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       /_______  /|__|  |__|  (____  /__| (____  /\___  /|____//____  >
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    ______________________                           ______________________
                          T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
           Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine

Stratagus Configuration Language Description: Research

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CheckDependency DefineAllow DefineDependency DefineModifier GetDependency

Intro - Introduction to research functions and variables

Everything around researching and upgrades.


CheckDependency(player, object)

Checks if dependencies are met. Returns true if the dependencies are met.
The object which we want to check the dependencies of.


    CheckDependency(AiPlayer(), "upgrade-dwarves-level2")

DefineUnitAllow(name, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N)

Define how many units of a given type each player can have.
Name of an unit-type to be defined.
The initial quantity of units per type at level start. Each player has his quatinty, the first is for player 0 and the last is for player 15.


    -- Allow 1 catapult for the 2nd player.
    DefineUnitAllow("unit-catapult", 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

DefineAllow(name, str16)

Define what upgrades are enabled for each player during a level.
Name of an upgrade to be defined.
The initial allow state for the upgrade at level start: Each player has his own character, the first is for player 0 and the last is for player 15.


    -- Allow the metal upgrade for all 16 players.
    DefineAllow("upgrade-metal", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
    --                            ^- player 0    ^- player 15

DefineDependency( unit-type/upgrade ...)

Define the dependencies for an unit-type or an upgrade. The dependency must be full filled before an unit or research can be used.

DefineDependency unit-type/upgrade '( required-part ) ['or '( optional-or-part ) ...] )

unit/upgrade [count]

A list of unit-types or upgrades required.

Unit-type name or upgrade name required.
Optional count, how many units of the unit-type are required.
'or optional-or-part
unit/upgrade [count]

Optional list of or parts. One or list must be complete full filled.

Unit-type name or upgrade name required.
Optional count, how many units of the unit-type are required.


    -- The second sword upgrade is only possible, if the first sword upgrade is
    -- researched.
    (define-dependency "upgrade-sword2" '(upgrade-sword1))
    -- The ranger upgrade is only available if a keep or castle is available.
    (define-dependency 'upgrade-ranger '(unit-keep) 'or '(unit-castle))

DefineModifier("upgrade-name", {effect1, effect1-arg}, {effect2, effect2-arg}, ... )

Define the effects (modifier) of an upgrade. An upgrade can have multiple modifiers. It can activate, enable or disable other upgrades and allows complex reactions.
Name of the upgrade, which has this effects. All effects change all old units and any new unit of a player.
{effectN, effectN-arg}
A list of effects of the upgrade. Here are all possible effects:
{"attack-range", N}
Increase the attack range of all units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...). Note it can be increased with positive numbers and decreased with negative numbers.
{"sight-range", N}
Increase the sight range of all units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...).
{"basic-damage", N}
Increase the basic damage of all units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...).
{"piercing-damage", N}
Increase the piercing damage of all units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...).
{"armor", N}
Increase the armor of all units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...).
{"hit-points", N}
Increase the hit points of all units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...).
{"regeneration-rate", N}
Increase the amount of HP a unit gains per seconds
{"variable-name", N}
Increase the user defined variable of all units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...). Note Variable must be defined with DefineVariables().
{"cost", ("resource-name", N}}
Increase the costs for the resource type of all unit-types or upgrade-ids given with '(apply-to ...).
{"allow-unit", "unit-type", N}
Change the state of an upgrade. N is the maximum quantity of this unit per player.
{"allow", "upgrade", 'A' or 'E' or 'F' or 'R' or 'Q'}
Change the state of an upgrade. state can be
  • A - Allowed
  • E - Enabled, allowed by level but currently forbidden
  • F - Forbidden
  • R - Researched or acquired
  • Q - Acquired but currently forbidden (does it make sense?:)
FIXME: The correct possible changed must be described.
{"apply-to", "unit-type" or "upgrade"}
The modifiers are applied to this unit-type or upgrade.
{"convert-to", "unit-type"}
All units of the unit-types given with '(apply-to ...) are converted into this unit-type.


-- This is the default effect of the first sword upgrade. The piercing damage
-- of the listed units is increased.
  {"piercing-damage", 2},
  {"apply-to", "unit-footman"}, {"apply-to", "unit-knight"}, {"apply-to", "unit-paladin"},
  {"apply-to", "unit-dwarves"}, {"apply-to", "unit-arthor-literios"}, {"apply-to", "unit-wise-man"},
  {"apply-to", "unit-man-of-light"}, {"apply-to", "unit-knight-rider"})





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