diff --git a/doc/development.html b/doc/development.html
index af385d25e..0a17d3e12 100644
--- a/doc/development.html
+++ b/doc/development.html
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ If you make bigger changes please always extend the copyright with your name.<P>
 If you want to develop for FreeCraft you should join the development mailing
-<A HREF="http://www.geocrawler.com/redir-sf.php3?list=freecraft-hackers">FreeCraft development Archives</A><P>
+<A HREF="http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=6268">FreeCraft development Archives</A><P>
 <A HREF="http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/freecraft-hackers">Subscribe FreeCraft development</A><P>
 <H2>IRC - Internet Relay Chat</H2>
 You can try to meet other FreeCraft developers and users on IRC:
-<A HREF="http://www.freenode.net/">OPN</A> OpenProjects Network, channel
+<A HREF="http://www.freenode.net/">FreeNode</A> FreeNode Network, channel
 <H2>Bugs and tasks</H2>
@@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ You need the following libs for WinCE.
     Required, you can download a ready and compiled development version here:
-    <A HREF="http://freecraft.net/snapshots/lpngce108a.zip">lpngce108a.zip</A>
+    <A HREF="http://freecraft.net/snapshots/win-ce/lpngce108a.zip">lpngce108a.zip</A>
     or <A HREF="http://www.tenik.co.jp/~adachi/wince/index.htm">author site</A>
     Required, you can download a ready and compiled development version here:
-    <A HREF="http://freecraft.net/snapshots/zlibce12.zip">zlibce12.zip</A>
+    <A HREF="http://freecraft.net/snapshots/win-ce/zlibce12.zip">zlibce12.zip</A>
     or <A HREF="http://www.tenik.co.jp/~adachi/wince/index.htm">author site</A>
     Required, or you should write a new WinCE hardware driver for FreeCraft. You
@@ -315,9 +315,9 @@ You need the following libs for WinCE.
 Now you need the 
-<A HREF="http://freecraft.sourceforge.net/snapshots/FreeCraft%20CE.vcp.gz">
+<A HREF="http://freecraft.sourceforge.net/snapshots/win-ce/FreeCraft%20CE.vcp.gz">
 emVC++ project</A> and
-<A HREF="http://freecraft.sourceforge.net/snapshots/FreeCraft%20CE.vcw.gz">
+<A HREF="http://freecraft.sourceforge.net/snapshots/win-ce/FreeCraft%20CE.vcw.gz">
 emVC++ workbench</A> for FreeCraft.<P>
 With the sources from CVS, you can continue working.<BR>
@@ -481,32 +481,6 @@ Follow the following steps:<P>
 <LI>upload it to <A HREF="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=1965&atid=301965">patch tracker on sourceforge</A>
-<H2>Building FcGP (outdated see FcMP)</H2>
-You always need the newest tarball from FcGP, because not all files are already
-imported into CVS.<P>
-<LI>Download the fcgp tarball from <A HREF="http://FreeCraft.Net/snapshots/">snapshots</A>.
-<LI>Get module from CVS. See above for instructions.
-<LI>Unpack fcgp tarball. <I>tar vxzf fcgp-010801.tar.gz</I>
-<LI>Move data directory into FcGP-CVS directory. <I>mv fcgp-010801 fcgp</I>
-<LI>Enter CVS directory. <I>cd fcgp</I>
-<LI>Update data tree. <I>make</I>
-<LI>Test it. <I>../freecraft/freecraft</I>
-<H2>Building FcSP (outdated see FcMP)</H2>
-You need FcGP, without this FcSP can't be used. Follow the above instructions.
-<LI>Get module from CVS. See above for instructions.
-<LI>Link data directory from FcSP to FcGP. <I>ln -s fcgp/data fcsp/data</I>
-<LI>Enter CVS directory. <I>cd fcgp</I>
-<LI>Build data tree. <I>make</I>
-<LI>Test it. <I>../freecraft/freecraft</I>
 <H2>Building FcMP</H2>
 The new FcMP (FreeCraft Media Project) isn't yet available from CVS. You