Here is small HOWTO release new version of Stratagus (and also Wargus/War1gus/Stargus/...) Increase version in file: CMakeLists.txt Update changelog in file: doc/changelog.html Increase version and update changelog for debian: dch -vNEWVERSION dch -r Update copyright information for Debian: debian/copyright It's a good idea to ensure the debian build works before taggging: gbp buildpackage Create the doxygen documentation by building with -DENABLE_DOC=ON Create the lua function bindings overview by running the Python script doc/lua/ Copy the generated doxygen and the generated lua bindings html to the website storage. Tag the new release in and wait for it to run through on the Appveyor CI. This will automatically cause a release with the tag name to be created, and the windows dependencies will be uploaded there. Tag the new release here and wait for it to run through the CIs. Appveyor and Travis will upload new versions for Windows and OSX. git commit -a -m "Release version " git tag git push --tags origin master Go to Launchpad to trigger building new debian packages. For Wargus/War1gus/Stargus we have a release.rb script. Run it without any arguments, and it will tell you how to call it to start the release process for this particular project. Finally, update the download links for the stable versions in the repository.