add a simple mechanism to combine graphics from lua with overlay/mask

This commit is contained in:
Tim Felgentreff 2022-04-12 21:08:26 +02:00
parent e8735b04a0
commit 880e90f784
3 changed files with 99 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -171,6 +171,9 @@ public:
void SetPaletteColor(int idx, int r, int g, int b);
void MakeShadow();
// minor programmatic editing features
void OverlayGraphic(CGraphic *other, bool mask = false);
inline bool IsLoaded() const { return Surface != NULL; }

View file

@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ public:
static void Free(CGraphic *);
void Load(bool grayscale = false);
void Resize(int w, int h);
void SetPaletteColor(int idx, int r, int g, int b);
void SetPaletteColor(int idx, int r, int g, int b);
void OverlayGraphic(CGraphic *g, bool mask = false);
class CPlayerColorGraphic : public CGraphic

View file

@ -1044,6 +1044,100 @@ void CGraphic::SetPaletteColor(int idx, int r, int g, int b) {
SDL_SetPaletteColors(Surface->format->palette, &color, idx, 1);
void CGraphic::OverlayGraphic(CGraphic *other, bool mask)
if (!Surface) {
PrintOnStdOut("ERROR: Graphic %s not loaded in call to OverlayGraphic" _C_ this->File.c_str());
if (!other->Surface) {
PrintOnStdOut("ERROR: Graphic %s not loaded in call to OverlayGraphic" _C_ other->File.c_str());
if (Surface->w != other->Surface->w || Surface->h != other->Surface->h) {
PrintOnStdOut("ERROR: Graphic %s has different size than %s OverlayGraphic" _C_ File.c_str() _C_ other->File.c_str());
int bpp = Surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
unsigned int srcColorKey;
unsigned int dstColorKey;
if (!((bpp == 1 && SDL_GetColorKey(other->Surface, &srcColorKey) == 0 && SDL_GetColorKey(Surface, &dstColorKey) == 0) || bpp == 4)) {
PrintOnStdOut("ERROR: OverlayGraphic only supported for 8-bit graphics with transparency or RGBA graphics (%s)" _C_ File.c_str());
if ((bpp != other->Surface->format->BytesPerPixel)) {
PrintOnStdOut("ERROR: OverlayGraphic only supported graphics with same depth (%s depth != %s depth)" _C_ File.c_str() _C_ other->File.c_str());
switch (bpp) {
case 1: {
uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)Surface->pixels;
uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *)other->Surface->pixels;
for (int x = 0; x < Surface->w; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < Surface->h; y++) {
uint8_t* src = ((uint8_t*)(other->Surface->pixels)) + x + y * other->Surface->pitch;
uint8_t* dst = ((uint8_t*)(Surface->pixels)) + x + y * Surface->pitch;
if (*src != srcColorKey) {
if (!mask) {
*dst = *src;
} else {
*dst = dstColorKey;
case 4: {
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)Surface->pixels;
uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *)other->Surface->pixels;
for (int x = 0; x < Surface->w; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < Surface->h; y++) {
uint32_t* src = ((uint32_t*)(other->Surface->pixels)) + x + y * other->Surface->pitch;
uint32_t* dst = ((uint32_t*)(Surface->pixels)) + x + y * Surface->pitch;
double alphaSrc = (*src & other->Surface->format->Amask) / 255.0;
if (mask) {
alphaSrc = 1 - alphaSrc;
double alphaDst = (*dst & Surface->format->Amask) / 255.0;
uint8_t rSrc = *src & other->Surface->format->Rmask;
uint8_t rDst = *dst & Surface->format->Rmask;
uint8_t gSrc = *src & other->Surface->format->Gmask;
uint8_t gDst = *dst & Surface->format->Gmask;
uint8_t bSrc = *src & other->Surface->format->Bmask;
uint8_t bDst = *dst & Surface->format->Bmask;
double aOut = std::min(1.0, alphaSrc + alphaDst * (1 - alphaSrc));
uint8_t rOut = static_cast<uint8_t>((rSrc * alphaSrc + rDst * alphaDst * (1 - alphaSrc)) / aOut);
uint8_t gOut = static_cast<uint8_t>((gSrc * alphaSrc + gDst * alphaDst * (1 - alphaSrc)) / aOut);
uint8_t bOut = static_cast<uint8_t>((bSrc * alphaSrc + bDst * alphaDst * (1 - alphaSrc)) / aOut);
*dst = (static_cast<uint8_t>(aOut * 255) << Surface->format->Ashift) |
(rOut << Surface->format->Rshift) |
(gOut << Surface->format->Gshift) |
(bOut << Surface->format->Bshift);
static inline void dither(SDL_Surface *Surface) {
for (int x = 0; x < Surface->w; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < Surface->h; y++) {