Added group triggers to disarm chest traps.
Rule R_Loot, ChestTriggerRadiusGroup added (by default 10.0f). Outside radius group members will not be impacted
Radius is now built into the GetDistance formula, it also is based on f32/32.0f per recommendations of peak (Thx peak!)
Added combat range as a rule: rule_manager.GetGlobalRule(R_Combat, MaxCombatRange)->GetFloat()
- Added rule R_Loot, AutoDisarmChest enabled (1) by default. Setting to 0 will mean you must right click and disarm chest, clicking the chest will not auto disarm and instead always trigger the trap
Base chance to resist interrupt was 30%, increased to 50%. Maybe later on a level restriction to reduce when you are much higher level than your target.
- Invisibility support for PVP
- Rule R_PVP InvisPlayerDiscoveryRange added. Default 20. Setting to 0 means invis players are always seen. -1 means they are never seen (unless their opponent has see invis for example)
- Crash fix back in ProcessSpawnConditional, spawn_list is getting a null spawn somehow, we can't process it!