From 9df534266d0fcf2cd01d72edaa80cee705a7470e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: johns <>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 01:05:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] cleaned up a little

 doc/todo.html | 51 ++++++++-------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/todo.html b/doc/todo.html
index 22c192686..e82f62908 100644
--- a/doc/todo.html
+++ b/doc/todo.html
@@ -27,14 +27,9 @@
 <LI>Ships on oil patches aren't attacked, the oil patch is attacked.
 <LI><B>Remove the oil-patch if the oil is empty. All my tries dumps core. :(</B>
-<LI>DONE: Loading xxx.pud.bz2 didn't work put with xxx.pud does it.
-<LI>DONE: Upgrade armor+attack of ships isn't shown.
 <LI>Worker with gold/wood could go to depot under construction!
 <LI>Units leaving transporter attacks it. (Wrong state?)
 <LI>ACT Image file names couldn't be used with Win32.
-<LI>DONE Message: input is limited by character length and scrolls if not fit on
-    Screen.
-<LI>DONE: Workers could not repair a building under construction.
 <LI>Some scanline are missing with 640x480 resolution and SDL-win32.
 <LI>Worker stops, if a nearer mine couldn't be reached.
 <LI>Ai can't find any way, tries this to often.
@@ -56,23 +51,16 @@
 <!-- ---- ==== -- ---- --- --- ------- ------- -->
 <LI>Wrong sound for peasant repair/attack.
-<LI>DONE: Nicer corners from fog of war to unexplored area.
 <LI>Support for ccl without sound support?
 <LI>Should rewrite the create player code.
-<LI>DONE: Cancel (with multiplayer mode) of researches/upgrades.
 <LI>GroupID is wrong used, ALT did always select the last group.
-<LI>DONE: ***** NO FREE SLOT IN SOUND FIFO ***** occurs to often.
-<LI>DONE: Computer peons (for chop) stands often without working.
-<LI>DONE: Can't harvest tile 0 of each row. (but still problems here)
 <LI>Can't attack buildings under constructions.
-<LI>DONE: Upgrade of battleaxe didn't shows the correct icon?
 <LI>Should show buildings, if I build with ctrl+shift more than one.
 <LI>Canceled buildings stills shows gray rectangle, if new building is build.
 <LI>New show actions produces new errors, buttons aren't not correct updated.
 <LI>The color cycling isn't 100% correct. See FIXME: in ColorCycle()
 <LI>Scroll with the keyboard: use state and not the repeat rate. Than make
     the scroll speed configurable. Use the repeat flag for faster scrolling.
-<LI>DONE: Knight graphics dumps core frame 140 only 70 possible. (tym.pud scrolling)
 <LI>Small ships shows an explosion if missile hits target add source.
 <LI>Ships didn't go up down, if attacking.
 <LI>my unit cannot attack enemy building when it is not finished yet (building)
@@ -85,8 +73,6 @@
     dumped) (not shure about it there were other tasks active :)
 <LI>[DONE] Don't let an organic unit be repaired.
 <LI>Resource line isn't correct updated for new units and food.
-<LI>DONE: If you didn't have a hall and a worker leaves the gold-mine, he attacks
-    randomly.
 <LI>A peon can enter a mine and die in the mine.
 <LI>A pean can enter a deposit and die in the deposite.
 <LI>Don't let neutral buildings (mine), be attacked with the right button.
@@ -120,7 +106,6 @@
 <LI>Rescue passive units are attacked.
 <LI>Fix all known core dumpers.
 <LI>Units removed are still shown on minimap. (enters transporters, than it moves)
-<LI>DONE: Attacked units arn't stopping blinking.
 <LI>defaulth.pud: AttackUnitsInDistance: HP==0 QuadTreeDelete: Value not found
 <LI>Ships should first attack units with distance weapon.
 <LI>Units attacked, which can't reattack should go out of range.
@@ -134,12 +119,7 @@
 <LI>[DONE] Repair code should be rewritten. (Was only quick hack)
 <LI>Document all functions with doc++ or doxygen comments.
 <LI>Rescue of units.
-<LI>[DONE]Add bzip2 support.
-<LI>[DONE] Wrong buttons peon/peasant: selected build menue
-<LI>[DONE] Wrong buttons for peon on the way.
 <LI>Should be fixed: Search bug peon on the way for building, and than let him build an other.
-<LI>[DONE] Upgrades
-<LI>[DONE] Research
 <LI>Show the units in a transporter on map.
 <LI>New spell "show units in enemy transporters"
 <LI>Make a spion unit.
@@ -153,7 +133,6 @@
 <LI>Unit moves away from magni.., glas must disappear.
 <LI>Speed for daemon and skeleton.
 <LI>Buildings/Units blink red even after they aren't being hurt.
-<LI>DONE: After a Unit receives the command stand ground, he won't move again.
 <LI>You can build an oil platform anywhere but where the oil is. :)
 <LI>The price and name of something to be built/upgraded doesn't disappear,
 	and will remain on the screen until another price comes up.
@@ -175,7 +154,6 @@ is very slow and dumps core.
 <LI>Make color-cycling speed configurable.
 <LI>Buildings under fog of war shouldn't be selectable
 <LI>Buildings under fog of war shouldn't show decoration
-<LI>[DONE] If food is needed it should be shown bold.
 <LI>ActionNone is used, where?
 <LI>Show intro (story) message for levels.
 <LI>Show outcome for levels.
@@ -192,26 +170,18 @@ is very slow and dumps core.
 <LI>Attack must be completed
 <LI>Computer AI should be improved
 <LI>Add map-specific AI strategies
-<LI>[DONE] Fog of war (correct)
-<LI>[DONE] Exploration (correct)
+<LI>Fog of war (correct)
+<LI>Exploration (correct)
 <LI>Interface: shift mouse select/unselect ...
 <LI>Show unit state in buttons.
 <LI>Never chop the same wood twice.
-<LI>[DONE] Correct buttons for more selected units.
 <LI>DGA X11 supported.
 <LI>Improve network (internet) support
 <LI>Faster and better extraction (
 <LI>Slow down speed (not only speed up)
 <LI>Invidual speeds for players.
-<LI>[DONE] Cannot upgrade weapons, shields and catapults
-<LI>Cannot upgrade axethrower to bezerker...
-<LI>[DONE] Cannot upgrade axe damage
-<LI>Cannot upgrade ogres to mages...
-<LI>Cannot upgrade death knight magic...
-<LI>[DONE] The enemies do not develop... they just harvest...
-<LI>[DONE] repair building doesn't seem to work
+<LI>The enemies do not develop... they just harvest...
 <LI>death knight magic doesn't seem to drop at all...
-<LI>Complete the new user interface code, atlast the sounds.
 <LI>Training queues without resources.
 <LI>Hear range, and sound handling of only hearable sounds.
@@ -227,14 +197,14 @@ is very slow and dumps core.
 <H2>Future plans:</H2>
 <!-- ====== ====== -->
-<LI>[DONE] Way-points
-<LI>[DONE] Build multiple units (training queue)
-<LI>[DONE] Build list for buildings (building queue)
+<LI>Editing Way-points
+<LI>Editing Build multiple units (training queue)
+<LI>Editing Build list for buildings (building queue)
 <LI>Z coordinates
 <LI>Ground effects (roads faster,...)
 <LI>800x600 resolution support ( requres just 800x600 mode border/interface graphics )
 <LI>Animated cursors
-<LI>[DONE] Automatic repairs
+<LI>Automatic repairs
 <LI>Show how time of bloodlust... (blink if short before end)
 <LI>Show invisible better, (transparent...)
 <LI>Radar minimap. (Edgar!)
@@ -264,13 +234,8 @@ is very slow and dumps core.
 <LI>What about if peon attack is modified in this way that if attacks
     bulding it returns 1/2 of the resources for it. something like demolishing,
     not needed buldings or enemy ones.
-<LI>DONE: Support for W*rC*rft. (without II)
+<LI>Support for W*rC*rft. (without II)
 <LI>Support for W*rC*rft Alpha. (Some nice ideas was dropped)
-<LI>DONE. It would be nice if the game didn't immediately exit
-    once the game is over, instead an "on screen"
-    followed by a game pause would allow the player to
-    see why they won/lost. Then they could just type 'q'
-    to quit as usual.
 <LI>Allow multiple tilesets / map or pud.
 <LI>1) Randomly generate unit structure. Random health, mana, accuracy.
 <LI>2) Allow bridges over rivers, that can be destroyed.