Emagi 8aee382185 - Broker 'btypes' (special effects) addressed for AoM client, new table broker_item_map created check DB/updates/broker_item_map_july3_2022.sql Fix
* May need further expansion some day to compare other clients, we can map btype, but the itype/ltype may also need to be mapped.
- Fixed Item::HasStat to work for stats in the 100-199 range since they only match the type (1) and the subtype is the value, meaning we have to match up the skill name
Partial addressing of Issue 
- Ministration Skill/Power reduction added with rules
       RULE_INIT(R_Spells, MinistrationSkillID, "366253016"); // ministration skill id used to map power reduction rule MinistrationPowerReductionMax
       RULE_INIT(R_Spells, MinistrationPowerReductionMax, "15.0"); // max percentage of power reduction for spells with ministration mastery skill (default is 15.0 for 15%)
       RULE_INIT(R_Spells, MinistrationPowerReductionSkill, "25"); // divides by integer value to establish how much skill req for higher power reduction
- Subjugation, Disruption, Ordination and Aggression resistance reduction by skill of the attacker
       RULE_INIT(R_Spells, MasterSkillReduceSpellResist, "25"); // divides by integer value to establish how much skill bonus for reducing spell resistance on target
- Weapon Skills item stat now added to the weapon skill (crush/slash/pierce) for determinehit
2022-07-04 20:32:56 -04:00
additionfields_mar6_2021.sql DB Updates 2021-03-06 17:33:10 -05:00
broker_item_map_july3_2022.sql - Broker 'btypes' (special effects) addressed for AoM client, new table broker_item_map created check DB/updates/broker_item_map_july3_2022.sql Fix 2022-07-04 20:32:56 -04:00
canbind_jun14_2022.sql Rd 1 of setting up bind location checks. Run SQL Update. 2022-06-14 23:39:04 -07:00
canceleffect_command_june_28_2022.sql - ZoneServer::PlayAnimation Fix - spawn id 0 check to avoid bad packets, also client versioning methodology added, no longer creating a packet for each client 2022-06-28 19:24:00 -04:00
cangate_june16_2022.sql Added ability to disable gate from specific zones. Update SQL. 2022-06-16 17:50:39 -07:00
character_house_history.sql History tab inside house now functioning for Paid Upkeep 2020-06-19 22:45:35 -04:00
character_items_updatedcolumn_june30_2022.sql missing column for character items 2022-07-02 21:28:41 -04:00
characters_table_update_groupid_aug21_2020.sql Group fixes/support - requires characters table update 2020-08-21 23:38:15 -04:00
characterspells_mar6_2021.sql lua_file set to not include default value since mysql is picky 2021-03-10 08:37:23 -05:00
chest_traps_tableandsamples.txt Rest of Chest Traps and Disarm Chest Traps implementation 2020-03-16 13:23:38 -04:00
cure_test_spell48868_july_1st_2022.sql - Fixed Cure not working if there was no levels table on the detrimental spell 2022-07-01 18:12:45 -04:00
cureplayer_command_update_july_1st_2022.sql - Fixed Cure not working if there was no levels table on the detrimental spell 2022-07-01 18:12:45 -04:00
findspawn_command.sql Added /findspawn searchstring/regex 2020-07-25 14:18:01 -04:00
fixed_emotes_table.sql Fixed emote visual state ids for classic/DoF client 2020-07-25 08:24:05 -04:00
holiday_flag_updates.sql add holiday_flag to spawn and transporters table 2020-07-09 22:49:06 -04:00
house_deposits.sql Deposit tab in the house supports deposits, track deposit history and escrow balance 2020-06-19 08:45:12 -04:00
items_body_drop_dec31_2020.sql allow body drops with body_drop item db entry 2020-12-31 17:57:53 -05:00
items_redesign_apr3_2021.rar DB Update for items 2021-04-03 23:48:40 -04:00
items_table_effect_type_july_1st_2022.sql - Fixed Cure not working if there was no levels table on the detrimental spell 2022-07-01 18:12:45 -04:00
items_table_update_aug22_2020.sql items table update flags_16384 -> no_transmute, flags2_256 -> no_salvage 2020-08-22 18:05:55 -04:00
le_farjourneyfreeport_updates_sep21.sql SQL Updates for changes to Far Journey Freeport -- only supported for NEW characters after this update sourced 2020-09-21 07:14:23 -04:00
login_updates.sql Cleanup logging behavior 2020-06-26 22:09:16 -04:00
loot_drop_type_june_2021.sql Fix group encounter mob loot 2022-06-18 09:51:38 -04:00
lootdrop_update_june23_2021.sql Create lootdrop_update_june23_2021.sql 2021-06-23 16:47:18 -04:00
ls_table_update_mar21_2021.sql Exe Updates 2021-03-21 08:25:37 -04:00
mentor_commands_apr1_2021.sql DB update for mentor and unmentor commands 2021-04-01 00:11:10 -04:00
merchant_levelranges.sql spawn table merchant_min_level and merchant_max_level issue 2020-06-25 22:59:35 -04:00
mood_command_may_2022.sql Update to /mood 2022-05-17 10:10:08 -07:00
movecharacter_command_dec27_2020.sql Support for /movecharacter 2020-12-27 16:13:26 -05:00
opcodes_for_283_and_546.sql Fixed merchants and examine hang 2020-07-25 23:58:02 -04:00
reload_command_additions.sql reload commands added 2020-07-12 23:09:34 -04:00
reloadregionscripts_command_nov22_2020.sql Create reloadregionscripts_command_nov22_2020.sql 2020-11-22 15:31:07 -05:00
ruinsvarsoon_door_fixes.sql ruins of varsoon door fixes 2020-03-27 12:13:46 -04:00
spawn_location_placement-5-7-22.sql SQL to go with f599ed8603 2022-05-07 20:59:45 -07:00
spawn_location_placement-5-9-22.sql SQL Update to go with f52e5f59db 2022-05-09 23:35:21 -07:00
spawntable_update_jul27_2021.sql Create spawntable_update_jul27_2021.sql 2021-07-27 23:01:53 -04:00
spell_errors_and_commands_10_21_2020.sql added /waypoint command 2020-10-21 21:21:45 -04:00
spells_update_feb24_2021.sql Spell stacking restrictions integrated using linked_timer_id and a new field, type_group_spell_id 2021-02-24 12:15:10 -05:00
spells_update_feb28_2021.sql DB Update 2021-02-28 07:57:41 -05:00
spells_update_sep_27_2020.sql Glowpaths/waypoints added 2020-10-21 20:12:06 -04:00
spiritshards_xpdebt_feb7_2021.sql Spirit Shards, Group and Solo EXP Debt (PVE/PVP), new lua functions, rules included 2021-02-07 22:19:03 -05:00
starting_lang.sql Adds a starting_languages table, and a rule (R_World, StartingZoneLanguages). 2022-04-23 05:11:20 +00:00
starting_languages_june_28_2022.sql Complete Fix item flags 2022-06-30 20:08:25 -04:00
starting_rule_nov_29_2020.sql starting zone db updates 2020-11-29 22:51:29 -05:00
starting_zone_alignment_june_26_2022.sql - ZoneServer::PlayAnimation Fix - spawn id 0 check to avoid bad packets, also client versioning methodology added, no longer creating a packet for each client 2022-06-28 19:24:00 -04:00
starting_zones_nov_29_2020.sql starting zone db updates 2020-11-29 22:51:29 -05:00
stormhold_door_fixes.sql stormhold door updates 2020-03-27 12:13:39 -04:00
titles_updates_dec12_2020.sql Titles DB update to fix commands and increase available title options 2020-12-12 08:08:55 -05:00
transporters_flight_path.sql Flight path support for transport maps issue 2020-06-26 09:16:05 -04:00
transporters_table_updates.sql Support for expansion_flag, min and max client version for transporters table (zone and generic transport type) 2020-06-24 22:19:25 -04:00