Fix HandleSuicideClick over network.

This commit is contained in:
joris 2013-04-08 16:36:28 +02:00
parent cdb606fae6
commit 128c42210b

View file

@ -735,14 +735,81 @@ static bool IsNetworkCommandReady(unsigned long gameCycle)
return true;
static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHost &host)
static void ParseResendCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet)
CNetworkPacket packet;
int commands = packet.Deserialize(buf, len);
if (commands < 0) {
DebugPrint("Bad packet read\n");
// Destination cycle (time to execute).
unsigned long n = ((GameCycle + 128) & ~0xFF) | packet.Header.Cycle;
if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
n -= 0x100;
// FIXME: not necessary to send this packet multiple times!!!!
// other side sends re-send until it gets an answer.
if (n != NetworkIn[n & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index][0].Time) {
// Asking for a cycle we haven't gotten to yet, ignore for now
NetworkSendPacket(NetworkIn[n & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index]);
// Check if a player quit this cycle
for (int j = 0; j < HostsCount; ++j) {
for (int c = 0; c < MaxNetworkCommands; ++c) {
const CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq;
ncq = &NetworkIn[n & 0xFF][Hosts[j].PlyNr][c];
if (ncq->Time && ncq->Type == MessageQuit) {
CNetworkPacket np;
np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
np.Command[0] = ncq->Data;
for (int k = 1; k < MaxNetworkCommands; ++k) {
np.Header.Type[k] = MessageNone;
NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
static bool IsAValidCommand(const CNetworkPacket &packet, int index, const CNetworkCommand &nc)
const int player = Hosts[index].PlyNr;
switch (packet.Header.Type[index] & 0x7F) {
case MessageExtendedCommand: // FIXME: ensure the sender is part of the command
return true;
case MessageSync: // Sync does not matter
return true;
case MessageQuit:
case MessageQuitAck:
case MessageResend:
case MessageChat:
case MessageChatTerm:
// FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
return true;
case MessageCommandDismiss: {
const unsigned int slot = ntohs(nc.Unit);
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && unit->Type->ClicksToExplode) {
return true;
// Fall through!
default: {
const unsigned int slot = ntohs(nc.Unit);
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && (unit->Player->Index == player
|| Players[player].IsTeamed(*unit))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// FIXME: not all values in nc have been validated
static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHost &host)
const int index = FindHostIndexBy(host);
if (index == -1 || PlayerQuit[Hosts[index].PlyNr]) {
#ifdef DEBUG
@ -753,6 +820,12 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHost &ho
const int player = Hosts[index].PlyNr;
CNetworkPacket packet;
int commands = packet.Deserialize(buf, len);
if (commands < 0) {
DebugPrint("Bad packet read\n");
// In a normal packet there is a least sync, selection may not have that
if (packet.Header.Type[0] == MessageSelection || commands == 0) {
NetworkProcessSelection(packet, player);
@ -761,7 +834,6 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHost &ho
// Parse the packet commands.
for (int i = 0; i != commands; ++i) {
const CNetworkCommand &nc = packet.Command[i];
bool validCommand = false;
// Handle some messages.
if (packet.Header.Type[i] == MessageQuit) {
@ -769,82 +841,23 @@ static void NetworkParseInGameEvent(unsigned char *buf, int len, const CHost &ho
if (playerNum >= 0 && playerNum < NumPlayers) {
PlayerQuit[playerNum] = 1;
validCommand = true;
if (packet.Header.Type[i] == MessageResend) {
// Receive statistic
NetworkLastFrame[player] = FrameCounter;
bool validCommand = IsAValidCommand(packet, i, nc);
// Place in network in
if (validCommand) {
// Destination cycle (time to execute).
unsigned long n = ((GameCycle + 128) & ~0xFF) | packet.Header.Cycle;
if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
n -= 0x100;
// FIXME: not necessary to send this packet multiple times!!!!
// other side sends re-send until it gets an answer.
if (n != NetworkIn[n & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index][0].Time) {
// Asking for a cycle we haven't gotten to yet, ignore for now
NetworkSendPacket(NetworkIn[n & 0xFF][ThisPlayer->Index]);
// Check if a player quit this cycle
for (int j = 0; j < HostsCount; ++j) {
for (int c = 0; c < MaxNetworkCommands; ++c) {
const CNetworkCommandQueue *ncq;
ncq = &NetworkIn[n & 0xFF][Hosts[j].PlyNr][c];
if (ncq->Time && ncq->Type == MessageQuit) {
CNetworkPacket np;
np.Header.Cycle = ncq->Time & 0xFF;
np.Header.Type[0] = ncq->Type;
np.Command[0] = ncq->Data;
for (int k = 1; k < MaxNetworkCommands; ++k) {
np.Header.Type[k] = MessageNone;
NetworkBroadcast(np, 1);
// Destination cycle (time to execute).
unsigned long n = ((GameCycle + 128) & ~0xFF) | packet.Header.Cycle;
if (n > GameCycle + 128) {
n -= 0x100;
// Receive statistic
NetworkLastFrame[player] = FrameCounter;
// Place in network in
switch (packet.Header.Type[i] & 0x7F) {
case MessageExtendedCommand:
// FIXME: ensure the sender is part of the command
validCommand = true;
case MessageSync:
// Sync does not matter
validCommand = true;
case MessageQuit:
case MessageQuitAck:
case MessageResend:
case MessageChat:
case MessageChatTerm:
// FIXME: ensure it's from the right player
validCommand = true;
case MessageCommandDismiss: // Fall through!
default: {
const unsigned int slot = ntohs(nc.Unit);
const CUnit *unit = slot < UnitManager.GetUsedSlotCount() ? &UnitManager.GetSlotUnit(slot) : NULL;
if (unit && (unit->Player->Index == player
|| Players[player].IsTeamed(*unit))) {
validCommand = true;
} else {
validCommand = false;
// FIXME: not all values in nc have been validated
if (validCommand) {
NetworkIn[packet.Header.Cycle][player][i].Time = n;
NetworkIn[packet.Header.Cycle][player][i].Type = packet.Header.Type[i];
NetworkIn[packet.Header.Cycle][player][i].Data = nc;