From 4bb9c0c16ef3f6319acdb53b4f199670a091b8a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jarod42 <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 16:44:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Easy access to UnitTypeFlag with BoolFlag

 doc/scripts/magic.html         | 25 ++++++++----------------
 doc/scripts/unittype.html      | 11 +++++++++--
 src/include/spells.h           |  7 +------
 src/include/unittype.h         | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/stratagus/script_spell.cpp | 16 +---------------
 src/stratagus/spells.cpp       | 10 ----------
 src/unit/script_unittype.cpp   | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 7 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/scripts/magic.html b/doc/scripts/magic.html
index ad25c8755..2766d7aa4 100644
--- a/doc/scripts/magic.html
+++ b/doc/scripts/magic.html
@@ -246,32 +246,23 @@ on the unit properties. Here is how a condition looks like:
   "max-slow-ticks", 10}</pre>
 Here are the supported parameters:<p>
-    <dt>"building", "true" or "false" or "only"</dt>
+    <dt>"alliance", "true" or "false" or "only"</dt>
     <dd>This is one of the bool parameters (can't think of a better name). It is
-    followed by "true", "false" or "only". Imagine this as a question, is the target a
-    building? The answer is yes/no. A "true" parameter makes it always pass(and
+    followed by "true", "false" or "only". Imagine this as a question, is the target in
+    alliance? The answer is yes/no. A "true" parameter makes it always pass(and
     it's the default.), "false" parameter passes when the answer is NO, and "only"
     passes only when the answer is yes.<br>
     It doesn't really makes sense to ever say true, since you might just as well
-    ommit it. "building false" means the spell won't work on buildings. "building 
-    only" will make a spell that works only on buildings (can't think of any though).
-    This syntax is used for more that "building"
-    </dd>
-    <dt>"coward", "true" or "false" or "only"</dt>
-    <dd>This is a bool parameter too, just like building. I specifies the behaviour
-    for cowards, unit's that don't attack by themselves. For example you should not
-    cast an offensive buff (like bloodlust) on non-combat units.
-    </dd>
-    <dt>"alliance", "true" or "false" or "only"</dt>
-    <dd>This is a bool parameter too, just like building. I specifies the behaviour
-    for allied units. Your own units are considered allied too.
+    ommit it. "alliance false" means the spell won't work on allied units. "alliance 
+    only" will make a spell that works only on allied units (can't think of any though).
+	Your own units are considered allied too.
     <dt>"opponent", "true" or "false" or "only"</dt>
-    <dd>This is a bool parameter too, just like building. I specifies the behaviour
+    <dd>This is a bool parameter too, just like alliance. I specifies the behaviour
     for opponent units. Neutral units are neither allied unit nor opponent units.
     <dt>"self", "true" or "false" or "only"</dt>
-    <dd>This is a bool parameter too, just like building. I it a bit more special,
+    <dd>This is a bool parameter too, just like alliance. I it a bit more special,
     since it specifies the behaviour for casting on yourself. <b>A LOT</b> of
     spells specify "self false", to disallow casting on yourself.
diff --git a/doc/scripts/unittype.html b/doc/scripts/unittype.html
index 7a9f395e8..8bd257ccb 100644
--- a/doc/scripts/unittype.html
+++ b/doc/scripts/unittype.html
@@ -122,8 +122,15 @@ DefineAnimations("animations-footman",
 Define boolean unit flags. Examples are organic, mechanical, undead, etc.
 Spells use these to determine who to hit, and units can be restricted too.
-Try to avoid using names with other meanings (nothing from unit definitions
-or spell condition definition.)
+Try to avoid using names with other meanings (nothing from spell condition definition.)
+Some Flags are already defined in the engine : the UnitType flags.
+So following flags are the value of the unitType :
+"Building", "BuilderOutSide", "BuilderLost", "ShoreBuilding",
+"Coward", "Harvester", "Revealer",
+"LandUnit", "AirUnit", "SeaUnit",
+"ExplodeWhenKilled", "VisibleUnderFog", "PermanentCloack", "AttackFromTransporter",
+"GroundAttack", "CanAttack", "CanHarvest",
+"Vanishes", "Flip"
diff --git a/src/include/spells.h b/src/include/spells.h
index b1506265b..c513a4013 100644
--- a/src/include/spells.h
+++ b/src/include/spells.h
@@ -214,16 +214,11 @@ typedef struct ConditionInfo {
 #define CONDITION_TRUE  0
 #define CONDITION_ONLY  2
-	char Coward;            ///< Target is coward. Don't bloodlust them.
 	char Alliance;          ///< Target is allied. (neutral is neither allied, nor opponent)
 	char Opponent;          ///< Target is opponent. (neutral is neither allied, nor opponent)
-	char Building;          ///< Target is a building.
 	char TargetSelf;        ///< Target is the same as the caster.
 	char* BoolFlag;         ///< User defined boolean flag.
-#if 0
-	char UnitBuffed;        ///< Target is buffed(haste/slow/bloodlust). Dispel magic?
 	//  Conditions related to vitals:
diff --git a/src/include/unittype.h b/src/include/unittype.h
index 86426384e..064867ecd 100644
--- a/src/include/unittype.h
+++ b/src/include/unittype.h
@@ -631,6 +631,30 @@ typedef struct _variable_type_ {
 	char Enable;       ///< True if the unit doesn't have this variable. (f.e shield)
 } VariableType;
+// Index for boolflag aready defined
+#define COWARD_INDEX                  0
+#define BUILDING_INDEX                1
+#define FLIP_INDEX                    2
+#define REVEALER_INDEX                3
+#define LANDUNIT_INDEX                4
+#define AIRUNIT_INDEX                 5
+#define SEAUNIT_INDEX                 6
+#define VISIBLEUNDERFOG_INDEX         8
+#define PERMANENTCLOAK_INDEX          9
+#define DETECTCLOAK_INDEX            10
+#define VANISHES_INDEX               12
+#define GROUNDATTACK_INDEX           13
+#define SHOREBUILDING_INDEX          14
+#define CANATTACK_INDEX              15
+#define BUILDEROUTSIDE_INDEX         16
+#define BUILDERLOST_INDEX            17
+#define CANHARVEST_INDEX             18
+#define HARVESTER_INDEX              19
+#define NBOOLALREADYDEFINED HARVESTER_INDEX + 1 // Hardcoded boolflag
 // Index for variable already defined.
 #define HP_INDEX              0
 #define BUILD_INDEX           1
@@ -781,7 +805,7 @@ struct _building_restrictions_ {
 	} Data;
 	BuildRestriction* Next;
 ** Base structure of unit-type
diff --git a/src/stratagus/script_spell.cpp b/src/stratagus/script_spell.cpp
index 50025cf10..d7a6d875b 100644
--- a/src/stratagus/script_spell.cpp
+++ b/src/stratagus/script_spell.cpp
@@ -541,11 +541,7 @@ static void CclSpellCondition(lua_State* l, ConditionInfo* condition)
 		value = LuaToString(l, -1);
 		lua_pop(l, 1);
-		if (!strcmp(value, "coward")) {
-			lua_rawgeti(l, -1, j + 1);
-			condition->Coward = Ccl2Condition(l, LuaToString(l, -1));
-			lua_pop(l, 1);
-		} else if (!strcmp(value, "alliance")) {
+		if (!strcmp(value, "alliance")) {
 			lua_rawgeti(l, -1, j + 1);
 			condition->Alliance = Ccl2Condition(l, LuaToString(l, -1));
 			lua_pop(l, 1);
@@ -553,10 +549,6 @@ static void CclSpellCondition(lua_State* l, ConditionInfo* condition)
 			lua_rawgeti(l, -1, j + 1);
 			condition->Opponent = Ccl2Condition(l, LuaToString(l, -1));
 			lua_pop(l, 1);
-		} else if (!strcmp(value, "building")) {
-			lua_rawgeti(l, -1, j + 1);
-			condition->Building = Ccl2Condition(l, LuaToString(l, -1));
-			lua_pop(l, 1);
 		} else if (!strcmp(value, "self")) {
 			lua_rawgeti(l, -1, j + 1);
 			condition->TargetSelf = Ccl2Condition(l, LuaToString(l, -1));
@@ -981,15 +973,9 @@ static void SaveSpellCondition(CLFile* file, ConditionInfo* condition)
 	// First save data related to flags.
 	// NOTE: (int) is there to keep compilers happy.
-	if (condition->Coward != CONDITION_TRUE) {
-		CLprintf(file, "coward %s ", condstrings[(int)condition->Coward]);
-	}
 	if (condition->Alliance != CONDITION_TRUE) {
 		CLprintf(file, "alliance %s ", condstrings[(int)condition->Alliance]);
-	if (condition->Building != CONDITION_TRUE) {
-		CLprintf(file, "building %s ", condstrings[(int)condition->Building]);
-	}
 	if (condition->TargetSelf != CONDITION_TRUE) {
 		CLprintf(file, "self %s ", condstrings[(int)condition->TargetSelf]);
diff --git a/src/stratagus/spells.cpp b/src/stratagus/spells.cpp
index decd196a3..b37bbdef8 100644
--- a/src/stratagus/spells.cpp
+++ b/src/stratagus/spells.cpp
@@ -837,16 +837,6 @@ static int PassCondition(const Unit* caster, const SpellType* spell, const Unit*
 	if (!target) {
 		return 1;
-	if (condition->Building != CONDITION_TRUE) {
-		if ((condition->Building == CONDITION_ONLY) ^ (target->Type->Building)) {
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if (condition->Coward != CONDITION_TRUE) {
-		if ((condition->Coward == CONDITION_ONLY) ^ (target->Type->Coward)) {
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
 	for (i = 0; i < UnitTypeVar.NumberBoolFlag; i++) { // User defined flags
 		if (condition->BoolFlag[i] != CONDITION_TRUE) {
 			if ((condition->BoolFlag[i] == CONDITION_ONLY) ^ (target->Type->BoolFlag[i])) {
diff --git a/src/unit/script_unittype.cpp b/src/unit/script_unittype.cpp
index b49258098..46a283340 100644
--- a/src/unit/script_unittype.cpp
+++ b/src/unit/script_unittype.cpp
@@ -1698,6 +1698,7 @@ static int CclDefineDecorations(lua_State* l)
 void UpdateUnitVariables(const Unit* unit)
 	int i;
+	const UnitType* type; // unit->Type.
 	for (i = 0; i < NVARALREADYDEFINED; i++) { // default values
 		unit->Variable[i].Value = 0;
@@ -1831,6 +1832,29 @@ void UpdateUnitVariables(const Unit* unit)
 		unit->Variable[i].Enable &= unit->Variable[i].Max > 0;
 		Assert(unit->Variable[i].Value <= unit->Variable[i].Max);
+	// BoolFlag
+	type = unit->Type;
+	type->BoolFlag[COWARD_INDEX]                = type->Coward;
+	type->BoolFlag[BUILDING_INDEX]              = type->Building;
+	type->BoolFlag[FLIP_INDEX]                  = type->Flip;
+	type->BoolFlag[REVEALER_INDEX]              = type->Revealer;
+	type->BoolFlag[LANDUNIT_INDEX]              = type->LandUnit;
+	type->BoolFlag[AIRUNIT_INDEX]               = type->AirUnit;
+	type->BoolFlag[SEAUNIT_INDEX]               = type->SeaUnit;
+	type->BoolFlag[EXPLODEWHENKILLED_INDEX]     = type->ExplodeWhenKilled;
+	type->BoolFlag[VISIBLEUNDERFOG_INDEX]       = type->VisibleUnderFog;
+	type->BoolFlag[PERMANENTCLOAK_INDEX]        = type->PermanentCloak;
+	type->BoolFlag[DETECTCLOAK_INDEX]           = type->DetectCloak;
+	type->BoolFlag[ATTACKFROMTRANSPORTER_INDEX] = type->AttackFromTransporter;
+	type->BoolFlag[VANISHES_INDEX]              = type->Vanishes;
+	type->BoolFlag[GROUNDATTACK_INDEX]          = type->GroundAttack;
+	type->BoolFlag[SHOREBUILDING_INDEX]         = type->ShoreBuilding;
+	type->BoolFlag[CANATTACK_INDEX]             = type->CanAttack;
+	type->BoolFlag[BUILDEROUTSIDE_INDEX]        = type->BuilderOutside;
+	type->BoolFlag[BUILDERLOST_INDEX]           = type->BuilderLost;
+	type->BoolFlag[CANHARVEST_INDEX]            = type->CanHarvest;
+	type->BoolFlag[HARVESTER_INDEX]             = type->Harvester;
@@ -1844,14 +1868,23 @@ void InitDefinedVariables()
 		"AttackRange", "PiercingDamage", "BasicDamage", "Damage", "ExtraDamage",
 		"PosX", "PosY", "Slot"
 		}; // names of the variable.
-	int i;
+	const char* boolflag = "DefineBoolFlags(\"Coward\", \"Building\", \"Flip\","
+		"\"Revealer\", \"LandUnit\", \"AirUnit\", \"SeaUnit\", \"ExplodeWhenKilled\","
+		"\"VisibleUnderFog\", \"PermanentCloack\", \"AttackFromTransporter\","
+		"\"Vanishes\", \"GroundAttack\", \"ShoreBuilding\", \"CanAttack\","
+		"\"BuilderOutSide\", \"BuilderLost\", \"CanHarvest\", \"Harvester\")";
+	int i; // iterator for var and boolflag.
+	// Variables.
 	UnitTypeVar.VariableName = calloc(NVARALREADYDEFINED, sizeof(*UnitTypeVar.VariableName));
 	for (i = 0; i < NVARALREADYDEFINED; i++) {
 		UnitTypeVar.VariableName[i] = strdup(var[i]);
 	UnitTypeVar.Variable = calloc(i, sizeof(*UnitTypeVar.Variable));
 	UnitTypeVar.NumberVariable = i;
+	// Boolflags.
+	CclCommand(boolflag);