@ -133,31 +133,31 @@
** @subsection internals Putting it together
** All computers in play must run absolute syncron. Only user commands
** are send over the network to the other computers. The command needs
** some time to reach the other clients (lag), so the command is not
** executed immediatly on the local computer, it is stored in a delay
** queue and send to all other clients. After a delay of ::NetworkLag
** game cycles the commands of the other players are received and executed
** together with the local command. Each ::NetworkUpdates game cycles there
** must a package send, to keep the clients in sync, if there is no user
** command, a dummy sync package is send.
** All computers in play must run absolute syncron.
** Only user commands are send over the network to the other computers.
** To reduce network traffic, commands are sent/executed every gameCyclesPerUpdate
** gameCycles. The command needs some time to reach the other clients (lag),
** so the command is not executed immediatly on the local computer,
** but a delay (NetworkLag NetUpdates) later. Commands are stored
** in a circular array indexed by update time. Once each other players commands
** are received for a specified gameNetCycle, all commands of this gameNetCycle
** Each gameNetCycle, a package must be send. if there is no user command,
** a "dummy" sync package is send (which checks that all players are still in sync).
** If there are missing packages, the game is paused and old commands
** are resend to all clients.
** @section missing What features are missing
** @li The recover from lost packets can be improved, if the server knows
** which packets the clients have received.
** @li The recover from lost packets can be improved, as the player knows
** which packets is missing.
** @li The UDP protocol isn't good for firewalls, we need also support
** for the TCP protocol.
** @li Add a server / client protocol, which allows more players per game.
** @li Add a server/client protocol, which allows more players per game.
** @li Lag (latency) and bandwidth are set over the commandline. This
** should be automatic detected during game setup and later during
** game automatic adapted.
** @li Lag (latency) and bandwidth should be automatic detected during game setup
** and later during game automatic adapted.
** @li Also it would be nice, if we support viewing clients. This means
** other people can view the game in progress.
@ -174,37 +174,45 @@
** @li password protection the login process (optional), to prevent that
** the wrong player join an open network game.
** @li add meta server support, i have planned to use bnetd and its protocol.
** @li add meta server support, I have planned to use bnetd and its protocol.
** @section api API How should it be used.
** ::InitNetwork1()
** ::InitNetwork2()
** Open port. Must be called by Lua
** ::ExitNetwork1()
** Close port. Called internally and by Lua
** ::NetworkSendCommand()
** ::NetworkSendExtendedCommand()
** ::NetworkEvent()
** ::NetworkQuit()
** ::NetworkChatMessage()
** ::NetworkOnGameStart()
** Initialize msg stuff for ingame communication.
** ::NetworkEvent()
** Manage network event (preparation room + ingame).
** ::NetworkRecover()
** Do stuff to have again NetworkInSync == true
** ::NetworkCommands()
** Network Updates : exec current command, and send commands to other players
** ::NetworkFildes
** UDP Socket for communication.
** ::NetworkInSync
** false when commands of the next gameNetCycle of the other player are not ready.
** @todo FIXME: continue docu
** ::NetworkSendCommand()
** Send a normal unit order.
** ::NetworkSendExtendedCommand()
** Send special command (diplomacy, ...)
** ::NetworkSendChatMessage()
** Send a chat message to others player
** ::NetworkQuitGame()
** Warn other users that we leave.
@ -271,14 +279,14 @@ CNetworkParameter::CNetworkParameter()
localHost = "";
localPort = defaultPort;
NetworkUpdates = 5;
gameCyclesPerUpdate = 5;
NetworkLag = 2;
timeoutInS = 45;
void CNetworkParameter::FixValues()
NetworkUpdates = std::max(NetworkUpdates, 1u);
gameCyclesPerUpdate = std::max(gameCyclesPerUpdate, 1u);
NetworkLag = std::max(NetworkLag, 2u);
@ -288,7 +296,6 @@ CUDPSocket NetworkFildes; /// Network file descriptor
static unsigned long NetworkLastFrame[PlayerMax]; /// Last frame received packet
static unsigned long NetworkDelay; /// Delay counter for recover.
static int NetworkSyncSeeds[256]; /// Network sync seeds.
static int NetworkSyncHashs[256]; /// Network sync hashs.
static CNetworkCommandQueue NetworkIn[256][PlayerMax][MaxNetworkCommands]; /// Per-player network packet input queue
@ -381,43 +388,26 @@ static void NetworkSendPacket(const CNetworkCommandQueue (&ncq)[MaxNetworkComman
** Initialize network part 1.
** Initialize network port.
void InitNetwork1()
NetworkInSync = true;
NetInit(); // machine dependent setup
// Our communication port
int port = CNetworkParameter::Instance.localPort;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
NetworkFildes.Open(CHost(CNetworkParameter::Instance.localHost.c_str(), port + i));
if (NetworkFildes.IsValid()) {
port = port + i;
const int port = CNetworkParameter::Instance.localPort;
const CHost host(CNetworkParameter::Instance.localHost.c_str(), port);
if (NetworkFildes.IsValid() == false) {
fprintf(stderr, "NETWORK: No free ports %d-%d available, aborting\n", port, port + 10);
fprintf(stderr, "NETWORK: No free port %d available, aborting\n", port);
NetExit(); // machine dependent network exit
#ifdef DEBUG
char buf[128];
gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf));
DebugPrint("%s\n" _C_ buf);
const std::string hostStr = CHost(buf, port).toString();
DebugPrint("My host:port %s\n" _C_ hostStr.c_str());
const std::string hostStr = host.toString();
DebugPrint("My host:port %s\n" _C_ hostStr.c_str());
#if 0 // FIXME: need a working interface check
@ -437,7 +427,7 @@ void InitNetwork1()
** Cleanup network part 1. (to be called _AFTER_ part 2 :)
** Cleanup network.
void ExitNetwork1()
@ -460,17 +450,21 @@ void ExitNetwork1()
** Initialize network part 2.
** Game will start now.
void InitNetwork2()
void NetworkOnStartGame()
for (int i = 0; i < HostsCount; ++i) {
DebugPrint("Updates %d, Lag %d, Hosts %d\n" _C_
CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates _C_
CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate _C_
CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkLag _C_ HostsCount);
NetworkInSync = true;
// Prepare first time without syncs.
for (int i = 0; i != 256; ++i) {
for (int p = 0; p != PlayerMax; ++p) {
@ -487,11 +481,11 @@ void InitNetwork2()
for (int n = 0; n < HostsCount; ++n) {
CNetworkCommandQueue (&ncqs)[MaxNetworkCommands] = NetworkIn[i][Hosts[n].PlyNr];
ncqs[0].Time = i * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncqs[0].Time = i * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
ncqs[0].Type = MessageSync;
ncqs[1].Time = i * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncqs[1].Time = i * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
ncqs[1].Type = MessageNone;
@ -619,26 +613,22 @@ void NetworkSendSelection(CUnit **units, int count)
** Process Received Unit Selection
** Send chat message. (Message is sent with low priority)
** @param ncq Network Packet to Process
** @param msg Text message to send.
static void ParseNetworkCommand_Selection(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
void NetworkSendChatMessage(const std::string &msg)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageSelection);
CNetworkSelection ns;
if (Players[ns.player].Team != ThisPlayer->Team) {
if (!IsNetworkGame()) {
std::vector<CUnit *> units;
for (size_t i = 0; i != ns.Units.size(); ++i) {
ChangeTeamSelectedUnits(Players[ns.player], units);
CNetworkChat nc;
nc.Text = msg;
CNetworkCommandQueue ncq;
ncq.Type = MessageChat;
@ -663,14 +653,22 @@ static void NetworkRemovePlayer(int player)
static bool IsNetworkCommandReady(int hostIndex, unsigned long gameNetCycle)
const int ply = Hosts[hostIndex].PlyNr;
const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq = NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][ply][0];
if (ncq.Time != gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate) {
return false;
return true;
static bool IsNetworkCommandReady(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
// Check if all next messages are available.
const CNetworkCommandQueue (&ncqs)[PlayerMax][MaxNetworkCommands] = NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF];
for (int i = 0; i < HostsCount; ++i) {
const CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq = ncqs[Hosts[i].PlyNr];
if (ncq[0].Time != gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates) {
if (IsNetworkCommandReady(i, gameNetCycle) == false) {
return false;
@ -684,7 +682,7 @@ static void ParseResendCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet)
if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
n -= 0x100;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
// FIXME: not necessary to send this packet multiple times!!!!
// other side sends re-send until it gets an answer.
if (n != NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index][0].Time) {
@ -700,58 +698,59 @@ static void ParseResendCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet)
if (ncq->Time && ncq->Type == MessageQuit) {
CNetworkPacket np;
np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
np.Header.Type[0] = MessageQuit;
np.Command[0] = ncq->Data;
for (int k = 1; k < MaxNetworkCommands; ++k) {
np.Header.Type[k] = MessageNone;
// FIXME : BUG? : order may differ when send alone
NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
static bool IsAValidCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index)
static bool IsAValidCommand_Command(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index)
CNetworkCommand nc;
const unsigned int slot = nc.Unit;
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
const int player = Hosts[index].PlyNr;
if (unit && (unit->Player->Index == player
|| Players[player].IsTeamed(*unit))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
static bool IsAValidCommand_Dismiss(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index)
CNetworkCommand nc;
const unsigned int slot = nc.Unit;
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && unit->Type->ClicksToExplode) {
return true;
return IsAValidCommand_Command(packet, index);
static bool IsAValidCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index)
switch (packet.Header.Type[index] & 0x7F) {
case MessageExtendedCommand: // FIXME: ensure the sender is part of the command
return true;
case MessageSync: // Sync does not matter
case MessageSelection: // FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
case MessageQuit: // FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
case MessageResend: // FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
case MessageChat: // FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
return true;
case MessageSelection:
return true;
case MessageQuit:
case MessageResend:
case MessageChat:
// FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
return true;
case MessageCommandDismiss: {
CNetworkCommand nc;
const unsigned int slot = nc.Unit;
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && unit->Type->ClicksToExplode) {
return true;
// Fall through!
default: {
CNetworkCommand nc;
const unsigned int slot = nc.Unit;
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && (unit->Player->Index == player
|| Players[player].IsTeamed(*unit))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
case MessageCommandDismiss: return IsAValidCommand_Dismiss(packet, index);
default: return IsAValidCommand_Command(packet, index);
// FIXME: not all values in nc have been validated
@ -802,7 +801,7 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHo
if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
n -= 0x100;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = n / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][player][i].Time = n;
NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][player][i].Type = packet.Header.Type[i];
NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][player][i].Data = packet.Command[i];
@ -817,7 +816,7 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHo
// Waiting for this time slot
if (!NetworkInSync) {
const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const unsigned long nextGameNetCycle = (GameCycle / networkUpdates) + 1;
if (IsNetworkCommandReady(nextGameNetCycle) == true) {
NetworkInSync = true;
@ -828,10 +827,6 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(const unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHo
** Called if message for the network is ready.
** (by WaitEventsOneFrame)
** @todo
** NetworkReceivedEarly NetworkReceivedLate NetworkReceivedDups
** Must be calculated.
void NetworkEvent()
@ -866,20 +861,20 @@ void NetworkEvent()
** Quit the game.
void NetworkQuit()
void NetworkQuitGame()
if (!ThisPlayer) {
if (!ThisPlayer || IsNetworkGame() == false) {
const int NetworkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const int gameCyclesPerUpdate = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const int NetworkLag = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkLag;
const int gameNetCycle = GameCycle / NetworkUpdates;
const int gameNetCycle = GameCycle / gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const int n = gameNetCycle + 1 + NetworkLag;
CNetworkCommandQueue (&ncqs)[MaxNetworkCommands] = NetworkIn[n & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index];
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
nc.player = ThisPlayer->Index;
ncqs[0].Type = MessageQuit;
ncqs[0].Time = n * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncqs[0].Time = n * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
for (int i = 1; i < MaxNetworkCommands; ++i) {
@ -889,32 +884,13 @@ void NetworkQuit()
** Send chat message. (Message is sent with low priority)
** @param msg Text message to send.
void NetworkChatMessage(const std::string &msg)
if (!IsNetworkGame()) {
CNetworkChat nc;
nc.Text = msg;
CNetworkCommandQueue ncq;
ncq.Type = MessageChat;
static void ParseNetworkCommand_Sync(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
static void NetworkExecCommand_Sync(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageSync);
CNetworkCommandSync nc;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const int syncSeed = nc.syncSeed;
const int syncHash = nc.syncHash;
@ -927,7 +903,25 @@ static void ParseNetworkCommand_Sync(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
static void ParseNetworkCommand_Chat(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
static void NetworkExecCommand_Selection(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageSelection);
CNetworkSelection ns;
if (Players[ns.player].Team != ThisPlayer->Team) {
std::vector<CUnit *> units;
for (size_t i = 0; i != ns.Units.size(); ++i) {
ChangeTeamSelectedUnits(Players[ns.player], units);
static void NetworkExecCommand_Chat(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageChat);
@ -939,43 +933,53 @@ static void ParseNetworkCommand_Chat(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
CommandLog("chat", NoUnitP, FlushCommands, -1, -1, NoUnitP, nc.Text.c_str(), -1);
static void NetworkExecCommand_Quit(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageQuit);
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
CommandLog("quit", NoUnitP, FlushCommands, nc.player, -1, NoUnitP, NULL, -1);
static void NetworkExecCommand_ExtendedCommand(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
Assert((ncq.Type & 0x7F) == MessageExtendedCommand);
CNetworkExtendedCommand nec;
ExecExtendedCommand(nec.ExtendedType, (ncq.Type & 0x80) >> 7,
nec.Arg1, nec.Arg2, nec.Arg3, nec.Arg4);
static void NetworkExecCommand_Command(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
CNetworkCommand nc;
ExecCommand(ncq.Type, nc.Unit, nc.X, nc.Y, nc.Dest);
** Parse a network command.
** Execute a network command.
** @param ncq Network command from queue
static void ParseNetworkCommand(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
static void NetworkExecCommand(const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq)
switch (ncq.Type & 0x7F) {
case MessageSync: ParseNetworkCommand_Sync(ncq); break;
case MessageSelection: ParseNetworkCommand_Selection(ncq); break;
case MessageChat: ParseNetworkCommand_Chat(ncq); break;
case MessageQuit: {
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
CommandLog("quit", NoUnitP, FlushCommands, nc.player, -1, NoUnitP, NULL, -1);
case MessageExtendedCommand: {
CNetworkExtendedCommand nec;
ParseExtendedCommand(nec.ExtendedType, (ncq.Type & 0x80) >> 7,
nec.Arg1, nec.Arg2, nec.Arg3, nec.Arg4);
case MessageSync: NetworkExecCommand_Sync(ncq); break;
case MessageSelection: NetworkExecCommand_Selection(ncq); break;
case MessageChat: NetworkExecCommand_Chat(ncq); break;
case MessageQuit: NetworkExecCommand_Quit(ncq); break;
case MessageExtendedCommand: NetworkExecCommand_ExtendedCommand(ncq); break;
case MessageNone:
// Nothing to Do, This Message Should Never be Executed
default: {
CNetworkCommand nc;
ParseCommand(ncq.Type, nc.Unit, nc.X, nc.Y, nc.Dest);
default: NetworkExecCommand_Command(ncq); break;
@ -995,7 +999,7 @@ static void NetworkSendCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
nc.syncSeed = SyncRandSeed;
ncq[0].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncq[0].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
numcommands = 1;
} else {
while (!CommandsIn.empty() && numcommands < MaxNetworkCommands) {
@ -1013,14 +1017,14 @@ static void NetworkSendCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
ncq[numcommands] = incommand;
ncq[numcommands].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncq[numcommands].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
while (!MsgCommandsIn.empty() && numcommands < MaxNetworkCommands) {
const CNetworkCommandQueue &incommand = MsgCommandsIn.front();
ncq[numcommands] = incommand;
ncq[numcommands].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncq[numcommands].Time = gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
@ -1028,10 +1032,9 @@ static void NetworkSendCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
if (numcommands != MaxNetworkCommands) {
ncq[numcommands].Type = MessageNone;
NetworkSyncSeeds[gameNetCycle & 0xFF] = SyncRandSeed;
NetworkSyncHashs[gameNetCycle & 0xFF] = SyncHash;
@ -1041,7 +1044,6 @@ static void NetworkExecCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
// Must execute commands on all computers in the same order.
for (int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; ++i) {
// Remove commands.
const CNetworkCommandQueue *ncqs = NetworkIn[gameNetCycle & 0xFF][i];
for (int c = 0; c < MaxNetworkCommands; ++c) {
const CNetworkCommandQueue &ncq = ncqs[c];
@ -1049,8 +1051,8 @@ static void NetworkExecCommands(unsigned long gameNetCycle)
if (ncq.Time) {
Assert(ncq.Time == gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates);
Assert(ncq.Time == gameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate);
@ -1064,17 +1066,49 @@ void NetworkCommands()
if (!IsNetworkGame()) {
if ((GameCycle % CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates) != 0) {
if ((GameCycle % CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate) != 0) {
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const unsigned long gameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
// Send messages to all clients (other players)
NetworkSendCommands(gameNetCycle + CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkLag);
if (IsNetworkCommandReady(gameNetCycle + 1) == false) {
NetworkInSync = false;
NetworkDelay = FrameCounter + CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
// FIXME: should send a resend request.
NetworkInSync = IsNetworkCommandReady(gameNetCycle + 1);
static void CheckPlayerThatTimeOut(int hostIndex)
const int playerIndex = Hosts[hostIndex].PlyNr;
const unsigned long lastFrame = NetworkLastFrame[playerIndex];
if (!lastFrame) {
const int framesPerSecond = FRAMES_PER_SECOND * VideoSyncSpeed / 100;
const int secs = (FrameCounter - lastFrame) / framesPerSecond;
// FIXME: display a menu while we wait
const int timeoutInS = CNetworkParameter::Instance.timeoutInS;
if (3 <= secs && secs < timeoutInS && FrameCounter % framesPerSecond == 0) {
SetMessage(_("Waiting for player \"%s\": %d:%02d"), Hosts[hostIndex].PlyName,
(timeoutInS - secs) / 60, (timeoutInS - secs) % 60);
if (secs >= timeoutInS) {
const unsigned int nextGameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate + 1;
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
nc.player = playerIndex;
CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq = &NetworkIn[nextGameNetCycle & 0xFF][playerIndex][0];
ncq->Time = nextGameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
ncq->Type = MessageQuit;
PlayerQuit[playerIndex] = 1;
SetMessage("%s", _("Timed out"));
CNetworkPacket np;
np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
np.Header.Type[1] = MessageNone;
NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
@ -1091,7 +1125,7 @@ static void NetworkResendCommands()
const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
const int networkUpdates = CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate;
const int nextGameCycle = ((GameCycle / networkUpdates) + 1) * networkUpdates;
// Build packet
CNetworkPacket packet;
@ -1111,56 +1145,15 @@ void NetworkRecover()
NetworkInSync = true;
if (FrameCounter <= NetworkDelay) {
if (FrameCounter % CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate != 0) {
NetworkDelay += CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
// Check for players that timed out
for (int i = 0; i < HostsCount; ++i) {
const int playerIndex = Hosts[i].PlyNr;
const unsigned long lastFrame = NetworkLastFrame[playerIndex];
if (!lastFrame) {
const int framesPerSecond = FRAMES_PER_SECOND * VideoSyncSpeed / 100;
const int secs = (FrameCounter - lastFrame) / framesPerSecond;
// FIXME: display a menu while we wait
const int timeoutInS = CNetworkParameter::Instance.timeoutInS;
if (3 <= secs && secs < timeoutInS) {
if (FrameCounter % framesPerSecond == 0) {
SetMessage(_("Waiting for player \"%s\": %d:%02d"), Hosts[i].PlyName,
(timeoutInS - secs) / 60, (timeoutInS - secs) % 60);
if (secs >= timeoutInS) {
const unsigned int nextGameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates + 1;
CNetworkCommandQuit nc;
nc.player = playerIndex;
CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq = &NetworkIn[nextGameNetCycle & 0xFF][playerIndex][0];
ncq->Time = nextGameNetCycle * CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
ncq->Type = MessageQuit;
PlayerQuit[playerIndex] = 1;
SetMessage("%s", _("Timed out"));
CNetworkPacket np;
np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
np.Header.Type[1] = MessageNone;
NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
if (IsNetworkCommandReady(nextGameNetCycle) == false) {
NetworkInSync = false;
NetworkDelay = FrameCounter + CNetworkParameter::Instance.NetworkUpdates;
// FIXME: should send a resend request.
for (int i = 0; i != HostsCount; ++i) {
// Resend old commands
const unsigned int nextGameNetCycle = GameCycle / CNetworkParameter::Instance.gameCyclesPerUpdate + 1;
NetworkInSync = IsNetworkCommandReady(nextGameNetCycle);