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                          T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
           Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine

FAQ for Stratagus

Q: How do I create a game using the engine?
A: We strongly recommend that you help an existing game instead of creating yet another one. There are way to many wannabe games and none finished.

Q: Does Stratagus work with ALSA?
A: Yes, if you compiled SDL with ALSA support.

Q: What ports does the Stratagus network protocol use?
A: Stratagus uses UDP with port 6660 by default, you may start stratagus with '-Pxxxx' flag to use port xxxx instead.

Q: Does stratagus support internet/metaserver play?
A: Not yet, but this is a planned feature.

Q: Stratagus runs really slow in large resolutions, what can I do?
A: Versions of Stratagus from 2.1 update the screen every frame. Use OpenGL or play with a smaller screen resolution.

Q: Can I use Stratagus to play Age of Empires, StarCraft, or any other commercial game?
A: No.

Q: My question isn't answered here.
A: Submit a question.

(C) Copyright 1998-2015 by The Stratagus Project under the GNU General Public License.
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.