Rewrote a lot of the info panel
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 814 additions and 256 deletions
@ -92,8 +92,11 @@ struct _button_action_ {
/// Button area under cursor
enum _button_area_ {
ButtonAreaInfo, /// Info panel button
ButtonAreaSelected, /// Selected button
ButtonAreaTraining, /// Training button
ButtonAreaUpgrading, /// Upgrading button
ButtonAreaResearching, /// Researching button
ButtonAreaTransporting, /// Transporting button
ButtonAreaButton, /// Button panel button
ButtonAreaMenu, /// Menu button
@ -185,16 +185,6 @@ typedef struct _ui_ {
int ResourceY; /// Resource Y position
struct {
#if 0
int IconX; /// Icon X position
int IconY; /// Icon Y position
IconConfig Icon; /// Icon for resource
int TextX; /// Text X position
int TextX; /// Text Y position
char* Text; /// Text for resource
int AmountX; /// Amount X position
int AmountY; /// Amount Y position
GraphicConfig Icon; /// icon image
int IconRow; /// icon image row (frame)
int IconX; /// icon X position
@ -213,17 +203,60 @@ typedef struct _ui_ {
int InfoPanelW; /// Info panel width
int InfoPanelH; /// Info panel height
// Complete bar
VMemType CompleteBarColorRGB; /// color for complete bar
VMemType CompleteBarColor; /// color for complete bar
int CompleteBarX; /// complete bar X position
int CompleteBarY; /// complete bar Y position
int CompleteBarW; /// complete bar width
int CompleteBarH; /// complete bar height
char* CompleteBarText; /// complete bar text
unsigned CompleteBarFont; /// complete bar font
int CompleteTextX; /// complete text X position
int CompleteTextY; /// complete text Y position
Button* SingleSelectedButton;
char* SingleSelectedText;
int SingleSelectedFont;
int SingleSelectedTextX;
int SingleSelectedTextY;
Button* SelectedButtons; /// Selected buttons
int NumSelectedButtons; /// Number of selected buttons
char* SelectedText;
int SelectedFont;
int SelectedTextX;
int SelectedTextY;
Button* SingleTrainingButton;
char* SingleTrainingText;
int SingleTrainingFont;
int SingleTrainingTextX;
int SingleTrainingTextY;
Button* TrainingButtons; /// Training buttons
int NumTrainingButtons; /// Number of training buttons
char* TrainingText;
int TrainingFont;
int TrainingTextX;
int TrainingTextY;
Button* UpgradingButton;
char* UpgradingText;
int UpgradingFont;
int UpgradingTextX;
int UpgradingTextY;
Button* ResearchingButton;
char* ResearchingText;
int ResearchingFont;
int ResearchingTextX;
int ResearchingTextY;
Button* TransportingButtons;
int NumTransportingButtons; /// Number of transporting buttons
char* TransportingText;
int TransportingFont;
int TransportingTextX;
int TransportingTextY;
// Completed bar
VMemType CompletedBarColorRGB; /// color for completed bar
VMemType CompletedBarColor; /// color for completed bar
int CompletedBarX; /// completed bar X position
int CompletedBarY; /// completed bar Y position
int CompletedBarW; /// completed bar width
int CompletedBarH; /// completed bar height
char* CompletedBarText; /// completed bar text
int CompletedBarFont; /// completed bar font
int CompletedBarTextX; /// completed bar text X position
int CompletedBarTextY; /// completed bar text Y position
// Button panel
GraphicConfig ButtonPanel; /// Button panel background
@ -273,12 +306,8 @@ typedef struct _ui_ {
int StatusLineY; /// status line screen Y position
int StatusLineTextX; /// status line screen text X position
int StatusLineTextY; /// status line screen text Y position
unsigned StatusLineFont; /// Status line font
int StatusLineFont; /// Status line font
Button* InfoButtons; /// Info buttons
int NumInfoButtons; /// Number of info buttons
Button* TrainingButtons; /// Training buttons
int NumTrainingButtons; /// Number of training buttons
Button* ButtonButtons; /// Button panel buttons
int NumButtonButtons; /// Number of button panel buttons
@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ local void UiDrawManaBar(const Unit* unit, int x, int y)
int f;
y += IconHeight + 7;
VideoFillRectangleClip(ColorBlack, x, y + 3,IconWidth + 7, 4);
VideoFillRectangleClip(ColorBlack, x, y + 3, IconWidth + 7, 4);
if (unit->HP) {
/* s0m3body: mana bar should represent proportional value of Mana with respect to
* MaxMana (unit->Type->_MaxMana) for the unit */
// s0m3body: mana bar should represent proportional value of Mana
// with respect to MaxMana (unit->Type->_MaxMana) for the unit
f = (100 * unit->Mana) / unit->Type->_MaxMana;
f = (f * (IconWidth + 5)) / 100;
VideoFillRectangleClip(ColorBlue, x + 1, y + 3 + 1, f, 2);
@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ local void UiDrawCompleted(int full, int ready)
f = (100 * ready) / full;
f = (f * TheUI.CompleteBarW) / 100;
TheUI.CompleteBarX, TheUI.CompleteBarY, f, TheUI.CompleteBarH);
VideoDrawText(TheUI.CompleteTextX, TheUI.CompleteTextY,
TheUI.CompleteBarFont, TheUI.CompleteBarText);
f = (f * TheUI.CompletedBarW) / 100;
TheUI.CompletedBarX, TheUI.CompletedBarY, f, TheUI.CompletedBarH);
VideoDrawText(TheUI.CompletedBarTextX, TheUI.CompletedBarTextY,
TheUI.CompletedBarFont, TheUI.CompletedBarText);
@ -198,13 +198,19 @@ global void DrawUnitInfo(const Unit* unit)
// Draw icon in upper left corner
x = TheUI.InfoButtons[0].X;
y = TheUI.InfoButtons[0].Y;
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo && ButtonUnderCursor == 0) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons & LeftButton)) : 0,
x, y);
UiDrawLifeBar(unit, x, y);
if (TheUI.SingleSelectedText) {
VideoDrawText(TheUI.SingleSelectedTextX, TheUI.SingleSelectedTextY,
TheUI.SingleSelectedFont, TheUI.SingleSelectedText);
if (TheUI.SingleSelectedButton) {
x = TheUI.SingleSelectedButton->X;
y = TheUI.SingleSelectedButton->Y;
DrawUnitIcon(unit->Player, type->Icon.Icon,
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected && ButtonUnderCursor == 0) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons & LeftButton)) : 0,
x, y);
UiDrawLifeBar(unit, x, y);
if (unit->Player == ThisPlayer) { // Only for own units.
if (unit->HP && unit->HP < 10000) {
@ -301,24 +307,36 @@ global void DrawUnitInfo(const Unit* unit)
// Building training units.
if (unit->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionTrain) {
if (OriginalTraining || unit->Data.Train.Count == 1) {
VideoDrawText(x + 37, y + 8 + 78, GameFont, "Training:");
0, x + 107, y + 8 + 70);
if (unit->Data.Train.Count == 1) {
if (TheUI.SingleTrainingText) {
VideoDrawText(TheUI.SingleTrainingTextX, TheUI.SingleTrainingTextY,
TheUI.SingleTrainingFont, TheUI.SingleTrainingText);
if (TheUI.SingleTrainingButton) {
DrawUnitIcon(unit->Player, unit->Data.Train.What[0]->Icon.Icon,
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaTraining &&
ButtonUnderCursor == 0) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons & LeftButton)) : 0,
TheUI.SingleTrainingButton->X, TheUI.SingleTrainingButton->Y);
} else {
VideoDrawTextCentered(x + 114, y + 8 + 29, GameFont, "Training...");
for (i = 0; i < unit->Data.Train.Count; ++i) {
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaTraining &&
ButtonUnderCursor == i) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons&LeftButton)) : 0,
TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].X, TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Y);
if (TheUI.TrainingText) {
VideoDrawTextCentered(TheUI.TrainingTextX, TheUI.TrainingTextY,
TheUI.TrainingFont, TheUI.TrainingText);
if (TheUI.TrainingButtons) {
for (i = 0; i < unit->Data.Train.Count &&
i < TheUI.NumTrainingButtons; ++i) {
DrawUnitIcon(unit->Player, unit->Data.Train.What[i]->Icon.Icon,
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaTraining &&
ButtonUnderCursor == i) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons & LeftButton)) : 0,
TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].X, TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Y);
@ -332,9 +350,17 @@ global void DrawUnitInfo(const Unit* unit)
// Building upgrading to better type.
if (unit->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionUpgradeTo) {
VideoDrawText(x + 29, y + 8 + 78, GameFont, "Upgrading:");
DrawUnitIcon(unit->Player, unit->Orders[0].Type->Icon.Icon,
0, x + 107, y + 8 + 70);
if (TheUI.UpgradingText) {
VideoDrawText(TheUI.UpgradingTextX, TheUI.UpgradingTextY,
TheUI.UpgradingFont, TheUI.UpgradingText);
if (TheUI.UpgradingButton) {
DrawUnitIcon(unit->Player, unit->Orders[0].Type->Icon.Icon,
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaUpgrading &&
ButtonUnderCursor == 0) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons & LeftButton)) : 0,
TheUI.UpgradingButton->X, TheUI.UpgradingButton->Y);
@ -346,10 +372,17 @@ global void DrawUnitInfo(const Unit* unit)
// Building research new technologie.
if (unit->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionResearch) {
VideoDrawText(16, y + 8 + 78, GameFont, "Researching:");
0, x + 107, y + 8 + 70);
if (TheUI.ResearchingText) {
VideoDrawText(TheUI.ResearchingTextX, TheUI.ResearchingTextY,
TheUI.ResearchingFont, TheUI.ResearchingText);
if (TheUI.ResearchingButton) {
DrawUnitIcon(unit->Player, unit->Data.Research.Upgrade->Icon.Icon,
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaResearching &&
ButtonUnderCursor == 0) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons & LeftButton)) : 0,
TheUI.ResearchingButton->X, TheUI.ResearchingButton->Y);
@ -383,19 +416,23 @@ global void DrawUnitInfo(const Unit* unit)
// We displayed at least one resource
if (type->Transporter && unit->InsideCount) {
if (TheUI.TransportingText) {
VideoDrawText(TheUI.TransportingTextX, TheUI.TransportingTextY,
TheUI.TransportingFont, TheUI.TransportingText);
uins = unit->UnitInside;
for (i = 0; i < unit->InsideCount; ++i, uins = uins->NextContained) {
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo && ButtonUnderCursor == i + 3) ?
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected && ButtonUnderCursor == i) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons & LeftButton)) : 0,
TheUI.InfoButtons[i + 3].X, TheUI.InfoButtons[i + 3].Y);
UiDrawLifeBar(uins, TheUI.InfoButtons[i + 3].X, TheUI.InfoButtons[i + 3].Y);
TheUI.TransportingButtons[i].X, TheUI.TransportingButtons[i].Y);
UiDrawLifeBar(uins, TheUI.TransportingButtons[i].X, TheUI.TransportingButtons[i].Y);
if (uins->Type->CanCastSpell) {
UiDrawManaBar(uins, TheUI.InfoButtons[i + 3].X, TheUI.InfoButtons[i + 3].Y);
UiDrawManaBar(uins, TheUI.TransportingButtons[i].X, TheUI.TransportingButtons[i].Y);
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo && ButtonUnderCursor == i + 3) {
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaTransporting && ButtonUnderCursor == i) {
if (uins->Name) {
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "%s %s", uins->Type->Name, uins->Name);
@ -441,13 +478,13 @@ global void DrawUnitInfo(const Unit* unit)
if (stats->PiercingDamage < 30 && stats->BasicDamage < 30) {
sprintf(buf, "%d-%d~<+%d+%d~>",
(stats->PiercingDamage + 1) / 2, i,
stats->BasicDamage-type->_BasicDamage +
stats->BasicDamage - type->_BasicDamage +
(int)isqrt(unit->XP / 100) * XpDamage,
} else {
sprintf(buf, "%d-%d~<+%d+%d~>",
(stats->PiercingDamage+stats->BasicDamage - 30) / 2, i,
stats->BasicDamage-type->_BasicDamage +
(stats->PiercingDamage + stats->BasicDamage - 30) / 2, i,
stats->BasicDamage - type->_BasicDamage +
(int)isqrt(unit->XP / 100) * XpDamage,
@ -1013,7 +1050,7 @@ global void SetCosts(int mana, int food, const int* costs)
if (costs) {
for (i=0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
for (i = 0; i < MaxCosts; ++i) {
if (Costs[i] != costs[i]) {
Costs[i] = costs[i];
MustRedraw |= RedrawCosts;
@ -1034,10 +1071,7 @@ global void SetCosts(int mana, int food, const int* costs)
global void ClearCosts(void)
int costs[MaxCosts];
memset(costs, 0, sizeof(costs));
SetCosts(0, 0, costs);
SetCosts(0, 0, NULL);
@ -1082,13 +1116,13 @@ global void DrawInfoPanel(void)
for (i = 0; i < NumSelected; ++i) {
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo && ButtonUnderCursor == i) ?
(ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected && ButtonUnderCursor == i) ?
(IconActive | (MouseButtons & LeftButton)) : 0,
TheUI.InfoButtons[i].X, TheUI.InfoButtons[i].Y);
TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].X, TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].Y);
TheUI.InfoButtons[i].X, TheUI.InfoButtons[i].Y);
TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].X, TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].Y);
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo &&
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected &&
ButtonUnderCursor == i) {
if (Selected[i]->Name) {
char buf[128];
@ -1121,7 +1155,7 @@ global void DrawInfoPanel(void)
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo && ButtonUnderCursor == 0) {
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected && ButtonUnderCursor == 0) {
if (Selected[0]->Name) {
char buf[128];
@ -1225,9 +1259,9 @@ global void UpdateTimer(void)
if (GameTimer.Running) {
if (GameTimer.Increasing) {
GameTimer.Cycles += GameCycle-GameTimer.LastUpdate;
GameTimer.Cycles += GameCycle - GameTimer.LastUpdate;
} else {
GameTimer.Cycles -= GameCycle-GameTimer.LastUpdate;
GameTimer.Cycles -= GameCycle - GameTimer.LastUpdate;
if (GameTimer.Cycles < 0) {
GameTimer.Cycles = 0;
@ -409,8 +409,8 @@ local void HandleMouseOn(int x, int y)
for (i = 0; i < TheUI.NumButtonButtons; ++i) {
if (x >= TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].X &&
x <= TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].X + TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].Width + 7 &&
y>TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].Y &&
y<=TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].Y + TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].Height + 7) {
y > TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].Y &&
y <= TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].Y + TheUI.ButtonButtons[i].Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaButton;
ButtonUnderCursor = i;
CursorOn = CursorOnButton;
@ -418,28 +418,77 @@ local void HandleMouseOn(int x, int y)
if (NumSelected == 1 && Selected[0]->Type->Building &&
Selected[0]->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionTrain &&
Selected[0]->Data.Train.Count > 1) {
for (i = 0; i < TheUI.NumTrainingButtons; ++i) {
if (x >= TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].X &&
x <= TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].X + TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Width + 7 &&
y > TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Y &&
y <= TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Y + TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaTraining;
ButtonUnderCursor = i;
if (NumSelected == 1 && Selected[0]->Type->Building) {
if (Selected[0]->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionTrain) {
if (Selected[0]->Data.Train.Count == 1) {
if (TheUI.SingleTrainingButton &&
x >= TheUI.SingleTrainingButton->X &&
x <= TheUI.SingleTrainingButton->X + TheUI.SingleTrainingButton->Width + 7 &&
y > TheUI.SingleTrainingButton->Y &&
y <= TheUI.SingleTrainingButton->Y + TheUI.SingleTrainingButton->Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaTraining;
ButtonUnderCursor = 0;
CursorOn = CursorOnButton;
MustRedraw |= RedrawButtonPanel;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < TheUI.NumTrainingButtons; ++i) {
if (x >= TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].X &&
x <= TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].X + TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Width + 7 &&
y > TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Y &&
y <= TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Y + TheUI.TrainingButtons[i].Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaTraining;
ButtonUnderCursor = i;
CursorOn = CursorOnButton;
MustRedraw |= RedrawButtonPanel;
} else if (Selected[0]->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionUpgradeTo) {
if (x >= TheUI.UpgradingButton->X &&
x <= TheUI.UpgradingButton->X + TheUI.UpgradingButton->Width + 7 &&
y > TheUI.UpgradingButton->Y &&
y <= TheUI.UpgradingButton->Y + TheUI.UpgradingButton->Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaUpgrading;
ButtonUnderCursor = 0;
CursorOn = CursorOnButton;
MustRedraw |= RedrawButtonPanel;
} else if (Selected[0]->Orders[0].Action == UnitActionResearch) {
if (x >= TheUI.ResearchingButton->X &&
x <= TheUI.ResearchingButton->X + TheUI.ResearchingButton->Width + 7 &&
y > TheUI.ResearchingButton->Y &&
y <= TheUI.ResearchingButton->Y + TheUI.ResearchingButton->Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaResearching;
ButtonUnderCursor = 0;
CursorOn = CursorOnButton;
MustRedraw |= RedrawButtonPanel;
if (NumSelected == 1) {
if (TheUI.SingleSelectedButton &&
x >= TheUI.SingleSelectedButton->X &&
x <= TheUI.SingleSelectedButton->X + TheUI.SingleSelectedButton->Width + 7 &&
y > TheUI.SingleSelectedButton->Y &&
y <= TheUI.SingleSelectedButton->Y + TheUI.SingleSelectedButton->Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaSelected;
ButtonUnderCursor = 0;
CursorOn = CursorOnButton;
MustRedraw |= RedrawButtonPanel;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < TheUI.NumInfoButtons; ++i) {
if (x >= TheUI.InfoButtons[i].X &&
x <= TheUI.InfoButtons[i].X + TheUI.InfoButtons[i].Width + 7 &&
y > TheUI.InfoButtons[i].Y &&
y <= TheUI.InfoButtons[i].Y + TheUI.InfoButtons[i].Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaInfo;
for (i = 0; i < TheUI.NumSelectedButtons; ++i) {
if (x >= TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].X &&
x <= TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].X + TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].Width + 7 &&
y > TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].Y &&
y <= TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].Y + TheUI.SelectedButtons[i].Height + 7) {
ButtonAreaUnderCursor = ButtonAreaSelected;
ButtonUnderCursor = i;
CursorOn = CursorOnButton;
MustRedraw |= RedrawButtonPanel;
@ -451,7 +500,11 @@ local void HandleMouseOn(int x, int y)
if (ButtonUnderCursor != -1) { // remove old display
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaMenu) {
MustRedraw |= RedrawMenuButton;
} else if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo) {
} else if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected ||
ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaTraining ||
ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaUpgrading ||
ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaResearching ||
ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaTransporting) {
MustRedraw |= RedrawInfoPanel;
} else {
MustRedraw |= RedrawButtonPanel;
@ -1410,7 +1463,7 @@ global void UIHandleButtonDown(unsigned button)
// clicked on info panel - selection shown
if (NumSelected > 1 && ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo) {
if (NumSelected > 1 && ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected) {
if (!GameObserve && !GamePaused) {
DoSelectionButtons(ButtonUnderCursor, button);
@ -1432,9 +1485,9 @@ global void UIHandleButtonDown(unsigned button)
MustRedraw |= RedrawMenuButton;
// clicked on info panel
// clicked on selected button
} else if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo) {
} else if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected) {
// clicked on single unit shown
@ -1442,26 +1495,6 @@ global void UIHandleButtonDown(unsigned button)
PlayGameSound(GameSounds.Click.Sound, MaxSampleVolume);
ViewportCenterViewpoint(TheUI.SelectedViewport, Selected[0]->X,
// for transporter
} else if (ButtonUnderCursor > 2 && ButtonUnderCursor < 9) {
if (NumSelected == 1 && Selected[0]->Type->Transporter) {
if (!GameObserve && !GamePaused) {
if (Selected[0]->InsideCount >= ButtonUnderCursor - 3) {
// FIXME: should check if valid here.
// n0b0dy: check WHAT?
for (i = 0; i < ButtonUnderCursor - 3; ++i) {
uins = uins->NextContained;
Selected[0]->X, Selected[0]->Y, uins,
!(KeyModifiers & ModifierShift));
// clicked on training button
@ -1478,18 +1511,57 @@ global void UIHandleButtonDown(unsigned button)
// clicked on upgrading button
} else if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaUpgrading) {
if (!GameObserve && !GamePaused) {
if (ButtonUnderCursor == 0 && NumSelected == 1) {
DebugLevel0Fn("Cancel upgrade %s\n" _C_
// clicked on researching button
} else if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaResearching) {
if (!GameObserve && !GamePaused) {
if (ButtonUnderCursor == 0 && NumSelected == 1) {
DebugLevel0Fn("Cancel research %s\n" _C_
// clicked on button panel
} else if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaTransporting) {
// for transporter
if (!GameObserve && !GamePaused) {
if (Selected[0]->InsideCount >= ButtonUnderCursor) {
// FIXME: should check if valid here.
// n0b0dy: check WHAT?
uins = Selected[0]->UnitInside;
for (i = 0; i < ButtonUnderCursor; ++i) {
uins = uins->NextContained;
Selected[0]->X, Selected[0]->Y, uins,
!(KeyModifiers & ModifierShift));
} else if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaButton) {
if (!GameObserve && !GamePaused) {
} else if ((MouseButtons&MiddleButton)) {
} else if ((MouseButtons & MiddleButton)) {
// clicked on info panel - single unit shown
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaInfo &&
if (ButtonAreaUnderCursor == ButtonAreaSelected &&
ButtonUnderCursor == 0 && NumSelected == 1) {
PlayGameSound(GameSounds.Click.Sound, MaxSampleVolume);
if (TheUI.SelectedViewport->Unit == Selected[0]) {
@ -1498,7 +1570,7 @@ global void UIHandleButtonDown(unsigned button)
TheUI.SelectedViewport->Unit = Selected[0];
} else if ((MouseButtons&RightButton)) {
} else if ((MouseButtons & RightButton)) {
@ -55,6 +55,14 @@
global char* ClickMissile;
global char* DamageMissile;
typedef struct _info_text_ {
char* Text;
int Font;
int X;
int Y;
} InfoText;
-- Functions
@ -690,6 +698,311 @@ local char* SCM_PopNewStr(SCM* list)
return gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
** Parse info panel text
local void CclParseInfoText(SCM list, InfoText* text)
SCM value;
memset(text, 0, sizeof(*text));
while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
text->Text = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("font"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
text->Font = CclFontByIdentifier(value);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("pos"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
text->X = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
text->Y = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
** Parse info panel icon
local void CclParseInfoIcon(SCM list, Button* icon)
SCM value;
while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("pos"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
icon->X = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
icon->Y = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("size"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
icon->Width = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
icon->Height = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
** Parse info panel selected section
local void CclParseSelected(SCM list, UI* ui)
SCM value;
SCM sublist;
InfoText text;
while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("single"))) {
sublist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
while (!gh_null_p(sublist)) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
CclParseInfoText(value, &text);
ui->SingleSelectedText = text.Text;
ui->SingleSelectedFont = text.Font;
ui->SingleSelectedTextX = text.X;
ui->SingleSelectedTextY = text.Y;
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("icon"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->SingleSelectedButton = calloc(1, sizeof(Button));
CclParseInfoIcon(value, ui->SingleSelectedButton);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("multiple"))) {
sublist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
while (!gh_null_p(sublist)) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
CclParseInfoText(value, &text);
ui->SelectedText = text.Text;
ui->SelectedFont = text.Font;
ui->SelectedTextX = text.X;
ui->SelectedTextY = text.Y;
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("icons"))) {
SCM slist;
int i;
slist = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->NumSelectedButtons = gh_length(slist);
ui->SelectedButtons = calloc(ui->NumSelectedButtons,
i = 0;
while (!gh_null_p(slist)) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
CclParseInfoIcon(value, &ui->SelectedButtons[i++]);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
** Parse info panel training section
local void CclParseTraining(SCM list, UI* ui)
SCM value;
SCM sublist;
InfoText text;
while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("single"))) {
sublist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
while (!gh_null_p(sublist)) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
CclParseInfoText(value, &text);
ui->SingleTrainingText = text.Text;
ui->SingleTrainingFont = text.Font;
ui->SingleTrainingTextX = text.X;
ui->SingleTrainingTextY = text.Y;
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("icon"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->SingleTrainingButton = calloc(1, sizeof(Button));
CclParseInfoIcon(value, ui->SingleTrainingButton);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("multiple"))) {
sublist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
while (!gh_null_p(sublist)) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
CclParseInfoText(value, &text);
ui->TrainingText = text.Text;
ui->TrainingFont = text.Font;
ui->TrainingTextX = text.X;
ui->TrainingTextY = text.Y;
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("icons"))) {
SCM slist;
int i;
slist = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->NumTrainingButtons = gh_length(slist);
ui->TrainingButtons = calloc(ui->NumTrainingButtons,
i = 0;
while (!gh_null_p(slist)) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
CclParseInfoIcon(value, &ui->TrainingButtons[i++]);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
** Parse info panel upgrading section
local void CclParseUpgrading(SCM list, UI* ui)
SCM value;
InfoText text;
while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
CclParseInfoText(value, &text);
ui->UpgradingText = text.Text;
ui->UpgradingFont = text.Font;
ui->UpgradingTextX = text.X;
ui->UpgradingTextY = text.Y;
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("icon"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
ui->UpgradingButton = calloc(1, sizeof(Button));
CclParseInfoIcon(value, ui->UpgradingButton);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
** Parse info panel researching section
local void CclParseResearching(SCM list, UI* ui)
SCM value;
InfoText text;
while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
CclParseInfoText(value, &text);
ui->ResearchingText = text.Text;
ui->ResearchingFont = text.Font;
ui->ResearchingTextX = text.X;
ui->ResearchingTextY = text.Y;
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("icon"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
ui->ResearchingButton = calloc(1, sizeof(Button));
CclParseInfoIcon(value, ui->ResearchingButton);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
** Parse info panel transporting section
local void CclParseTransporting(SCM list, UI* ui)
SCM value;
InfoText text;
while (!gh_null_p(list)) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
value = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
CclParseInfoText(value, &text);
ui->TransportingText = text.Text;
ui->TransportingFont = text.Font;
ui->TransportingTextX = text.X;
ui->TransportingTextY = text.Y;
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("icons"))) {
SCM sublist;
int i;
sublist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
ui->NumTransportingButtons = gh_length(sublist);
ui->TransportingButtons = calloc(ui->NumTransportingButtons,
i = 0;
while (!gh_null_p(sublist)) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
CclParseInfoIcon(value, &ui->TransportingButtons[i++]);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
** Define the look+feel of the user interface.
@ -900,48 +1213,95 @@ local SCM CclDefineUI(SCM list)
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("info-panel"))) {
sublist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
ui->InfoPanel.File = SCM_PopNewStr(&sublist);
ui->InfoPanelX = SCM_PopInt(&sublist);
ui->InfoPanelY = SCM_PopInt(&sublist);
ui->InfoPanelW = SCM_PopInt(&sublist);
ui->InfoPanelH = SCM_PopInt(&sublist);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("completed-bar"))) {
sublist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
while (!gh_null_p(sublist)) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("color"))) {
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("panel"))) {
SCM slist;
slist = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
while (!gh_null_p(slist)) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("file"))) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
ui->InfoPanel.File = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("pos"))) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
ui->InfoPanelX = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->InfoPanelY = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("size"))) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
ui->InfoPanelW = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->InfoPanelH = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("selected"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.a = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.b = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
ui->CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.c = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(gh_cdr(value))));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("pos"))) {
CclParseSelected(value, ui);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("training"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->CompleteBarX = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->CompleteBarY = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("size"))) {
CclParseTraining(value, ui);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("upgrading"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->CompleteBarW = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->CompleteBarH = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
CclParseUpgrading(value, ui);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("researching"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->CompleteBarText = gh_scm2newstr(value, NULL);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("font"))) {
CclParseResearching(value, ui);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("transporting"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->CompleteBarFont = CclFontByIdentifier(value);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text-pos"))) {
value = gh_car(sublist);
CclParseTransporting(value, ui);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("completed-bar"))) {
SCM slist;
slist = gh_car(sublist);
sublist = gh_cdr(sublist);
ui->CompleteTextX = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->CompleteTextY = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
while (!gh_null_p(slist)) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("color"))) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
ui->CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.a = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.b = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
ui->CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.c = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(gh_cdr(value))));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("pos"))) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
ui->CompletedBarX = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->CompletedBarY = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("size"))) {
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
ui->CompletedBarW = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
ui->CompletedBarH = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("text"))) {
InfoText text;
value = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
CclParseInfoText(value, &text);
ui->CompletedBarText = text.Text;
ui->CompletedBarFont = text.Font;
ui->CompletedBarTextX = text.X;
ui->CompletedBarTextY = text.Y;
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
@ -1128,71 +1488,6 @@ local SCM CclDefineUI(SCM list)
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("info-buttons"))) {
SCM slist;
SCM sslist;
Button* b;
slist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
while (!gh_null_p(slist)) {
sslist = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
ui->InfoButtons = realloc(ui->InfoButtons,
b = &ui->InfoButtons[ui->NumInfoButtons - 1];
while (!gh_null_p(sslist)) {
value = gh_car(sslist);
sslist = gh_cdr(sslist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("pos"))) {
value = gh_car(sslist);
sslist = gh_cdr(sslist);
b->X = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
b->Y = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("size"))) {
value = gh_car(sslist);
sslist = gh_cdr(sslist);
b->Width = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
b->Height = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("training-buttons"))) {
SCM slist;
SCM sslist;
Button* b;
slist = gh_car(list);
list = gh_cdr(list);
while (!gh_null_p(slist)) {
sslist = gh_car(slist);
slist = gh_cdr(slist);
ui->NumTrainingButtons * sizeof(*ui->TrainingButtons));
b=&ui->TrainingButtons[ui->NumTrainingButtons - 1];
while (!gh_null_p(sslist)) {
value = gh_car(sslist);
sslist = gh_cdr(sslist);
if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("pos"))) {
value = gh_car(sslist);
sslist = gh_cdr(sslist);
b->X = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
b->Y = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("size"))) {
value = gh_car(sslist);
sslist = gh_cdr(sslist);
b->Width = gh_scm2int(gh_car(value));
b->Height = gh_scm2int(gh_car(gh_cdr(value)));
} else {
errl("Unsupported tag", value);
} else if (gh_eq_p(value, gh_symbol2scm("button-buttons"))) {
SCM slist;
SCM sslist;
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ global void InitUserInterface(const char* race_name)
TheUI.CompleteBarColor = VideoMapRGB(TheUI.CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.a,
TheUI.CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.b, TheUI.CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.c);
TheUI.CompletedBarColor = VideoMapRGB(TheUI.CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.a,
TheUI.CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.b, TheUI.CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.c);
TheUI.ViewportCursorColor = ColorWhite;
@ -343,23 +343,152 @@ local void SaveUi(CLFile* file, const UI* ui)
CLprintf(file, ")\n");
CLprintf(file, " 'info-panel (list \"%s\" %d %d %d %d)\n",
ui->InfoPanelX, ui->InfoPanelY,
ui->InfoPanelW, ui->InfoPanelH);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'info-panel (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'panel (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'file \"%s\"", ui->InfoPanel.File);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d)", ui->InfoPanelX, ui->InfoPanelY);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'size '(%d %d))", ui->InfoPanelW, ui->InfoPanelH);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'completed-bar '(");
CLprintf(file, "\n color (%d %d %d)", ui->CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.a,
ui->CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.b, ui->CompleteBarColorRGB.D24.c);
CLprintf(file, "\n pos (%3d %3d)", ui->CompleteBarX, ui->CompleteBarY);
CLprintf(file, "\n size (%d %d)", ui->CompleteBarW, ui->CompleteBarH);
CLprintf(file, "\n text \"%s\"", ui->CompleteBarText);
CLprintf(file, "\n font %s", FontNames[ui->CompleteBarFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n text-pos (%3d %3d)",
ui->CompleteTextX, ui->CompleteTextY);
CLprintf(file, ")\n\n");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'selected (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'single (list");
if (ui->SingleSelectedText) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text \"%s\"", ui->SingleSelectedText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'font '%s", FontNames[ui->SingleSelectedFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d))",
ui->SingleSelectedTextX, ui->SingleSelectedTextY);
if (ui->SingleSelectedButton) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'icon (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d) 'size '(%d %d))",
ui->SingleSelectedButton->X, ui->SingleSelectedButton->Y,
ui->SingleSelectedButton->Width, ui->SingleSelectedButton->Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'multiple (list");
if (ui->SelectedText) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text \"%s\"", ui->SelectedText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'font '%s", FontNames[ui->SelectedFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d))",
ui->SelectedTextX, ui->SelectedTextY);
if (ui->SelectedButtons) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'icons (list");
for (i = 0; i < ui->NumSelectedButtons; ++i) {
CLprintf(file, "\n (list 'pos '(%d %d) 'size '(%d %d))",
ui->SelectedButtons[i].X, ui->SelectedButtons[i].Y,
ui->SelectedButtons[i].Width, ui->SelectedButtons[i].Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, " 'button-panel (list \"%s\" %d %d)\n",
CLprintf(file, "\n 'training (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'single (list");
if (ui->SingleTrainingText) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text \"%s\"", ui->SingleTrainingText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'font '%s", FontNames[ui->SingleTrainingFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d))",
ui->SingleTrainingTextX, ui->SingleTrainingTextY);
if (ui->SingleTrainingButton) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'icon (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d) 'size '(%d %d))",
ui->SingleTrainingButton->X, ui->SingleTrainingButton->Y,
ui->SingleTrainingButton->Width, ui->SingleTrainingButton->Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'multiple (list");
if (ui->TrainingText) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text \"%s\"", ui->TrainingText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'font '%s", FontNames[ui->TrainingFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d))",
ui->TrainingTextX, ui->TrainingTextY);
if (ui->TrainingButtons) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'icons (list");
for (i = 0; i < ui->NumTrainingButtons; ++i) {
CLprintf(file, "\n (list 'pos '(%d %d) 'size '(%d %d))",
ui->TrainingButtons[i].X, ui->TrainingButtons[i].Y,
ui->TrainingButtons[i].Width, ui->TrainingButtons[i].Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'upgrading (list");
if (ui->UpgradingText) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text \"%s\"", ui->UpgradingText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'font '%s", FontNames[ui->UpgradingFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d))",
ui->UpgradingTextX, ui->UpgradingTextY);
if (ui->UpgradingButton) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'icon (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d)",
ui->UpgradingButton->X, ui->UpgradingButton->Y);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'size '(%d %d))",
ui->UpgradingButton->Width, ui->UpgradingButton->Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'researching (list");
if (ui->ResearchingText) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text \"%s\"", ui->ResearchingText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'font '%s", FontNames[ui->ResearchingFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d))",
ui->ResearchingTextX, ui->ResearchingTextY);
if (ui->ResearchingButton) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'icon (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d)",
ui->ResearchingButton->X, ui->ResearchingButton->Y);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'size '(%d %d))",
ui->ResearchingButton->Width, ui->ResearchingButton->Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'transporting (list");
if (ui->TransportingText) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text \"%s\"", ui->TransportingText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'font '%s", FontNames[ui->TransportingFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d))",
ui->TransportingTextX, ui->TransportingTextY);
if (ui->TransportingButtons) {
CLprintf(file, "\n 'icons (list");
for (i = 0; i < ui->NumTransportingButtons; ++i) {
CLprintf(file, "\n (list 'pos '(%d %d) 'size '(%d %d))",
ui->TransportingButtons[i].X, ui->TransportingButtons[i].Y,
ui->TransportingButtons[i].Width, ui->TransportingButtons[i].Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'completed-bar (list");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'color '(%d %d %d)", ui->CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.a,
ui->CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.b, ui->CompletedBarColorRGB.D24.c);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d)", ui->CompletedBarX, ui->CompletedBarY);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'size '(%d %d)", ui->CompletedBarW, ui->CompletedBarH);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text (list", ui->CompletedBarText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'text \"%s\"", ui->CompletedBarText);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'font '%s", FontNames[ui->CompletedBarFont]);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'pos '(%d %d))",
ui->CompletedBarTextX, ui->CompletedBarTextY);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, ")\n"); // 'info-panel
CLprintf(file, "\n 'button-panel (list \"%s\" %d %d)",
ui->ButtonPanel.File, ui->ButtonPanelX, ui->ButtonPanelY);
CLprintf(file, "\n 'map-area (list");
@ -426,22 +555,8 @@ local void SaveUi(CLFile* file, const UI* ui)
CLprintf(file, "\n style %s",
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, ")\n");
CLprintf(file, "\n\n 'info-buttons '(");
for (i = 0; i < ui->NumInfoButtons; ++i) {
CLprintf(file, "\n (pos (%3d %3d) size (%d %d))",
ui->InfoButtons[i].X, ui->InfoButtons[i].Y,
ui->InfoButtons[i].Width, ui->InfoButtons[i].Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'training-buttons '(");
for (i = 0; i < ui->NumTrainingButtons; ++i) {
CLprintf(file, "\n (pos (%3d %3d) size (%d %d))",
ui->TrainingButtons[i].X, ui->TrainingButtons[i].Y,
ui->TrainingButtons[i].Width, ui->TrainingButtons[i].Height);
CLprintf(file, ")");
CLprintf(file, "\n 'button-buttons '(");
for (i = 0; i < ui->NumButtonButtons; ++i) {
CLprintf(file, "\n (pos (%3d %3d) size (%d %d))",
@ -571,9 +686,21 @@ global void CleanUI(UI* ui)
// Info Panel
// Completed Bar
// Button Panel
@ -591,8 +718,6 @@ global void CleanUI(UI* ui)
// Cursors
Add table
Reference in a new issue