From fc638b882ba6ac3c87aac87f5485961fc71c2601 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mr-russ <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 00:57:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Removed META_LUA script writings, they are not used

 doc/script/      |  37 -------
 doc/script/missiletypes.html | 195 -----------------------------------
 doc/script/players.html      | 148 --------------------------
 doc/script/script-index.html |  96 -----------------
 doc/script/script.html       | 167 ------------------------------
 doc/script/stratagus.html    |  78 --------------
 6 files changed, 721 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 doc/script/
 delete mode 100644 doc/script/missiletypes.html
 delete mode 100644 doc/script/players.html
 delete mode 100644 doc/script/script-index.html
 delete mode 100644 doc/script/script.html
 delete mode 100644 doc/script/stratagus.html

diff --git a/doc/script/ b/doc/script/
deleted file mode 100755
index c11a38caf..000000000
--- a/doc/script/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"Update the script index in script-index.html."
-import os, string
-commands = []
-reffiles = {}
-sep = "<!-- SCRIPT -->"
-for infile in os.listdir('.'):
-    if not infile.endswith('.html'): continue
-    if (infile == "script-index.html"): continue
-    x = open(infile).read()
-    if string.find(x, sep) == -1: continue
-    head, stuff, tail = x.split(sep)
-    loclist = []
-    for y in stuff.split("<a name=")[1:]:
-	loclist.append("<a name=" + y)
-	y = y.split('"')[1].split('"')[0]
-	commands.append(y)
-	reffiles[y] = infile
-    loclist.sort()
-    f = open(infile, 'w')
-    f.write(head + sep + stuff.split("<a name=")[0])
-    for y in loclist:
-    	f.write(y)
-    f.write(sep + tail)
-head, trash, tail = open('script-index.html').read().split(sep)
-f = open('script-index.html', 'w')
-f.write(head + sep)
-for command in commands:
-    f.write('<dt><a href="' + reffiles[command] + '#' + command + '">' + command + '</a></dt>\n')
-f.write(sep + tail)
diff --git a/doc/script/missiletypes.html b/doc/script/missiletypes.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b8aa78fd..000000000
--- a/doc/script/missiletypes.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-	<!--
-	----	(c) Copyright 2004 by Crestez Leonard
-	----    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	----    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	----    the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
-	----
-	----    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	----    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	----    GNU General Public License for more details.
-	----
-	----    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	----    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-	----    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-	----    02111-1307, USA.
-	-->
-	<title>Stratagus Scripting Language Description: Content</title>
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
-	<meta name="Author" content="">
-	<meta name="Keyword" content="scripting">
-	<meta name="Description" content="Documentation for Stratagus.MissileTypes.*">
-    <h1>Stratagus Scripting Language: Stratagus.MissileTypes.*</h1>
-	<p><b>
-		(C) Copyright 1998-2004 by The Stratagus Project. Distributed under the
-		<a href="../gpl.html">"GNU General Public License"</a>
-	</b></p>
-	<hr>
-	<a href="../faq.html">FAQ</a> 
-	<a href="script.html">Script main</a> 
-	<a href="script-index.html">Script index</a> 
-	<hr>
-	<a href="stratagus.html">Stratagus.*</a>
-	<a href="missiletypes.html">Stratagus.MissileTypes.*</a>
-	<a href="players.html">Stratagus.Players.*</a>
-	<hr>
-	<dl>
-	<!-- SCRIPT -->
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> missile collection </dd>
-			<dd>This is the collection of missile types. every missile type has a name,
-			generally prefixed with "missile-". You have to use .Create to create a new
-			missile type.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].CanHitOwner">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].CanHitOwner</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> boolean </dd>
-			<dd>This is true if the missile can hit it's owner (unit that fired it most
-			of the time) or false otherwise. Do not confuse this with
-			<a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FriendlyFire">FriendlyFire</a></dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Class">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Class</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string, special values only </dd>
-			<dd>This is probably the most interesting part of the MissileType. It can receive a
-			number of string values, that influence the exact behaviour and trajectory of the
-			missile when it is fired. Here is a list of possible values.</dd>
-			<dl>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-none</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile does nothing. Shouldn't really be used.</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-point-to-point</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile flies straight to destination animating on the way</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-point-to-point-with-hit</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile flies straight to destination keeping the first frame and
-					the finishes the animation when hitting</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-point-to-point-cycle-once</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile flies straight to destination and animates ONCE from first
-					to last and back again. To be used for catapult and the like to make a
-					projectile bigger mid-way to the target</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-point-to-point-bounce</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile flies straight to destination, and the "bounces" by hitting
-					every other tile on the path onward. This is requires to make 
-					<a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumBounces">NumBounces</a> work.</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-stay</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile will just go through it's animation once and vanish. booooring.</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-cycle-once </i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile will just go through it's animation from start to and and back
-					again, then vanish.</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-fire</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile is used for fire. More documentation?</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-parabolic</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile flies to destination with a parabolic path. It used the same
-					animation as cycle-once.</dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-land-mine</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile is a landmine, it will sit quietly and wait for someone to step
-					on it. You can use time-to-live as a timeout.<b>FIXME more configurable</b></dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-whirlwind </i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile for the whirlwind effect <b>FIXME more configurable</b></dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-flame-shield </i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile rotates around target unit and damages everything it touches
-					<b>FIXME more configurable</b></dd>
-				<dt><i>missile-class-death-coil</i></dt>
-					<dd>Missile is death coil, will drain health from target or enemy units
-					in the area and feed it to the caster.<b>FIXME more configurable</b></dd>
-			</dl>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].DrawLevel">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].DrawLevel</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-		    <dd>Drawing level. Missiles and units are sorted by this value. We need to
-			add details on the actual implementation of the sort.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].File">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].File</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string (filename) </dd>
-		    <dd>Filename with missile graphics. Relative to
-			<a href="stratagus.html#Stratagus.LibraryFilePath">Stratagus.LibaryFilePath</a></dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FiredSound">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FiredSound</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string, sound-ident </dd>
-			<dd>Sound to be played when the missile is fired. Can also be nil, to disable it.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FriendlyFire">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FriendlyFire</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> boolean </dd>
-			<dd>This is false if the missile can hit units that are allied with the owner. This
-			includes units of the missile's owner. It also makes 
-			<a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].CanHitOwner">CanHitOwner</a>
-			useless if it's false.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Height">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Height</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-		    <dd>This is the height of one frame in the graphic file.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Ident">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Ident</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string </dd>
-		    <dd>The missile type's name. By tradition you should use something like
-			"missile-small-arrow". Read-only.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].ImpactMissile">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].ImpactMissile</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string, missile-ident </dd>
-			<dd>This string is the name of a missile to be spawned when the unit hits. It will
-			spawn multiple times for
-			<a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumBounces">NumBounces</a>.
-			Can also be nil, to disable it.
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].ImpactSound">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].ImpactSound</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string, sound-ident </dd>
-			<dd>Sound to be played the missile hits it's target. Can be nil to disable it.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumBounces">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumBounces</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-		    <dd>You can make missiles bounce, the obvious example is fireballs in warcraft 2.
-			After hitting it's destination point, the missile will "bounce" and keep going
-			hitting "NumBounces" times every tile and a half(haredcoded, sorry)</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumDirections">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumDirections</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-		    <dd>The number of the directions for the missile. Inside the graphic file
-			sprites are arranged first by frame then by direction. Line x is for frame
-			x, column y for dirrection y. Directions are considered to be equally spaced.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Range">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Range</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>This is <b>NOT</b> the maximum range you can fire the missile at. It's the
-			range for splash damage. 0 affects a single unit, otherwise it's the number of
-			tiles around the hit that get affected.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Sleep">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Sleep</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>This are the number of game cycles to wait between two animation steps.
-			All animation steps are equally spaced.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SmokeMissile">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SmokeMissile</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string, missile-ident </dd>
-			<dd>This string is the name of a missile to be spawned every "once in a while" as
-			smoke. Can also be nil, to disable it. NOT TESTED</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Speed">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Speed</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>This is the number of pixels the missile moves for every animation frame.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SplashFactor">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SplashFactor</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>This is the factor for splash damage. The first tile gets full damage,
-			a tile x away from the center get damage / (x * SplashFactor)</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SpriteFrames">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SpriteFrames</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-		    <dd>The number of the frames for this sprite. Missile animation is trivial,
-			It will go through the Sprite frames in order</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Transparency">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Transparency</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int (byte) </dd>
-		    <dd>This is the transparency value for the missile. Value should be between
-			0(completely transparent) and 256(completely opaque). NOT TESTED</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Width">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Width</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-		    <dd>This is the width of one frame in the graphic file.</dd>
-	    <!-- SCRIPT -->
-	</dl><hr>
-	Last changed: $Id$<br>
-	All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
-	<address>(c) 2002-2004 by <a href="">The Stratagus Project</a></address>
diff --git a/doc/script/players.html b/doc/script/players.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d47971de9..000000000
--- a/doc/script/players.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-	<!--
-	----	(c) Copyright 2004 by Crestez Leonard
-	----    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	----    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	----    the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
-	----
-	----    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	----    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	----    GNU General Public License for more details.
-	----
-	----    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	----    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-	----    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-	----    02111-1307, USA.
-	-->
-	<title>Stratagus Scripting Language Description: Content</title>
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
-	<meta name="Author" content="">
-	<meta name="Keyword" content="scripting">
-	<meta name="Description" content="Documentation for Stratagus.Players.*">
-    <h1>Stratagus Scripting Language: Stratagus.Players.*</h1>
-	<p><b>
-		(C) Copyright 1998-2004 by The Stratagus Project. Distributed under the
-		<a href="../gpl.html">"GNU General Public License"</a>
-	</b></p>
-	<hr>
-	<a href="../faq.html">FAQ</a> 
-	<a href="script.html">Script main</a> 
-	<a href="script-index.html">Script index</a> 
-	<hr>
-	<a href="stratagus.html">Stratagus.*</a>
-	<a href="missiletypes.html">Stratagus.MissileTypes.*</a>
-	<a href="players.html">Stratagus.Players.*</a>
-	<hr>
-	<dl>
-	<!-- SCRIPT -->
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> array </dd>
-			<dd>This is the interface to Player information in the game. You can
-			only index it with an integer. There is a max of 16 players right now.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].Allied">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].Allied</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> bool array </dd>
-			<dd>This boolean array represents the allied status of the player.
-			Players[1].Allied[2] is true if player 1 is allied with player 2.
-			This is not reciprocal, if player 1 is allied with 2 it will only
-			stop his units attacking, player 2 doesn't have to do the same.</dd> 
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].BuildingLimit">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].BuildingLimit</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>Maximum number of buildings the player is allowed to have.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].Demand">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].Demand</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>Amount of food consumed by the player's units.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].Enemy">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].Enemy</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> bool array </dd>
-			<dd>This boolean array represents the enemy status of the player.
-			Players[1].Enemy[2] is true if player 1 is enemy with player 2.
-			This does not have to be reciprocal, see
-			<a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].Allied">Allied</a>.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].Name">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].Name</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string </dd>
-			<dd>The name of the player, as selected by him.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].NumBuildings">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].NumBuildings</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>Total number of buildings for the player</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].NumUnits">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].NumUnits</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>Total number of units for the player</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].Score">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].Score</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>The player's score. <b>FIXME:</b> Document now how this is calculated.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].SharedVision">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].SharedVision</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> bool array </dd>
-			<dd>This boolean array represents the shared vision status of a
-			player. Players[1].SharedVision[2] is true if player 1 wants to
-			share vision with player 2. Share vision only takes effect if both
-			players agree on it and share vision with each other.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].Slot">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].Slot</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>This is perhaps confusing and rarely usefull. It's the index in the
-			player array. Stratagus.Players[x].Slot == x.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].StartX">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].StartX</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>X coordinate of the player's start location. This only specifies where
-			the screen is placed at the start of the game.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].StartY">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].StartY</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>Y coordinate of the player's start location. This only specifies where
-			the screen is placed at the start of the game.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].Supply">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].Supply</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>Total amount of food supplied for the player.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].TotalBuildings">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].TotalBuildings</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>The player's building score. This should be the total number of units
-			built by the player.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].TotalKills">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].TotalKills</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>How many units the player has killed.</dd> 
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].TotalRazings">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].TotalRazings</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>How many buildings the player has destroyed.</dd> 
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].TotalUnitLimit">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].TotalUnitLimit</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>Maximum number of units and buildings (buildings can be considered units that
-			don't move)</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].TotalUnits">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].TotalUnits</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>The player's unit score. This should be the total number of units
-			trained by the player.</dd>
-		<a name="Stratagus.Players[].UnitLimit">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].UnitLimit</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-			<dd>Maximum number of units the player is allowed to have.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.Players[].UnitTypesCount">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.Players[].UnitTypesCount</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int array </dd>
-			<dd>This is the number of units that the player has, organized by type.
-			You can index this by both unit number, or better yet by unit-ident</dd>
-	<!-- SCRIPT -->
-	</dl><hr>
-	Last changed: $Id$<br>
-	All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
-	<address>(c) 2002-2004 by <a href="">The Stratagus Project</a></address>
diff --git a/doc/script/script-index.html b/doc/script/script-index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index eea9416c1..000000000
--- a/doc/script/script-index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-	<!--
-	----	(c) Copyright 2004 by Crestez Leonard
-	----    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	----    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	----    the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
-	----
-	----    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	----    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	----    GNU General Public License for more details.
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-	----    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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-	----    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-	----    02111-1307, USA.
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-    <title>Stratagus Scripting Language Description: Index</title>
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
-    <meta name="Author" content="">
-    <meta name="Keyword" content="script,index">
-    <meta name="Description" content="">
-    <h1>Stratagus Scripting Language Description: Index</h1>
-	<p><b>
-		(C) Copyright 2002-2003 by The Stratagus Project. Distributed under the
-		<a href="../gpl.html">"GNU General Public License"</a>
-	</b></p>
-	<hr>
-	<a href="../faq.html">FAQ</a> 
-	<a href="script.html">Script main</a> 
-	<a href="script-index.html">Script index</a> 
-	<hr>
-	<a href="stratagus.html">Stratagus.*</a>
-	<a href="missiletypes.html">Stratagus.MissileTypes.*</a>
-	<a href="players.html">Stratagus.Players.*</a>
-	<hr>
-	<dl>
-	<!-- SCRIPT --><dt><a href="stratagus.html#Stratagus.GameCycle">Stratagus.GameCycle</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="stratagus.html#Stratagus.GameName">Stratagus.GameName</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="stratagus.html#Stratagus.GamePaused">Stratagus.GamePaused</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="stratagus.html#Stratagus.LibraryFilePath">Stratagus.LibraryFilePath</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes">Stratagus.MissileTypes</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].CanHitOwner">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].CanHitOwner</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Class">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Class</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].DrawLevel">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].DrawLevel</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].File">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].File</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FiredSound">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FiredSound</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FriendlyFire">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].FriendlyFire</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Height">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Height</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Ident">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Ident</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].ImpactMissile">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].ImpactMissile</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].ImpactSound">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].ImpactSound</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumBounces">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumBounces</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumDirections">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].NumDirections</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Range">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Range</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Sleep">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Sleep</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SmokeMissile">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SmokeMissile</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Speed">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Speed</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SplashFactor">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SplashFactor</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SpriteFrames">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].SpriteFrames</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Transparency">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Transparency</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="missiletypes.html#Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Width">Stratagus.MissileTypes[].Width</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players">Stratagus.Players</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].Allied">Stratagus.Players[].Allied</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].BuildingLimit">Stratagus.Players[].BuildingLimit</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].Demand">Stratagus.Players[].Demand</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].Enemy">Stratagus.Players[].Enemy</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].Name">Stratagus.Players[].Name</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].NumBuildings">Stratagus.Players[].NumBuildings</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].NumUnits">Stratagus.Players[].NumUnits</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].Score">Stratagus.Players[].Score</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].SharedVision">Stratagus.Players[].SharedVision</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].Slot">Stratagus.Players[].Slot</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].StartX">Stratagus.Players[].StartX</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].StartY">Stratagus.Players[].StartY</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].Supply">Stratagus.Players[].Supply</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].TotalBuildings">Stratagus.Players[].TotalBuildings</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].TotalKills">Stratagus.Players[].TotalKills</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].TotalRazings">Stratagus.Players[].TotalRazings</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].TotalUnitLimit">Stratagus.Players[].TotalUnitLimit</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].TotalUnits">Stratagus.Players[].TotalUnits</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].UnitLimit">Stratagus.Players[].UnitLimit</a></dt>
-<dt><a href="players.html#Stratagus.Players[].UnitTypesCount">Stratagus.Players[].UnitTypesCount</a></dt>
-<!-- SCRIPT -->
-	</dl>
-	<hr>
-	Last changed: $Id$<br>
-	All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
-	<address>(c) 2002-2004 by <a href="">The Stratagus Project</a></address>
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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-	<title>Stratagus Scripting Language Description: Content</title>
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
-	<meta name="Author" content="">
-	<meta name="Keyword" content="scripting">
-	<meta name="Description" content="Scripting language main structure">
-	<h1>Stratagus Scripting Language Description: Content</h1>
-	<p><b>
-		(C) Copyright 1998-2004 by The Stratagus Project. Distributed under the
-		<a href="../gpl.html">"GNU General Public License"</a>
-	</b></p>
-	<hr>
-	<a href="../faq.html">FAQ</a> 
-	<a href="script.html">Script main</a> 
-	<a href="script-index.html">Script index</a> 
-	<hr>
-	<a href="stratagus.html">Stratagus.*</a>
-	<a href="missiletypes.html">Stratagus.MissileTypes.*</a>
-	<a href="players.html">Stratagus.Players.*</a>
-	<hr>
-	<h2>Intro - Introduction to scripting in Stratagus</h2>
-	<p>Stratagus is a real-time strategy engine. To define
-	the different games a configuration language is needed.</p>
-	<p>The old scripting language was used mostly in a declarative way,
-	with functions for everything. I am changing that, in the branch
-	called META_LUA (you just change an ifdef in stratagus.h to get it).
-	Somebody should remove this text when META_LUA is complete.</p>
-	<p>In the mean-time you can look at the old outdated scripting
-	documentation <a href="../ccl/ccl.html">here</a>. Most of it is
-	still for scheme... yuk.</p>
-	<h3>Scripting interface design</h3>
-	<p>All the scripting interface will be in one big lua table, called
-	<b>Stratagus</b>. If you think that's too long something like Game could do.
-	Inside that table, most configurable structures in the game will be
-	accessbile. For instance Stratagus.UnitTypes[3] or Stratagus.UnitTypes["unit_goldmine"]
-	will get you a reference to a UnitType, and you can change values around from
-	lua code.</p>
-	<p>It is planned to have some sort of access level, depending on the origin
-	of the current script. Possible values could be: save game, config file,
-	map script(trigger), command line. This is because changing values at random
-	can easily crash the game.</p>
-	<h3>How to use scripting from lua</h3>
-	<p>If you are a game-designer this is probably all you need to read, the rest of
-	this file is for developers of the engine. You should first read documentation on
-	<a href="">Lua</a>, expecially the
-	<a href="">Lua Reference Manual</a>.</p>
-	<p>The main <b>Stratagus</b> table contains all the scripting interface,
-	inside it you will find all configurable information, in a tree-like structure.
-	Remember that in lua complex variables are passed by reference, so you can do
-	ut = Stratagus.UnitTypes["unit-goldmine"] and manipulate ut. It's even recommended,
-	for speed reasons.</p>
-	<p>Some "structures" in the game are actually collections. You can access them with
-	both an integer and a string index. Collection items are <b>named</b>. Traditionally
-	they are prefixed with the typename ("unit", "missile", "spell"), are all lower-case
-	and use a "-" as a separator in the names. This ensures they don't interfere with
-	methods and values in the same "structure". All collections provide a Create("name")
-	method, to create a new element and a "n" property, the count of elements. "n" is for
-	conformation to the lua convention for arrays.</p>
-	<p>The stratagus scripting interface makes use of "properties". Properties look like
-	normal fields (or however you call them) but remember that in C code it might translate
-	to a complex get or set function. I honestly find this a lot cleaner than calling a
-	lot	of get/set functions like in most languages.</p>
-	<h3>How to use scripting from C</h3>
-	<p>The scripting interface is designed to be very clean and neat. This is why most
-	structures/functions are prefixed with "Script", and as many variables should be
-	local. To keep a reasonable level of similarity, lua functions should only be 
-	wrappers around C functions, prefixed with "Script".</p>
-	<p>For every scriptable "module" you have write a separate file with the scripting
-	code for the module, generally called "script_module.c". Scripting is initialized with
-	a function called Script"Module"Init(). The "Stratagus" table is at -1 on the global
-	Lua stack. If there is any "collection" in the module it should be placed in the 
-	global table. Try to keep the Init function the only global variable.</p>
-	<p>Lua provides a mechanism known as meta-tables, it can be explained in short as
-	run-time operator-overloading. It has a great degree of flexibility, since you can
-	even override the "[]" or "." operator. It is possible to get C functions called
-	from lua to override operators. However, lua functions are actually too flexible
-	and require lots of checking code. This is why Stratagus has a C mechanism build
-	on top of lua meta-tables, with proper error-checking and callback signatures.
-	Unless you hack on the scripting framework, only use ScriptProxyType. Read the next
-	sub-section for details on the actual scripting framework.</p>
-	<p>You need to have a ScriptProxyType for every structure <b>type</b>. You can create
-	an reference in lua to a C structure ad push it on the stack with
-	<i>ScriptCreateUserdata(lua_State *l, void* object, ScriptProxyType* type)</i>. You
-	can't free them from C, lua has a garbage collector. ScriptProxyType has a number of
-	function pointers, C functions that get called from lua when something happens to
-	the lua proxy for your object. The void* object won't get touched, and it comes as
-	a parameter to all those functions. Here is a list and a short explanation.</p>
-	<ul>
-		<li><i>ScriptProxyType::GetStr(void* object, const char* key, lua_State *l):</i><br>
-			Called when a script tries to access your object with a string, like
-			print(obj.Key) or print(obj["Key]). You have to push 1 item on the stack,
-			the result, or end up in an error.
-		</li>
-		<li><i>ScriptProxyType::GetInt(void* object, int index, lua_State *l):</i><br>
-			Called when a script tries to access your object with an int, like
-			print(obj[5]). You have to push 1 item on the stack, the result, or end up
-			in an error.
-		</li>
-		<li><i>ScriptProxyType::SetStr(void* object, const char* key, lua_State *l):</i><br>
-			Called when a script tries to write to a field of your object with a string
-			key, like obj.Key = "Hello" or obj["Key] = 7 + 4). You have to pop an
-			item from the stack and assign it to the field, or end up in an error
-		</li>
-		<li><i>ScriptProxyType::SetInt(void* object, int index, lua_State *l):</i><br>
-			Called when a script tries to write to a field of your object with an
-			index, like obj[3] = "Hello". You have to pop an item from the stack
-			and assign it to your index, or end up in an error.
-		</li>
-		<li><i>ScriptProxyType::Collect(void* object):</i><br>
-			This is a special callback. It gets called when the garbage collector
-			decides to get rid of the object. You can have whatever free code you
-			wish in there. Remember, the object pointer is never touched by Lua or
-			the scripting system. You probably don't need this if the lua object
-			you made is a mere "wrapper" around an existing C struct, and not a
-			special object created for Lua.
-		</li>
-	</ul>
-	<p>There are a whole bunch of macros and functions designed to make your life
-	easier when scripting. You should look for them in src/include/script.h, I'm
-	lazy right now.</p>
-	<h3>Scripting system internals</h3>
-	<p>The main <b>Stratagus</b> table will be accessible at all times.
-	However, having a lua table for each and every struct we use would be
-	a huge resource waste. This is why we make a table only when we want to get it
-	the actual struct. It works by returning userdate, not a table. Userdata is
-	a special type in lua, and it's mostly opaque to lua, it's good to store random
-	C values.</p>
-	<p>Despite what you might think at first, ScriptCreateUserdata doesn't always
-	create. For every object pointer-type it makes an entry into a special weak
-	table in the registry. The registry is a place in lua where you can keep values
-	unreachable from actual scripts. That the table is weak means that it does <b>
-	not</b> stop the collection of it's values. We have a global garbage collector
-	C function that removes the entry from the weak table and then calls the object
-	GC. There is only one meta-table across the whole system, that converts calls
-	to the nicer callbacks of ScriptProxyType.</p>
-	<b>FIXME: this is not complete, but it should give you an idea.</b>
-	<hr>
-	Last changed: $Id$<br>
-	All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
-	<address>(c) 2004 by <a href="">The Stratagus Project</a></address>
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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-	----	(c) Copyright 2004 by Crestez Leonard
-	----    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	----    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	----    the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
-	----
-	----    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	----    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	----    GNU General Public License for more details.
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-	----    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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-	<title>Stratagus Scripting Language Description: Content</title>
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
-	<meta name="Author" content="">
-	<meta name="Keyword" content="scripting">
-	<meta name="Description" content="Documentation for Stratagus.*">
-    <h1>Stratagus Scripting Language: Stratagus.*</h1>
-	<p><b>
-		(C) Copyright 1998-2004 by The Stratagus Project. Distributed under the
-		<a href="../gpl.html">"GNU General Public License"</a>
-	</b></p>
-	<hr>
-	<a href="../faq.html">FAQ</a> 
-	<a href="script.html">Script main</a> 
-	<a href="script-index.html">Script index</a> 
-	<hr>
-	<a href="stratagus.html">Stratagus.*</a>
-	<a href="missiletypes.html">Stratagus.MissileTypes.*</a>
-	<a href="players.html">Stratagus.Players.*</a>
-	<hr>
-	<dl>
-	<!-- SCRIPT -->
-	    <a name="Stratagus.GameCycle">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.GameCycle</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> int </dd>
-		    <dd>Game cycle. How many ticks from the start of the game.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.GameName">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.GameName</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string </dd>
-		    <dd>The name of the game. Specified ONCE in the config file, it should be
-		    unique. It will be the name of the pref dir, and used to as a check
-		    in multiplayer. Keep it short and lowercase.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.GamePaused">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.GamePaused</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> boolean </dd>
-		    <dd>True if the game is paused, false otherwise.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.LibraryFilePath">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.LibraryFilePath</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> string </dd>
-		    <dd>This is the path for the stratagus data dir, the one you specify
-		    with -d on the command line.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.SyncRand()">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.SyncRand()</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> function, returns int </dd>
-		    <dd>This calls the internal stratagus syncronized random number generator.
-			It will get the same values across multiplayer games. Make sure you
-			don't call it from unsincronized parts of the game.</dd>
-	    <a name="Stratagus.MyRand()">
-	    <dt><b>Stratagus.MyRand()</b></dt>
-		    <dd><b>Type:</b> function, returns int </dd>
-		    <dd>This calls a random number generator. Do not use this in map
-			scripts or anything else that has to behave the same across multiplayer
-			games.</dd>
-	<!-- SCRIPT -->
-	</dl><hr>
-	Last changed: $Id$<br>
-	All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
-	<address>(c) 2002-2004 by <a href="">The Stratagus Project</a></address>