Reverted movement manager to Entity, limited to just entity (NPC/Player)
spawn add timer moved to 1000 ms (or trigger on new spawn)
CombatProcess migrated to either movement check (100ms) or aggro check (every 2s) -- in other words not every 10ms.
Set a 1 ms sleep in the CombinePacketLoop
- Flying mobs only follow pathing when Line of Sight is not established, otherwise they 'free float'
- The runback logic needs to keep the original gridid for NPCs in case they don't properly 'reset'
- In the same respect flying mobs do NOT change their gridid, this causes their return to ghost out of visual sight. Keeping gridid static keeps NPC visual.
EQ2Map support for Check Line of Sight, BestZ
Spells must be cast in line of sight of target
Melee combat (NPC->NPC/Player) must be in line of sight of target
navmesh support for pathfinding
Fixes#24 - chest traps and the ability to disarm is implemented. Can restrict by zone (or applicable to all zones using -1), min and max chest difficulties.
1 = Small Chest (no trigger)
2 = Treasure Chest (trigger)
3 = Ornate Chest (trigger)
5 = Exquisite Chest (trigger)
DB/updates/chest_traps_tableandsamples.txt included - this will allow you to source in the chest_traps and some 'example' traps (not real ones just testing ones).
Disarm command also required for right click option on chest: insert into commands set type=0,command='disarm',subcommand='',handler=510,required_status=0;