# - Try to detect some SDL gles support # Once done this will define # # SDLGLES_FOUND - system has gles support in SDL # SDLGLES_TYPE - Native or EGL # SDLGLES_INCLUDE_DIR - include directory for SDL gles (can be empty) # SDLGLES_LIBRARY - library for SDL gles (can be empty) # Types: # Native - support is in SDL, program only needs to add SDL_OPENGLES flag to SDL_SetVideoMode # EGL - support using directly EGL library, see http://pandorawiki.org/Combining_OpenGL_ES_1.1_and_SDL_to_create_a_window_on_the_Pandora # program needs to initialize EGL and GLES manually # Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Pali Rohár # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. set(SDLGLES_FOUND false) if(SDLGLES_TYPE) set(SDLGLES_FOUND true) else() if (NOT SDLGLES_FOUND) # Check for Native support include(CheckTypeSize) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES SDL include/SDL) set(CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES SDL_video.h) check_type_size(SDL_OPENGLES, SDLGLES_NATIVE) if(HAVE_SDLGLES_NATIVE) set(SDLGLES_FOUND true) set(SDLGLES_TYPE "Native") set(SDLGLES_INCLUDE_DIR "") set(SDLGLES_LIBRARY "") message(STATUS "Found Native SDL gles") else() message(STATUS "Could not find Native SDL gles") endif() endif() if (NOT SDLGLES_FOUND) # Check for EGL support find_package(OpenGLES) if(OPENGLES_FOUND) set(SDLGLES_FOUND true) set(SDLGLES_TYPE "EGL") set(SDLGLES_INCLUDE_DIR "") set(SDLGLES_LIBRARY "") message(STATUS "Found EGL SDL gles") else() message(STATUS "Could not find EGL SDL gles") endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(SDLGLES_TYPE SDLGLES_INCLUDE_DIR SDLGLES_LIBRARY) endif()