Some renaming into network.cpp

Reordering some functions in network.cpp
Create some sub fonctions.
This commit is contained in:
joris 2013-04-12 15:38:58 +02:00
parent a4a7241558
commit b9b8ad8c82
11 changed files with 281 additions and 300 deletions

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@ -813,8 +813,7 @@ void CreateGame(const std::string &filename, CMap *map)
if (IsNetworkGame()) { // Prepare network play
DebugPrint("Client setup: Calling InitNetwork2\n");
} else {
const std::string &localPlayerName = Parameters::Instance.LocalPlayerName;

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@ -181,15 +181,13 @@ extern void SendCommandDiplomacy(int player, int state, int opponent);
/// Send shared vision command
extern void SendCommandSharedVision(int player, bool state, int opponent);
/// Parse a command (from network).
extern void ParseCommand(unsigned char type, UnitRef unum, unsigned short x,
unsigned short y, UnitRef dest);
/// Parse an extended command (from network).
extern void ParseExtendedCommand(unsigned char type, int status,
unsigned char arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned short arg3,
unsigned short arg4);
/// Execute a command (from network).
extern void ExecCommand(unsigned char type, UnitRef unum, unsigned short x,
unsigned short y, UnitRef dest);
/// Execute an extended command (from network).
extern void ExecExtendedCommand(unsigned char type, int status, unsigned char arg1,
unsigned short arg2, unsigned short arg3,
unsigned short arg4);
#define FlushCommands 1 /// Flush commands in queue

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@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ public:
CInitMessage_Header header;
CNetworkHost hosts[PlayerMax]; /// Participant information
int32_t Lag; /// Lag time
int32_t Updates; /// Update frequency
CNetworkHost hosts[PlayerMax]; /// Participants information
int32_t Lag; /// Lag time
int32_t gameCyclesPerUpdate; /// Update frequency
class CInitMessage_Map

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@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ public:
void FixValues();
std::string localHost; /// Local network address to use
unsigned int localPort; /// Local network port to use
unsigned int NetworkUpdates; /// Network update each # game cycles
unsigned int NetworkLag; /// Network lag (# game cycles) (multiple of NetworkUpdates)
unsigned int localPort; /// Local network port to use
unsigned int gameCyclesPerUpdate; /// Network update each # game cycles
unsigned int NetworkLag; /// Network lag (# update cycles)
unsigned int timeoutInS; /// Number of seconds until player times out
@ -74,15 +74,15 @@ extern bool NetworkInSync; /// Network is in sync
extern inline bool IsNetworkGame() { return NetworkFildes.IsValid(); }
extern void InitNetwork1(); /// Initialise network part 1 (ports)
extern void InitNetwork2(); /// Initialise network part 2
extern void ExitNetwork1(); /// Cleanup network part 1 (ports)
extern void InitNetwork1(); /// Initialise network
extern void ExitNetwork1(); /// Cleanup network (port)
extern void NetworkOnStartGame(); /// Initialise network data for ingame communication
extern void NetworkEvent(); /// Handle network events
extern void NetworkSync(); /// Hold in sync
extern void NetworkQuit(); /// Quit game
extern void NetworkQuitGame(); /// Quit game: warn other users
extern void NetworkRecover(); /// Recover network
extern void NetworkCommands(); /// Get all network commands
extern void NetworkChatMessage(const std::string &msg); /// Send chat message
extern void NetworkSendChatMessage(const std::string &msg); /// Send chat message
/// Send network command.
extern void NetworkSendCommand(int command, const CUnit &unit, int x,
int y, const CUnit *dest, const CUnitType *type, int status);

View file

@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ void SendCommandSharedVision(int player, bool state, int opponent)
** Parse a command (from network).
** Execute a command (from network).
** @param msgnr Network message type
** @param unum Unit number (slot) that receive the command.
@ -556,8 +556,8 @@ void SendCommandSharedVision(int player, bool state, int opponent)
** @param y optional y map position.
** @param dstnr optional destination unit.
void ParseCommand(unsigned char msgnr, UnitRef unum,
unsigned short x, unsigned short y, UnitRef dstnr)
void ExecCommand(unsigned char msgnr, UnitRef unum,
unsigned short x, unsigned short y, UnitRef dstnr)
CUnit &unit = UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(unum);
const Vec2i pos(x, y);
@ -746,8 +746,16 @@ void ParseCommand(unsigned char msgnr, UnitRef unum,
static const char *GetDiplomacyName(enum _diplomacy_ e)
Assert(int(e) < 4);
const char *diplomacyNames[] = {"allied", "neutral", "enemy", "crazy"};
return diplomacyNames[int(e)];
** Parse an extended command (from network).
** Execute an extended command (from network).
** @param type Network extended message type
** @param status Bit 7 of message type
@ -756,41 +764,24 @@ void ParseCommand(unsigned char msgnr, UnitRef unum,
** @param arg3 Messe argument 3
** @param arg4 Messe argument 4
void ParseExtendedCommand(unsigned char type, int status,
unsigned char arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned short arg3,
unsigned short arg4)
void ExecExtendedCommand(unsigned char type, int status,
unsigned char arg1, unsigned short arg2, unsigned short arg3,
unsigned short arg4)
// Note: destroyed units are handled by the action routines.
switch (type) {
case ExtendedMessageDiplomacy:
switch (arg3) {
case DiplomacyNeutral:
CommandLog("diplomacy", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4,
NoUnitP, "neutral", -1);
case DiplomacyAllied:
CommandLog("diplomacy", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4,
NoUnitP, "allied", -1);
case DiplomacyEnemy:
CommandLog("diplomacy", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4,
NoUnitP, "enemy", -1);
case DiplomacyCrazy:
CommandLog("diplomacy", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4,
NoUnitP, "crazy", -1);
case ExtendedMessageDiplomacy: {
const char *diplomacyName = GetDiplomacyName(_diplomacy_(arg3));
CommandLog("diplomacy", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4, NoUnitP, diplomacyName, -1);
CommandDiplomacy(arg2, arg3, arg4);
case ExtendedMessageSharedVision:
if (arg3 == 0) {
CommandLog("shared-vision", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4,
NoUnitP, "0", -1);
CommandLog("shared-vision", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4, NoUnitP, "0", -1);
} else {
CommandLog("shared-vision", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4,
NoUnitP, "1", -1);
CommandLog("shared-vision", NoUnitP, 0, arg2, arg4, NoUnitP, "1", -1);
CommandSharedVision(arg2, arg3 ? true : false, arg4);

View file

@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ CInitMessage_Welcome::CInitMessage_Welcome() :
header(MessageInit_FromServer, ICMWelcome)
this->Lag = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkLag;
this->Updates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
this->gameCyclesPerUpdate = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const unsigned char *CInitMessage_Welcome::Serialize() const
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ const unsigned char *CInitMessage_Welcome::Serialize() const
p += this->hosts[i].Serialize(p);
p += serialize32(p, this->Lag);
p += serialize32(p, this->Updates);
p += serialize32(p, this->gameCyclesPerUpdate);
return buf;
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ void CInitMessage_Welcome::Deserialize(const unsigned char *p)
p += this->hosts[i].Deserialize(p);
p += deserialize32(p, &this->Lag);
p += deserialize32(p, &this->Updates);
p += deserialize32(p, &this->gameCyclesPerUpdate);

View file

@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ void CClient::Parse_Welcome(const unsigned char *buf)
NetLocalHostsSlot = msg.hosts[0].PlyNr;
Hosts[0].SetName(msg.hosts[0].PlyName); // Name of server player
CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkLag = msg.Lag;
CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates = msg.Updates;
CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate = msg.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
Hosts[0].Host = serverHost.getIp();
Hosts[0].Port = serverHost.getPort();

View file

@ -133,31 +133,31 @@
** @subsection internals Putting it together
** All computers in play must run absolute syncron. Only user commands
** are send over the network to the other computers. The command needs
** some time to reach the other clients (lag), so the command is not
** executed immediatly on the local computer, it is stored in a delay
** queue and send to all other clients. After a delay of ::NetworkLag
** game cycles the commands of the other players are received and executed
** together with the local command. Each ::NetworkUpdates game cycles there
** must a package send, to keep the clients in sync, if there is no user
** command, a dummy sync package is send.
** All computers in play must run absolute syncron.
** Only user commands are send over the network to the other computers.
** To reduce network traffic, commands are sent/executed every gameCyclesPerUpdate
** gameCycles. The command needs some time to reach the other clients (lag),
** so the command is not executed immediatly on the local computer,
** but a delay (NetworkLag NetUpdates) later. Commands are stored
** in a circular array indexed by update time. Once each other players commands
** are received for a specified gameNetCycle, all commands of this gameNetCycle
** Each gameNetCycle, a package must be send. if there is no user command,
** a "dummy" sync package is send (which checks that all players are still in sync).
** If there are missing packages, the game is paused and old commands
** are resend to all clients.
** @section missing What features are missing
** @li The recover from lost packets can be improved, if the server knows
** which packets the clients have received.
** @li The recover from lost packets can be improved, as the player knows
** which packets is missing.
** @li The UDP protocol isn't good for firewalls, we need also support
** for the TCP protocol.
** @li Add a server / client protocol, which allows more players per game.
** @li Add a server/client protocol, which allows more players per game.
** @li Lag (latency) and bandwidth are set over the commandline. This
** should be automatic detected during game setup and later during
** game automatic adapted.
** @li Lag (latency) and bandwidth should be automatic detected during game setup
** and later during game automatic adapted.
** @li Also it would be nice, if we support viewing clients. This means
** other people can view the game in progress.
@ -174,37 +174,45 @@
** @li password protection the login process (optional), to prevent that
** the wrong player join an open network game.
** @li add meta server support, i have planned to use bnetd and its protocol.
** @li add meta server support, I have planned to use bnetd and its protocol.
** @section api API How should it be used.
** ::InitNetwork1()
** ::InitNetwork2()
** Open port. Must be called by Lua
** ::ExitNetwork1()
** Close port. Called internally and by Lua
** ::NetworkSendCommand()
** ::NetworkSendExtendedCommand()
** ::NetworkEvent()
** ::NetworkQuit()
** ::NetworkChatMessage()
** ::NetworkOnGameStart()
** Initialize msg stuff for ingame communication.
** ::NetworkEvent()
** Manage network event (preparation room + ingame).
** ::NetworkRecover()
** Do stuff to have again NetworkInSync == true
** ::NetworkCommands()
** Network Updates : exec current command, and send commands to other players
** ::NetworkFildes
** UDP Socket for communication.
** ::NetworkInSync
** false when commands of the next gameNetCycle of the other player are not ready.
** @todo FIXME: continue docu
** ::NetworkSendCommand()
** Send a normal unit order.
** ::NetworkSendExtendedCommand()
** Send special command (diplomacy, ...)
** ::NetworkSendChatMessage()
** Send a chat message to others player
** ::NetworkQuitGame()
** Warn other users that we leave.
@ -271,14 +279,14 @@ CNetworkParameter::CNetworkParameter()
localHost = "";
localPort = defaultPort;
NetworkUpdates = 5;
gameCyclesPerUpdate = 5;
NetworkLag = 2;
timeoutInS = 45;
void CNetworkParameter::FixValues()
NetworkUpdates = std::max(NetworkUpdates, 1u);
gameCyclesPerUpdate = std::max(gameCyclesPerUpdate, 1u);
NetworkLag = std::max(NetworkLag, 2u);
@ -288,7 +296,6 @@ CUDPSocket NetworkFildes; /// Network file descriptor
static unsigned long NetworkLastFrame[PlayerMax]; /// Last frame received packet
static unsigned long NetworkDelay; /// Delay counter for recover.
static int NetworkSyncSeeds[256]; /// Network sync seeds.
static int NetworkSyncHashs[256]; /// Network sync hashs.
static CNetworkCommandQueue NetworkIn[256][PlayerMax][MaxNetworkCommands]; /// Per-player network packet input queue
@ -381,43 +388,26 @@ static void NetworkSendPacket(const CNetworkCommandQueue (&ncq)[MaxNetworkComman
** Initialize network part 1.
** Initialize network port.
void InitNetwork1()
NetworkInSync = true;
NetInit(); // machine dependent setup
// Our communication port
int port = CNetworkParameter::Instance.localPort;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
NetworkFildes.Open(CHost(CNetworkParameter::Instance.localHost.c_str(), port + i));
if (NetworkFildes.IsValid()) {
port = port + i;
const int port = CNetworkParameter::Instance.localPort;
const CHost host(CNetworkParameter::Instance.localHost.c_str(), port);
if (NetworkFildes.IsValid() == false) {
fprintf(stderr, "NETWORK: No free ports %d-%d available, aborting\n", port, port + 10);
fprintf(stderr, "NETWORK: No free port %d available, aborting\n", port);
NetExit(); // machine dependent network exit
#ifdef DEBUG
char buf[128];
gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf));
DebugPrint("%s\n" _C_ buf);
const std::string hostStr = CHost(buf, port).toString();
DebugPrint("My host:port %s\n" _C_ hostStr.c_str());
const std::string hostStr = host.toString();
DebugPrint("My host:port %s\n" _C_ hostStr.c_str());
#if 0 // FIXME: need a working interface check
@ -437,7 +427,7 @@ void InitNetwork1()
** Cleanup network part 1. (to be called _AFTER_ part 2 :)
** Cleanup network.
void ExitNetwork1()
@ -460,17 +450,21 @@ void ExitNetwork1()
** Initialize network part 2.
** Game will start now.
void InitNetwork2()
void NetworkOnStartGame()
for (int i = 0; i < HostsCount; ++i) {
DebugPrint("Updates %d, Lag %d, Hosts %d\n" _C_
CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates _C_
CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate _C_
CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkLag _C_ HostsCount);
NetworkInSync = true;
// Prepare first time without syncs.
for (int i = 0; i != 256; ++i) {
for (int p = 0; p != PlayerMax; ++p) {
@ -487,11 +481,11 @@ void InitNetwork2()
for (int n = 0; n < HostsCount; ++n) {
CNetworkCommandQueue (&ncqs)[MaxNetworkCommands] = NetworkIn[i][Hosts[n].PlyNr];
ncqs[0].Time = i * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncqs[0].Time = i * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
ncqs[0].Type = MessageSync;
ncqs[1].Time = i * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncqs[1].Time = i * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
ncqs[1].Type = MessageNone;
@ -619,26 +613,22 @@ void NetworkSendSelection(CUnit **units, int count)
** Process Received Unit Selection
** Send chat message. (Message is sent with low priority)
** @param ncq Network Packet to Process
** @param msg Text message to send.
static void ParseNetworkCommand_Selection(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
void NetworkSendChatMessage(const std::string &msg)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageSelection);
CNetworkSelection ns;
if (Players[ns.player].Team != ThisPlayer->Team) {
if (!IsNetworkGame()) {
std::vector<CUnit *> units;
for (size_t i = 0; i != ns.Units.size(); ++i) {
ChangeTeamSelectedUnits(Players[ns.player], units);
CNetworkChat nc;
nc.Text = msg;
CNetworkCommandQueue ncq;
ncq.Type = MessageChat;
@ -663,14 +653,22 @@ static void NetworkRemovePlayer(int player)
static bool IsNetworkCommandReady(int hostIndex, unsigned long gameNetCycle)
const int ply = Hosts[hostIndex].PlyNr;
const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq = NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][ply][0];
if (ncq.Time != gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate) {
return false;
return true;
static bool IsNetworkCommandReady(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
// Check if all next messages are available.
const CNetworkCommandQueue (&ncqs)[PlayerMax][MaxNetworkCommands] = NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF];
for (int i = 0; i < HostsCount; ++i) {
const CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq = ncqs[Hosts[i].PlyNr];
if (ncq[0].Time != gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates) {
if (IsNetworkCommandReady(i, gameNetCycle) == false) {
return false;
@ -684,7 +682,7 @@ static void ParseResendCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet)
if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
n -= 0x100;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
// FIXME: not necessary to send this packet multiple times!!!!
// other side sends re-send until it gets an answer.
if (n != NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index][0].Time) {
@ -700,58 +698,59 @@ static void ParseResendCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet)
if (ncq->Time && ncq->Type == MessageQuit) {
CNetworkPacket np;
np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
np.Header.Type[0] = MessageQuit;
np.Command[0] = ncq->Data;
for (int k = 1; k < MaxNetworkCommands; ++k) {
np.Header.Type[k] = MessageNone;
// FIXME : BUG? : order may differ when send alone
NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
static bool IsAValidCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index)
static bool IsAValidCommand_Command(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index)
CNetworkCommand nc;
const unsigned int slot = nc.Unit;
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
const int player = Hosts[index].PlyNr;
if (unit && (unit->Player->Index == player
|| Players[player].IsTeamed(*unit))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
static bool IsAValidCommand_Dismiss(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index)
CNetworkCommand nc;
const unsigned int slot = nc.Unit;
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && unit->Type->ClicksToExplode) {
return true;
return IsAValidCommand_Command(packet, index);
static bool IsAValidCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index)
switch (packet.Header.Type[index] & 0x7F) {
case MessageExtendedCommand: // FIXME: ensure the sender is part of the command
return true;
case MessageSync: // Sync does not matter
case MessageSelection: // FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
case MessageQuit: // FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
case MessageResend: // FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
case MessageChat: // FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
return true;
case MessageSelection:
return true;
case MessageQuit:
case MessageResend:
case MessageChat:
// FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
return true;
case MessageCommandDismiss: {
CNetworkCommand nc;
const unsigned int slot = nc.Unit;
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && unit->Type->ClicksToExplode) {
return true;
// Fall through!
default: {
CNetworkCommand nc;
const unsigned int slot = nc.Unit;
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && (unit->Player->Index == player
|| Players[player].IsTeamed(*unit))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
case MessageCommandDismiss: return IsAValidCommand_Dismiss(packet, index);
default: return IsAValidCommand_Command(packet, index);
// FIXME: not all values in nc have been validated
@ -802,7 +801,7 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHo
if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
n -= 0x100;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][player][i].Time = n;
NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][player][i].Type = packet.Header.Type[i];
NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][player][i].Data = packet.Command[i];
@ -817,7 +816,7 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHo
// Waiting for this time slot
if (!NetworkInSync) {
const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const unsigned long nextGameNetCycle = (GameCycle / networkUpdates) + 1;
if (IsNetworkCommandReady(nextGameNetCycle) == true) {
NetworkInSync = true;
@ -828,10 +827,6 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHo
** Called if message for the network is ready.
** (by WaitEventsOneFrame)
** @todo
** NetworkReceivedEarly NetworkReceivedLate NetworkReceivedDups
** Must be calculated.
void NetworkEvent()
@ -866,20 +861,20 @@ void NetworkEvent()
** Quit the game.
void NetworkQuit()
void NetworkQuitGame()
if (!ThisPlayer) {
if (!ThisPlayer || IsNetworkGame() == false) {
const int NetworkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const int gameCyclesPerUpdate = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const int NetworkLag = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkLag;
const int gameNetCycle = GameCycle / NetworkUpdates;
const int gameNetCycle = GameCycle / gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const int n = gameNetCycle + 1 + NetworkLag;
CNetworkCommandQueue (&ncqs)[MaxNetworkCommands] = NetworkIn[n & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index];
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
nc.player = ThisPlayer->Index;
ncqs[0].Type = MessageQuit;
ncqs[0].Time = n * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncqs[0].Time = n * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
for (int i = 1; i < MaxNetworkCommands; ++i) {
@ -889,32 +884,13 @@ void NetworkQuit()
** Send chat message. (Message is sent with low priority)
** @param msg Text message to send.
void NetworkChatMessage(const std::string &msg)
if (!IsNetworkGame()) {
CNetworkChat nc;
nc.Text = msg;
CNetworkCommandQueue ncq;
ncq.Type = MessageChat;
static void ParseNetworkCommand_Sync(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
static void NetworkExecCommand_Sync(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageSync);
CNetworkCommandSync nc;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const int syncSeed = nc.syncSeed;
const int syncHash = nc.syncHash;
@ -927,7 +903,25 @@ static void ParseNetworkCommand_Sync(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
static void ParseNetworkCommand_Chat(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
static void NetworkExecCommand_Selection(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageSelection);
CNetworkSelection ns;
if (Players[ns.player].Team != ThisPlayer->Team) {
std::vector<CUnit *> units;
for (size_t i = 0; i != ns.Units.size(); ++i) {
ChangeTeamSelectedUnits(Players[ns.player], units);
static void NetworkExecCommand_Chat(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageChat);
@ -939,43 +933,53 @@ static void ParseNetworkCommand_Chat(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
CommandLog("chat", NoUnitP, FlushCommands, -1, -1, NoUnitP, nc.Text.c_str(), -1);
static void NetworkExecCommand_Quit(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageQuit);
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
CommandLog("quit", NoUnitP, FlushCommands, nc.player, -1, NoUnitP, NULL, -1);
static void NetworkExecCommand_ExtendedCommand(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageExtendedCommand);
CNetworkExtendedCommand nec;
ExecExtendedCommand(nec.ExtendedType, (ncq.Type & 0x80) >> 7,
nec.Arg1, nec.Arg2, nec.Arg3, nec.Arg4);
static void NetworkExecCommand_Command(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
CNetworkCommand nc;
ExecCommand(ncq.Type, nc.Unit, nc.X, nc.Y, nc.Dest);
** Parse a network command.
** Execute a network command.
** @param ncq Network command from queue
static void ParseNetworkCommand(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
static void NetworkExecCommand(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
switch (ncq.Type & 0x7F) {
case MessageSync: ParseNetworkCommand_Sync(ncq); break;
case MessageSelection: ParseNetworkCommand_Selection(ncq); break;
case MessageChat: ParseNetworkCommand_Chat(ncq); break;
case MessageQuit: {
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
CommandLog("quit", NoUnitP, FlushCommands, nc.player, -1, NoUnitP, NULL, -1);
case MessageExtendedCommand: {
CNetworkExtendedCommand nec;
ParseExtendedCommand(nec.ExtendedType, (ncq.Type & 0x80) >> 7,
nec.Arg1, nec.Arg2, nec.Arg3, nec.Arg4);
case MessageSync: NetworkExecCommand_Sync(ncq); break;
case MessageSelection: NetworkExecCommand_Selection(ncq); break;
case MessageChat: NetworkExecCommand_Chat(ncq); break;
case MessageQuit: NetworkExecCommand_Quit(ncq); break;
case MessageExtendedCommand: NetworkExecCommand_ExtendedCommand(ncq); break;
case MessageNone:
// Nothing to Do, This Message Should Never be Executed
default: {
CNetworkCommand nc;
ParseCommand(ncq.Type, nc.Unit, nc.X, nc.Y, nc.Dest);
default: NetworkExecCommand_Command(ncq); break;
@ -995,7 +999,7 @@ static void NetworkSendCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
nc.syncSeed = SyncRandSeed;
ncq[0].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncq[0].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
numcommands = 1;
} else {
while (!CommandsIn.empty() && numcommands < MaxNetworkCommands) {
@ -1013,14 +1017,14 @@ static void NetworkSendCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
ncq[numcommands] = incommand;
ncq[numcommands].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncq[numcommands].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
while (!MsgCommandsIn.empty() && numcommands < MaxNetworkCommands) {
const CNetworkCommandQueue &incommand = MsgCommandsIn.front();
ncq[numcommands] = incommand;
ncq[numcommands].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncq[numcommands].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
@ -1028,10 +1032,9 @@ static void NetworkSendCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
if (numcommands != MaxNetworkCommands) {
ncq[numcommands].Type = MessageNone;
NetworkSyncSeeds[gameNetCycle & 0xFF] = SyncRandSeed;
NetworkSyncHashs[gameNetCycle & 0xFF] = SyncHash;
@ -1041,7 +1044,6 @@ static void NetworkExecCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
// Must execute commands on all computers in the same order.
for (int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; ++i) {
// Remove commands.
const CNetworkCommandQueue *ncqs = NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][i];
for (int c = 0; c < MaxNetworkCommands; ++c) {
const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq = ncqs[c];
@ -1049,8 +1051,8 @@ static void NetworkExecCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
if (ncq.Time) {
Assert(ncq.Time == gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates);
Assert(ncq.Time == gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate);
@ -1064,17 +1066,49 @@ void NetworkCommands()
if (!IsNetworkGame()) {
if ((GameCycle % CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates) != 0) {
if ((GameCycle % CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate) != 0) {
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
// Send messages to all clients (other players)
NetworkSendCommands(gameNetCycle + CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkLag);
if (IsNetworkCommandReady(gameNetCycle + 1) == false) {
NetworkInSync = false;
NetworkDelay = FrameCounter + CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
// FIXME: should send a resend request.
NetworkInSync = IsNetworkCommandReady(gameNetCycle + 1);
static void CheckPlayerThatTimeOut(int hostIndex)
const int playerIndex = Hosts[hostIndex].PlyNr;
const unsigned long lastFrame = NetworkLastFrame[playerIndex];
if (!lastFrame) {
const int framesPerSecond = FRAMES_PER_SECOND * VideoSyncSpeed / 100;
const int secs = (FrameCounter - lastFrame) / framesPerSecond;
// FIXME: display a menu while we wait
const int timeoutInS = CNetworkParameter::Instance.timeoutInS;
if (3 <= secs && secs < timeoutInS && FrameCounter % framesPerSecond == 0) {
SetMessage(_("Waiting for player \"%s\": %d:%02d"), Hosts[hostIndex].PlyName,
(timeoutInS - secs) / 60, (timeoutInS - secs) % 60);
if (secs >= timeoutInS) {
const unsigned int nextGameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate + 1;
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
nc.player = playerIndex;
CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq = &NetworkIn[nextGameNetCycle & 0xFF][playerIndex][0];
ncq->Time = nextGameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
ncq->Type = MessageQuit;
PlayerQuit[playerIndex] = 1;
SetMessage("%s", _("Timed out"));
CNetworkPacket np;
np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
np.Header.Type[1] = MessageNone;
NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
@ -1091,7 +1125,7 @@ static void NetworkResendCommands()
const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const int nextGameCycle = ((GameCycle / networkUpdates) + 1) * networkUpdates;
// Build packet
CNetworkPacket packet;
@ -1111,56 +1145,15 @@ void NetworkRecover()
NetworkInSync = true;
if (FrameCounter <= NetworkDelay) {
if (FrameCounter % CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate != 0) {
NetworkDelay += CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
// Check for players that timed out
for (int i = 0; i < HostsCount; ++i) {
const int playerIndex = Hosts[i].PlyNr;
const unsigned long lastFrame = NetworkLastFrame[playerIndex];
if (!lastFrame) {
const int framesPerSecond = FRAMES_PER_SECOND * VideoSyncSpeed / 100;
const int secs = (FrameCounter - lastFrame) / framesPerSecond;
// FIXME: display a menu while we wait
const int timeoutInS = CNetworkParameter::Instance.timeoutInS;
if (3 <= secs && secs < timeoutInS) {
if (FrameCounter % framesPerSecond == 0) {
SetMessage(_("Waiting for player \"%s\": %d:%02d"), Hosts[i].PlyName,
(timeoutInS - secs) / 60, (timeoutInS - secs) % 60);
if (secs >= timeoutInS) {
const unsigned int nextGameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates + 1;
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
nc.player = playerIndex;
CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq = &NetworkIn[nextGameNetCycle & 0xFF][playerIndex][0];
ncq->Time = nextGameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncq->Type = MessageQuit;
PlayerQuit[playerIndex] = 1;
SetMessage("%s", _("Timed out"));
CNetworkPacket np;
np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
np.Header.Type[1] = MessageNone;
NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
if (IsNetworkCommandReady(nextGameNetCycle) == false) {
NetworkInSync = false;
NetworkDelay = FrameCounter + CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
// FIXME: should send a resend request.
for (int i = 0; i != HostsCount; ++i) {
// Resend old commands
const unsigned int nextGameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate + 1;
NetworkInSync = IsNetworkCommandReady(nextGameNetCycle);

View file

@ -301,7 +301,6 @@ static void GameLogicLoop()
if (!NetworkInSync) {
NetworkRecover(); // recover network
//#define REALVIDEO
@ -436,7 +435,7 @@ void GameMainLoop()
VideoSyncSpeed = RealVideoSyncSpeed;
GameCycle = 0;//????

View file

@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ void Exit(int err)
#ifdef DEBUG

View file

@ -811,7 +811,6 @@ int HandleCheats(const std::string &input)
static int InputKey(int key)
char ChatMessage[sizeof(Input) + 40];
int i;
char *namestart;
char *p;
@ -819,7 +818,7 @@ static int InputKey(int key)
switch (key) {
// Replace ~~ with ~
for (p = q = Input; *p;) {
if (*p == '~') {
@ -866,12 +865,14 @@ static int InputKey(int key)
snprintf(ChatMessage, sizeof(ChatMessage), "~%s~<%s>~> %s",
char chatMessage[sizeof(Input) + 40];
snprintf(chatMessage, sizeof(chatMessage), "~%s~<%s>~> %s",
ThisPlayer->Name.c_str(), Input);
// FIXME: only to selected players ...
KeyState = KeyStateCommand;