From 8628fb3f98b249de1c4bea6fbc26574392e5d178 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: johns <>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 23:25:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Updated documentations.

 doc/datadir.html     | 272 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/development.html |  61 +++++++++-
 doc/freecraft.html   |  11 +-
 doc/readme.html      |  23 ++--
 doc/unit.html        | 224 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 581 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/datadir.html
 create mode 100644 doc/unit.html

diff --git a/doc/datadir.html b/doc/datadir.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ac8a6df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/datadir.html
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+----	$Id$
+    <TITLE>FreeCraft Version 1.17 - Data directory structure</TITLE>
+    <H1>FreeCraft Version 1.17 - Data directory structure</H1>
+     ___________		     _________		      _____  __
+     \_	  _____/______	 ____	____ \_	  ___ \____________ _/ ____\/  |_
+      |	   __) \_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \/	  \  \/\_  __ \__  \\	__\\   __\ 
+      |	    \	|  | \/\  ___/\	 ___/\	   \____|  | \// __ \|	|   |  |
+      \___  /	|__|	\___  >\___  >\______  /|__|  (____  /__|   |__|
+	  \/		    \/	   \/	     \/		   \/
+    ______________________			     ______________________
+			  T H E	  W A R	  B E G I N S
+	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
+<B>(C) Copyright 2001 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
+<A HREF="artistic-license.html">"Artistic License"</A></B>
+Proposal for the new FreeCraft data directory structure:
+<I>{race}</I>		: Replace with a race name: human, orc, alliance or mythical..
+<I>{tileset}</I>	: Replace with a tileset name: winter, summer, ...
+<I>{unit}</I>		: Replace with an unit name: footman, bowman, ...
+<I>{building}</I>	: Replace with a building name: goldmine, farm, ...
+<I>{race-campaign}</I> : Replace with a name of a campaign of a race: human-exp, ...
+|   Contains all data files for the FreeCraft game engine.
+|-- <B>data/campaigns</B>
+|   |	Contains all available campaigns.
+|   |
+|   `-- <B>data/campaigns/<I>{race-campaign}</I></B>
+|	|   Contains all data for a campaign: scripts, maps, texts, intros.
+|	|
+|	`-- <B>data/campaigns/<I>{race-campaign}</I>/interface</B>
+|		Contains special backgrounds images for the campaign.
+|-- <B>data/ccl</B>
+|	Contains all global CCL - Craft Configuration Language files.
+|-- <B>data/graphics</B>
+|   |	Contains all available graphics.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/graphics/<I>{race}</I></B>
+|   |	|   Contains all graphics of a race, which could be used in any
+|   |	|   tileset.
+|   |	|
+|   |	|-- <B>data/graphics/<I>{race}</I>/buildings</B>
+|   |	|	Contains the building of the race, which could be used in
+|   |	|	any tileset.
+|   |	|
+|   |	`-- <B>data/graphics/<I>{race}</I>/units</B>
+|   |		Contains all units of the race, which could be used in any
+|   |		any tileset.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/graphics/neutral</B>
+|   |	|   Contains all graphics that didn't belong to a special race and
+|   |	|   which could be used in any tileset.
+|   |	|
+|   |	|-- <B>data/graphics/neutral/buildings</B>
+|   |	|	Contains all buildings that didn't belong to a special race
+|   |	|	and which could be used in any tileset.
+|   |	|
+|   |	`-- <B>data/graphics/neutral/units</B>
+|   |		Contains all units that didn't belong to a special race and
+|   |		which could be used in any tileset.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/graphics/missiles</B>
+|   |	    Contains all graphics of missiles.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets</B>
+|   |	|   Contains the graphics special to a single tileset.
+|   |	|   Icons, buildings, units, tileset, decorations.
+|   |	|
+|   |	`-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets/<I>{tileset}</I></B>
+|   |	    |	Contains the special graphics of this tileset of all races.
+|   |	    |
+|   |	    |-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets/<I>{tileset}</I>/<I>{race}</I></B>
+|   |	    |	|   Contains all graphics of a race special to this tileset.
+|   |	    |	|
+|   |	    |	|-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets/<I>{tileset}</I>/<I>{race}</I>/buildings</B>
+|   |	    |	|	Contains all buildings graphics of a race and a tileset.
+|   |	    |	|
+|   |	    |	`-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets/<I>{tileset}</I>/<I>{race}</I>/units</B>
+|   |	    |		Contains all units graphics of a race and a tileset.
+|   |	    |
+|   |	    |-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets/<I>{tileset}</I>/neutral</B>
+|   |	    |	|   Contains the graphics not belonging to any race.
+|   |	    |	|
+|   |	    |	|-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets/<I>{tileset}</I>/neutral/buildings</B>
+|   |	    |	|	Contains the buildings graphics of the neutral race.
+|   |	    |	|
+|   |	    |	`-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets/<I>{tileset}</I>/neutral/units</B>
+|   |	    |		Contains the units graphics of the neutral race.
+|   |	    |
+|   |	    `-- <B>data/graphics/tilesets/<I>{tileset}</I>/terrain</B>
+|   |		    Contains the graphics for the tileset self.
+|   |
+|   |
+|   `-- <B>data/graphics/ui</B>
+|	|   Contains all user interface graphics.
+|	|
+|	|-- <B>data/graphics/ui/cursors</B>
+|	|	Contains all cursors not special to any race.
+|	|
+|	|-- <B>data/graphics/ui/fonts</B>
+|	|	Contains all fonts not special to any race.
+|	|
+|	`-- <B>data/graphics/ui/<I>{race}</I></B>
+|	    |	Contains all user interface graphics special to a race.
+|	    |
+|	    |-- <B>data/graphics/ui/<I>{race}</I>/640x480</B>
+|	    |	    Contains the user interface graphics for this resolution.
+|	    |
+|	    `-- <B>data/graphics/ui/<I>{race}</I>/cursors</B>
+|		    Contains the cursors special to this race.
+|-- <B>data/puds</B>
+|   |	Contains all 'puds' the original level format.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/puds/demo</B>
+|   |	    Contains the demo levels.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/puds/internal</B>
+|   |	    Contains the internal (stored in the data file) levels.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/puds/multi</B>
+|   |	    Contains multi-player levels.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/puds/my_puds</B>
+|   |	    Contains your own levels.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/puds/single</B>
+|   |	    Contains single player levels.
+|   |
+|   `-- <B>data/puds/strange</B>
+|	    Contains strange levels.
+|-- <B>data/maps</B>
+|   |	Contains all maps in our own level format.
+|   |
+|   |-- <B>data/maps/single</B>
+|   |	    Contains single player levels.
+|   |
+|   `-- <B>data/maps/multi</B>
+|	    Contains multi-player player levels.
+`-- <B>data/sounds</B>
+    |	Contains all available sounds.
+    |
+    |-- <B>data/sounds/buildings</B>
+    |	    Contains all general buildings sounds.
+    |
+    |-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I></B>
+    |	|   Contains all sounds special to a race.
+    |	|
+    |	|-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/basic_voices</B>
+    |	|   |	Contains the general sounds of this race.
+    |	|   |
+    |	|   |-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/basic_voices/acknowledgement</B>
+    |	|   |	    Contains the general acknowledgement sounds of this race.
+    |	|   |
+    |	|   |-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/basic_voices/annoyed</B>
+    |	|   |	    Contains the general annoyed sounds of this race.
+    |	|   |
+    |	|   |-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/basic_voices/help</B>
+    |	|   |	    Contains the general help sounds of this race.
+    |	|   |
+    |	|   `-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/basic_voices/selected</B>
+    |	|	    Contains the general selected sounds of this race.
+    |	|
+    |	|-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/buildings</B>
+    |	|	Contains the buildings sounds of this race.
+    |	|
+    |	|-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/ships</B>
+    |	|   |	Contains all general ship sounds of this race.
+    |	|   |
+    |	|   |-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/ships/acknowledgement</B>
+    |	|   |	    Contains the ship acknowledgement sound of this race.
+    |	|   |
+    |	|   |-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/ships/annoyed</B>
+    |	|   |	    Contains the ship annoyed sound of this race.
+    |	|   |
+    |	|   `-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/ships/selected</B>
+    |	|	    Contains the ship selected sound of this race.
+    |	|
+    |	`-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/units</B>
+    |	    |	Contains the special sounds of a race and unit.
+    |	    |
+    |	    `-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/units/<I>{unit}</I></B>
+    |		|   Contains the special sounds of this units of the race.
+    |		|
+    |		|-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/units/<I>{unit}</I>/acknowledgement</B>
+    |		|	Contains the acknowledge sound of this unit.
+    |		|
+    |		|-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/units/<I>{unit}</I>/annoyed</B>
+    |		|	Contains the annoyed sound of this unit.
+    |		|
+    |		`-- <B>data/sounds/<I>{race}</I>/units/<I>{unit}</I>/selected</B>
+    |			Contains the selected sound of this unit.
+    |
+    |-- <B>data/sounds/misc</B>
+    |	|   Contains the sounds that didn't fit in any section.
+    |	|
+    |	|-- <B>data/sounds/misc/building explosion</B>
+    |	|	Contains the building explosion sounds.
+    |	|
+    |	`-- <B>data/sounds/misc/tree chopping</B>
+    |		Contains the tree chopping sounds.
+    |
+    |-- <B>data/sounds/missiles</B>
+    |	|   Contains the fire and hit sounds of missiles.
+    |	|
+    |	`-- <B>data/sounds/missiles/sword attack</B>
+    |		Contains different sounds of the same kind.
+    |
+    |-- <B>data/sounds/neutral</B>
+    |	|   Contains the sounds of buildings or units not belonging to any race.
+    |	|
+    |	|-- <B>data/sounds/neutral/buildings</B>
+    |	|	Contains the building sounds of the neutral race.
+    |	|
+    |	`-- <B>data/sounds/neutral/units</B>
+    |	    |	Contains the units sounds of the neutral race.
+    |	    |
+    |	    `-- <B>data/sounds/neutral/units/<I>{unit}</I></B>
+    |		|   Contains the special sounds of the unit of the neutral race.
+    |		|
+    |		|-- <B>data/sounds/neutral/units/<I>{unit}</I>/acknowledgement</B>
+    |		|	Contains the acknowledgement sound of the unit of
+    |		|	the neutral race.
+    |		|
+    |		|-- <B>data/sounds/neutral/units/<I>{unit}</I>/annoyed</B>
+    |		|	Contains the annoyed sound of the unit of the neutral
+    |		|	race.
+    |		|
+    |		`-- <B>data/sounds/neutral/units/<I>{unit}</I>/selected</B>
+    |			Contains the selected sound of the unit of the neutral
+    |			race.
+    |
+    |-- <B>data/sounds/spells</B>
+    |	    Contains the sounds of the different spells.
+    |
+    |-- <B>data/sounds/ui</B>
+    |	    Contains the sounds for the user interface.
+    |
+    `-- <B>data/sounds/units</B>
+	|   Contains the sounds of units common for all races.
+	|
+	`-- <B>data/sounds/units/<I>{unit}</I></B>
+	    |	Contains the sounds of this unit.
+	    |
+	    |-- <B>data/sounds/units/<I>{unit}</I>/acknowledgement</B>
+	    |	    Contains the acknowledgement sound of this unit.
+	    |
+	    |-- <B>data/sounds/units/<I>{unit}</I>/annoyed</B>
+	    |	    Contains the annoyed sound of this unit.
+	    |
+	    `-- <B>data/sounds/units/<I>{unit}</I>/selected</B>
+		    Contains the selected sound of this unit.
+All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
+<ADDRESS><A HREF="">The FreeCraft Project</A>
diff --git a/doc/development.html b/doc/development.html
index fff63fd83..2db7bb918 100644
--- a/doc/development.html
+++ b/doc/development.html
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 			  T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
 	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
-<P><B>(C) Copyright 1998-2000 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
+<P><B>(C) Copyright 1998-2001 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
 <A HREF="artistic-license.html">"Artistic License"</A></B>
@@ -27,6 +27,17 @@ This file should give you some information to help too develop FreeCraft.<P>
 Type 'make help' to get an overview what all could be made.<P>
+<H2>C code documentation</H2>
+See below: you can use always the source code documentation.<P>
+I have prepared some extra documentations:<P>
+<LI><A HREF="datadir.html">FreeCraft data file description.</A>
+<LI><A HREF="unit.html">C "Unit" type description.</A>
 <H2>Source code documentation</H2>
 Valery Shchedrin has introduced tagged source documentation. I continued to
@@ -76,6 +87,52 @@ Grouping.<P>
 Please read the documentation of the programs.
+<H2>Empty C prototype file</H2>
+//   ___________		     _________		      _____  __
+//   \_	  _____/______   ____   ____ \_   ___ \____________ _/ ____\/  |_
+//    |    __) \_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \/    \  \/\_  __ \__  \\   __\\   __\ 
+//    |     \   |  | \/\  ___/\  ___/\     \____|  | \// __ \|  |   |  |
+//    \___  /   |__|    \___  >\___  >\______  /|__|  (____  /__|   |__|
+//	  \/		    \/	   \/	     \/		   \/
+//  ______________________                           ______________________
+//			  T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
+//	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
+/**@name {filename}.c	-	{One line description of this file} */
+//      (c) Copyright 2001 by {insert your name here}
+//      $Id$
+--	Includes
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+#include "freecraft.h"
+// More game includes.
+--	Variables
+// Global and local variables of this module.
+--	Functions
+// Local and global functions of this module.
 <H2>Coding style</H2>
 You can use your own coding style in your own modules.
@@ -86,7 +143,7 @@ If you fix in other modules, please imitate the coding style of the old coder.
 <LI>Write ANSI C.
 <LI>Use 8 spaces tabulators.
-<LI>Use 4 spaces indention levels.
+<LI>Use 4 spaces indentation levels.
 <LI>Use C++ comments for to end of line comments.
 <LI>Use { } also for one statement blocks.
diff --git a/doc/freecraft.html b/doc/freecraft.html
index 641f72ff4..006926e65 100644
--- a/doc/freecraft.html
+++ b/doc/freecraft.html
@@ -23,12 +23,21 @@
 <A HREF="#contents">Contents</A>
-    <H2><A NAME="copyright">Copyright</A></H2>
+    <H2><A NAME="copyright">Copyrights</A></H2>
     Please refer to the <A HREF="artistic-license.html">LICENSE</A>
     document provided with this distribution. To proceed beyond this point,
     is to agree with the license agreement.
+    <P>The self extracting archive contains ZIP code, read the
+    <P>The binaries could contain SDL code, read the 
+    <A HREF="../README-SDL.txt">README-SDL.txt</A> and the
+    <A HREF=""> GNU LGPL license.</A>
+    <P>The source and binaries contains SIOD code, read 
+    <A HREF="../src/siod/siod.html"> siod.html</A> for copyright and
+    informations.
     <H2><A NAME="disclaimer">DISCLAIMER</A></H2>
     This software is provided as-is.  The author(s) can not be held liable for
diff --git a/doc/readme.html b/doc/readme.html
index 0517f8442..3d09465f3 100644
--- a/doc/readme.html
+++ b/doc/readme.html
@@ -17,25 +17,34 @@
 			  T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
 	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
-<P><B>(C) Copyright 1998-2000 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
+<P><B>(C) Copyright 1998-2001 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
 <A HREF="artistic-license.html">"Artistic License"</A></B>
     <H2>What is FreeCraft?</H2>
     FreeCraft was formerly known as ALE Clone.<P>
-    A clone of the realtime fantasy strategy game W*rCr*ft II.<BR>
-    FreeCraft runs under UNIX or BSD with X11 or console or any Win32.<P>
+    A clone of the real-time fantasy strategy game W*rCr*ft II.<BR>
+    FreeCraft is platform independent and runs currently under UNIX or LINUX
+    or BSD or BeOS or MacOS with X11 or console or any Win32 (Win95,Win98,
+    WinME,WinNT,Win2000).
+    <P>
     Since FreeCraft doesn't provide graphics, sounds and documentation,<BR>
     you need the <B>original game</B> so FreeCraft can extract the necessary
     files. (With over 1 million sold copies this shouldn't be a big problem)<P>
-    Alternative you could download the free graphic from the<BR>
+    Alternative you could download the free graphic from the:<BR>
     <A HREF=""> - FreeCraft Graphic Project</A>.<P>
     The newest version of FreeCraft (formerly known as ALE Clone) could always
-    be found here.<BR><A HREF="http://FreeCraft.Org">
+    be found here:<BR><A HREF="http://FreeCraft.Org">
     http://FreeCraft.Org - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine</A>.<P>
+    The development is coordinated with:<BR>
+    <A HREF="http://SourceForge.Net">
+    SourceForge: Breaking Down the Barriers to Open Source Development</A><P>
+    Our project page is:<BR>
+    <A HREF="http://SourceForge.Net/projects/freecraft">
+    FreeCraft real-time strategy game engine - Summary</A>
@@ -47,7 +56,7 @@
     Read this for a little documentation about FreeCraft:
     <A HREF="freecraft.html">freecraft.html</A><P>
-    If you want to help developmenting FreeCraft read this:
+    If you want to help develop FreeCraft read this:
     <A HREF="development.html">development.html</A><P>
     About the craft scripting language (Scheme, implemented with SIOD) read: 
     <A HREF="../src/siod/siod.html">siod.html</A><P>
@@ -57,7 +66,7 @@
     Read this for the history of FreeCraft:
     <A HREF="ChangeLog.html">ChangeLog.html</A>
-    <H2>Todo and known bugs</H2>
+    <H2>To-do and known bugs</H2>
     This file contains the known bugs and what we plan in the future:
     <A HREF="todo.html">todo.html</A>
diff --git a/doc/unit.html b/doc/unit.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6af8606e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/unit.html
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+----	$Id$
+    <TITLE>FreeCraft Version 1.17 - Unit: C type description</TITLE>
+    <H1>FreeCraft Version 1.17 - Unit: C type description</H1>
+     ___________		     _________		      _____  __
+     \_	  _____/______   ____   ____ \_   ___ \____________ _/ ____\/  |_
+      |    __) \_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \/    \  \/\_  __ \__  \\   __\\   __\ 
+      |     \   |  | \/\  ___/\  ___/\     \____|  | \// __ \|  |   |  |
+      \___  /   |__|    \___  >\___  >\______  /|__|  (____  /__|   |__|
+	  \/		    \/	   \/	     \/		   \/
+    ______________________                           ______________________
+			  T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
+	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
+<B>(C) Copyright 2001 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
+<A HREF="artistic-license.html">"Artistic License"</A></B>
+    #include "unit.h"
+    typedef struct _unit_ Unit;
+    This structure contains all informations about an unit in game.
+    An unit could be everything, a man, a vehicle, a ship or a building.
+The unit structure members:
+    The reference counter of the unit. If the pointer to the unit is stored
+    the counter must be incremented and if this reference is destroyed the
+    counter must be decremented. Alternative it would be possible to
+    implement a garbage collector for this.
+    This is the unique slot number. It is not possible that two units have
+    the same slot number at the same time. The slot numbers are reused.
+    This field could be accessed by UnitNumber(Unit*).
+    Maximal 65535 (=MAX_UNIT_SLOTS) simultaneous units are supported.
+    This is the pointer into Units[], where the unit pointer is stored.
+    Units[] is a table of all units currently active in game.
+    This pointer is only needed to speed up, the remove of the unit pointer
+    from Units[].
+    A pointer into Player::Units[], where the unit pointer is stored.
+    Player::Units[] is a table of all units currently belonging to a player.
+    This pointer is only needed to speed up, the remove of the unit pointer
+    from Player::Units[].
+    A generic link pointer. This member is currently used, if an unit is on
+    the map, to link all units on the same map field together.  This member is
+    currently unused, if the unit is removed. (see Unit::Removed)
+    F.E.: A worker is removed, if he is in a mine or depot. Or an unit is
+    on board a transporter.
+Unit::X Unit::Y
+------- -------
+    The tile map coordinates of the unit. 0,0 is the upper left on the map.
+    Pointer to the unit type (UnitType). The unit type contains all informations
+    that all units of the same type shares. (Animations, Name, ...)
+    Pointer to the owner of this unit (Player). An unit could only be owned
+    by one player.
+    Pointer to the current status (UnitStats) of an unit. The units of the
+    same player and the same type could share the same stats. The status
+    contains all values which could be different for each player. This
+    are f.e. the upgradeable abilities of an unit.  (Unit::Stats::SightRange,
+    Unit::Stats::Armor, Unit::Stats::HitPoints, ...)
+Unit::IX Unit::IY
+-------- --------
+    Coordinate displacement in pixels or coordinates inside a tile. Currently
+    only !=0, if the unit is moving from one tile to another (0-32).
+    Current graphic image of the animation sequence. The high bit (128) is used
+    to flip this image horizontal (x direction).
+    Graphic image (see Unit::Frame) what the player on this computer has last
+    seen. If -1 the player haven't seen this unit.
+    FIXME:
+	If you need more informations, please send me an email or write it
+	self.
+All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
+<ADDRESS><A HREF="">The FreeCraft Project</A>