018-10-17 22:37:59 -06:00
__visible const u32 crypto_fl_tab[4][256] __cacheline_aligned = {
0x00000063, 0x0000007c, 0x00000077, 0x0000007b,
0x000000f2, 0x0000006b, 0x0000006f, 0x000000c5,
0x00000030, 0x00000001, 0x00000067, 0x0000002b,
0x000000fe, 0x000000d7, 0x000000ab, 0x00000076,
0x000000ca, 0x00000082, 0x000000c9, 0x0000007d,
0x000000fa, 0x00000059, 0x00000047, 0x000000f0,
0x000000ad, 0x000000d4, 0x000000a2, 0x000000af,
0x0000009c, 0x000000a4, 0x00000072, 0x000000c0,
0x000000b7, 0x000000fd, 0x00000093, 0x00000026,
0x00000036, 0x0000003f, 0x000000f7, 0x000000cc,
0x00000034, 0x000000a5, 0x000000e5, 0x000000f1,
0x00000071, 0x000000d8, 0x00000031, 0x00000015,
0x00000004, 0x000000c7, 0x00000023, 0x000000c3,
0x00000018, 0x00000096, 0x00000005, 0x0000009a,
0x00000007, 0x00000012, 0x00000080, 0x000000e2,
0x000000eb, 0x00000027, 0x000000b2, 0x00000075,
0x00000009, 0x00000083, 0x0000002c, 0x0000001a,
0x0000001b, 0x0000006e, 0x0000005a, 0x000000a0,
0x00000052, 0x0000003b, 0x000000d6, 0x000000b3,
0x00000029, 0x000000e3, 0x0000002f, 0x00000084,
0x00000053, 0x000000d1, 0x00000000, 0x000000ed,
0x00000020, 0x000000fc, 0x000000b1, 0x0000005b,
0x0000006a, 0x000000cb, 0x000000be, 0x00000039,
0x0000004a, 0x0000004c, 0x00000058, 0x000000cf,
0x000000d0, 0x000000ef, 0x000000aa, 0x000000fb,
0x00000043, 0x0000004d, 0x00000033, 0x00000085,
0x00000045, 0x000000f9, 0x00000002, 0x0000007f,
0x00000050, 0x0000003c, 0x0000009f, 0x000000a8,
0x00000051, 0x000000a3, 0x00000040, 0x0000008f,
0x00000092, 0x0000009d, 0x00000038, 0x000000f5,
0x000000bc, 0x000000b6, 0x000000da, 0x00000021,
0x00000010, 0x000000ff, 0x000000f3, 0x000000d2,
0x000000cd, 0x0000000c, 0x00000013, 0x000000ec,
0x0000005f, 0x00000097, 0x00000044, 0x00000017,
0x000000c4, 0x000000a7, 0x0000007e, 0x0000003d,
0x00000064, 0x0000005d, 0x00000019, 0x00000073,
0x00000060, 0x00000081, 0x0000004f, 0x000000dc,
0x00000022, 0x0000002a, 0x00000090, 0x00000088,
0x00000046, 0x000000ee, 0x000000b8, 0x00000014,
0x000000de, 0x0000005e, 0x0000000b, 0x000000db,
0x000000e0, 0x00000032, 0x0000003a, 0x0000000a,
0x00000049, 0x00000006, 0x00000024, 0x0000005c,
0x000000c2, 0x000000d3, 0x000000ac, 0x00000062,
0x00000091, 0x00000095, 0x000000e4, 0x00000079,
0x000000e7, 0x000000c8, 0x00000037, 0x0000006d,
0x0000008d, 0x000000d5, 0x0000004e, 0x000000a9,
0x0000006c, 0x00000056, 0x000000f4, 0x000000ea,
0x00000065, 0x0000007a, 0x000000ae, 0x00000008,
0x000000ba, 0x00000078, 0x00000025, 0x0000002e,
0x0000001c, 0x000000a6, 0x000000b4, 0x000000c6,
0x000000e8, 0x000000dd, 0x00000074, 0x0000001f,
0x0000004b, 0x000000bd, 0x0000008b, 0x0000008a,
0x00000070, 0x0000003e, 0x000000b5, 0x00000066,
0x00000048, 0x00000003, 0x000000f6, 0x0000000e,
0x00000061, 0x00000035, 0x00000057, 0x000000b9,
0x00000086, 0x000000c1, 0x0000001d, 0x0000009e,
0x000000e1, 0x000000f8, 0x00000098, 0x00000011,
0x00000069, 0x000000d9, 0x0000008e, 0x00000094,
0x0000009b, 0x0000001e, 0x00000087, 0x000000e9,
0x000000ce, 0x00000055, 0x00000028, 0x000000df,
0x0000008c, 0x000000a1, 0x00000089, 0x0000000d,
0x000000bf, 0x000000e6, 0x00000042, 0x00000068,
0x00000041, 0x00000099, 0x0000002d, 0x0000000f,
0x000000b0, 0x00000054, 0x000000bb, 0x00000016,
}, {
0x00006300, 0x00007c00, 0x00007700, 0x00007b00,
0x0000f200, 0x00006b00, 0x00006f00, 0x0000c500,
0x00003000, 0x00000100, 0x00006700, 0x00002b00,
0x0000fe00, 0x0000d700, 0x0000ab00, 0x00007600,
0x0000ca00, 0x00008200, 0x0000c900, 0x00007d00,
0x0000fa00, 0x00005900, 0x00004700, 0x0000f000,
0x0000ad00, 0x0000d400, 0x0000a200, 0x0000af00,
0x00009c00, 0x0000a400, 0x00007200, 0x0000c000,
0x0000b700, 0x0000fd00, 0x00009300, 0x00002600,
0x00003600, 0x00003f00, 0x0000f700, 0x0000cc00,
0x00003400, 0x0000a500, 0x0000e500, 0x0000f100,
0x00007100, 0x0000d800, 0x00003100, 0x00001500,
0x00000400, 0x0000c700, 0x00002300, 0x0000c300,
0x00001800, 0x00009600, 0x00000500, 0x00009a00,
0x00000700, 0x00001200, 0x00008000, 0x0000e200,
0x0000eb00, 0x00002700, 0x0000b200, 0x00007500,
0x00000900, 0x00008300, 0x00002c00, 0x00001a00,
0x00001b00, 0x00006e00, 0x00005a00, 0x0000a000,
0x00005200, 0x00003b00, 0x0000d600, 0x0000b300,
0x00002900, 0x0000e300, 0x00002f00, 0x00008400,
0x00005300, 0x0000d100, 0x00000000, 0x0000ed00,
0x00002000, 0x0000fc00, 0x0000b100, 0x00005b00,
0x00006a00, 0x0000cb00, 0x0000be00, 0x00003900,
0x00004a00, 0x00004c00, 0x00005800, 0x0000cf00,
0x0000d000, 0x0000ef00, 0x0000aa00, 0x0000fb00,
0x00004300, 0x00004d00, 0x00003300, 0x00008500,
0x00004500, 0x0000f900, 0x00000200, 0x00007f00,
0x00005000, 0x00003c00, 0x00009f00, 0x0000a800,
0x00005100, 0x0000a300, 0x00004000, 0x00008f00,
0x00009200, 0x00009d00, 0x00003800, 0x0000f500,
0x0000bc00, 0x0000b600, 0x0000da00, 0x00002100,
0x00001000, 0x0000ff00, 0x0000f300, 0x0000d200,
0x0000cd00, 0x00000c00, 0x00001300, 0x0000ec00,
0x00005f00, 0x00009700, 0x00004400, 0x00001700,
0x0000c400, 0x0000a700, 0x00007e00, 0x00003d00,
0x00006400, 0x00005d00, 0x00001900, 0x00007300,
0x00006000, 0x00008100, 0x00004f00, 0x0000dc00,
0x00002200, 0x00002a00, 0x00009000, 0x00008800,
0x00004600, 0x0000ee00, 0x0000b800, 0x00001400,
0x0000de00, 0x00005e00, 0x00000b00, 0x0000db00,
0x0000e000, 0x00003200, 0x00003a00, 0x00000a00,
0x00004900, 0x00000600, 0x00002400, 0x00005c00,
0x0000c200, 0x0000d300, 0x0000ac00, 0x00006200,
0x00009100, 0x00009500, 0x0000e400, 0x00007900,
0x0000e700, 0x0000c800, 0x00003700, 0x00006d00,
0x00008d00, 0x0000d500, 0x00004e00, 0x0000a900,
0x00006c00, 0x00005600, 0x0000f400, 0x0000ea00,
0x00006500, 0x00007a00, 0x0000ae00, 0x00000800,
0x0000ba00, 0x00007800, 0x00002500, 0x00002e00,
0x00001c00, 0x0000a600, 0x0000b400, 0x0000c600,
0x0000e800, 0x0000dd00, 0x00007400, 0x00001f00,
0x00004b00, 0x0000bd00, 0x00008b00, 0x00008a00,
0x00007000, 0x00003e00, 0x0000b500, 0x00006600,
0x00004800, 0x00000300, 0x0000f600, 0x00000e00,
0x00006100, 0x00003500, 0x00005700, 0x0000b900,
0x00008600, 0x0000c100, 0x00001d00, 0x00009e00,
0x0000e100, 0x0000f800, 0x00009800, 0x00001100,
0x00006900, 0x0000d900, 0x00008e00, 0x00009400,
0x00009b00, 0x00001e00, 0x00008700, 0x0000e900,
0x0000ce00, 0x00005500, 0x00002800, 0x0000df00,
0x00008c00, 0x0000a100, 0x00008900, 0x00000d00,
0x0000bf00, 0x0000e600, 0x00004200, 0x00006800,
0x00004100, 0x00009900, 0x00002d00, 0x00000f00,
0x0000b000, 0x00005400, 0x0000bb00, 0x00001600,
}, {
0x00630000, 0x007c0000, 0x00770000, 0x007b0000,
0x00f20000, 0x006b0000, 0x006f0000, 0x00c50000,
0x00300000, 0x00010000, 0x00670000, 0x002b0000,
0x00fe0000, 0x00d70000, 0x00ab0000, 0x00760000,
0x00ca0000, 0x00820000, 0x00c90000, 0x007d0000,
0x00fa0000, 0x00590000, 0x00470000, 0x00f00000,
0x00ad0000, 0x00d40000, 0x00a20000, 0x00af0000,
0x009c0000, 0x00a40000, 0x00720000, 0x00c00000,
0x00b70000, 0x00fd0000, 0x00930000, 0x00260000,
0x00360000, 0x003f0000, 0x00f70000, 0x00cc0000,
0x00340000, 0x00a50000, 0x00e50000, 0x00f10000,
0x00710000, 0x00d80000, 0x00310000, 0x00150000,
0x00040000, 0x00c70000, 0x00230000, 0x00c30000,
0x00180000, 0x00960000, 0x00050000, 0x009a0000,
0x00070000, 0x00120000, 0x00800000, 0x00e20000,
0x00eb0000, 0x00270000, 0x00b20000, 0x00750000,
0x00090000, 0x00830000, 0x002c0000, 0x001a0000,
0x001b0000, 0x006e0000, 0x005a0000, 0x00a00000,
0x00520000, 0x003b0000, 0x00d60000, 0x00b30000,
0x00290000, 0x00e30000, 0x002f0000, 0x00840000,
0x00530000, 0x00d10000, 0x00000000, 0x00ed0000,
0x00200000, 0x00fc0000, 0x00b10000, 0x005b0000,
0x006a0000, 0x00cb0000, 0x00be0000, 0x00390000,
0x004a0000, 0x004c0000, 0x00580000, 0x00cf0000,
0x00d00000, 0x00ef0000, 0x00aa0000, 0x00fb0000,
0x00430000, 0x004d0000, 0x00330000, 0x00850000,
0x00450000, 0x00f90000, 0x00020000, 0x007f0000,
0x00500000, 0x003c0000, 0x009f0000, 0x00a80000,
0x00510000, 0x00a30000, 0x00400000, 0x008f0000,
0x00920000, 0x009d0000, 0x00380000, 0x00f50000,
0x00bc0000, 0x00b60000, 0x00da0000, 0x00210000,
0x00100000, 0x00ff0000, 0x00f30000, 0x00d20000,
0x00cd0000, 0x000c0000, 0x00130000, 0x00ec0000,
0x005f0000, 0x00970000, 0x00440000, 0x00170000,
0x00c40000, 0x00a70000, 0x007e0000, 0x003d0000,
0x00640000, 0x005d0000, 0x00190000, 0x00730000,
0x00600000, 0x00810000, 0x004f0000, 0x00dc0000,
0x00220000, 0x002a0000, 0x00900000, 0x00880000,
0x00460000, 0x00ee0000, 0x00b80000, 0x00140000,
0x00de0000, 0x005e0000, 0x000b0000, 0x00db0000,
0x00e00000, 0x00320000, 0x003a0000, 0x000a0000,
0x00490000, 0x00060000, 0x00240000, 0x005c0000,
0x00c20000, 0x00d30000, 0x00ac0000, 0x00620000,
0x00910000, 0x00950000, 0x00e40000, 0x00790000,
0x00e70000, 0x00c80000, 0x00370000, 0x006d0000,
0x008d0000, 0x00d50000, 0x004e0000, 0x00a90000,
0x006c0000, 0x00560000, 0x00f40000, 0x00ea0000,
0x00650000, 0x007a0000, 0x00ae0000, 0x00080000,
0x00ba0000, 0x00780000, 0x00250000, 0x002e0000,
0x001c0000, 0x00a60000, 0x00b40000, 0x00c60000,
0x00e80000, 0x00dd0000, 0x00740000, 0x001f0000,
0x004b0000, 0x00bd0000, 0x008b0000, 0x008a0000,
0x00700000, 0x003e0000, 0x00b50000, 0x00660000,
0x00480000, 0x00030000, 0x00f60000, 0x000e0000,
0x00610000, 0x00350000, 0x00570000, 0x00b90000,
0x00860000, 0x00c10000, 0x001d0000, 0x009e0000,
0x00e10000, 0x00f80000, 0x00980000, 0x00110000,
0x00690000, 0x00d90000, 0x008e0000, 0x00940000,
0x009b0000, 0x001e0000, 0x00870000, 0x00e90000,
0x00ce0000, 0x00550000, 0x00280000, 0x00df0000,
0x008c0000, 0x00a10000, 0x00890000, 0x000d0000,
0x00bf0000, 0x00e60000, 0x00420000, 0x00680000,
0x00410000, 0x00990000, 0x002d0000, 0x000f0000,
0x00b00000, 0x00540000, 0x00bb0000, 0x00160000,
}, {
0x63000000, 0x7c000000, 0x77000000, 0x7b000000,
0xf2000000, 0x6b000000, 0x6f000000, 0xc5000000,
0x30000000, 0x01000000, 0x67000000, 0x2b000000,
0xfe000000, 0xd7000000, 0xab000000, 0x76000000,
0xca000000, 0x82000000, 0xc9000000, 0x7d000000,
0xfa000000, 0x59000000, 0x47000000, 0xf0000000,
0xad000000, 0xd4000000, 0xa2000000, 0xaf000000,
0x9c000000, 0xa4000000, 0x72000000, 0xc0000000,
0xb7000000, 0xfd000000, 0x93000000, 0x26000000,
0x36000000, 0x3f000000, 0xf7000000, 0xcc000000,
0x34000000, 0xa5000000, 0xe5000000, 0xf1000000,
0x71000000, 0xd8000000, 0x31000000, 0x15000000,
0x04000000, 0xc7000000, 0x23000000, 0xc3000000,
0x18000000, 0x96000000, 0x05000000, 0x9a000000,
0x07000000, 0x12000000, 0x80000000, 0xe2000000,
0xeb000000, 0x27000000, 0xb2000000, 0x75000000,
0x09000000, 0x83000000, 0x2c000000, 0x1a000000,
0x1b000000, 0x6e000000, 0x5a000000, 0xa0000000,
0x52000000, 0x3b000000, 0xd6000000, 0xb3000000,
0x29000000, 0xe3000000, 0x2f000000, 0x84000000,
0x53000000, 0xd1000000, 0x00000000, 0xed000000,
0x20000000, 0xfc000000, 0xb1000000, 0x5b000000,
0x6a000000, 0xcb000000, 0xbe000000, 0x39000000,
0x4a000000, 0x4c000000, 0x58000000, 0xcf000000,
0xd0000000, 0xef000000, 0xaa000000, 0xfb000000,
0x43000000, 0x4d000000, 0x33000000, 0x85000000,
0x45000000, 0xf9000000, 0x02000000, 0x7f000000,
0x50000000, 0x3c000000, 0x9f000000, 0xa8000000,
0x51000000, 0xa3000000, 0x40000000, 0x8f000000,
0x92000000, 0x9d000000, 0x38000000, 0xf5000000,
0xbc000000, 0xb6000000, 0xda000000, 0x21000000,
0x10000000, 0xff000000, 0xf3000000, 0xd2000000,
0xcd000000, 0x0c000000, 0x13000000, 0xec000000,
0x5f000000, 0x97000000, 0x44000000, 0x17000000,
0xc4000000, 0xa7000000, 0x7e000000, 0x3d000000,
0x64000000, 0x5d000000, 0x19000000, 0x73000000,
0x60000000, 0x81000000, 0x4f000000, 0xdc000000,
0x22000000, 0x2a000000, 0x90000000, 0x88000000,
0x46000000, 0xee000000, 0xb8000000, 0x14000000,
0xde000000, 0x5e000000, 0x0b000000, 0xdb000000,
0xe0000000, 0x32000000, 0x3a000000, 0x0a000000,
0x49000000, 0x06000000, 0x24000000, 0x5c000000,
0xc2000000, 0xd3000000, 0xac000000, 0x62000000,
0x91000000, 0x95000000, 0xe4000000, 0x79000000,
0xe7000000, 0xc8000000, 0x37000000, 0x6d000000,
0x8d000000, 0xd5000000, 0x4e000000, 0xa9000000,
0x6c000000, 0x56000000, 0xf4000000, 0xea000000,
0x65000000, 0x7a000000, 0xae000000, 0x08000000,
0xba000000, 0x78000000, 0x25000000, 0x2e000000,
0x1c000000, 0xa6000000, 0xb4000000, 0xc6000000,
0xe8000000, 0xdd000000, 0x74000000, 0x1f000000,
0x4b000000, 0xbd000000, 0x8b000000, 0x8a000000,
0x70000000, 0x3e000000, 0xb5000000, 0x66000000,
0x48000000, 0x03000000, 0xf6000000, 0x0e000000,
0x61000000, 0x35000000, 0x57000000, 0xb9000000,
0x86000000, 0xc1000000, 0x1d000000, 0x9e000000,
0xe1000000, 0xf8000000, 0x98000000, 0x11000000,
0x69000000, 0xd9000000, 0x8e000000, 0x94000000,
0x9b000000, 0x1e000000, 0x87000000, 0xe9000000,
0xce000000, 0x55000000, 0x28000000, 0xdf000000,
0x8c000000, 0xa1000000, 0x89000000, 0x0d000000,
0xbf000000, 0xe6000000, 0x42000000, 0x68000000,
0x41000000, 0x99000000, 0x2d000000, 0x0f000000,
0xb0000000, 0x54000000, 0xbb000000, 0x16000000,
FROMGIT: crypto: arm/aes - add some hardening against cache-timing attacks Make the ARM scalar AES implementation closer to constant-time by disabling interrupts and prefetching the tables into L1 cache. This is feasible because due to ARM's "free" rotations, the main tables are only 1024 bytes instead of the usual 4096 used by most AES implementations. On ARM Cortex-A7, the speed loss is only about 5%. The resulting code is still over twice as fast as aes_ti.c. Responsiveness is potentially a concern, but interrupts are only disabled for a single AES block. Note that even after these changes, the implementation still isn't necessarily guaranteed to be constant-time; see for a discussion of the many difficulties involved in writing truly constant-time AES software. But it's valuable to make such attacks more difficult. Much of this patch is based on patches suggested by Ard Biesheuvel. Suggested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <> Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <> Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <> Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <> (cherry picked from commit 913a3aa07d16e5b302f408d497a4b829910de247 master) Bug: 112008522 Test: As series, see Ic61c13b53facfd2173065be715a7ee5f3af8760b Change-Id: I453a7b71c3bb0051106b37cdb71d4511fd4e388a Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <>
2018-10-17 22:37:59 -06:00
__visible const u32 crypto_it_tab[4][256] __cacheline_aligned = {
0x50a7f451, 0x5365417e, 0xc3a4171a, 0x965e273a,
0xcb6bab3b, 0xf1459d1f, 0xab58faac, 0x9303e34b,
0x55fa3020, 0xf66d76ad, 0x9176cc88, 0x254c02f5,
0xfcd7e54f, 0xd7cb2ac5, 0x80443526, 0x8fa362b5,
0x495ab1de, 0x671bba25, 0x980eea45, 0xe1c0fe5d,
0x02752fc3, 0x12f04c81, 0xa397468d, 0xc6f9d36b,
0xe75f8f03, 0x959c9215, 0xeb7a6dbf, 0xda595295,
0x2d83bed4, 0xd3217458, 0x2969e049, 0x44c8c98e,
0x6a89c275, 0x78798ef4, 0x6b3e5899, 0xdd71b927,
0xb64fe1be, 0x17ad88f0, 0x66ac20c9, 0xb43ace7d,
0x184adf63, 0x82311ae5, 0x60335197, 0x457f5362,
0xe07764b1, 0x84ae6bbb, 0x1ca081fe, 0x942b08f9,
0x58684870, 0x19fd458f, 0x876cde94, 0xb7f87b52,
0x23d373ab, 0xe2024b72, 0x578f1fe3, 0x2aab5566,
0x0728ebb2, 0x03c2b52f, 0x9a7bc586, 0xa50837d3,
0xf2872830, 0xb2a5bf23, 0xba6a0302, 0x5c8216ed,
0x2b1ccf8a, 0x92b479a7, 0xf0f207f3, 0xa1e2694e,
0xcdf4da65, 0xd5be0506, 0x1f6234d1, 0x8afea6c4,
0x9d532e34, 0xa055f3a2, 0x32e18a05, 0x75ebf6a4,
0x39ec830b, 0xaaef6040, 0x069f715e, 0x51106ebd,
0xf98a213e, 0x3d06dd96, 0xae053edd, 0x46bde64d,
0xb58d5491, 0x055dc471, 0x6fd40604, 0xff155060,
0x24fb9819, 0x97e9bdd6, 0xcc434089, 0x779ed967,
0xbd42e8b0, 0x888b8907, 0x385b19e7, 0xdbeec879,
0x470a7ca1, 0xe90f427c, 0xc91e84f8, 0x00000000,
0x83868009, 0x48ed2b32, 0xac70111e, 0x4e725a6c,
0xfbff0efd, 0x5638850f, 0x1ed5ae3d, 0x27392d36,
0x64d90f0a, 0x21a65c68, 0xd1545b9b, 0x3a2e3624,
0xb1670a0c, 0x0fe75793, 0xd296eeb4, 0x9e919b1b,
0x4fc5c080, 0xa220dc61, 0x694b775a, 0x161a121c,
0x0aba93e2, 0xe52aa0c0, 0x43e0223c, 0x1d171b12,
0x0b0d090e, 0xadc78bf2, 0xb9a8b62d, 0xc8a91e14,
0x8519f157, 0x4c0775af, 0xbbdd99ee, 0xfd607fa3,
0x9f2601f7, 0xbcf5725c, 0xc53b6644, 0x347efb5b,
0x7629438b, 0xdcc623cb, 0x68fcedb6, 0x63f1e4b8,
0xcadc31d7, 0x10856342, 0x40229713, 0x2011c684,
0x7d244a85, 0xf83dbbd2, 0x1132f9ae, 0x6da129c7,
0x4b2f9e1d, 0xf330b2dc, 0xec52860d, 0xd0e3c177,
0x6c16b32b, 0x99b970a9, 0xfa489411, 0x2264e947,
0xc48cfca8, 0x1a3ff0a0, 0xd82c7d56, 0xef903322,
0xc74e4987, 0xc1d138d9, 0xfea2ca8c, 0x360bd498,
0xcf81f5a6, 0x28de7aa5, 0x268eb7da, 0xa4bfad3f,
0xe49d3a2c, 0x0d927850, 0x9bcc5f6a, 0x62467e54,
0xc2138df6, 0xe8b8d890, 0x5ef7392e, 0xf5afc382,
0xbe805d9f, 0x7c93d069, 0xa92dd56f, 0xb31225cf,
0x3b99acc8, 0xa77d1810, 0x6e639ce8, 0x7bbb3bdb,
0x097826cd, 0xf418596e, 0x01b79aec, 0xa89a4f83,
0x656e95e6, 0x7ee6ffaa, 0x08cfbc21, 0xe6e815ef,
0xd99be7ba, 0xce366f4a, 0xd4099fea, 0xd67cb029,
0xafb2a431, 0x31233f2a, 0x3094a5c6, 0xc066a235,
0x37bc4e74, 0xa6ca82fc, 0xb0d090e0, 0x15d8a733,
0x4a9804f1, 0xf7daec41, 0x0e50cd7f, 0x2ff69117,
0x8dd64d76, 0x4db0ef43, 0x544daacc, 0xdf0496e4,
0xe3b5d19e, 0x1b886a4c, 0xb81f2cc1, 0x7f516546,
0x04ea5e9d, 0x5d358c01, 0x737487fa, 0x2e410bfb,
0x5a1d67b3, 0x52d2db92, 0x335610e9, 0x1347d66d,
0x8c61d79a, 0x7a0ca137, 0x8e14f859, 0x893c13eb,
0xee27a9ce, 0x35c961b7, 0xede51ce1, 0x3cb1477a,
0x59dfd29c, 0x3f73f255, 0x79ce1418, 0xbf37c773,
0xeacdf753, 0x5baafd5f, 0x146f3ddf, 0x86db4478,
0x81f3afca, 0x3ec468b9, 0x2c342438, 0x5f40a3c2,
0x72c31d16, 0x0c25e2bc, 0x8b493c28, 0x41950dff,
0x7101a839, 0xdeb30c08, 0x9ce4b4d8, 0x90c15664,
0x6184cb7b, 0x70b632d5, 0x745c6c48, 0x4257b8d0,
}, {
0xa7f45150, 0x65417e53, 0xa4171ac3, 0x5e273a96,
0x6bab3bcb, 0x459d1ff1, 0x58faacab, 0x03e34b93,
0xfa302055, 0x6d76adf6, 0x76cc8891, 0x4c02f525,
0xd7e54ffc, 0xcb2ac5d7, 0x44352680, 0xa362b58f,
0x5ab1de49, 0x1bba2567, 0x0eea4598, 0xc0fe5de1,
0x752fc302, 0xf04c8112, 0x97468da3, 0xf9d36bc6,
0x5f8f03e7, 0x9c921595, 0x7a6dbfeb, 0x595295da,
0x83bed42d, 0x217458d3, 0x69e04929, 0xc8c98e44,
0x89c2756a, 0x798ef478, 0x3e58996b, 0x71b927dd,
0x4fe1beb6, 0xad88f017, 0xac20c966, 0x3ace7db4,
0x4adf6318, 0x311ae582, 0x33519760, 0x7f536245,
0x7764b1e0, 0xae6bbb84, 0xa081fe1c, 0x2b08f994,
0x68487058, 0xfd458f19, 0x6cde9487, 0xf87b52b7,
0xd373ab23, 0x024b72e2, 0x8f1fe357, 0xab55662a,
0x28ebb207, 0xc2b52f03, 0x7bc5869a, 0x0837d3a5,
0x872830f2, 0xa5bf23b2, 0x6a0302ba, 0x8216ed5c,
0x1ccf8a2b, 0xb479a792, 0xf207f3f0, 0xe2694ea1,
0xf4da65cd, 0xbe0506d5, 0x6234d11f, 0xfea6c48a,
0x532e349d, 0x55f3a2a0, 0xe18a0532, 0xebf6a475,
0xec830b39, 0xef6040aa, 0x9f715e06, 0x106ebd51,
0x8a213ef9, 0x06dd963d, 0x053eddae, 0xbde64d46,
0x8d5491b5, 0x5dc47105, 0xd406046f, 0x155060ff,
0xfb981924, 0xe9bdd697, 0x434089cc, 0x9ed96777,
0x42e8b0bd, 0x8b890788, 0x5b19e738, 0xeec879db,
0x0a7ca147, 0x0f427ce9, 0x1e84f8c9, 0x00000000,
0x86800983, 0xed2b3248, 0x70111eac, 0x725a6c4e,
0xff0efdfb, 0x38850f56, 0xd5ae3d1e, 0x392d3627,
0xd90f0a64, 0xa65c6821, 0x545b9bd1, 0x2e36243a,
0x670a0cb1, 0xe757930f, 0x96eeb4d2, 0x919b1b9e,
0xc5c0804f, 0x20dc61a2, 0x4b775a69, 0x1a121c16,
0xba93e20a, 0x2aa0c0e5, 0xe0223c43, 0x171b121d,
0x0d090e0b, 0xc78bf2ad, 0xa8b62db9, 0xa91e14c8,
0x19f15785, 0x0775af4c, 0xdd99eebb, 0x607fa3fd,
0x2601f79f, 0xf5725cbc, 0x3b6644c5, 0x7efb5b34,
0x29438b76, 0xc623cbdc, 0xfcedb668, 0xf1e4b863,
0xdc31d7ca, 0x85634210, 0x22971340, 0x11c68420,
0x244a857d, 0x3dbbd2f8, 0x32f9ae11, 0xa129c76d,
0x2f9e1d4b, 0x30b2dcf3, 0x52860dec, 0xe3c177d0,
0x16b32b6c, 0xb970a999, 0x489411fa, 0x64e94722,
0x8cfca8c4, 0x3ff0a01a, 0x2c7d56d8, 0x903322ef,
0x4e4987c7, 0xd138d9c1, 0xa2ca8cfe, 0x0bd49836,
0x81f5a6cf, 0xde7aa528, 0x8eb7da26, 0xbfad3fa4,
0x9d3a2ce4, 0x9278500d, 0xcc5f6a9b, 0x467e5462,
0x138df6c2, 0xb8d890e8, 0xf7392e5e, 0xafc382f5,
0x805d9fbe, 0x93d0697c, 0x2dd56fa9, 0x1225cfb3,
0x99acc83b, 0x7d1810a7, 0x639ce86e, 0xbb3bdb7b,
0x7826cd09, 0x18596ef4, 0xb79aec01, 0x9a4f83a8,
0x6e95e665, 0xe6ffaa7e, 0xcfbc2108, 0xe815efe6,
0x9be7bad9, 0x366f4ace, 0x099fead4, 0x7cb029d6,
0xb2a431af, 0x233f2a31, 0x94a5c630, 0x66a235c0,
0xbc4e7437, 0xca82fca6, 0xd090e0b0, 0xd8a73315,
0x9804f14a, 0xdaec41f7, 0x50cd7f0e, 0xf691172f,
0xd64d768d, 0xb0ef434d, 0x4daacc54, 0x0496e4df,
0xb5d19ee3, 0x886a4c1b, 0x1f2cc1b8, 0x5165467f,
0xea5e9d04, 0x358c015d, 0x7487fa73, 0x410bfb2e,
0x1d67b35a, 0xd2db9252, 0x5610e933, 0x47d66d13,
0x61d79a8c, 0x0ca1377a, 0x14f8598e, 0x3c13eb89,
0x27a9ceee, 0xc961b735, 0xe51ce1ed, 0xb1477a3c,
0xdfd29c59, 0x73f2553f, 0xce141879, 0x37c773bf,
0xcdf753ea, 0xaafd5f5b, 0x6f3ddf14, 0xdb447886,
0xf3afca81, 0xc468b93e, 0x3424382c, 0x40a3c25f,
0xc31d1672, 0x25e2bc0c, 0x493c288b, 0x950dff41,
0x01a83971, 0xb30c08de, 0xe4b4d89c, 0xc1566490,
0x84cb7b61, 0xb632d570, 0x5c6c4874, 0x57b8d042,
}, {
0xf45150a7, 0x417e5365, 0x171ac3a4, 0x273a965e,
0xab3bcb6b, 0x9d1ff145, 0xfaacab58, 0xe34b9303,
0x302055fa, 0x76adf66d, 0xcc889176, 0x02f5254c,
0xe54ffcd7, 0x2ac5d7cb, 0x35268044, 0x62b58fa3,
0xb1de495a, 0xba25671b, 0xea45980e, 0xfe5de1c0,
0x2fc30275, 0x4c8112f0, 0x468da397, 0xd36bc6f9,
0x8f03e75f, 0x9215959c, 0x6dbfeb7a, 0x5295da59,
0xbed42d83, 0x7458d321, 0xe0492969, 0xc98e44c8,
0xc2756a89, 0x8ef47879, 0x58996b3e, 0xb927dd71,
0xe1beb64f, 0x88f017ad, 0x20c966ac, 0xce7db43a,
0xdf63184a, 0x1ae58231, 0x51976033, 0x5362457f,
0x64b1e077, 0x6bbb84ae, 0x81fe1ca0, 0x08f9942b,
0x48705868, 0x458f19fd, 0xde94876c, 0x7b52b7f8,
0x73ab23d3, 0x4b72e202, 0x1fe3578f, 0x55662aab,
0xebb20728, 0xb52f03c2, 0xc5869a7b, 0x37d3a508,
0x2830f287, 0xbf23b2a5, 0x0302ba6a, 0x16ed5c82,
0xcf8a2b1c, 0x79a792b4, 0x07f3f0f2, 0x694ea1e2,
0xda65cdf4, 0x0506d5be, 0x34d11f62, 0xa6c48afe,
0x2e349d53, 0xf3a2a055, 0x8a0532e1, 0xf6a475eb,
0x830b39ec, 0x6040aaef, 0x715e069f, 0x6ebd5110,
0x213ef98a, 0xdd963d06, 0x3eddae05, 0xe64d46bd,
0x5491b58d, 0xc471055d, 0x06046fd4, 0x5060ff15,
0x981924fb, 0xbdd697e9, 0x4089cc43, 0xd967779e,
0xe8b0bd42, 0x8907888b, 0x19e7385b, 0xc879dbee,
0x7ca1470a, 0x427ce90f, 0x84f8c91e, 0x00000000,
0x80098386, 0x2b3248ed, 0x111eac70, 0x5a6c4e72,
0x0efdfbff, 0x850f5638, 0xae3d1ed5, 0x2d362739,
0x0f0a64d9, 0x5c6821a6, 0x5b9bd154, 0x36243a2e,
0x0a0cb167, 0x57930fe7, 0xeeb4d296, 0x9b1b9e91,
0xc0804fc5, 0xdc61a220, 0x775a694b, 0x121c161a,
0x93e20aba, 0xa0c0e52a, 0x223c43e0, 0x1b121d17,
0x090e0b0d, 0x8bf2adc7, 0xb62db9a8, 0x1e14c8a9,
0xf1578519, 0x75af4c07, 0x99eebbdd, 0x7fa3fd60,
0x01f79f26, 0x725cbcf5, 0x6644c53b, 0xfb5b347e,
0x438b7629, 0x23cbdcc6, 0xedb668fc, 0xe4b863f1,
0x31d7cadc, 0x63421085, 0x97134022, 0xc6842011,
0x4a857d24, 0xbbd2f83d, 0xf9ae1132, 0x29c76da1,
0x9e1d4b2f, 0xb2dcf330, 0x860dec52, 0xc177d0e3,
0xb32b6c16, 0x70a999b9, 0x9411fa48, 0xe9472264,
0xfca8c48c, 0xf0a01a3f, 0x7d56d82c, 0x3322ef90,
0x4987c74e, 0x38d9c1d1, 0xca8cfea2, 0xd498360b,
0xf5a6cf81, 0x7aa528de, 0xb7da268e, 0xad3fa4bf,
0x3a2ce49d, 0x78500d92, 0x5f6a9bcc, 0x7e546246,
0x8df6c213, 0xd890e8b8, 0x392e5ef7, 0xc382f5af,
0x5d9fbe80, 0xd0697c93, 0xd56fa92d, 0x25cfb312,
0xacc83b99, 0x1810a77d, 0x9ce86e63, 0x3bdb7bbb,
0x26cd0978, 0x596ef418, 0x9aec01b7, 0x4f83a89a,
0x95e6656e, 0xffaa7ee6, 0xbc2108cf, 0x15efe6e8,
0xe7bad99b, 0x6f4ace36, 0x9fead409, 0xb029d67c,
0xa431afb2, 0x3f2a3123, 0xa5c63094, 0xa235c066,
0x4e7437bc, 0x82fca6ca, 0x90e0b0d0, 0xa73315d8,
0x04f14a98, 0xec41f7da, 0xcd7f0e50, 0x91172ff6,
0x4d768dd6, 0xef434db0, 0xaacc544d, 0x96e4df04,
0xd19ee3b5, 0x6a4c1b88, 0x2cc1b81f, 0x65467f51,
0x5e9d04ea, 0x8c015d35, 0x87fa7374, 0x0bfb2e41,
0x67b35a1d, 0xdb9252d2, 0x10e93356, 0xd66d1347,
0xd79a8c61, 0xa1377a0c, 0xf8598e14, 0x13eb893c,
0xa9ceee27, 0x61b735c9, 0x1ce1ede5, 0x477a3cb1,
0xd29c59df, 0xf2553f73, 0x141879ce, 0xc773bf37,
0xf753eacd, 0xfd5f5baa, 0x3ddf146f, 0x447886db,
0xafca81f3, 0x68b93ec4, 0x24382c34, 0xa3c25f40,
0x1d1672c3, 0xe2bc0c25, 0x3c288b49, 0x0dff4195,
0xa8397101, 0x0c08deb3, 0xb4d89ce4, 0x566490c1,
0xcb7b6184, 0x32d570b6, 0x6c48745c, 0xb8d04257,
}, {
0x5150a7f4, 0x7e536541, 0x1ac3a417, 0x3a965e27,
0x3bcb6bab, 0x1ff1459d, 0xacab58fa, 0x4b9303e3,
0x2055fa30, 0xadf66d76, 0x889176cc, 0xf5254c02,
0x4ffcd7e5, 0xc5d7cb2a, 0x26804435, 0xb58fa362,
0xde495ab1, 0x25671bba, 0x45980eea, 0x5de1c0fe,
0xc302752f, 0x8112f04c, 0x8da39746, 0x6bc6f9d3,
0x03e75f8f, 0x15959c92, 0xbfeb7a6d, 0x95da5952,
0xd42d83be, 0x58d32174, 0x492969e0, 0x8e44c8c9,
0x756a89c2, 0xf478798e, 0x996b3e58, 0x27dd71b9,
0xbeb64fe1, 0xf017ad88, 0xc966ac20, 0x7db43ace,
0x63184adf, 0xe582311a, 0x97603351, 0x62457f53,
0xb1e07764, 0xbb84ae6b, 0xfe1ca081, 0xf9942b08,
0x70586848, 0x8f19fd45, 0x94876cde, 0x52b7f87b,
0xab23d373, 0x72e2024b, 0xe3578f1f, 0x662aab55,
0xb20728eb, 0x2f03c2b5, 0x869a7bc5, 0xd3a50837,
0x30f28728, 0x23b2a5bf, 0x02ba6a03, 0xed5c8216,
0x8a2b1ccf, 0xa792b479, 0xf3f0f207, 0x4ea1e269,
0x65cdf4da, 0x06d5be05, 0xd11f6234, 0xc48afea6,
0x349d532e, 0xa2a055f3, 0x0532e18a, 0xa475ebf6,
0x0b39ec83, 0x40aaef60, 0x5e069f71, 0xbd51106e,
0x3ef98a21, 0x963d06dd, 0xddae053e, 0x4d46bde6,
0x91b58d54, 0x71055dc4, 0x046fd406, 0x60ff1550,
0x1924fb98, 0xd697e9bd, 0x89cc4340, 0x67779ed9,
0xb0bd42e8, 0x07888b89, 0xe7385b19, 0x79dbeec8,
0xa1470a7c, 0x7ce90f42, 0xf8c91e84, 0x00000000,
0x09838680, 0x3248ed2b, 0x1eac7011, 0x6c4e725a,
0xfdfbff0e, 0x0f563885, 0x3d1ed5ae, 0x3627392d,
0x0a64d90f, 0x6821a65c, 0x9bd1545b, 0x243a2e36,
0x0cb1670a, 0x930fe757, 0xb4d296ee, 0x1b9e919b,
0x804fc5c0, 0x61a220dc, 0x5a694b77, 0x1c161a12,
0xe20aba93, 0xc0e52aa0, 0x3c43e022, 0x121d171b,
0x0e0b0d09, 0xf2adc78b, 0x2db9a8b6, 0x14c8a91e,
0x578519f1, 0xaf4c0775, 0xeebbdd99, 0xa3fd607f,
0xf79f2601, 0x5cbcf572, 0x44c53b66, 0x5b347efb,
0x8b762943, 0xcbdcc623, 0xb668fced, 0xb863f1e4,
0xd7cadc31, 0x42108563, 0x13402297, 0x842011c6,
0x857d244a, 0xd2f83dbb, 0xae1132f9, 0xc76da129,
0x1d4b2f9e, 0xdcf330b2, 0x0dec5286, 0x77d0e3c1,
0x2b6c16b3, 0xa999b970, 0x11fa4894, 0x472264e9,
0xa8c48cfc, 0xa01a3ff0, 0x56d82c7d, 0x22ef9033,
0x87c74e49, 0xd9c1d138, 0x8cfea2ca, 0x98360bd4,
0xa6cf81f5, 0xa528de7a, 0xda268eb7, 0x3fa4bfad,
0x2ce49d3a, 0x500d9278, 0x6a9bcc5f, 0x5462467e,
0xf6c2138d, 0x90e8b8d8, 0x2e5ef739, 0x82f5afc3,
0x9fbe805d, 0x697c93d0, 0x6fa92dd5, 0xcfb31225,
0xc83b99ac, 0x10a77d18, 0xe86e639c, 0xdb7bbb3b,
0xcd097826, 0x6ef41859, 0xec01b79a, 0x83a89a4f,
0xe6656e95, 0xaa7ee6ff, 0x2108cfbc, 0xefe6e815,
0xbad99be7, 0x4ace366f, 0xead4099f, 0x29d67cb0,
0x31afb2a4, 0x2a31233f, 0xc63094a5, 0x35c066a2,
0x7437bc4e, 0xfca6ca82, 0xe0b0d090, 0x3315d8a7,
0xf14a9804, 0x41f7daec, 0x7f0e50cd, 0x172ff691,
0x768dd64d, 0x434db0ef, 0xcc544daa, 0xe4df0496,
0x9ee3b5d1, 0x4c1b886a, 0xc1b81f2c, 0x467f5165,
0x9d04ea5e, 0x015d358c, 0xfa737487, 0xfb2e410b,
0xb35a1d67, 0x9252d2db, 0xe9335610, 0x6d1347d6,
0x9a8c61d7, 0x377a0ca1, 0x598e14f8, 0xeb893c13,
0xceee27a9, 0xb735c961, 0xe1ede51c, 0x7a3cb147,
0x9c59dfd2, 0x553f73f2, 0x1879ce14, 0x73bf37c7,
0x53eacdf7, 0x5f5baafd, 0xdf146f3d, 0x7886db44,
0xca81f3af, 0xb93ec468, 0x382c3424, 0xc25f40a3,
0x1672c31d, 0xbc0c25e2, 0x288b493c, 0xff41950d,
0x397101a8, 0x08deb30c, 0xd89ce4b4, 0x6490c156,
0x7b6184cb, 0xd570b632, 0x48745c6c, 0xd04257b8,
FROMGIT: crypto: arm/aes - add some hardening against cache-timing attacks Make the ARM scalar AES implementation closer to constant-time by disabling interrupts and prefetching the tables into L1 cache. This is feasible because due to ARM's "free" rotations, the main tables are only 1024 bytes instead of the usual 4096 used by most AES implementations. On ARM Cortex-A7, the speed loss is only about 5%. The resulting code is still over twice as fast as aes_ti.c. Responsiveness is potentially a concern, but interrupts are only disabled for a single AES block. Note that even after these changes, the implementation still isn't necessarily guaranteed to be constant-time; see for a discussion of the many difficulties involved in writing truly constant-time AES software. But it's valuable to make such attacks more difficult. Much of this patch is based on patches suggested by Ard Biesheuvel. Suggested-by: Ard Biesheuvel <> Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <> Reviewed-by: Ard Biesheuvel <> Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <> (cherry picked from commit 913a3aa07d16e5b302f408d497a4b829910de247 master) Bug: 112008522 Test: As series, see Ic61c13b53facfd2173065be715a7ee5f3af8760b Change-Id: I453a7b71c3bb0051106b37cdb71d4511fd4e388a Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <>
2018-10-17 22:37:59 -06:00
__visible const u32 crypto_il_tab[4][256] __cacheline_aligned = {
0x00000052, 0x00000009, 0x0000006a, 0x000000d5,
0x00000030, 0x00000036, 0x000000a5, 0x00000038,
0x000000bf, 0x00000040, 0x000000a3, 0x0000009e,
0x00000081, 0x000000f3, 0x000000d7, 0x000000fb,
0x0000007c, 0x000000e3, 0x00000039, 0x00000082,
0x0000009b, 0x0000002f, 0x000000ff, 0x00000087,
0x00000034, 0x0000008e, 0x00000043, 0x00000044,
0x000000c4, 0x000000de, 0x000000e9, 0x000000cb,
0x00000054, 0x0000007b, 0x00000094, 0x00000032,
0x000000a6, 0x000000c2, 0x00000023, 0x0000003d,
0x000000ee, 0x0000004c, 0x00000095, 0x0000000b,
0x00000042, 0x000000fa, 0x000000c3, 0x0000004e,
0x00000008, 0x0000002e, 0x000000a1, 0x00000066,
0x00000028, 0x000000d9, 0x00000024, 0x000000b2,
0x00000076, 0x0000005b, 0x000000a2, 0x00000049,
0x0000006d, 0x0000008b, 0x000000d1, 0x00000025,
0x00000072, 0x000000f8, 0x000000f6, 0x00000064,
0x00000086, 0x00000068, 0x00000098, 0x00000016,
0x000000d4, 0x000000a4, 0x0000005c, 0x000000cc,
0x0000005d, 0x00000065, 0x000000b6, 0x00000092,
0x0000006c, 0x00000070, 0x00000048, 0x00000050,
0x000000fd, 0x000000ed, 0x000000b9, 0x000000da,
0x0000005e, 0x00000015, 0x00000046, 0x00000057,
0x000000a7, 0x0000008d, 0x0000009d, 0x00000084,
0x00000090, 0x000000d8, 0x000000ab, 0x00000000,
0x0000008c, 0x000000bc, 0x000000d3, 0x0000000a,
0x000000f7, 0x000000e4, 0x00000058, 0x00000005,
0x000000b8, 0x000000b3, 0x00000045, 0x00000006,
0x000000d0, 0x0000002c, 0x0000001e, 0x0000008f,
0x000000ca, 0x0000003f, 0x0000000f, 0x00000002,
0x000000c1, 0x000000af, 0x000000bd, 0x00000003,
0x00000001, 0x00000013, 0x0000008a, 0x0000006b,
0x0000003a, 0x00000091, 0x00000011, 0x00000041,
0x0000004f, 0x00000067, 0x000000dc, 0x000000ea,
0x00000097, 0x000000f2, 0x000000cf, 0x000000ce,
0x000000f0, 0x000000b4, 0x000000e6, 0x00000073,
0x00000096, 0x000000ac, 0x00000074, 0x00000022,
0x000000e7, 0x000000ad, 0x00000035, 0x00000085,
0x000000e2, 0x000000f9, 0x00000037, 0x000000e8,
0x0000001c, 0x00000075, 0x000000df, 0x0000006e,
0x00000047, 0x000000f1, 0x0000001a, 0x00000071,
0x0000001d, 0x00000029, 0x000000c5, 0x00000089,
0x0000006f, 0x000000b7, 0x00000062, 0x0000000e,
0x000000aa, 0x00000018, 0x000000be, 0x0000001b,
0x000000fc, 0x00000056, 0x0000003e, 0x0000004b,
0x000000c6, 0x000000d2, 0x00000079, 0x00000020,
0x0000009a, 0x000000db, 0x000000c0, 0x000000fe,
0x00000078, 0x000000cd, 0x0000005a, 0x000000f4,
0x0000001f, 0x000000dd, 0x000000a8, 0x00000033,
0x00000088, 0x00000007, 0x000000c7, 0x00000031,
0x000000b1, 0x00000012, 0x00000010, 0x00000059,
0x00000027, 0x00000080, 0x000000ec, 0x0000005f,
0x00000060, 0x00000051, 0x0000007f, 0x000000a9,
0x00000019, 0x000000b5, 0x0000004a, 0x0000000d,
0x0000002d, 0x000000e5, 0x0000007a, 0x0000009f,
0x00000093, 0x000000c9, 0x0000009c, 0x000000ef,
0x000000a0, 0x000000e0, 0x0000003b, 0x0000004d,
0x000000ae, 0x0000002a, 0x000000f5, 0x000000b0,
0x000000c8, 0x000000eb, 0x000000bb, 0x0000003c,
0x00000083, 0x00000053, 0x00000099, 0x00000061,
0x00000017, 0x0000002b, 0x00000004, 0x0000007e,
0x000000ba, 0x00000077, 0x000000d6, 0x00000026,
0x000000e1, 0x00000069, 0x00000014, 0x00000063,
0x00000055, 0x00000021, 0x0000000c, 0x0000007d,
}, {
0x00005200, 0x00000900, 0x00006a00, 0x0000d500,
0x00003000, 0x00003600, 0x0000a500, 0x00003800,
0x0000bf00, 0x00004000, 0x0000a300, 0x00009e00,
0x00008100, 0x0000f300, 0x0000d700, 0x0000fb00,
0x00007c00, 0x0000e300, 0x00003900, 0x00008200,
0x00009b00, 0x00002f00, 0x0000ff00, 0x00008700,
0x00003400, 0x00008e00, 0x00004300, 0x00004400,
0x0000c400, 0x0000de00, 0x0000e900, 0x0000cb00,
0x00005400, 0x00007b00, 0x00009400, 0x00003200,
0x0000a600, 0x0000c200, 0x00002300, 0x00003d00,
0x0000ee00, 0x00004c00, 0x00009500, 0x00000b00,
0x00004200, 0x0000fa00, 0x0000c300, 0x00004e00,
0x00000800, 0x00002e00, 0x0000a100, 0x00006600,
0x00002800, 0x0000d900, 0x00002400, 0x0000b200,
0x00007600, 0x00005b00, 0x0000a200, 0x00004900,
0x00006d00, 0x00008b00, 0x0000d100, 0x00002500,
0x00007200, 0x0000f800, 0x0000f600, 0x00006400,
0x00008600, 0x00006800, 0x00009800, 0x00001600,
0x0000d400, 0x0000a400, 0x00005c00, 0x0000cc00,
0x00005d00, 0x00006500, 0x0000b600, 0x00009200,
0x00006c00, 0x00007000, 0x00004800, 0x00005000,
0x0000fd00, 0x0000ed00, 0x0000b900, 0x0000da00,
0x00005e00, 0x00001500, 0x00004600, 0x00005700,
0x0000a700, 0x00008d00, 0x00009d00, 0x00008400,
0x00009000, 0x0000d800, 0x0000ab00, 0x00000000,
0x00008c00, 0x0000bc00, 0x0000d300, 0x00000a00,
0x0000f700, 0x0000e400, 0x00005800, 0x00000500,
0x0000b800, 0x0000b300, 0x00004500, 0x00000600,
0x0000d000, 0x00002c00, 0x00001e00, 0x00008f00,
0x0000ca00, 0x00003f00, 0x00000f00, 0x00000200,
0x0000c100, 0x0000af00, 0x0000bd00, 0x00000300,
0x00000100, 0x00001300, 0x00008a00, 0x00006b00,
0x00003a00, 0x00009100, 0x00001100, 0x00004100,
0x00004f00, 0x00006700, 0x0000dc00, 0x0000ea00,
0x00009700, 0x0000f200, 0x0000cf00, 0x0000ce00,
0x0000f000, 0x0000b400, 0x0000e600, 0x00007300,
0x00009600, 0x0000ac00, 0x00007400, 0x00002200,
0x0000e700, 0x0000ad00, 0x00003500, 0x00008500,
0x0000e200, 0x0000f900, 0x00003700, 0x0000e800,
0x00001c00, 0x00007500, 0x0000df00, 0x00006e00,
0x00004700, 0x0000f100, 0x00001a00, 0x00007100,
0x00001d00, 0x00002900, 0x0000c500, 0x00008900,
0x00006f00, 0x0000b700, 0x00006200, 0x00000e00,
0x0000aa00, 0x00001800, 0x0000be00, 0x00001b00,
0x0000fc00, 0x00005600, 0x00003e00, 0x00004b00,
0x0000c600, 0x0000d200, 0x00007900, 0x00002000,
0x00009a00, 0x0000db00, 0x0000c000, 0x0000fe00,
0x00007800, 0x0000cd00, 0x00005a00, 0x0000f400,
0x00001f00, 0x0000dd00, 0x0000a800, 0x00003300,
0x00008800, 0x00000700, 0x0000c700, 0x00003100,
0x0000b100, 0x00001200, 0x00001000, 0x00005900,
0x00002700, 0x00008000, 0x0000ec00, 0x00005f00,
0x00006000, 0x00005100, 0x00007f00, 0x0000a900,
0x00001900, 0x0000b500, 0x00004a00, 0x00000d00,
0x00002d00, 0x0000e500, 0x00007a00, 0x00009f00,
0x00009300, 0x0000c900, 0x00009c00, 0x0000ef00,
0x0000a000, 0x0000e000, 0x00003b00, 0x00004d00,
0x0000ae00, 0x00002a00, 0x0000f500, 0x0000b000,
0x0000c800, 0x0000eb00, 0x0000bb00, 0x00003c00,
0x00008300, 0x00005300, 0x00009900, 0x00006100,
0x00001700, 0x00002b00, 0x00000400, 0x00007e00,
0x0000ba00, 0x00007700, 0x0000d600, 0x00002600,
0x0000e100, 0x00006900, 0x00001400, 0x00006300,
0x00005500, 0x00002100, 0x00000c00, 0x00007d00,
}, {
0x00520000, 0x00090000, 0x006a0000, 0x00d50000,
0x00300000, 0x00360000, 0x00a50000, 0x00380000,
0x00bf0000, 0x00400000, 0x00a30000, 0x009e0000,
0x00810000, 0x00f30000, 0x00d70000, 0x00fb0000,
0x007c0000, 0x00e30000, 0x00390000, 0x00820000,
0x009b0000, 0x002f0000, 0x00ff0000, 0x00870000,
0x00340000, 0x008e0000, 0x00430000, 0x00440000,
0x00c40000, 0x00de0000, 0x00e90000, 0x00cb0000,
0x00540000, 0x007b0000, 0x00940000, 0x00320000,
0x00a60000, 0x00c20000, 0x00230000, 0x003d0000,
0x00ee0000, 0x004c0000, 0x00950000, 0x000b0000,
0x00420000, 0x00fa0000, 0x00c30000, 0x004e0000,
0x00080000, 0x002e0000, 0x00a10000, 0x00660000,
0x00280000, 0x00d90000, 0x00240000, 0x00b20000,
0x00760000, 0x005b0000, 0x00a20000, 0x00490000,
0x006d0000, 0x008b0000, 0x00d10000, 0x00250000,
0x00720000, 0x00f80000, 0x00f60000, 0x00640000,
0x00860000, 0x00680000, 0x00980000, 0x00160000,
0x00d40000, 0x00a40000, 0x005c0000, 0x00cc0000,
0x005d0000, 0x00650000, 0x00b60000, 0x00920000,
0x006c0000, 0x00700000, 0x00480000, 0x00500000,
0x00fd0000, 0x00ed0000, 0x00b90000, 0x00da0000,
0x005e0000, 0x00150000, 0x00460000, 0x00570000,
0x00a70000, 0x008d0000, 0x009d0000, 0x00840000,
0x00900000, 0x00d80000, 0x00ab0000, 0x00000000,
0x008c0000, 0x00bc0000, 0x00d30000, 0x000a0000,
0x00f70000, 0x00e40000, 0x00580000, 0x00050000,
0x00b80000, 0x00b30000, 0x00450000, 0x00060000,
0x00d00000, 0x002c0000, 0x001e0000, 0x008f0000,
0x00ca0000, 0x003f0000, 0x000f0000, 0x00020000,
0x00c10000, 0x00af0000, 0x00bd0000, 0x00030000,
0x00010000, 0x00130000, 0x008a0000, 0x006b0000,
0x003a0000, 0x00910000, 0x00110000, 0x00410000,
0x004f0000, 0x00670000, 0x00dc0000, 0x00ea0000,
0x00970000, 0x00f20000, 0x00cf0000, 0x00ce0000,
0x00f00000, 0x00b40000, 0x00e60000, 0x00730000,
0x00960000, 0x00ac0000, 0x00740000, 0x00220000,
0x00e70000, 0x00ad0000, 0x00350000, 0x00850000,
0x00e20000, 0x00f90000, 0x00370000, 0x00e80000,
0x001c0000, 0x00750000, 0x00df0000, 0x006e0000,
0x00470000, 0x00f10000, 0x001a0000, 0x00710000,
0x001d0000, 0x00290000, 0x00c50000, 0x00890000,
0x006f0000, 0x00b70000, 0x00620000, 0x000e0000,
0x00aa0000, 0x00180000, 0x00be0000, 0x001b0000,
0x00fc0000, 0x00560000, 0x003e0000, 0x004b0000,
0x00c60000, 0x00d20000, 0x00790000, 0x00200000,
0x009a0000, 0x00db0000, 0x00c00000, 0x00fe0000,
0x00780000, 0x00cd0000, 0x005a0000, 0x00f40000,
0x001f0000, 0x00dd0000, 0x00a80000, 0x00330000,
0x00880000, 0x00070000, 0x00c70000, 0x00310000,
0x00b10000, 0x00120000, 0x00100000, 0x00590000,
0x00270000, 0x00800000, 0x00ec0000, 0x005f0000,
0x00600000, 0x00510000, 0x007f0000, 0x00a90000,
0x00190000, 0x00b50000, 0x004a0000, 0x000d0000,
0x002d0000, 0x00e50000, 0x007a0000, 0x009f0000,
0x00930000, 0x00c90000, 0x009c0000, 0x00ef0000,
0x00a00000, 0x00e00000, 0x003b0000, 0x004d0000,
0x00ae0000, 0x002a0000, 0x00f50000, 0x00b00000,
0x00c80000, 0x00eb0000, 0x00bb0000, 0x003c0000,
0x00830000, 0x00530000, 0x00990000, 0x00610000,
0x00170000, 0x002b0000, 0x00040000, 0x007e0000,
0x00ba0000, 0x00770000, 0x00d60000, 0x00260000,
0x00e10000, 0x00690000, 0x00140000, 0x00630000,
0x00550000, 0x00210000, 0x000c0000, 0x007d0000,
}, {
0x52000000, 0x09000000, 0x6a000000, 0xd5000000,
0x30000000, 0x36000000, 0xa5000000, 0x38000000,
0xbf000000, 0x40000000, 0xa3000000, 0x9e000000,
0x81000000, 0xf3000000, 0xd7000000, 0xfb000000,
0x7c000000, 0xe3000000, 0x39000000, 0x82000000,
0x9b000000, 0x2f000000, 0xff000000, 0x87000000,
0x34000000, 0x8e000000, 0x43000000, 0x44000000,
0xc4000000, 0xde000000, 0xe9000000, 0xcb000000,
0x54000000, 0x7b000000, 0x94000000, 0x32000000,
0xa6000000, 0xc2000000, 0x23000000, 0x3d000000,
0xee000000, 0x4c000000, 0x95000000, 0x0b000000,
0x42000000, 0xfa000000, 0xc3000000, 0x4e000000,
0x08000000, 0x2e000000, 0xa1000000, 0x66000000,
0x28000000, 0xd9000000, 0x24000000, 0xb2000000,
0x76000000, 0x5b000000, 0xa2000000, 0x49000000,
0x6d000000, 0x8b000000, 0xd1000000, 0x25000000,
0x72000000, 0xf8000000, 0xf6000000, 0x64000000,
0x86000000, 0x68000000, 0x98000000, 0x16000000,
0xd4000000, 0xa4000000, 0x5c000000, 0xcc000000,
0x5d000000, 0x65000000, 0xb6000000, 0x92000000,
0x6c000000, 0x70000000, 0x48000000, 0x50000000,
0xfd000000, 0xed000000, 0xb9000000, 0xda000000,
0x5e000000, 0x15000000, 0x46000000, 0x57000000,
0xa7000000, 0x8d000000, 0x9d000000, 0x84000000,
0x90000000, 0xd8000000, 0xab000000, 0x00000000,
0x8c000000, 0xbc000000, 0xd3000000, 0x0a000000,
0xf7000000, 0xe4000000, 0x58000000, 0x05000000,
0xb8000000, 0xb3000000, 0x45000000, 0x06000000,
0xd0000000, 0x2c000000, 0x1e000000, 0x8f000000,
0xca000000, 0x3f000000, 0x0f000000, 0x02000000,
0xc1000000, 0xaf000000, 0xbd000000, 0x03000000,
0x01000000, 0x13000000, 0x8a000000, 0x6b000000,
0x3a000000, 0x91000000, 0x11000000, 0x41000000,
0x4f000000, 0x67000000, 0xdc000000, 0xea000000,
0x97000000, 0xf2000000, 0xcf000000, 0xce000000,
0xf0000000, 0xb4000000, 0xe6000000, 0x73000000,
0x96000000, 0xac000000, 0x74000000, 0x22000000,
0xe7000000, 0xad000000, 0x35000000, 0x85000000,
0xe2000000, 0xf9000000, 0x37000000, 0xe8000000,
0x1c000000, 0x75000000, 0xdf000000, 0x6e000000,
0x47000000, 0xf1000000, 0x1a000000, 0x71000000,
0x1d000000, 0x29000000, 0xc5000000, 0x89000000,
0x6f000000, 0xb7000000, 0x62000000, 0x0e000000,
0xaa000000, 0x18000000, 0xbe000000, 0x1b000000,
0xfc000000, 0x56000000, 0x3e000000, 0x4b000000,
0xc6000000, 0xd2000000, 0x79000000, 0x20000000,
0x9a000000, 0xdb000000, 0xc0000000, 0xfe000000,
0x78000000, 0xcd000000, 0x5a000000, 0xf4000000,
0x1f000000, 0xdd000000, 0xa8000000, 0x33000000,
0x88000000, 0x07000000, 0xc7000000, 0x31000000,
0xb1000000, 0x12000000, 0x10000000, 0x59000000,
0x27000000, 0x80000000, 0xec000000, 0x5f000000,
0x60000000, 0x51000000, 0x7f000000, 0xa9000000,
0x19000000, 0xb5000000, 0x4a000000, 0x0d000000,
0x2d000000, 0xe5000000, 0x7a000000, 0x9f000000,
0x93000000, 0xc9000000, 0x9c000000, 0xef000000,
0xa0000000, 0xe0000000, 0x3b000000, 0x4d000000,
0xae000000, 0x2a000000, 0xf5000000, 0xb0000000,
0xc8000000, 0xeb000000, 0xbb000000, 0x3c000000,
0x83000000, 0x53000000, 0x99000000, 0x61000000,
0x17000000, 0x2b000000, 0x04000000, 0x7e000000,
0xba000000, 0x77000000, 0xd6000000, 0x26000000,
0xe1000000, 0x69000000, 0x14000000, 0x63000000,
0x55000000, 0x21000000, 0x0c000000, 0x7d000000,
/* initialise the key schedule from the user supplied key */
#define star_x(x) (((x) & 0x7f7f7f7f) << 1) ^ ((((x) & 0x80808080) >> 7) * 0x1b)
#define imix_col(y, x) do { \
u = star_x(x); \
v = star_x(u); \
w = star_x(v); \
t = w ^ (x); \
(y) = u ^ v ^ w; \
(y) ^= ror32(u ^ t, 8) ^ \
ror32(v ^ t, 16) ^ \
ror32(t, 24); \
} while (0)
#define ls_box(x) \
crypto_fl_tab[0][byte(x, 0)] ^ \
crypto_fl_tab[1][byte(x, 1)] ^ \
crypto_fl_tab[2][byte(x, 2)] ^ \
crypto_fl_tab[3][byte(x, 3)]
#define loop4(i) do { \
t = ror32(t, 8); \
t = ls_box(t) ^ rco_tab[i]; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[4 * i]; \
ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 4] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 1]; \
ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 5] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 2]; \
ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 6] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 3]; \
ctx->key_enc[4 * i + 7] = t; \
} while (0)
#define loop6(i) do { \
t = ror32(t, 8); \
t = ls_box(t) ^ rco_tab[i]; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i]; \
ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 6] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 1]; \
ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 7] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 2]; \
ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 8] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 3]; \
ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 9] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 4]; \
ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 10] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 5]; \
ctx->key_enc[6 * i + 11] = t; \
} while (0)
#define loop8tophalf(i) do { \
t = ror32(t, 8); \
t = ls_box(t) ^ rco_tab[i]; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i]; \
ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 8] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 1]; \
ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 9] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 2]; \
ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 10] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 3]; \
ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 11] = t; \
} while (0)
#define loop8(i) do { \
loop8tophalf(i); \
t = ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 4] ^ ls_box(t); \
ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 12] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 5]; \
ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 13] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 6]; \
ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 14] = t; \
t ^= ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 7]; \
ctx->key_enc[8 * i + 15] = t; \
} while (0)
* crypto_aes_expand_key - Expands the AES key as described in FIPS-197
* @ctx: The location where the computed key will be stored.
* @in_key: The supplied key.
* @key_len: The length of the supplied key.
* Returns 0 on success. The function fails only if an invalid key size (or
* pointer) is supplied.
* The expanded key size is 240 bytes (max of 14 rounds with a unique 16 bytes
* key schedule plus a 16 bytes key which is used before the first round).
* The decryption key is prepared for the "Equivalent Inverse Cipher" as
* described in FIPS-197. The first slot (16 bytes) of each key (enc or dec) is
* for the initial combination, the second slot for the first round and so on.
int crypto_aes_expand_key(struct crypto_aes_ctx *ctx, const u8 *in_key,
unsigned int key_len)
u32 i, t, u, v, w, j;
if (key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_128 && key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_192 &&
key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_256)
return -EINVAL;
ctx->key_length = key_len;
ctx->key_enc[0] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key);
ctx->key_enc[1] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 4);
ctx->key_enc[2] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 8);
ctx->key_enc[3] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 12);
ctx->key_dec[key_len + 24] = ctx->key_enc[0];
ctx->key_dec[key_len + 25] = ctx->key_enc[1];
ctx->key_dec[key_len + 26] = ctx->key_enc[2];
ctx->key_dec[key_len + 27] = ctx->key_enc[3];
switch (key_len) {
case AES_KEYSIZE_128:
t = ctx->key_enc[3];
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
case AES_KEYSIZE_192:
ctx->key_enc[4] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 16);
t = ctx->key_enc[5] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 20);
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
case AES_KEYSIZE_256:
ctx->key_enc[4] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 16);
ctx->key_enc[5] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 20);
ctx->key_enc[6] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 24);
t = ctx->key_enc[7] = get_unaligned_le32(in_key + 28);
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
ctx->key_dec[0] = ctx->key_enc[key_len + 24];
ctx->key_dec[1] = ctx->key_enc[key_len + 25];
ctx->key_dec[2] = ctx->key_enc[key_len + 26];
ctx->key_dec[3] = ctx->key_enc[key_len + 27];
for (i = 4; i < key_len + 24; ++i) {
j = key_len + 24 - (i & ~3) + (i & 3);
imix_col(ctx->key_dec[j], ctx->key_enc[i]);
return 0;
* crypto_aes_set_key - Set the AES key.
* @tfm: The %crypto_tfm that is used in the context.
* @in_key: The input key.
* @key_len: The size of the key.
* Returns 0 on success, on failure the %CRYPTO_TFM_RES_BAD_KEY_LEN flag in tfm
* is set. The function uses crypto_aes_expand_key() to expand the key.
* &crypto_aes_ctx _must_ be the private data embedded in @tfm which is
* retrieved with crypto_tfm_ctx().
int crypto_aes_set_key(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *in_key,
unsigned int key_len)
struct crypto_aes_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
u32 *flags = &tfm->crt_flags;
int ret;
ret = crypto_aes_expand_key(ctx, in_key, key_len);
if (!ret)
return 0;
return -EINVAL;
/* encrypt a block of text */
#define f_rn(bo, bi, n, k) do { \
bo[n] = crypto_ft_tab[0][byte(bi[n], 0)] ^ \
crypto_ft_tab[1][byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3], 1)] ^ \
crypto_ft_tab[2][byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3], 2)] ^ \
crypto_ft_tab[3][byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3], 3)] ^ *(k + n); \
} while (0)
#define f_nround(bo, bi, k) do {\
f_rn(bo, bi, 0, k); \
f_rn(bo, bi, 1, k); \
f_rn(bo, bi, 2, k); \
f_rn(bo, bi, 3, k); \
k += 4; \
} while (0)
#define f_rl(bo, bi, n, k) do { \
bo[n] = crypto_fl_tab[0][byte(bi[n], 0)] ^ \
crypto_fl_tab[1][byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3], 1)] ^ \
crypto_fl_tab[2][byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3], 2)] ^ \
crypto_fl_tab[3][byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3], 3)] ^ *(k + n); \
} while (0)
#define f_lround(bo, bi, k) do {\
f_rl(bo, bi, 0, k); \
f_rl(bo, bi, 1, k); \
f_rl(bo, bi, 2, k); \
f_rl(bo, bi, 3, k); \
} while (0)
static void aes_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *out, const u8 *in)
const struct crypto_aes_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
u32 b0[4], b1[4];
const u32 *kp = ctx->key_enc + 4;
const int key_len = ctx->key_length;
b0[0] = ctx->key_enc[0] ^ get_unaligned_le32(in);
b0[1] = ctx->key_enc[1] ^ get_unaligned_le32(in + 4);
b0[2] = ctx->key_enc[2] ^ get_unaligned_le32(in + 8);
b0[3] = ctx->key_enc[3] ^ get_unaligned_le32(in + 12);
if (key_len > 24) {
f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
if (key_len > 16) {
f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp);
f_lround(b0, b1, kp);
put_unaligned_le32(b0[0], out);
put_unaligned_le32(b0[1], out + 4);
put_unaligned_le32(b0[2], out + 8);
put_unaligned_le32(b0[3], out + 12);
/* decrypt a block of text */
#define i_rn(bo, bi, n, k) do { \
bo[n] = crypto_it_tab[0][byte(bi[n], 0)] ^ \
crypto_it_tab[1][byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3], 1)] ^ \
crypto_it_tab[2][byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3], 2)] ^ \
crypto_it_tab[3][byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3], 3)] ^ *(k + n); \
} while (0)
#define i_nround(bo, bi, k) do {\
i_rn(bo, bi, 0, k); \
i_rn(bo, bi, 1, k); \
i_rn(bo, bi, 2, k); \
i_rn(bo, bi, 3, k); \
k += 4; \
} while (0)
#define i_rl(bo, bi, n, k) do { \
bo[n] = crypto_il_tab[0][byte(bi[n], 0)] ^ \
crypto_il_tab[1][byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3], 1)] ^ \
crypto_il_tab[2][byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3], 2)] ^ \
crypto_il_tab[3][byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3], 3)] ^ *(k + n); \
} while (0)
#define i_lround(bo, bi, k) do {\
i_rl(bo, bi, 0, k); \
i_rl(bo, bi, 1, k); \
i_rl(bo, bi, 2, k); \
i_rl(bo, bi, 3, k); \
} while (0)
static void aes_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *out, const u8 *in)
const struct crypto_aes_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
u32 b0[4], b1[4];
const int key_len = ctx->key_length;
const u32 *kp = ctx->key_dec + 4;
b0[0] = ctx->key_dec[0] ^ get_unaligned_le32(in);
b0[1] = ctx->key_dec[1] ^ get_unaligned_le32(in + 4);
b0[2] = ctx->key_dec[2] ^ get_unaligned_le32(in + 8);
b0[3] = ctx->key_dec[3] ^ get_unaligned_le32(in + 12);
if (key_len > 24) {
i_nround(b1, b0, kp);
i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
if (key_len > 16) {
i_nround(b1, b0, kp);
i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp);
i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp);
i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp);
i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp);
i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp);
i_lround(b0, b1, kp);
put_unaligned_le32(b0[0], out);
put_unaligned_le32(b0[1], out + 4);
put_unaligned_le32(b0[2], out + 8);
put_unaligned_le32(b0[3], out + 12);
static struct crypto_alg aes_alg = {
.cra_name = "aes",
.cra_driver_name = "aes-generic",
.cra_priority = 100,
.cra_blocksize = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
.cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct crypto_aes_ctx),
.cra_module = THIS_MODULE,
.cra_u = {
.cipher = {
.cia_min_keysize = AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
.cia_max_keysize = AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
.cia_setkey = crypto_aes_set_key,
.cia_encrypt = aes_encrypt,
.cia_decrypt = aes_decrypt
static int __init aes_init(void)
return crypto_register_alg(&aes_alg);
static void __exit aes_fini(void)
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Rijndael (AES) Cipher Algorithm");