From bdd9f47bf78a3a41d48d7b985ac46708cc66c842 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jarod42 <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 13:01:06 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] CleanUp

 src/video/cursor.cpp     |  26 +++++-----
 src/video/font.cpp       |  80 +++++++++++++----------------
 src/video/intern_video.h | 108 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/video/linedraw.cpp   |  28 +++++-----
 src/video/png.cpp        |   6 +--
 src/video/sdl.cpp        |  56 ++++++++++----------
 src/video/video.cpp      |  60 +++++++++++-----------
 7 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/video/cursor.cpp b/src/video/cursor.cpp
index ecae2e456..078fde26a 100644
--- a/src/video/cursor.cpp
+++ b/src/video/cursor.cpp
@@ -68,19 +68,19 @@ const char CursorTypeType[] = "cursor-type";
 CursorType* Cursors;
-CursorStates CursorState;    /// current cursor state (point,...)
-int CursorAction;            /// action for selection
-int CursorValue;             /// value for CursorAction (spell type f.e.)
+CursorStates CursorState;    ///< current cursor state (point,...)
+int CursorAction;            ///< action for selection
+int CursorValue;             ///< value for CursorAction (spell type f.e.)
 	// Event changed mouse position, can alter at any moment
-int CursorX;                 /// cursor position on screen X
-int CursorY;                 /// cursor position on screen Y
+int CursorX;                 ///< cursor position on screen X
+int CursorY;                 ///< cursor position on screen Y
-int CursorStartX;            /// rectangle started on screen X
-int CursorStartY;            /// rectangle started on screen Y
+int CursorStartX;            ///< rectangle started on screen X
+int CursorStartY;            ///< rectangle started on screen Y
-int SubScrollX;              /// pixels the mouse moved while scrolling
-int SubScrollY;              /// pixels the mouse moved while scrolling
+int SubScrollX;              ///< pixels the mouse moved while scrolling
+int SubScrollY;              ///< pixels the mouse moved while scrolling
 	/// X position of starting point of selection rectangle, in screen pixels.
 int CursorStartScrMapX;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ int CursorStartScrMapY;
 /*--- DRAW BUILDING  CURSOR ------------------------------------------------*/
-static int BuildingCursor;           /// Flag (0/1): last cursor was building
+static int BuildingCursor;           ///< Flag (0/1): last cursor was building
 	/// area of tiles covered by building cursor (SX,SY;EX,EY)
 static int BuildingCursorSX;
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ static int BuildingCursorEX;
 	/// area of tiles covered by building cursor (SX,SY;EX,EY)
 static int BuildingCursorEY;
-UnitType* CursorBuilding;		/// building cursor
+UnitType* CursorBuilding;           ///< building cursor
 /*--- DRAW SPRITE CURSOR ---------------------------------------------------*/
-CursorType* GameCursor;      /// current shown cursor-type
+CursorType* GameCursor;             ///< current shown cursor-type
 --  Functions
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ static void DrawBuildingCursor(void)
 		w = w0;
 		while (w--) {
 			if (f && (CursorBuilding->MustBuildOnTop ||
-					CanBuildOn(mx + w, my + h, MapFogFilterFlags(ThisPlayer, mx + w, my + h, 
+					CanBuildOn(mx + w, my + h, MapFogFilterFlags(ThisPlayer, mx + w, my + h,
 						mask & ((NumSelected && !CursorBuilding->BuilderOutside &&
 							Selected[0]->X == mx + w && Selected[0]->Y == my + h) ?
 								~(MapFieldLandUnit | MapFieldSeaUnit) : -1)))) &&
diff --git a/src/video/font.cpp b/src/video/font.cpp
index 0fc6dc30a..6814fd934 100644
--- a/src/video/font.cpp
+++ b/src/video/font.cpp
@@ -53,24 +53,24 @@
 	/// Font color mapping
 typedef struct _font_color_mapping_ {
-	char* ColorName;                        /// Font color name
-	SDL_Color Color[NumFontColors];         /// Array of colors
-	struct _font_color_mapping_* Next;      /// Next pointer
+	char* ColorName;                        ///< Font color name
+	SDL_Color Color[NumFontColors];         ///< Array of colors
+	struct _font_color_mapping_* Next;      ///< Next pointer
 } FontColorMapping;
-static FontColorMapping* FontColor;
+static FontColorMapping* FontColor;         ///< FIXME
 	/// Font color mappings
 static FontColorMapping* FontColorMappings;
 	/// Font mapping
 typedef struct _font_mapping_ {
-	char* Ident;                            /// Font name
-	int Font;                               /// Ident number
-	struct _font_mapping_* Next;            /// Next pointer
+	char* Ident;                            ///< Font name
+	int Font;                               ///< Ident number
+	struct _font_mapping_* Next;            ///< Next pointer
 } FontMapping;
-static FontMapping* FontMappings;
+static FontMapping* FontMappings;           ///< FIXME
 **  Fonts table
@@ -79,27 +79,19 @@ static FontMapping* FontMappings;
 static ColorFont Fonts[MaxFonts];
-	/// Last text color
-static FontColorMapping* LastTextColor;
-	/// Default text color
-static FontColorMapping* DefaultTextColor;
-	/// Reverse text color
-static FontColorMapping* ReverseTextColor;
-	/// Default normal color index
-static char* DefaultNormalColorIndex;
-	/// Default reverse color index
-static char* DefaultReverseColorIndex;
+static FontColorMapping* LastTextColor;    ///< Last text color
+static FontColorMapping* DefaultTextColor; ///< Default text color
+static FontColorMapping* ReverseTextColor; ///< Reverse text color
+static char* DefaultNormalColorIndex;      ///< Default normal color index
+static char* DefaultReverseColorIndex;     ///< Default reverse color index
 	/// Draw character with current video depth.
 static void VideoDrawChar(const Graphic*, int, int, int, int, int, int);
 #ifdef USE_OPENGL
-	/// Font bitmaps
-static GLubyte* FontBitmaps[MaxFonts][NumFontColors];
-	/// Font bitmap widths
-static int FontBitmapWidths[MaxFonts];
-	/// Current font
-static int CurrentFont;
+static GLubyte* FontBitmaps[MaxFonts][NumFontColors]; ///< Font bitmaps
+static int FontBitmapWidths[MaxFonts];                ///< Font bitmap widths
+static int CurrentFont;                               ///< Current font
@@ -235,7 +227,7 @@ int VideoTextLength(unsigned font, const unsigned char* text)
 			if (*s == '<' || *s == '>' || *s == '!') {
-			if (*s != '~') {				// ~~ -> ~
+			if (*s != '~') { // ~~ -> ~
 				isformat = !isformat;
@@ -283,11 +275,11 @@ static void VideoDrawCharClip(const Graphic* graphic, int gx, int gy, int w, int
 **  Draw text with font at x,y clipped/unclipped.
-**  ~		is special prefix.
-**  ~~		is the ~ character self.
-**  ~!		print next character reverse.
-**  ~<		start reverse.
-**  ~>		switch back to last used color.
+**  ~    is special prefix.
+**  ~~   is the ~ character self.
+**  ~!   print next character reverse.
+**  ~<   start reverse.
+**  ~>   switch back to last used color.
 **  @param x     X screen position
 **  @param y     Y screen position
@@ -387,12 +379,12 @@ static int DoDrawText(int x, int y, unsigned font, const unsigned char* text,
 **  Draw text with font at x,y unclipped.
-**  ~		is special prefix.
-**  ~~		is the ~ character self.
-**  ~!		print next character reverse.
-**  ~n		0123456789abcdef print text in color 1-16.
-**  ~<		start reverse.
-**  ~>		switch back to last used color.
+**  ~    is special prefix.
+**  ~~   is the ~ character self.
+**  ~!   print next character reverse.
+**  ~n   0123456789abcdef print text in color 1-16.
+**  ~<   start reverse.
+**  ~>   switch back to last used color.
 **  @param x     X screen position
 **  @param y     Y screen position
@@ -894,14 +886,14 @@ void FontsCclRegister(void)
 	lua_register(Lua, "DefineFont", CclDefineFont);
 	lua_register(Lua, "DefineFontColor", CclDefineFontColor);
-//	lua_register(Lua, "DefaultTextColors", CclDefaultTextColors);
-//	lua_register(Lua, "TextLength", CclTextLength);
-//	lua_register(Lua, "DrawText", CclDrawText);
-//	lua_register(Lua, "DrawReverseText", CclDrawReverseText);
-//	lua_register(Lua, "DrawTextCentered", CclDrawTextCentered);
-//	lua_register(Lua, "DrawReverseTextCentered", CclDrawReverseTextCentered);
-//	lua_register(Lua, "DrawNumber", CclDrawNumber);
-//	lua_register(Lua, "DrawReverseNumber", CclDrawReverseNumber);
+// lua_register(Lua, "DefaultTextColors", CclDefaultTextColors);
+// lua_register(Lua, "TextLength", CclTextLength);
+// lua_register(Lua, "DrawText", CclDrawText);
+// lua_register(Lua, "DrawReverseText", CclDrawReverseText);
+// lua_register(Lua, "DrawTextCentered", CclDrawTextCentered);
+// lua_register(Lua, "DrawReverseTextCentered", CclDrawReverseTextCentered);
+// lua_register(Lua, "DrawNumber", CclDrawNumber);
+// lua_register(Lua, "DrawReverseNumber", CclDrawReverseNumber);
diff --git a/src/video/intern_video.h b/src/video/intern_video.h
index 155597a7d..b0c688d7f 100644
--- a/src/video/intern_video.h
+++ b/src/video/intern_video.h
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 //      /        \|  |  |  | \// __ \|  |  / __ \_/ /_/  >  |  /\___ |
 //     /_______  /|__|  |__|  (____  /__| (____  /\___  /|____//____  >
 //             \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/
-//  ______________________			     ______________________
-//			  T H E	  W A R	  B E G I N S
-//	   Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
+//  ______________________      ______________________
+//   T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
+//    Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
 //*@file intern_video.h @brief The video headerfile for video sources only. */
-//	(c) Copyright 1999-2002 by Stephan Rasenbergver.
+// (c) Copyright 1999-2002 by Stephan Rasenbergver.
 //      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 //      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 //      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
 //      02111-1307, USA.
-//	$Id$
+// $Id$
 #ifndef __INTERN_VIDEO_H__
 #define __INTERN_VIDEO_H__
@@ -34,63 +34,63 @@
---		Documentation
+-- Documentation
-**		@file intern_video.h
+** @file intern_video.h
-**		This delivers an interface to basic video operations in video.c, while
-**		keeping these detailed operations out of the main include-file video.h
+** This delivers an interface to basic video operations in video.c, while
+** keeping these detailed operations out of the main include-file video.h
-**		@todo FIXME: Currently some interfaces listed in video.h should be
-**				moved in here, this includes possible "extern" declarations in
-**				source-files themselves.
-**				The doxygen docs looks not good, but now contains all info.
+** @todo FIXME: Currently some interfaces listed in video.h should be
+** moved in here, this includes possible "extern" declarations in
+** source-files themselves.
+** The doxygen docs looks not good, but now contains all info.
---		Includes
+-- Includes
---		Declarations
+-- Declarations
---		Variables
+-- Variables
 	// Direct acces to clipping rectangle for macro CLIP_RECTANGLE
-extern int ClipX1;						/// current clipping top left
-extern int ClipY1;						/// current clipping top left
-extern int ClipX2;						/// current clipping bottom right
-extern int ClipY2;						/// current clipping bottom right
+extern int ClipX1; /// current clipping top left
+extern int ClipY1; /// current clipping top left
+extern int ClipX2; /// current clipping bottom right
+extern int ClipY2; /// current clipping bottom right
---		Macros
+-- Macros
-**		Clip rectangle area to clipping rectangle.
-**		This means given arguments can be changed to take the clipping
-**		rectangle into account.
+** Clip rectangle area to clipping rectangle.
+** This means given arguments can be changed to take the clipping
+** rectangle into account.
-**		@todo FIXME: not easy to debug, but making it a function needs:
-**				- pointers to be able to alter given arguments
-**				- special return value to denote 'outside' clipping region
-**				(which is now handled by a simple return in caller function)
+** @todo FIXME: not easy to debug, but making it a function needs:
+** - pointers to be able to alter given arguments
+** - special return value to denote 'outside' clipping region
+** (which is now handled by a simple return in caller function)
-**		@param x		int X screen pixel position
-**		@param y		int Y screen pixel position
-**						(return value of X and Y can be made larger)
-**		@param width		unsigned int width to display
-**		@param height		unsigned int height to display
-**						(return value of width and height can be made smaller)
+** @param x int X screen pixel position
+** @param y int Y screen pixel position
+** (return value of X and Y can be made larger)
+** @param width unsigned int width to display
+** @param height unsigned int height to display
+** (return value of width and height can be made smaller)
 #define CLIP_RECTANGLE(x, y, width, height) { \
 	int f; \
@@ -125,27 +125,27 @@ extern int ClipY2;						/// current clipping bottom right
-**		Clip rectangle area (just like CLIP_RECTANGLE), but also return offsets
-**		(these offsets can be used to skip data when used for sprites and such)
+** Clip rectangle area (just like CLIP_RECTANGLE), but also return offsets
+** (these offsets can be used to skip data when used for sprites and such)
-**		@todo FIXME: not easy to debug, but making it a function needs:
-**				- pointers to be able to alter given arguments
-**				- special return value to denote 'outside' clipping region
-**				(which is now handled by a simple return in caller function)
+** @todo FIXME: not easy to debug, but making it a function needs:
+** - pointers to be able to alter given arguments
+** - special return value to denote 'outside' clipping region
+** (which is now handled by a simple return in caller function)
-**		@param x		int X screen position
-**		@param y		int Y screen position
-**						(return value of X and Y can be made larger)
-**		@param width		int width to display
-**		@param height		int height to display
-**						(return value of width and height can be made smaller)
+** @param x int X screen position
+** @param y int Y screen position
+** (return value of X and Y can be made larger)
+** @param width int width to display
+** @param height int height to display
+** (return value of width and height can be made smaller)
 **  returns:
-**		@param ofsx		int offset X from start of sprite data
-**		@param ofsy		int offset Y from start of sprite data
-**		@param endx		int offset to skip the remaining data at the
-**						end of each horizontal line of the sprite.
+** @param ofsx int offset X from start of sprite data
+** @param ofsy int offset Y from start of sprite data
+** @param endx int offset to skip the remaining data at the
+** end of each horizontal line of the sprite.
-**		@note there was no need for 'endy', as it isn't used to draw sprites..
+** @note there was no need for 'endy', as it isn't used to draw sprites..
 #define CLIP_RECTANGLE_OFS(x, y, width, height, ofsx, ofsy, endx) { \
 	if (y < ClipY1) { \
@@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ extern int ClipY2;						/// current clipping bottom right
---		Functions
+-- Functions
-#endif		// !__INTERN_VIDEO_H__
+#endif // !__INTERN_VIDEO_H__
diff --git a/src/video/linedraw.cpp b/src/video/linedraw.cpp
index 7b613792c..094d064b4 100644
--- a/src/video/linedraw.cpp
+++ b/src/video/linedraw.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
---		Includes
+-- Includes
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -46,23 +46,23 @@
---		Declarations
+-- Declarations
-**		Bitmask, denoting a postion left/right/above/below clip rectangle
-**		(mainly used by VideoDrawLineClip)
+** Bitmask, denoting a postion left/right/above/below clip rectangle
+** (mainly used by VideoDrawLineClip)
 typedef enum {
-   ClipCodeInside = 0,						/// Clipping inside rectangle
-   ClipCodeAbove  = 1,						/// Clipping above rectangle
-   ClipCodeBelow  = 2,						/// Clipping below rectangle
-   ClipCodeLeft   = 4,						/// Clipping left rectangle
-   ClipCodeRight  = 8						/// Clipping right rectangle
+   ClipCodeInside = 0, /// Clipping inside rectangle
+   ClipCodeAbove  = 1, /// Clipping above rectangle
+   ClipCodeBelow  = 2, /// Clipping below rectangle
+   ClipCodeLeft   = 4, /// Clipping left rectangle
+   ClipCodeRight  = 8 /// Clipping right rectangle
 } ClipCode;
---		Variables
+-- Variables
 #ifndef USE_OPENGL
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static void (*VideoDoDrawTransPixel)(Uint32 color, int x, int y, unsigned char a
 // ===========================================================================
-//		Pixel
+// Pixel
 // ===========================================================================
 #ifndef USE_OPENGL
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ void VideoDrawTransVLine(Uint32 color, int x, int y,
 void VideoDrawVLineClip(Uint32 color, int x, int y, int height)
 	int w;
 	w = 1;
 	CLIP_RECTANGLE(x, y, w, height);
 	VideoDrawVLine(color, x, y, height);
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ void VideoDrawHLine(Uint32 color, int x, int y, int width)
 void VideoDrawHLineClip(Uint32 color, int x, int y, int width)
 	int h;
 	h = 1;
 	CLIP_RECTANGLE(x, y, width, h);
 	VideoDrawHLine(color, x, y, width);
@@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ void VideoFillCircleClip(Uint32 color, int x, int y, int r)
 	} while (cx <= cy);
-void VideoFillTransCircle(Uint32 color, int x, int y, 
+void VideoFillTransCircle(Uint32 color, int x, int y,
 	int r, unsigned char alpha)
 	int p;
diff --git a/src/video/png.cpp b/src/video/png.cpp
index 970f501ee..fcbbc6a0c 100644
--- a/src/video/png.cpp
+++ b/src/video/png.cpp
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Graphic* LoadGraphicPNG(const char* name)
 			/* Check if all tRNS entries are opaque except one */
 			int i;
 			int t;
 			t = -1;
 			for (i = 0; i < num_trans; ++i) {
 				if (trans[i] == 0) {
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Graphic* LoadGraphicPNG(const char* name)
 		&color_type, &interlace_type, NULL, NULL);
 	/* Allocate the SDL surface to hold the image */
-	Rmask = Gmask = Bmask = Amask = 0 ; 
+	Rmask = Gmask = Bmask = Amask = 0 ;
 	if (color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
 			Rmask = 0x000000FF;
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ Graphic* LoadGraphicPNG(const char* name)
 				palette->colors[i].b = i;
 		} else if (info_ptr->num_palette > 0) {
-			palette->ncolors = info_ptr->num_palette; 
+			palette->ncolors = info_ptr->num_palette;
 			for (i = 0; i < info_ptr->num_palette; ++i) {
 				palette->colors[i].b = info_ptr->palette[i].blue;
 				palette->colors[i].g = info_ptr->palette[i].green;
diff --git a/src/video/sdl.cpp b/src/video/sdl.cpp
index 0086551d8..7ffaf85a2 100644
--- a/src/video/sdl.cpp
+++ b/src/video/sdl.cpp
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
---		Includes
+-- Includes
 #include "stratagus.h"
-#ifdef USE_SDL		// {
+#ifdef USE_SDL // {
 #ifdef DEBUG
 #include <signal.h>
@@ -86,16 +86,16 @@
 --  Variables
-SDL_Surface* TheScreen;				/// Internal screen
+SDL_Surface* TheScreen; /// Internal screen
 #ifndef USE_OPENGL
 static SDL_Rect Rects[100];
 static int NumRects;
-static int FrameTicks;						/// Frame length in ms
-static int FrameRemainder;				/// Frame remainder 0.1 ms
-static int FrameFraction;				/// Frame fractional term
+static int FrameTicks; /// Frame length in ms
+static int FrameRemainder; /// Frame remainder 0.1 ms
+static int FrameFraction; /// Frame fractional term
 --  Functions
@@ -569,18 +569,18 @@ static void SdlDoEvent(const EventCallback* callbacks, const SDL_Event* event)
-**		Wait for interactive input event for one frame.
+** Wait for interactive input event for one frame.
-**		Handles system events, joystick, keyboard, mouse.
-**		Handles the network messages.
-**		Handles the sound queue.
+** Handles system events, joystick, keyboard, mouse.
+** Handles the network messages.
+** Handles the sound queue.
-**		All events available are fetched. Sound and network only if available.
-**		Returns if the time for one frame is over.
+** All events available are fetched. Sound and network only if available.
+** Returns if the time for one frame is over.
-**		@param callbacks		Call backs that handle the events.
+** @param callbacks Call backs that handle the events.
-**		FIXME:		the initialition could be moved out of the loop
+** FIXME: the initialition could be moved out of the loop
 void WaitEventsOneFrame(const EventCallback* callbacks)
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ void WaitEventsOneFrame(const EventCallback* callbacks)
 	ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
-	if (ticks > NextFrameTicks) {		// We are too slow :(
+	if (ticks > NextFrameTicks) { // We are too slow :(
 #ifdef DEBUG
 		// FIXME: need locking!
 		// if (InterfaceState == IfaceStateNormal) {
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ void WaitEventsOneFrame(const EventCallback* callbacks)
 	for (;;) {
-		//		Time of frame over? This makes the CPU happy. :(
+		// Time of frame over? This makes the CPU happy. :(
 		ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
 		if (!interrupts && ticks + 11 < NextFrameTicks) {
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ void WaitEventsOneFrame(const EventCallback* callbacks)
-		//		Prepare select
+		// Prepare select
 		maxfd = 0;
 		tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0;
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ void WaitEventsOneFrame(const EventCallback* callbacks)
-		//		Network
+		// Network
 		if (IsNetworkGame()) {
 			if (NetworkFildes > maxfd) {
@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ void WaitEventsOneFrame(const EventCallback* callbacks)
 			(i = SDL_PollEvent(event)) ? &tv : NULL);
 		// QUICK HACK to fix the event/timer problem
-		//		The timer code didn't interrupt the select call.
-		//		Perhaps I could send a signal to the process
+		// The timer code didn't interrupt the select call.
+		// Perhaps I could send a signal to the process
 		// Not very nice, but this is the problem if you use other libraries
 		// The event handling of SDL is wrong designed = polling only.
 		// There is hope on SDL 1.3 which will have this fixed.
@@ -671,13 +671,13 @@ void WaitEventsOneFrame(const EventCallback* callbacks)
 		i = SDL_PollEvent(event);
-		if (i) {						// Handle SDL event
+		if (i) { // Handle SDL event
 			SdlDoEvent(callbacks, event);
 		if (s > 0) {
-			//		Network
+			// Network
 			if (IsNetworkGame() && FD_ISSET(NetworkFildes, &rfds) ) {
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ void WaitEventsOneFrame(const EventCallback* callbacks)
-		//		No more input and time for frame over: return
+		// No more input and time for frame over: return
 		if (!i && s <= 0 && interrupts) {
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ void ToggleFullScreen(void)
 	int ncolors;
-	if (!TheScreen) {						// don't bother if there's no surface.
+	if (!TheScreen) { // don't bother if there's no surface.
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ void ToggleFullScreen(void)
 	framesize = w * h * TheScreen->format->BytesPerPixel;
 #ifndef USE_OPENGL
-	if (!(pixels = malloc(framesize))) {		// out of memory
+	if (!(pixels = malloc(framesize))) { // out of memory
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ void ToggleFullScreen(void)
 	TheScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, bpp, flags ^ SDL_FULLSCREEN);
 	if (!TheScreen) {
 		TheScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, bpp, flags);
-		if (!TheScreen) {				// completely screwed.
+		if (!TheScreen) { // completely screwed.
 #ifndef USE_OPENGL
 			if (TheScreen->format->palette) {
@@ -853,8 +853,8 @@ void ToggleFullScreen(void)
 	SDL_SetClipRect(TheScreen, &clip);
-	Invalidate();						// Update display
-#else		// !USE_WIN32
+	Invalidate(); // Update display
+#else // !USE_WIN32
diff --git a/src/video/video.cpp b/src/video/video.cpp
index b5b95b544..60de727db 100644
--- a/src/video/video.cpp
+++ b/src/video/video.cpp
@@ -31,54 +31,54 @@
-**	  @page VideoModule Module - Video
+**   @page VideoModule Module - Video
-**				There are lots of video functions available, therefore this
-**				page tries to summarize these separately.
+** There are lots of video functions available, therefore this
+** page tries to summarize these separately.
-**				@note care must be taken what to use, how to use it and where
-**				put new source-code. So please read the following sections
-**				first.
+** @note care must be taken what to use, how to use it and where
+** put new source-code. So please read the following sections
+** first.
-**	  @section VideoMain Video main initialization
+**   @section VideoMain Video main initialization
-**			  The general setup of platform dependent video and basic video
-**				functionalities is done with function @see InitVideo
+**   The general setup of platform dependent video and basic video
+** functionalities is done with function @see InitVideo
-**				We support (depending on the platform) resolutions:
-**				640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1600x1200
-**				with colors 8,15,16,24,32 bit
+** We support (depending on the platform) resolutions:
+** 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1600x1200
+** with colors 8,15,16,24,32 bit
-**				@see video.h @see video.c
+** @see video.h @see video.c
-**	  @section VideoModuleHigh High Level - video dependent functions
+**   @section VideoModuleHigh High Level - video dependent functions
-**				These are the video platforms that are supported, any platform
-**				dependent settings/functionailty are located within each
-**				separate files:
+** These are the video platforms that are supported, any platform
+** dependent settings/functionailty are located within each
+** separate files:
-**				SDL				: Simple Direct Media for Linux,
-**								  Win32 (Windows 95/98/2000), BeOs, MacOS
-**								  (visit
+** SDL : Simple Direct Media for Linux,
+**   Win32 (Windows 95/98/2000), BeOs, MacOS
+**   (visit
-**				@see sdl.c
+** @see sdl.c
-**	  @section VideoModuleLow  Low Level - draw functions
+**   @section VideoModuleLow  Low Level - draw functions
-**				All direct drawing functions
+** All direct drawing functions
-**				@note you might need to use Decorations (see above), to prevent
-**				drawing directly to screen in conflict with the video update.
+** @note you might need to use Decorations (see above), to prevent
+** drawing directly to screen in conflict with the video update.
-**			  @see linedraw.c
-**			  @see sprite.c
+**   @see linedraw.c
+**   @see sprite.c
---		Includes
+-- Includes
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ int VideoDepth;
 SDL_Surface* TheScreen;
 int VideoSyncSpeed = 100;            /// 0 disable interrupts
-int SkipFrames;						/// Skip this frames
+int SkipFrames; /// Skip this frames
 int ColorWaterCycleStart;
 int ColorWaterCycleEnd;
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void SetClipping(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
 			right >= VideoWidth || bottom < 0 || bottom >= VideoHeight) {
 		DebugPrint("Wrong clipping %d->%d %d->%d, write cleaner code.\n" _C_
 			left _C_ right _C_ top _C_ bottom);
-//		Assert(0);
+// Assert(0);
 	ClipRectToRect(&left, &top, &right, &bottom, 0, 0, VideoWidth, VideoHeight);