# - Locate SDL library find_path(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR SDL.h HINTS ENV SDLDIR PATH_SUFFIXES include/SDL2 include ) find_library(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP NAMES SDL2 HINTS ENV SDLDIR PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) find_library(SDL2main_LIBRARY NAMES SDL2main HINTS ENV SDLDIR PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) # SDL may require threads on your system. # The Apple build may not need an explicit flag because one of the # frameworks may already provide it. # But for non-OSX systems, I will use the CMake Threads package. if(NOT APPLE) find_package(Threads) endif() # MinGW needs an additional library, mwindows # It's total link flags should look like -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -lmwindows # (Actually on second look, I think it only needs one of the m* libraries.) if(MINGW) set(MINGW32_LIBRARY mingw32 CACHE STRING "mwindows for MinGW") endif() if(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP) # For OS X, SDL uses Cocoa as a backend so it must link to Cocoa. # CMake doesn't display the -framework Cocoa string in the UI even # though it actually is there if I modify a pre-used variable. # I think it has something to do with the CACHE STRING. # So I use a temporary variable until the end so I can set the # "real" variable in one-shot. #if(APPLE) # set(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP} "-framework Cocoa") #endif() # For threads, as mentioned Apple doesn't need this. # In fact, there seems to be a problem if I used the Threads package # and try using this line, so I'm just skipping it entirely for OS X. if(NOT APPLE) set(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) endif() # For MinGW library if(MINGW) set(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP ${MINGW32_LIBRARY} ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP}) endif() # Set the final string here so the GUI reflects the final state. set(SDL2_LIBRARY ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP} CACHE STRING "Where the SDL Library can be found") # Set the temp variable to INTERNAL so it is not seen in the CMake GUI set(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP "${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP}" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() if(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR AND EXISTS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h") file(STRINGS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h" SDL_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+[0-9]+$") file(STRINGS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h" SDL_VERSION_MINOR_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MINOR_VERSION[ \t]+[0-9]+$") file(STRINGS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h" SDL_VERSION_PATCH_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_PATCHLEVEL[ \t]+[0-9]+$") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL_VERSION_MAJOR "${SDL_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MINOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL_VERSION_MINOR "${SDL_VERSION_MINOR_LINE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_PATCHLEVEL[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL_VERSION_PATCH "${SDL_VERSION_PATCH_LINE}") set(SDL_VERSION_STRING ${SDL_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SDL_VERSION_MINOR}.${SDL_VERSION_PATCH}) unset(SDL_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE) unset(SDL_VERSION_MINOR_LINE) unset(SDL_VERSION_PATCH_LINE) unset(SDL_VERSION_MAJOR) unset(SDL_VERSION_MINOR) unset(SDL_VERSION_PATCH) set(SDL2_FOUND TRUE) endif() if (SDL2_FOUND) if (NOT SDL2_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE( STATUS "sdl2 found: includes in ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}, library in ${SDL2_LIBRARY}") endif (NOT SDL2_FIND_QUIETLY) else (THEORA_FOUND) if (SDL2_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE( FATAL_ERROR "sdl2 not found") endif (SDL2_FIND_REQUIRED) endif (SDL2_FOUND) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR SDL2_LIBRARY SDL2main_LIBRARY)